JavaScript Modules Index
The UIZE JavaScript Framework includes over a hundred JavaScript modules to get you started creating powerful Web applications and slick Web sites.
Uize The Uize module is the base module that defines the Uize namespace for the UIZE JavaScript Framework, and also provides a module loader mechanism and a healthy assortment of utility belt methods. Uize.Array This is reference documentation for the Uize.Array module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Array.Dupes The Uize.Array.Dupes module provides functionality to deal with arrays containing duplicate values. Uize.Array.Join The Uize.Array.Join module provides methods for joining arrays to form strings. Uize.Array.Order The Uize.Array.Order module provides utility methods for reordering the elements of arrays, with support for reversing, jumbling, inside to out, etc. Uize.Array.Sort The Uize.Array.Sort module provides a powerful array sorting method that is very versatile and highly optimized for performance. Uize.Array.Util The Uize.Array.Util module provides a number of miscellaneous utility methods for manipulating arrays. Uize.Build This is reference documentation for the Uize.Build module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Build.All The Uize.Build.All module provides a method for running all the build scripts necessary for building the UIZE JavaScript Framework in the correct sequence. Uize.Build.AuditStrings The Uize.Build.AuditStrings package provides a method to audit all JavaScript files in a folder for literal strings - useful for internationalization. Uize.Build.BuildStateCombinationLibraries The Uize.Build.BuildStateCombinationLibraries module provides a method for building JavaScript library files for all combinations of the specified states. Uize.Build.Deploy The Uize.Build.Deploy package provides a method for deploying the built UIZE Web site to the s production environment. Uize.Build.Deps The Uize.Build.Deps package logs to the console all the dependencies for a specified JavaScript module. Uize.Build.FileBuilders This is reference documentation for the Uize.Build.FileBuilders module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.BuiltLibraryModules The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.BuiltLibraryModules module defines a file builder for the built versions of the JavaScript library modules (.library.js files) of a site. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.BuiltModules The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.BuiltModules module defines a file builder for the built versions (scrunched, if so configured) of the JavaScript modules of a site. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompiledCss The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompiledCss module defines a file builder for CSS files compiled from .csst files. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompiledCssModules The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompiledCssModules module defines a file builder for CSS modules compiled from built .css files. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompiledJstModules The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompiledJstModules module defines a file builder for JST modules compiled from .js.jst files. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompiledLocModules The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompiledLocModules module defines a file builder for locale string JavaScript modules in the site temp folder. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompiledSimpleDataModules The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompiledSimpleDataModules module defines a file builder for data modules compiled from .simpledata files. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompiledWidgetHtmltModules The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompiledWidgetHtmltModules module defines a file builder for widget HTML template (.htmlt) modules. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompressedCssFiles The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompressedCssFiles module defines a file builder for the compressed versions of the CSS files of a site. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompressedModules The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.CompressedModules module defines a file builder for the compressed versions of the JavaScript modules of a site. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryCompiledJstTemplates The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryCompiledJstTemplates module defines a file builder for building in-memory compiled JST templates from .jst source files. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryHtmlInfo The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryHtmlInfo module defines a file builder for the in-memory HTML info objects for the built HTML pages of a site. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryModuleBuiltSize The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryModuleBuiltSize module defines a file builder for the in-memory built size for each JavaScript module. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryModuleDirectDependencies The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryModuleDirectDependencies module defines a file builder for the in-memory direct dependencies object for each JavaScript module. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryModuleMetadata The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryModuleMetadata module defines a file builder for the in-memory metadata object for each JavaScript module. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryParsedSimpleDataFiles The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryParsedSimpleDataFiles module defines a file builder for building in-memory parsed SimpleData objects from their corresponding source files. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.JstDerivedPages The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.JstDerivedPages module defines a file builder for pages derived from JST template files. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.SimpleDataHtmlPages The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.SimpleDataHtmlPages module defines a file builder for HTML pages derived from HTML SimpleData (.html.simpledata) files. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.SimpleDataPages The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.SimpleDataPages module defines a file builder for HTML pages derived from SimpleData (.simpledata) files. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.SimpleDocPages The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.SimpleDocPages module defines a file builder for building HTML pages from the SimpleDoc (.simple) pages of a site. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.SourceFiles The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.SourceFiles module defines a file builder for files that come from the source folder of a project. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.TempGeneratedNamespaceModules The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.TempGeneratedNamespaceModules module defines a file builder for JavaScript namespace modules generated from folders and for which there are not explicit JavaScript modules. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.TempJsModules The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.TempJsModules module defines a file builder for regular JavaScript modules in the site temp folder. Uize.Build.FileBuilders.TempUizeModule The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.TempUizeModule module defines a file builder for the Uize module that stitches in registration of the folder organization namespaces (as specified by the folderOrgNamespaces property of the UIZE config for the site). Uize.Build.FileBuilders.UnprocessedFiles The Uize.Build.FileBuilders.UnprocessedFiles module defines a file builder for unprocessed files, such as image files, literal HTML files, literal CSS files, etc. Uize.Build.Files The Uize.Build.Files module implements a base class that can be subclassed to create build script modules for building different types of files. Uize.Build.Files.JsModules The Uize.Build.Files.JsModules build script generates built JavaScript modules from all the source JavaScript modules, including various non-JavaScript source files (such as CSS template files with the .csst file extension). Uize.Build.Files.JstDerivedPages The Uize.Build.Files.JstDerivedPages package provides a method to recurse the source folder for a site and build pages derived from JST (.jst) files that have a type sub-extension (e.g. .html.jst files). Uize.Build.Files.UnprocessedFiles The Uize.Build.Files.UnprocessedFiles package provides a method to recurse the source folder for a site and copy unprocessed files (static .html pages, static .css files, .gif, jpg, and .png image files, etc.) into the built folder. Uize.Build.FolderOrganizeJsModules The Uize.Build.FolderOrganizeJsModules package iterates over all the JavaScript modules under the specified namespace and folder organizes them. Uize.Build.ListJsModules The Uize.Build.ListJsModules package writes out a log file containing a list of all the JavaScript modules for a Web site. Uize.Build.Loc The Uize.Build.Loc package lets you execute one of the localization service methods for a project that is configured for localization. Uize.Build.ModuleInfo The Uize.Build.ModuleInfo module provides various methods for obtaining information about JavaScript modules. Uize.Build.NeatenJsFiles The Uize.Build.NeatenJsFiles package provides a way to recurse folder structures and neaten all JavaScript (.js) files by removing unnecessary trailing whitespace. Uize.Build.PluralsModules The Uize.Build.PluralsModules build script builds plural rules modules for various languages, as defined by the CLDR plural rules. Uize.Build.Scruncher The Uize.Build.Scruncher package provides a method for scrunching (compressing / minifying) JavaScript source code into compact / obfuscated scrunched code. Uize.Build.Search The Uize.Build.Search package lets you execute one of the regular expression based codebase searches configured for your project. Uize.Build.ServicesSetup The Uize.Build.ServicesSetup package.... Uize.Build.Templates This is reference documentation for the Uize.Build.Templates module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Build.Templates.Module This is reference documentation for the Uize.Build.Templates.Module module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Build.Templates.Module.HeadComment This is reference documentation for the Uize.Build.Templates.Module.HeadComment module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Build.Templates.Module.Plurals This is reference documentation for the Uize.Build.Templates.Module.Plurals module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Build.Templates.Module.Plurals.ClassesInfo This is reference documentation for the Uize.Build.Templates.Module.Plurals.ClassesInfo module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Build.Templates.Module.Plurals.ModuleTemplate This is reference documentation for the Uize.Build.Templates.Module.Plurals.ModuleTemplate module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Build.Templates.Module.ScrunchedHeadComment This is reference documentation for the Uize.Build.Templates.Module.ScrunchedHeadComment module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Build.Templates.Module.Widget This is reference documentation for the Uize.Build.Templates.Module.Widget module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Build.Templates.Module.Widget.VisualSampler This is reference documentation for the Uize.Build.Templates.Module.Widget.VisualSampler module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Build.Templates.Module.Widget.VisualTests This is reference documentation for the Uize.Build.Templates.Module.Widget.VisualTests module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Build.Templates.Module.Widget.Widget This is reference documentation for the Uize.Build.Templates.Module.Widget.Widget module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Build.Test The Uize.Build.Test module provides a method for testing a specified JavaScript module. Uize.Build.UpdateCopyrightNotices The Uize.Build.UpdateCopyrightNotices package provides a way to recurse folder structures and update the copyright notices for all JavaScript (.js) files to cover the current year. Uize.Build.Util The Uize.Build.Util package provides various utility methods to facilitate building of pages for a Web site project. Uize.Build.Util.Whitespace The Uize.Build.Util.Whitespace module provides a means for altering the line break and indent characters for files that contain normalized whitespace characters. Uize.Build.WebServer The Uize.Build.WebServer package provides a method for running a Web server for a project on the localhost. Uize.Build.Widget The Uize.Build.Widget package provides a convenient way to stub out a UIZE V2 widget class. Uize.Build.Wsh The Uize.Build.Wsh package is designed to run in the context of Windows Script Host and provides methods for recursing folder structures and building files. Uize.Class The Uize.Class module defines a base class from which many of the classes in the UIZE JavaScript Framework inherit. Uize.Class.Test The Uize.Class.Test class provides a minimal base class for test classes of various types. Uize.Class.Value The Uize.Class.Value class is a simple class that merely implements the value interface (i.e. it declares a value state property). Uize.Class.mChildObjectBindings The Uize.Class.mChildObjectBindings mixin implements features to provide a declarative approach to binding the state properties of a class instance to those of its child objects. Uize.Class.mChildObjectEventBindings The Uize.Class.mChildObjectEventBindings mixin implements features to provide a declarative approach to wiring Uize events on instances and their child objects (such as widget and child widget events), as well as other types of events on other types of objects (such as DOM events on DOM nodes for widgets). Uize.Class.mDeclarativeChildObjects The Uize.Class.mDeclarativeChildObjects mixin implements features to provide a declarative approach to adding child objects (such as child widgets or child models) to a Uize.Class subclass. Uize.Class.mModels The Uize.Class.mModels mixin implements features to provide a declarative approach to adding and binding models to a Uize.Class subclass. Uize.Class.mTreeInheritance The Uize.Class.mTreeInheritance module is a mixin module that provides an implementation for tree inheritance features that can be mixed in to classes. Uize.Color The Uize.Color module provides support for Color Spaces, Color Encodings, Named Colors, the sRGB and HSL color spaces, and many color encodings. Uize.Color.ColorsHslTransformer The Uize.Color.ColorsHslTransformer module implements a class for transforming the hue, saturation, and lightness of a set of colors in a performant manner. Uize.Color.Util The Uize.Color.Util module provides miscellaneous utility methods for working with colors. Uize.Color.xCmyk The Uize.Color.xCmyk module extends the Uize.Color object by adding a profile for the CMYK color space, and by providing encodings for this color space. Uize.Color.xHsv The Uize.Color.xHsv module extends the Uize.Color object by adding a profile for the HSV color space, and by providing encodings for this color space. Uize.Color.xSvgColors The Uize.Color.xSvgColors extension module extends the Uize.Color object by adding SVG 1.0 / CSS 3 color definitions to the Uize.Color.colors object. Uize.Color.xUtil The Uize.Color.xUtil module is an extension module that extends the Uize.Color object by adding various instance and static utility methods. Uize.Comm The Uize.Comm class provides functionality and interface that is shared by subclasses that implement support for specific communication protocols. Uize.Comm.Ajax The Uize.Comm.Ajax class implements support for Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) communication through the XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object. Uize.Comm.Iframe The Uize.Comm.Iframe class implements support for communication to a server by submitting form data to it and targeting its response to an IFRAME. Uize.Comm.Iframe.Upload The Uize.Comm.Iframe.Upload class implements support for file upload by submitting form data to a server and targeting its response back to an IFRAME. Uize.Comm.Script The Uize.Comm.Script class implements support for communication with a server via cross-site scripting through the insertion of script tags into the document. Uize.Curve The Uize.Curve module provides a namespace and services for curve related modules, and provides a number of useful built-in curve function generators. Uize.Curve.Examples This is reference documentation for the Uize.Curve.Examples module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Curve.Mod The Uize.Curve.Mod module defines various curve function modifiers, to enable creation of new curve functions by combining existing curve functions. Uize.Curve.Rubber The Uize.Curve.Rubber module defines various "rubbery" easing curve function generators that emulate qualities of motion, like bounce and elasticity. Uize.Data This is reference documentation for the Uize.Data module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Data.Combinations The Uize.Data.Combinations module provides methods for generating object or array combinations from a combination specifier, with support for an optional combination transformer and combination matcher. Uize.Data.Compare The Uize.Data.Compare module provides various utility methods for comparing the contents of data objects. Uize.Data.Csv The Uize.Data.Csv module provides support for serializing to and parsing from CSV (Comma Separated Values) formatted data, with configurable options. Uize.Data.Diff The Uize.Data.Diff module provides a way to compare all the leaf node properties of two data objects and report the property differences in the form of a diff result object. Uize.Data.Flatten The Uize.Data.Flatten package provides methods for flattening a hierarchical / tree structured object to a flat, key/value hash table, as well as unflattening a key/value hash table to produce a hierarchical / tree structured object. Uize.Data.Mappings The Uize.Data.Mappings module provides a method for determining how values have been mapped between a source object and a mapped object. Uize.Data.Matches The Uize.Data.Matches module provides methods for finding matching elements in arrays or matching properties in objects. Uize.Data.NameValueRecords The Uize.Data.NameValueRecords package provides methods for converting between a hash object and an array with elements representing name-value pairs. Uize.Data.PathsTree The Uize.Data.PathsTree package provides methods for converting between a... Uize.Data.PathsTree.CompactString The Uize.Data.PathsTree.CompactString package provides methods for converting between a... Uize.Data.Simple The Uize.Data.Simple package provides methods for parsing data represented in the SIMPLE format, an indentation based format for declaring data structures. Uize.Data.Util The Uize.Data.Util module provides miscellaneous utility methods for working with data objects. Uize.Data.ValuePack The Uize.Data.ValuePack module provides methods for packing just the values of an object structure into a values array, or unpacking such a packed values array to produce an object structure. Uize.Date The Uize.Date module provides methods for working with dates, including converting time to different units, encoding / decoding dates in ISO 8601, etc. Uize.Date.Formatter The Uize.Date.Formatter module provides methods for formatting and parsing date strings, supporting a wide variety of different formatting options. Uize.Doc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Doc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Doc.Simple The Uize.Doc.Simple package provides a method for building HTML documentation from documentation that is written in the Wikitext-like SimpleDoc format. Uize.Doc.Sucker The Uize.Doc.Sucker package provides methods for extracting SimpleDoc documentation from special documentation comments inside JavaScript source code. Uize.Dom This is reference documentation for the Uize.Dom module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Dom.Basics The Uize.Dom.Basics module provides a very minimal set of methods to ease working with DOM nodes - just the basics that are needed by the Uize.Widget class. Uize.Dom.Classes The Uize.Dom.Classes module facilitates manipulation of the value of the className property of DOM nodes, with support for adding classes, removing classes, toggling classes, and more. Uize.Dom.CssModule The Uize.Dom.CssModule class.... Uize.Dom.Event The Uize.Dom.Event package provides convenient methods for abstracting differences between the DOM node event systems of different browsers. Uize.Dom.Form The Uize.Dom.Form package provides convenient methods for harvesting values from - and setting values for - many form elements in a single operation. Uize.Dom.Fullscreen The Uize.Dom.Fullscreen package provides features to managing full screen mode for browsers that support the HTML5 fullscreen API. Uize.Dom.Pos The Uize.Dom.Pos module provides a set of methods for working with positioning and coordinates of DOM nodes. Uize.Dom.Text The Uize.Dom.Text module provides a method for getting the text content of DOM nodes. Uize.Dom.Tree The Uize.Dom.Tree package provides convenience methods for generating a tree data object by analyzing HTML on a page. Uize.Dom.Util The Uize.Dom.Util module provides a home for miscellaneous node related methods that are too esoteric to belong in the base Uize.Dom.Basics module. Uize.Dom.VirtualEvent The Uize.Dom.VirtualEvent package provides features to facilitate creation of virtual DOM events. Uize.Dom.VirtualEvents This is reference documentation for the Uize.Dom.VirtualEvents module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Dom.VirtualEvents.Edge The Uize.Dom.VirtualEvents.Edge module implements virtual DOM events that can be used to detect when the mouse enters / exits nodes at specific edges. Uize.Dom.VirtualEvents.ModClick The Uize.Dom.VirtualEvents.ModClick package registers a number of different modifier click virtual DOM events, such as the ctrlClick(), shiftClick(), and altClick() events. Uize.Dom.VirtualEvents.Remain The Uize.Dom.VirtualEvents.Remain package implements a set of remain-in-state virtual DOM events, such as the remainOver(), remainDown(), and remainOut() events. Uize.Event This is reference documentation for the Uize.Event module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Event.Bus The Uize.Event.Bus module defines a simple event bus class that can be instantiated for managing wiring and unwiring of event handlers and firing of events. Uize.Fade The Uize.Fade class is the foundation for animation in the UIZE JavaScript Framework, supporting quantization, curves, compound value fades, and more. Uize.Fade.Factory The Uize.Fade.Factory module implements factory methods for conveniently initiating fades, along with a system for managing a pool of active fades. Uize.Fade.mSeries The Uize.Fade.mSeries mixin module lets you mix in static and instance methods for interpolating a series of values between specified start and end values, into Uize.Fade subclasses. Uize.Fade.xFactory The Uize.Fade.xFactory module has been deprecated in favor of the newer Uize.Fade.Factory module. Uize.Flo The Uize.Flo module... Uize.Fx The Uize.Fx module provides easy ways to initiate fades of CSS style properties, making a wide array of unique JavaScript animation effects possible. Uize.Fx.Scroll The Uize.Fx.Scroll module provides easy functionality to animate the scrolling of the document. Uize.Fx.xShadows The Uize.Fx.xShadows extension module supports animating the box-shadow and text-shadow CSS3 style properties, making many stunning effects possible. Uize.Json The Uize.Json module provides versatile methods for serializing and deserializing objects to and from the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. Uize.Json.MultiLineStringLiteral The Uize.Json.MultiLineStringLiteral module provides a method for serializing multi-line text strings to multi-line JavaScript string literal expressions using string concatenation. Uize.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Loc.FileFormats This is reference documentation for the Uize.Loc.FileFormats module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Loc.FileFormats.AndroidStrings The Uize.Loc.FileFormats.AndroidStrings module provides support for serializing to and parsing from Android string resources files. Uize.Loc.FileFormats.JavaProperties The Uize.Loc.FileFormats.JavaProperties module provides support for serializing to and parsing from Java properties files. Uize.Loc.FileFormats.JavaPropertiesAscii The Uize.Loc.FileFormats.JavaPropertiesAscii module provides support for serializing to and parsing from Java properties files, where all characters outside the ASCII range should be Unicode-escaped. Uize.Loc.FileFormats.JavaPropertiesUnicode The Uize.Loc.FileFormats.JavaPropertiesUnicode module provides support for serializing to and parsing from Java properties files that support unescaped Unicode characters. Uize.Loc.FileFormats.MacStrings The Uize.Loc.FileFormats.MacStrings module provides support for serializing to and parsing from Mac OS / iOS Strings Files. Uize.Loc.FileFormats.Po The Uize.Loc.FileFormats.Po module provides support for serializing to and parsing from GNU gettext PO files. Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings This is reference documentation for the Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Csv The Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Csv module provides support for representing the resource strings for an entire project using the CSV file format. Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Util The Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Util module provides utility methods for working with project strings objects, in the context of representing the resource strings of a project using different file formats. Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Xliff The Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Xliff module provides methods to serialize a resource strings object to XLIFF format and parse a resource strings object from XLIFF format. Uize.Loc.FileFormats.QtTs The Uize.Loc.FileFormats.QtTs module provides support for serializing to and parsing from QT Framework string resources files. Uize.Loc.Plurals This is reference documentation for the Uize.Loc.Plurals module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Loc.Plurals.ClassesInfo The Uize.Loc.Plurals.ClassesInfo module implements a feature for determining the plural categories supported for a specific language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs This is reference documentation for the Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the af language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ak The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ak module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ak language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the am language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ar language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.asa The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.asa module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the asa language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ast The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ast module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ast language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the az language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the be language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.bem The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.bem module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the bem language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.bez The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.bez module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the bez language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the bg language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the bh language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the bm language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the bn language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the bo language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the br language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.brx The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.brx module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the brx language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the bs language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ca language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.cgg The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.cgg module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the cgg language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.chr The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.chr module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the chr language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ckb The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ckb module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ckb language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.cs The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.cs module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the cs language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the cy language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.da The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.da module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the da language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the de language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.dsb The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.dsb module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the dsb language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.dv The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.dv module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the dv language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the dz language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ee language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.el The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.el module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the el language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.en The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.en module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the en language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.eo The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.eo module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the eo language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the es language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the et language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the eu language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.fa The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.fa module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the fa language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ff The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ff module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ff language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the fi language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.fil The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.fil module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the fil language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the fo language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the fr language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.fur The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.fur module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the fur language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.fy The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.fy module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the fy language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ga language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the gd language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the gl language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.gsw The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.gsw module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the gsw language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the gu language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.guw The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.guw module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the guw language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.gv The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.gv module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the gv language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ha The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ha module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ha language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.haw The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.haw module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the haw language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.he The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.he module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the he language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.hi The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.hi module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the hi language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the hr language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.hsb The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.hsb module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the hsb language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the hu language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.hy The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.hy module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the hy language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the id language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ig The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ig module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ig language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ii The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ii module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ii language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the in language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the is language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the it language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.iu The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.iu module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the iu language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.iw The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.iw module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the iw language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ja The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ja module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ja language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.jbo The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.jbo module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the jbo language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.jgo The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.jgo module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the jgo language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ji The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ji module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ji language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.jmc The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.jmc module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the jmc language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.jv The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.jv module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the jv language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.jw The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.jw module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the jw language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ka The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ka module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ka language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kab The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kab module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the kab language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kaj The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kaj module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the kaj language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kcg The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kcg module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the kcg language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kde The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kde module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the kde language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kea The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kea module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the kea language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kk The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kk module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the kk language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kkj The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kkj module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the kkj language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kl The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.kl module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the kl language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the km language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the kn language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ko The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ko module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ko language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ks The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ks module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ks language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ksb The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ksb module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ksb language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ksh The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ksh module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ksh language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ku The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ku module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ku language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the kw language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ky language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.lag The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.lag module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the lag language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the lb language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.lg The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.lg module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the lg language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.lkt The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.lkt module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the lkt language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ln The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ln module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ln language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.lo The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.lo module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the lo language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the lt language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the lv language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.mas The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.mas module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the mas language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the mg language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.mgo The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.mgo module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the mgo language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the mk language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ml language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the mn language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the mo language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the mr language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ms language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the mt language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the my language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nah The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nah module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the nah language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.naq The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.naq module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the naq language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nb The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nb module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the nb language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nd The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nd module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the nd language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ne language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the nl language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nn The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nn module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the nn language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nnh The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nnh module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the nnh language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the no language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nqo The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nqo module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the nqo language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the nr language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nso The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nso module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the nso language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ny The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ny module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ny language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nyn The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.nyn module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the nyn language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the om language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.or The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.or module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the or language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.os The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.os module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the os language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the pa language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.pap The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.pap module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the pap language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the pl language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.prg The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.prg module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the prg language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ps language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the pt language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the pt-PT language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.pt_PT The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.pt_PT module implements a . Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.rm The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.rm module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the rm language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ro language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.rof The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.rof module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the rof language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.root The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.root module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the root language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ru language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.rwk The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.rwk module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the rwk language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.sah The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.sah module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the sah language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.saq The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.saq module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the saq language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the se language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.seh The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.seh module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the seh language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ses language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the sg language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the sh language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.shi The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.shi module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the shi language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the si language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the sk language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the sl language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.sma The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.sma module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the sma language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.smi The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.smi module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the smi language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.smj The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.smj module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the smj language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.smn The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.smn module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the smn language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.sms The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.sms module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the sms language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the sn language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the so language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.sq The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.sq module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the sq language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the sr language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ss language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ssy The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ssy module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ssy language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the st language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the sv language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.sw The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.sw module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the sw language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.syr The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.syr module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the syr language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ta The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ta module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ta language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.te The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.te module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the te language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.teo The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.teo module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the teo language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the th language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ti The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ti module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ti language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.tig The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.tig module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the tig language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the tk language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the tl language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the tn language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the to language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the tr language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ts The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ts module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ts language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.tzm The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.tzm module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the tzm language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ug language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the uk language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ur The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.ur module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ur language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the uz language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the ve language. The module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the vi language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.vo The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.vo module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the vo language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.vun The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.vun module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the vun language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.wa The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.wa module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the wa language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.wae The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.wae module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the wae language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.wo The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.wo module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the wo language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.xh The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.xh module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the xh language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.xog The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.xog module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the xog language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.yi The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.yi module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the yi language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.yo The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.yo module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the yo language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.zh The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.zh module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the zh language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.zu The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Langs.zu module implements a feature for determining a plural category from a number value for the zu language. Uize.Loc.Plurals.RuleParser The Uize.Loc.Plurals.RuleParser module provides methods for parsing CLDR plural rules defined using the CLDR plural rule syntax. Uize.Loc.Plurals.Util The Uize.Loc.Plurals.Util module provides some utility methods that are used by the various language specific plural modules. Uize.Loc.Pseudo The Uize.Loc.Pseudo module provides methods to facilitate the pseudo-localization of the resource strings of an application. Uize.Loc.Pseudo.Xml The Uize.Loc.Pseudo.Xml module provides a method to facilitate the pseudo-localization of the resource strings of an application that contain XML-based markup (such as HTML). Uize.Loc.Strings This is reference documentation for the Uize.Loc.Strings module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Loc.Strings.Metrics The Uize.Loc.Strings.Metrics module provides methods for obtaining metrics, such as word and character counts, from resource strings. Uize.Loc.Strings.PluralUtils The Uize.Loc.Strings.PluralUtils module provides utility methods for working with resource strings objects with plurals groups. Uize.Loc.Strings.StringPath The Uize.Loc.Strings.StringPath module provides methods for serializing to and parsing from string path values. Uize.Loc.Strings.Util The Uize.Loc.Strings.Util module provides utility methods for working with resource strings. Uize.Loc.Util This is reference documentation for the Uize.Loc.Util module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Loc.Util.LocModuleCompiler The Uize.Loc.Util.LocModuleCompiler module provides a method for compiling UIZE loc modules (.loc files) to JavaScript modules. Uize.Math This is reference documentation for the Uize.Math module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Math.Blend The Uize.Math.Blend package module supports blending two values to produce a new, interpolated value, with support for blending arbitrarily complex data structures, quantization, and interpolation curve functions (and structures). Uize.Math.LogicalPos The Uize.Math.LogicalPos module provides methods for working with logical positioning of rectangles within a view port. Uize.Math.Matrix2D The Uize.Math.Matrix2D module provides support for building and applying 2-D affine transformations in a 2-dimensional plane. Uize.Oop This is reference documentation for the Uize.Oop module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Oop.BasicClass The Uize.Oop.BasicClass module implements an abstract base class for lightweight class modules. Uize.Oop.mClassFeatureDeclaration The Uize.Oop.mClassFeatureDeclaration mixin lets you mix in a feature declaration mechanism into class constructor functions. Uize.Parse This is reference documentation for the Uize.Parse module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Parse.Base The Uize.Parse.Base module implements an abstract base class for lightweight parser class modules. Uize.Parse.Code This is reference documentation for the Uize.Parse.Code module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Parse.Code.CStyleMultiLineComment The Uize.Parse.Code.CStyleMultiLineComment module defines a parser class for C-style multi-line comments. Uize.Parse.Code.CStyleSingleLineComment The Uize.Parse.Code.CStyleSingleLineComment module defines a parser class for C-style single line comments. Uize.Parse.Code.PoundComment The Uize.Parse.Code.PoundComment module provides methods for parsing and serializing single line comments that start with a pound character. Uize.Parse.Code.StringLiteral The Uize.Parse.Code.StringLiteral module defines a parser class for string literals. Uize.Parse.Code.Whitespace The Uize.Parse.Code.Whitespace module provides methods for parsing and serializing whitespace sections. Uize.Parse.Items The Uize.Parse.Items module implements an abstract base class for an items parser, where the parser classes for one or more item types can be configured in subclasses. Uize.Parse.JavaProperties This is reference documentation for the Uize.Parse.JavaProperties module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.Document The Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.Document module provides methods for parsing and serializing Java properties files. Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.Property The Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.Property module provides methods for parsing and serializing properties in Java properties files. Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.PropertyName The Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.PropertyName module provides methods for parsing and serializing property names in Java properties files. Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.PropertyValue The Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.PropertyValue module provides methods for parsing and serializing property values in Java properties files. Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.UnicodeEscaped The Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.UnicodeEscaped module provides methods for converting to and from Java Unicode-escaped strings. Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii This is reference documentation for the Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.Document The Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.Document module provides methods for parsing and serializing Java properties files, where all characters outside the ASCII range should be Unicode-escaped. Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.Property The Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.Property module provides methods for parsing and serializing properties in Java properties files, where all characters outside the ASCII range should be Unicode-escaped. Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.PropertyName The Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.PropertyName module provides methods for parsing and serializing property names in Java properties files, where all characters outside the ASCII range should be Unicode-escaped. Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.PropertyValue The Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.PropertyValue module provides methods for parsing and serializing property values in Java properties files, where all characters outside the ASCII range should be Unicode-escaped. Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode This is reference documentation for the Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.Document The Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.Document module provides methods for parsing and serializing Java properties files that support unescaped Unicode characters. Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.Property The Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.Property module provides methods for parsing and serializing properties in Java properties files that support unescaped Unicode characters. Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.PropertyName The Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.PropertyName module provides methods for parsing and serializing property names in Java properties files that support unescaped Unicode characters. Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.PropertyValue The Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.PropertyValue module provides methods for parsing and serializing property values in Java properties files that support unescaped Unicode characters. Uize.Parse.MacStrings This is reference documentation for the Uize.Parse.MacStrings module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Parse.MacStrings.Document The Uize.Parse.MacStrings.Document module provides methods for parsing and serializing Mac OS / iOS Strings Files. Uize.Parse.MacStrings.String The Uize.Parse.MacStrings.String module provides methods for parsing and serializing strings in Mac OS / iOS Strings Files. Uize.Parse.Po This is reference documentation for the Uize.Parse.Po module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Parse.Po.Document The Uize.Parse.Po.Document module provides methods for parsing and serializing GNU gettext PO files. Uize.Parse.Po.Name The Uize.Parse.Po.Name module provides methods for parsing and serializing names in GNU gettext PO files. Uize.Parse.Po.NameValue The Uize.Parse.Po.NameValue module provides methods for parsing and serializing name-value pairs in GNU gettext PO files. Uize.Parse.Po.Value The Uize.Parse.Po.Value module provides methods for parsing and serializing values in GNU gettext PO files. Uize.Parse.Xml This is reference documentation for the Uize.Parse.Xml module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Parse.Xml.Cdata The Uize.Parse.Xml.Cdata module provides methods for parsing and serializing CDATA sections of XML documents. Uize.Parse.Xml.Comment The Uize.Parse.Xml.Comment module provides methods for parsing and serializing comments of XML documents. Uize.Parse.Xml.NodeList The Uize.Parse.Xml.NodeList module provides methods for parsing and serializing XML nodes. Uize.Parse.Xml.Tag The Uize.Parse.Xml.Tag module provides methods for parsing and serializing individual XML tags. Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttribute The Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttribute module provides methods for parsing and serializing individual tag attributes of XML tags. Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttributeValue The Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttributeValue module provides methods for parsing and serializing tag attribute values for tag attributes of XML tags. Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttributes The Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttributes module provides methods for parsing and serializing tag attributes lists of XML tags. Uize.Parse.Xml.TagOrAttributeName The Uize.Parse.Xml.TagOrAttributeName module provides methods for parsing and serializing tag names or attribute names of XML tags. Uize.Parse.Xml.Text The Uize.Parse.Xml.Text module provides methods for parsing and serializing text nodes of XML documents. Uize.Parse.Xml.Util The Uize.Parse.Xml.Util module provides utility methods for working with parser class trees generated by the various parsing objects under the Uize.Parse.Xml namespace. Uize.Service The Uize.Service module defines a base class from which classes that define services can inherit. Uize.Service.Adapter The Uize.Service.Adapter module defines a base class from which classes that define service adapters can inherit. Uize.Services This is reference documentation for the Uize.Services module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Services.FileBuilder The Uize.Services.FileBuilder module defines a class for a file builder service. Uize.Services.FileBuilderAdapter The Uize.Services.FileBuilderAdapter module defines an abstract base class for adapters for the file builder service (Uize.Services.FileBuilder). Uize.Services.FileBuilderAdapter.Basic The Uize.Services.FileBuilderAdapter.Basic module defines a basic adapter for the file builder service (Uize.Services.FileBuilder). Uize.Services.FileSystem The Uize.Services.FileSystem module defines a class for a file system service. Uize.Services.FileSystemAdapter The Uize.Services.FileSystemAdapter module defines an abstract base class for adapters for the file system service (Uize.Services.FileSystem). Uize.Services.FileSystemAdapter.Node The Uize.Services.FileSystemAdapter.Node module defines an adapter for the file system service (Uize.Services.FileSystem) for the NodeJS environment. Uize.Services.FileSystemAdapter.Wsh The Uize.Services.FileSystemAdapter.Wsh module defines an adapter for the file system service (Uize.Services.FileSystem) for the WSH (Windows Script Host) environment. Uize.Services.Loc The Uize.Services.Loc module defines a class for a project localization service. Uize.Services.LocAdapter The Uize.Services.LocAdapter module defines a base class for adapters for the Uize.Services.Loc service. Uize.Services.LocAdapter.Uize The Uize.Services.LocAdapter.Uize module defines an adapter for the Uize.Services.Loc service, specifically to be used with the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Services.LocAdapter.mHtmlPseudoLocalization The Uize.Services.LocAdapter.mHtmlPseudoLocalization mixin lets you mix in a true HTML pseudo-localization behavior for resource strings that contain HTML. Uize.Services.Setup The Uize.Services.Setup package.... Uize.Services.Store The Uize.Services.Store module defines a class for a simple key/value store service. Uize.Services.StoreAdapter The Uize.Services.StoreAdapter module defines an abstract base class for adapters for the store service (Uize.Services.Store). Uize.Services.StoreAdapter.BrowserLocalStorage The Uize.Services.StoreAdapter.BrowserLocalStorage module defines an adapter for the store service (Uize.Services.Store) that uses the browser's localStorage object for persisting data. Uize.Services.StoreAdapter.Memory The Uize.Services.StoreAdapter.Memory module defines a simple adapter for the store service (Uize.Services.Store) that uses a non-persistent in-memory object for storing data. Uize.Str This is reference documentation for the Uize.Str module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Str.BackslashEscapedLinebreaks The Uize.Str.BackslashEscapedLinebreaks module provides methods for converting to and from backslash-escaped linebreaks. Uize.Str.Builder The Uize.Str.Builder module implements an object to facilitate the building of very large strings, in a way that minimizes performance costs. Uize.Str.Camel The Uize.Str.Camel module provides convenience methods for dealing with camelCased strings. Uize.Str.CharClass The Uize.Str.CharClass module defines a simple class that provides methods for working with strings that may contain chars of a specific character class. Uize.Str.Discombobulator The Uize.Str.Discombobulator module lets you discombobulate text, with processes like uppercasing, special-charring, bracketing, hyphenating, etc. Uize.Str.Has The Uize.Str.Has module provides methods for testing if a string starts with, ends with, or contains a specified substring. Uize.Str.Indented The Uize.Str.Indented module provides methods for working with multi-line strings, supporting indenting, changing linebreaks, modifying lines, etc. Uize.Str.Limit The Uize.Str.Limit module provides methods for limiting the length of strings and performing truncation in different ways. Uize.Str.Lines The Uize.Str.Lines module provides methods for working with multi-line strings, supporting indenting, changing linebreaks, modifying lines, etc. Uize.Str.Repeat The Uize.Str.Repeat module provides features for repeating string segments. Uize.Str.Replace The Uize.Str.Replace module provides methods for replacing substrings in a string by specifying a replacement lookup. Uize.Str.Search The Uize.Str.Search package lets you search for all occurrences of a match in a multi-line string, providing information such as start and end line number and character position for each of the search results. Uize.Str.SegmentHighlighter The Uize.Str.SegmentHighlighter module defines a class that can be used to generate highlights for segments of a source string. Uize.Str.Split The Uize.Str.Split module provides some utility methods for splitting strings. Uize.Str.Trim The Uize.Str.Trim module provides methods for detecting and removing whitespace padding around single line strings. Uize.Str.Whitespace The Uize.Str.Whitespace module provides methods for working with strings that may contain whitespace characters. Uize.Template The Uize.Template module implements a JavaScript Templates system, with rich template functionality that fully leverages the JavaScript language. Uize.Template.Module The Uize.Template.Module module provides methods for building JavaScript modules from JavaScript templates. Uize.Templates This is reference documentation for the Uize.Templates module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Templates.Adoptable This is reference documentation for the Uize.Templates.Adoptable module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Templates.Calculator The Uize.Templates.Calculator module generates HTML that can be used for instances of the Uize.Widget.Calculator class. Uize.Templates.Calendar The Uize.Templates.Calendar module generates HTML that can be used for instances of the Uize.Widget.Calendar class. Uize.Templates.Collection The Uize.Templates.Collection module generates HTML that can be used for instances of the Uize.Widget.Collection class. Uize.Templates.CollectionItem The Uize.Templates.CollectionItem module generates HTML that can be used for instances of the Uize.Widget.CollectionItem class. Uize.Templates.ColorGrid This is reference documentation for the Uize.Templates.ColorGrid module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Templates.List The Uize.Templates.List module is a JavaScript Template module, used for generating HTML markup for an unordered list from a JSON data tree. Uize.Templates.ProgressBar This is reference documentation for the Uize.Templates.ProgressBar module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Templates.SimpleDoc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Templates.SimpleDoc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Templates.Text This is reference documentation for the Uize.Templates.Text module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar The Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar module is a JavaScript Template module, used for generating a text progress bar string that can be used when outputting to logs, consoles, terminals, etc. Uize.Templates.Text.Table The Uize.Templates.Text.Table module is a JavaScript Template module, used for generating a text-based table layout of data that can be used when outputting to logs, consoles, terminals, etc. Uize.Templates.Text.Tables This is reference documentation for the Uize.Templates.Text.Tables module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Templates.Text.Tables.Breakdown The Uize.Templates.Text.Tables.Breakdown module is a JavaScript Template module, used for generating a text-based counts breakdown table that can be used when outputting to logs, consoles, terminals, etc. Uize.Templates.Text.Tables.Histogram The Uize.Templates.Text.Tables.Histogram module is a JavaScript Template module, used for generating a text-based histogram table that can be used when outputting to logs, consoles, terminals, etc. Uize.Templates.Text.Tables.YinYangBreakdown The Uize.Templates.Text.Tables.YinYangBreakdown module is a JavaScript Template module, used for generating a text-based yin and yang style breakdown table that can be used when outputting to logs, consoles, terminals, etc. Uize.Test The Uize.Test class provides the foundation for a JavaScript Testing Framework, supporting unit testing, functional testing, performance testing, etc. Uize.Test.Class The Uize.Test.Class module provides convenience methods for writing test cases against Uize.Class subclass modules. Uize.Test.Class.mChildObjectBindings The Uize.Test.Class.mChildObjectBindings module provides convenience methods for writing test cases against Uize.Class subclass modules that mix-in Uize.Class.mChildObjectBindings. Uize.Test.Class.mDeclarativeChildObjects The Uize.Test.Class.mDeclarativeChildObjects module provides convenience methods for writing test cases against Uize.Class subclass modules that mix-in Uize.Class.mDeclarativeChildObjects. Uize.Test.Class.mModels The Uize.Test.Class.mModels module provides convenience methods for writing test cases against Uize.Class subclass modules that mix-in Uize.Class.mModels. Uize.Test.Class.mSpy The Uize.Test.Class.mSpy module provides spying convenience methods for writing test cases against Uize.Class subclass modules. Uize.Test.ParserTest The Uize.Test.ParserTest module defines a base class for parser test classes. Uize.Test.Performance This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Performance module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Performance.ArrayBuildingStyles The Uize.Test.Performance.ArrayBuildingStyles module defines a performance test that compares different approaches to building arrays. Uize.Test.Performance.ArrayIterationStyles The Uize.Test.Performance.ArrayIterationStyles module defines a performance test that compares different approaches to iterating over the elements of an array. Uize.Test.Performance.ArraySummingApproaches The Uize.Test.Performance.ArraySummingApproaches module defines a performance test that compares different approaches to summing all the elements of an array. Uize.Test.Performance.ConstrainImplementationApproaches The Uize.Test.Performance.ConstrainImplementationApproaches module defines a performance test that compares different implementation approaches for constraining a value to a range. Uize.Test.Performance.TestingForUndefined The Uize.Test.Performance.TestingForUndefined module defines a performance test that compares different approaches to testing for an undefined value. Uize.Test.Runner The Uize.Test.Runner package module provides a way to dynamically produce a test runner instance that can act as a wrapper for running tests for one or more modules. Uize.Test.TestData This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.TestData module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.TestData.Animals DEVELOPERS: Chris van Rensburg Uize.Test.TestData.AnimalsAndPlants DEVELOPERS: Chris van Rensburg Uize.Test.TestData.Plants DEVELOPERS: Chris van Rensburg Uize.Test.Uize The Uize.Test.Uize module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize module. Uize.Test.Uize.Array This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Array module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Array.Dupes The Uize.Test.Uize.Array.Dupes module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Array.Dupes module. Uize.Test.Uize.Array.Join The Uize.Test.Uize.Array.Join module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Array.Join module. Uize.Test.Uize.Array.Order The Uize.Test.Uize.Array.Order module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Array.Order module. Uize.Test.Uize.Array.Sort The Uize.Test.Uize.Array.Sort module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Array.Sort module. Uize.Test.Uize.Array.Util The Uize.Test.Uize.Array.Util module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Array.Util module. Uize.Test.Uize.Build This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Build module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Build.Util This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Build.Util module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Build.Util.Whitespace The Uize.Test.Uize.Build.Util.Whitespace module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Build.Util.Whitespace module. Uize.Test.Uize.Class The Uize.Test.Uize.Class module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Class module. Uize.Test.Uize.Class.mChildObjectBindings The Uize.Test.Uize.Class.mChildObjectBindings module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Class.mChildObjectBindings mixin module. Uize.Test.Uize.Class.mChildObjectEventBindings The Uize.Test.Uize.Class.mChildObjectEventBindings module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Class.mChildObjectEventBindings mixin module. Uize.Test.Uize.Class.mDeclarativeChildObjects The Uize.Test.Uize.Class.mDeclarativeChildObjects module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Class.mDeclarativeChildObjects mixin module. Uize.Test.Uize.Class.mModels The Uize.Test.Uize.Class.mModels module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Class.mModels mixin module. Uize.Test.Uize.Class.mTreeInheritance The Uize.Test.Uize.Class.mTreeInheritance module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Class.mTreeInheritance mixin module. Uize.Test.Uize.Data This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Data module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Combinations The Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Combinations module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Data.Combinations module. Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Compare The Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Compare module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Data.Compare module. Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Csv The Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Csv module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Data.Csv module. Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Diff The Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Diff module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Data.Diff module. Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Flatten The Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Flatten module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Data.Flatten module. Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Mappings The Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Mappings module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Data.Mappings module. Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Matches The Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Matches module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Data.Matches module. Uize.Test.Uize.Data.NameValueRecords The Uize.Test.Uize.Data.NameValueRecords module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Data.NameValueRecords module. Uize.Test.Uize.Data.PathsTree The Uize.Test.Uize.Data.PathsTree module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Data.PathsTree module. Uize.Test.Uize.Data.PathsTree.CompactString The Uize.Test.Uize.Data.PathsTree.CompactString module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Data.PathsTree.CompactString module. Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Util The Uize.Test.Uize.Data.Util module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Data.Util module. Uize.Test.Uize.Data.ValuePack The Uize.Test.Uize.Data.ValuePack module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Data.ValuePack module. Uize.Test.Uize.Date The Uize.Test.Uize.Date module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Date module. Uize.Test.Uize.Date.Formatter The Uize.Test.Uize.Date.Formatter module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Date.Formatter module. Uize.Test.Uize.Dom This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Dom module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Dom.Classes The Uize.Test.Uize.Dom.Classes module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Dom.Classes module. Uize.Test.Uize.Flo The Uize.Test.Uize.Flo module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Flo module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.AndroidStrings The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.AndroidStrings module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.FileFormats.AndroidStrings module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.JavaProperties The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.JavaProperties module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.FileFormats.JavaProperties module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.MacStrings The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.MacStrings module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.FileFormats.MacStrings module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.Po The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.Po module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.FileFormats.Po module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Csv The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Csv module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Csv module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Util The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Util module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Util module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Xliff The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Xliff module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Xliff module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.QtTs The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.FileFormats.QtTs module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.FileFormats.QtTs module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Plurals This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Plurals module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Plurals.RuleParser The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Plurals.RuleParser module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.Plurals.RuleParser module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Plurals.Util The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Plurals.Util module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.Plurals.Util module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Pseudo The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Pseudo module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.Pseudo module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Pseudo.Xml The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Pseudo.Xml module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.Pseudo.Xml module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Strings This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Strings module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Strings.Metrics The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Strings.Metrics module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.Strings.Metrics module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Strings.PluralUtils The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Strings.PluralUtils module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.Strings.PluralUtils module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Strings.StringPath The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Strings.StringPath module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.Strings.StringPath module. Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Strings.Util The Uize.Test.Uize.Loc.Strings.Util module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Loc.Strings.Util module. Uize.Test.Uize.Math This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Math module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Math.Blend The Uize.Test.Uize.Math.Blend module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Math.Blend module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Parse module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Code This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Code module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Code.CStyleMultiLineComment The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Code.CStyleMultiLineComment module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Code.CStyleMultiLineComment module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Code.CStyleSingleLineComment The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Code.CStyleSingleLineComment module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Code.CStyleSingleLineComment module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Code.PoundComment The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Code.PoundComment module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Code.PoundComment module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Code.StringLiteral The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Code.StringLiteral module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Code.StringLiteral module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Code.Whitespace The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Code.Whitespace module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Code.Whitespace module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaProperties This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaProperties module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.Document The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.Document module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.Document module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.Property The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.Property module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.Property module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.PropertyName The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.PropertyName module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.PropertyName module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.PropertyValue The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.PropertyValue module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.PropertyValue module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.UnicodeEscaped The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.UnicodeEscaped module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.JavaProperties.UnicodeEscaped module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.Document The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.Document module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.Document module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.Property The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.Property module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.Property module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.PropertyName The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.PropertyName module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.PropertyName module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.PropertyValue The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.PropertyValue module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesAscii.PropertyValue module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.Document The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.Document module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.Document module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.Property The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.Property module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.Property module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.PropertyName The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.PropertyName module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.PropertyName module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.PropertyValue The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.PropertyValue module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.JavaPropertiesUnicode.PropertyValue module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.MacStrings This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.MacStrings module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.MacStrings.Document The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.MacStrings.Document module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.MacStrings.Document module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.MacStrings.String The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.MacStrings.String module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.MacStrings.String module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Po This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Po module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Po.Document The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Po.Document module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Po.Document module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Po.Name The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Po.Name module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Po.Name module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Po.NameValue The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Po.NameValue module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Po.NameValue module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Po.Value The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Po.Value module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Po.Value module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.Cdata The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.Cdata module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Xml.Cdata module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.Comment The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.Comment module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Xml.Comment module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.NodeList The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.NodeList module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Xml.NodeList module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.Tag The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.Tag module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Xml.Tag module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttribute The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttribute module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttribute module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttributeValue The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttributeValue module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttributeValue module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttributes The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttributes module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Xml.TagAttributes module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.TagOrAttributeName The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.TagOrAttributeName module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Xml.TagOrAttributeName module. Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.Text The Uize.Test.Uize.Parse.Xml.Text module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Parse.Xml.Text module. Uize.Test.Uize.Service The Uize.Test.Uize.Service module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Service module. Uize.Test.Uize.Services This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Services module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Services.FileSystem The Uize.Test.Uize.Services.FileSystem module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Services.FileSystem module. Uize.Test.Uize.Services.LocAdapter The Uize.Test.Uize.Services.LocAdapter module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Services.LocAdapter module. Uize.Test.Uize.Str This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Str module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Str.BackslashEscapedLinebreaks The Uize.Test.Uize.Str.BackslashEscapedLinebreaks module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Str.BackslashEscapedLinebreaks module. Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Builder The Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Builder module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Str.Builder module. Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Camel The Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Camel module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Str.Camel module. Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Has The Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Has module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Str.Has module. Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Limit The Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Limit module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Str.Limit module. Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Lines The Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Lines module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Str.Lines module. Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Repeat The Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Repeat module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Str.Repeat module. Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Replace The Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Replace module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Str.Replace module. Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Split The Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Split module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Str.Split module. Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Trim The Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Trim module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Str.Trim module. Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Whitespace The Uize.Test.Uize.Str.Whitespace module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Str.Whitespace module. Uize.Test.Uize.Template The Uize.Test.Uize.Template module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Template module. Uize.Test.Uize.Templates This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Templates module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.Calculator The Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.Calculator module defines basic unit tests for the Uize.Templates.Calculator JavaScript template module. Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.Calendar The Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.Calendar module defines basic unit tests for the Uize.Templates.Calendar JavaScript template module. Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.Collection The Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.Collection module defines basic unit tests for the Uize.Templates.Collection JavaScript template module. Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.CollectionItem The Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.CollectionItem module defines basic unit tests for the Uize.Templates.CollectionItem JavaScript template module. Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.List The Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.List module defines basic unit tests for the Uize.Templates.List JavaScript template module. Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.Text This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.Text module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar The Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar module defines basic unit tests for the Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar JavaScript template module. Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.Text.Table The Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.Text.Table module defines basic unit tests for the Uize.Templates.Text.Table JavaScript template module. Uize.Test.Uize.Url The Uize.Test.Uize.Url module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Url module. Uize.Test.Uize.Util This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Util module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Html.Encode The Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Html.Encode module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Util.Html.Encode module. Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Html.Entities The Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Html.Entities module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Util.Html.Entities module. Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Html.EntityInfo The Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Html.EntityInfo module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Util.Html.EntityInfo module. Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Html.Has The Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Html.Has module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Util.Html.Has module. Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Matchers This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Matchers module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Matchers.AttributeMatcher The Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Matchers.AttributeMatcher module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Util.Matchers.AttributeMatcher module. Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Matchers.ValueListMatcher The Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Matchers.ValueListMatcher module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Util.Matchers.ValueListMatcher module. Uize.Test.Uize.Util.ModuleNaming The Uize.Test.Uize.Util.ModuleNaming module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Util.ModuleNaming module. Uize.Test.Uize.Util.PropertyAdapter The Uize.Test.Uize.Util.PropertyAdapter module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Util.PropertyAdapter module. Uize.Test.Uize.Util.RegExpComposition The Uize.Test.Uize.Util.RegExpComposition module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Util.RegExpComposition module. Uize.Test.Uize.Util.RegExpComposition.Printf The Uize.Test.Uize.Util.RegExpComposition.Printf module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Util.RegExpComposition.Printf module. Uize.Test.Uize.Util.RegExpComposition.PrintfWithParam The Uize.Test.Uize.Util.RegExpComposition.PrintfWithParam module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Util.RegExpComposition.PrintfWithParam module. Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Spy The Uize.Test.Uize.Util.Spy module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Util.Spy module. Uize.Test.Uize.Widget This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Widget module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Widget.Form This is reference documentation for the Uize.Test.Uize.Widget.Form module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Test.Uize.Widget.Form.mDeclarativeElements The Uize.Test.Uize.Widget.Form.mDeclarativeElements module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Widget.Form.mDeclarativeElements mixin module. Uize.Test.Uize.Widget.HtmltCompiler The Uize.Test.Uize.Widget.HtmltCompiler module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Widget.HtmltCompiler module. Uize.Test.Uize.Widget.mCssBindings The Uize.Test.Uize.Widget.mCssBindings module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Widget.mCssBindings module. Uize.Test.Uize.Xml The Uize.Test.Uize.Xml module defines a suite of unit tests for the Uize.Xml module. Uize.Test.Widget The Uize.Test.Widget module provides convenience methods for writing test cases against Uize.Widget subclass modules. Uize.Test.Widget.mChildBindings The Uize.Test.Widget.mChildBindings module provides convenience methods for writing test cases against Uize.Widget subclass modules that mix-in Uize.Widget.mChildBindings. Uize.Test.Widget.mCssBindings The Uize.Test.Widget.mCssBindings module provides convenience methods for writing test cases against Uize.Widget subclass modules that mix-in Uize.Widget.mCssBindings. Uize.Test.Widget.mDeclarativeChildren The Uize.Test.Widget.mDeclarativeChildren module provides convenience methods for writing test cases against Uize.Widget subclass modules that mix-in Uize.Widget.mDeclarativeChildren. Uize.Test.Widget.mEventBindings The Uize.Test.Widget.mEventBindings module provides convenience methods for writing test cases against Uize.Widget subclass modules that mix-in Uize.Widget.mEventBindings. Uize.Test.Widget.mHtmlBindings The Uize.Test.Widget.mHtmlBindings module provides convenience methods for writing test cases against Uize.Widget subclass modules that mix-in Uize.Widget.mHtmlBindings. Uize.Tooltip The Uize.Tooltip module manages the display of decorated HTML tooltips that follow the mouse as it moves and that are positioned to always be in view. Uize.Url The Uize.Url module eases working with URLs, supporting query string parsing and serialization, resolving relative URLs to absolute URLs, and more. Uize.Util This is reference documentation for the Uize.Util module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Util.Browser This is reference documentation for the Uize.Util.Browser module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Util.Browser.Cookies The Uize.Util.Browser.Cookies module is a package under the Uize namespace, and provides a couple of methods for managing browser cookies. Uize.Util.Bucket The Uize.Util.Bucket module implements methods for randomized selection of values from defined sets of buckets. Uize.Util.Coupler The Uize.Util.Coupler class implements a mechanism for coupling two or more instances of any Uize.Class subclass by synchronizing values of state properties. Uize.Util.Cycle The Uize.Util.Cycle module implements a cycle automation behavior that can be useful in building automated / animated user experiences, such as slideshows. Uize.Util.Debug The Uize.Util.Debug package provides convenience methods to aid in debugging code during development. Uize.Util.Dependencies The Uize.Util.Dependencies utility module provides methods for working with dependency relationships in a generic way. Uize.Util.Dependencies.Analyzer The Uize.Util.Dependencies.Analyzer utility module provides a way to perform a detailed analysis of the dependencies of a module, producing a comprehensive report in the form of a JSON object. Uize.Util.Dependencies.Async The Uize.Util.Dependencies.Async utility module provides methods for working with dependency relationships in a generic way, and where the method for obtaining direct dependencies involves an asynchronous process. Uize.Util.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Util.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Util.Html.Encode The Uize.Util.Html.Encode package defines utility methods for HTML encoding and HTML decoding of strings. Uize.Util.Html.Entities The Uize.Util.Html.Entities package defines lookup objects that map HTML entity names to character codes, and vice versa. Uize.Util.Html.EntityInfo The Uize.Util.Html.EntityInfo package defines a lookup object that maps HTML entity character codes to description / categorization information about the entities. Uize.Util.Html.Has The Uize.Util.Html.Has package defines a method for testing if strings contain HTML markup. Uize.Util.Matchers This is reference documentation for the Uize.Util.Matchers module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Util.Matchers.AttributeMatcher The Uize.Util.Matchers.AttributeMatcher package provides a way to resolve an attribute matcher expression to an attribute matcher function. Uize.Util.Matchers.Base The Uize.Util.Matchers.Base package implements an abstract Uize.Util.Matchers.ModuleNameMatcher The Uize.Util.Matchers.ModuleNameMatcher package provides a way to resolve a module name matcher expression to a value matcher function that can be used in high performance filtering of module name lists. Uize.Util.Matchers.ValueListMatcher The Uize.Util.Matchers.ValueListMatcher package provides a way to resolve a value list matcher expression to a value matcher function. Uize.Util.ModuleNaming The Uize.Util.ModuleNaming package provides utility methods to help with following the various UIZE conventions for module naming. Uize.Util.Needs The Uize.Util.Needs class implements a mechanism for expressing needs/provides relationships in a semantically elegant way. Uize.Util.Oop The Uize.Util.Oop package provides convenience methods for... Uize.Util.PropertyAdapter The Uize.Util.PropertyAdapter class implements a mechanism for connecting two state properties together, with optional bi-directional value adapter code. Uize.Util.RegExpComposition The Uize.Util.RegExpComposition module provides a way to define regular expressions in a compositional way, by defining regular expressions to use other regular expressions. Uize.Util.RegExpComposition.Printf The Uize.Util.RegExpComposition.Printf package defines a regular expression composition object for matching printf formatting specifier character sequences. Uize.Util.RegExpComposition.PrintfWithParam The Uize.Util.RegExpComposition.PrintfWithParam package defines a regular expression composition object for matching printf formatting specifier character sequences, with support for param / argument placeholders (such as "%1"). Uize.Util.RegExpComposition.WordSplitter The Uize.Util.RegExpComposition.WordSpliiter package defines a regular expression composition object for matching non-word character sequences. Uize.Util.RegExpComposition.WordSplitterHtml The Uize.Util.RegExpComposition.WordSplitterHtml package defines a regular expression composition object for matching non-word character sequences in strings that contains HTML tags and HTML entities. Uize.Util.Spy The Uize.Util.Spy class provides utility functionality for "spying" on methods of objects or classes, primarily useful as part of unit testing. Uize.Web The Uize.Web module provides support for ease of selecting, traversing, styling, and wiring events of DOM nodes, among other useful operations needed for creating an interactive UI. Uize.Web.library The Uize.Web.library module is a library module that bundles together various JavaScript modules that would commonly be needed when using the Uize.Web module. Uize.Web.xDom The Uize.Web.xDom module extends the Uize.Web object by adding functionality for manipulating the DOM. Uize.Web.xEffects The Uize.Web.xEffects module extends the Uize.Web object by adding functionality for animation effects. Uize.Web.xFilters The Uize.Web.xFilters module extends the Uize.Web object by adding functionality for filtering & traversing the matched set of DOM elements. Uize.Web.xSelector The Uize.Web.xSelector module extends the Uize.Web object by adding functionality for selecting nodes via CSS selector syntax, not supported natively by the browser. Uize.Widget The Uize.Widget class serves as the base class for widgets in the UIZE JavaScript Framework, providing services to ease the implementation of widgets. Uize.Widget.AutoSuggest The Uize.Widget.AutoSuggest widget manages requesting and display a set of selectable suggestions based on user input into a textbox and supports fine-grained specification of how suggestions are displayed. Uize.Widget.AutoTooltip The Uize.Widget.AutoTooltip class makes it easy to display fancy / decorated HTML tooltips for nodes, using data that is tucked into their attributes. Uize.Widget.Bar The Uize.Widget.Bar class implements a widget for displaying numerical values using a bar, with full and empty indicators and an optional value knob. Uize.Widget.Bar.Progress The Uize.Widget.Bar.Progress class implements a progress bar that estimates the duration of operations using the known durations of past operations. Uize.Widget.Bar.Slider The Uize.Widget.Bar.Slider class implements a slider widget that lets the user select a value by clicking-and-dragging the slider knob along a track. Uize.Widget.Bar.Slider.Plus The Uize.Widget.Bar.Slider.Plus class extends the barebones slider base class by adding buttons for incrementing and decrementing the slider's value. Uize.Widget.Bar.mSlider The Uize.Widget.Bar.mSlider module implements a mixin that lets you mix in knob drag-and-drop functionality into bar widget classes to produce slider widget classes. Uize.Widget.Button The Uize.Widget.Button class implements the button widget - the most basic and atomic widget that is used in the implementation of many other widgets. Uize.Widget.Button.Checkbox The Uize.Widget.Button.Checkbox class implements a thin wrapper around the button base class in order to support buttons that behave as checkboxes. Uize.Widget.Button.Filter The Uize.Widget.Button.Filter widget provides functionality for a filter button within a Uize.Widget.Options.FilterGroup widget. Uize.Widget.Button.Toggle The Uize.Widget.Button.Toggle class extends its superclass by letting the user repeatedly click in order to cycle through a set of two or more values. Uize.Widget.Button.ValueDisplay The Uize.Widget.Button.ValueDisplay widget provides the base functionality for button widget that wants to display details about a value. Uize.Widget.Button.ValueDisplay.Selector The Uize.Widget.Button.ValueDisplay.Selector widget provides the functionality for displaying an option value within an options selector Uize.Widget.Calculator The Uize.Widget.Calculator class implements a calculator widget that uses the Uize.Widget.Button widget class for buttons and that doesn't impose any HTML layout or CSS styling. Uize.Widget.CalculatorAbstract The Uize.Widget.CalculatorAbstract class implements an abstract class for a basic calculator, widget with division, multiplication, addition, subtraction, square root, memory, and percent. Uize.Widget.Calendar The Uize.Widget.Calendar class implements a calendar widget that supports selecting a date within a given date range, with month and year navigation. Uize.Widget.Captcha The Uize.Widget.Captcha class encapsulates the logic required to display and use a captcha. Uize.Widget.Captcha.Recaptcha The Uize.Widget.Captcha.Recaptcha class encapsulates the logic required to display and use reCAPTCHA, a captcha implementation developed by a group of researchers at CMU ( Uize.Widget.Collapsy The Uize.Widget.Collapsy widget provides functionality surrounding showing status messages (like a form warning) in both a collapsed and expanded state. Uize.Widget.Collection The Uize.Widget.Collection class manages a collection of items, with support for managing selected state, and methods for manipulating the collection. Uize.Widget.Collection.Dynamic The Uize.Widget.Collection.Dynamic class extends Uize.Widget.Collection by adding dynamic adding, removing, and drag-and-drop re-ordering of items. Uize.Widget.Collection.Dynamic.Table The Uize.Widget.Collection.Dynamic.Table class thinly extends Uize.Widget.Collection.Dynamic by adding support for handling collections of table rows. Uize.Widget.Collection.Dynamic.xDialogEditable The Uize.Widget.Collection.Dynamic.xDialogEditable module extends the Uize.Widget.Collection.Dynamic base class by adding editing capability for dynamic collections. Uize.Widget.CollectionItem The Uize.Widget.CollectionItem widget class manages state for an item that is intended to be one of many items owned by a collection widget instance. Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming The Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming class extends its superclass by adding a zoom and pan behavior that lets the user more closely inspect an item. Uize.Widget.ColorGrid The Uize.Widget.ColorGrid class implements a color grid, where total rows and columns is configurable, and colors are interpolated from corner colors. Uize.Widget.ColorGrid.Draggable The Uize.Widget.ColorGrid.Draggable class extends its superclass by adding the ability to stretch the grid's color gradient by clicking and dragging. Uize.Widget.Committer The Uize.Widget.Committer class provides a way to interface between a configurable set of state properties, on one or more instance, and other code. Uize.Widget.Count The Uize.Widget.Count class implements a fancy number display, using images to represent digits, and using an animation effect when changing values. Uize.Widget.Dialog The Uize.Widget.Dialog class implements support for inline dialogs, with features like drag-and-drop moving, ok, cancel, and close buttons, and more. Uize.Widget.Dialog.Confirm The Uize.Widget.Dialog.Confirm class implements a confirmation dialog that can be used by the confirm and inform methods of the Uize.Widget class. Uize.Widget.Dialog.Form The Uize.Widget.Dialog.Form class implements support for FORM-based dialogs, where the dialog result is an object with the values of its form inputs. Uize.Widget.Dialog.Iframe The Uize.Widget.Dialog.Form class extends its superclass with support for iframe dialogs, where the dialog's contents is a page loaded into an iframe. Uize.Widget.Dialog.Picker The Uize.Widget.Dialog.Picker widget acts as a base class for various value picker dialogs, such as date picker dialogs, color picker dialogs, etc. Uize.Widget.Dialog.Picker.Date The Uize.Widget.Dialog.Picker.Date widget lets the user select a date from a modal dialog containing a calendar widget, with support for valid date ranges. Uize.Widget.Dialog.Picker.Palette The Uize.Widget.Dialog.Picker.Palette widget is a thin base class for picker dialog widgets that act as a droplist palette. Uize.Widget.Dialog.Picker.Palette.Selector The Uize.Widget.Dialog.Picker.Palette.Selector widget lets the user select a value from a modal dialog containing a set of options (i.e. a droplist). Uize.Widget.Dialog.Picker.Palette.mSelector The Uize.Widget.Dialog.Picker.Palette.mSelector widget mixin lets the user select a value from a modal dialog containing a set of options (i.e. a droplist). Uize.Widget.Dialog.Picker.mPalette The Uize.Widget.Dialog.Picker.mPalette widget mixin is a thin base class for picker dialog widgets that act as a droplist palette. Uize.Widget.Dialog.mConfirm The Uize.Widget.Dialog.mConfirm mixin module implements features to facilitate the creation of confirm dialogs (dialog subclasses). Uize.Widget.Dialog.mForm The Uize.Widget.Dialog.mForm mixin module implements features to facilitate the creation of form dialogs (dialogs containing forms). Uize.Widget.Dialog.mPicker The Uize.Widget.Dialog.mPicker widget mixin mixes base functionality for various value picker dialogs, such as date picker dialogs, color picker dialogs, etc. Uize.Widget.Dialog.mResizable The Uize.Widget.Dialog.mResizable mixin module implements features to allow dialogs to dynamically resize. Uize.Widget.Dialog.xResizable The Uize.Widget.Dialog.xResizable module extends the Uize.Widget.Dialog base class by adding a highly configurable resizing capability for dialogs. Uize.Widget.DirectionalPad The Uize.Widget.DirectionalPad class manages the state of a set of button widgets that emulate a directional pad. Uize.Widget.Drag The Uize.Widget.Drag class implements support for managing drag operations and draggable nodes - slider / scrollbar knobs, resizer drag handles, etc. Uize.Widget.Drag.Move The Uize.Widget.Drag.Move class wires a drag-and-drop behavior to a node to let the user move its position, with support for different position units. Uize.Widget.Drag.Move.Drop The Uize.Widget.Drag.Move.Drop class implements support for adding/removing/wiring widgets as drop targets. Uize.Widget.EdgeHugger The Uize.Widget.EdgeHugger class... Uize.Widget.EggTimer The Uize.Widget.EggTimer class implements a countdown timer widget (or egg timer), where digits flip at intervals using a JavaScript animation effect. Uize.Widget.FilterGroups The Uize.Widget.FilteredInput widget provides functionality for... Uize.Widget.Fleeting The Uize.Widget.Fleeting class implements a fleeting message behavior with a configurable display lifespan and a JavaScript animation fade out effect. Uize.Widget.Flip The Uize.Widget.Flip class implements a widget for producing a flip up or flip down JavaScript animation effect when its HTML contents are changed. Uize.Widget.Form The Uize.Widget.Form widget provides functionality for managing form elements and handling validation Uize.Widget.Form.mDeclarativeElements The Uize.Widget.Form.mDeclarativeElements mixin implements features to provide a declarative approach to adding form elements to a form. Uize.Widget.FormDialog The Uize.Widget.FormDialog class serves as a thin widget to plumb the value of a Uize.Widget.Form widget (or subclass) as the dialog submission value. Uize.Widget.FormElement The Uize.Widget.FormElement class serves as a wrapper class in order to provide an interface for any form element (input, select, textarea, etc). Uize.Widget.FormElement.Captcha The Uize.Widget.FormElement.Captcha class encapsulates the logic required to display and use a captcha. Uize.Widget.FormElement.Captcha.Recaptcha The Uize.Widget.FormElement.Captcha.Recaptcha class encapsulates the logic required to display and use reCAPTCHA, a captcha implementation developed by a group of researchers at CMU ( Uize.Widget.FormElement.Select The Uize.Widget.FormElement.Select class serves a wrapper class in order to provide a beter programmable interface to a Uize.Widget.FormElement.Text The Uize.Widget.FormElement.Text class is a subclass of Uize.Widget.FormElement to provide specific functionality for text input form elements. Uize.Widget.FormElementWarning The Uize.Widget.FormElementWarning widget provides functionality for displaying a warning/error message for a form element Uize.Widget.FormElements The Uize.Widget.FormElements class serves as a thin container widget of Uize.Widget.FormElement or Uize.Widget.Form widgets. Uize.Widget.FormWarnings The Uize.Widget.FormWarnings widget provides functionality for displaying warnings for a Uize.Widget.Form. Uize.Widget.HoverFader The Uize.Widget.HoverFader class wires up a set of nodes with a hover fader effect, allowing creation of menus with a wide variety of complex effects. Uize.Widget.HtmltCompiler The Uize.Widget.HtmltCompiler package module provides methods for compiling widget template JavaScript code from template source. Uize.Widget.ImagePort The Uize.Widget.ImagePort class manages sizing and positioning an image in a view port, using logical (rather than explicit) size and position values. Uize.Widget.ImagePort.Draggable The Uize.Widget.ImagePort.Draggable class extends its superclass by letting the user change logical sizing and positioning by clicking and dragging. Uize.Widget.ImageWipe The Uize.Widget.ImageWipe class enables a wide variety of sophisticated animated image wipe effects, used for transitioning from one image to another. Uize.Widget.ImageWipe.ThemeValuePack The Uize.Widget.ImageWipe.ThemeValuePack module provides a way to convert between a theme oject and a theme value pack for the Uize.Widget.ImageWipe widget. Uize.Widget.ImageWipe.Themes The Uize.Widget.ImageWipe.Themes module defines themes for the Uize.Widget.ImageWipe widget class. Uize.Widget.InlinePicker The Uize.Widget.InlinePicker class acts as a base class for inline value picker widget classes, such as the Uize.Widget.InlinePicker.Selector class. Uize.Widget.InlinePicker.Selector The Uize.Widget.InlinePicker.Selector class provides functionality for inline picker widgets that require selection from a set of values (like a radio button list) Uize.Widget.ListEditor The Uize.Widget.ListEditor class manages a list of text values in a multi-select box, with support for adding values and removing selected values. Uize.Widget.Log The Uize.Widget.Log class implements a basic log interface. Uize.Widget.MagView The Uize.Widget.MagView class implements a magnifier view widget that supports a configurable number of zoom levels, with animated zoom in / zoom out. Uize.Widget.Mask The Uize.Widget.Mask class implements a dynamic mask overlay that can be used to highlight a region of a view port by masking out surrounding content. Uize.Widget.Options The Uize.Widget.Options class manages state for a group of option buttons, with support for dynamically rebuilding the UI when the values set changes. Uize.Widget.Options.Accordion The Uize.Widget.Options.Accordion class extends its superclass by adding an accordion style behavior for revealing the contents of the selected tab. Uize.Widget.Options.FilterGroup The Uize.Widget.Options.FilterGroup widget provides the functionality for a filter group widget... Uize.Widget.Options.Popup The Uize.Widget.Options.Popup widget lets the user click a button to bring up a popup palette, with a button-based option set for selecting an option. Uize.Widget.Options.Selector The Uize.Widget.Options.Selector widget provides the functionality for specific type of input UI widget that allows for single selection of an option among a discrete set of options, with additional optional sort and search capabilities. Uize.Widget.Options.Tabbed The Uize.Widget.Options.Tabbed class implements a tabs widget, using a button-based option set where each option button has an associated tab body. Uize.Widget.Options.Tabbed.Fading The Uize.Widget.Options.Tabbed.Fading class extends its superclass by adding a crossfade JavaScript animation effect when switching from tab to tab. Uize.Widget.Page The Uize.Widget.Page class implements the page widget (the main controller for a page), supporting widget adoption, dialog sharing, popups, and more. Uize.Widget.Page.xDeferredLinks The Uize.Widget.Page.xDeferredLinks module extends the Uize.Widget.Page base class by adding functionality for defer wiring links on the page. Uize.Widget.Pagination The Uize.Widget.Pagination class implements support for client-side pagination Uize.Widget.Picker The Uize.Widget.Picker class acts as a base class for value picker widget classes, such as the Uize.Widget.Picker.Date class. Uize.Widget.Picker.Date The Uize.Widget.Picker.Date class implements a date picker widget, using a deferred loaded date picker modal dialog to let the user select a date. Uize.Widget.Picker.Palette The Uize.Widget.Picker.Palette class implements a picker widget, where the modal dialog shows in a palette made to look like a droplist palette Uize.Widget.Picker.Palette.Selector The Uize.Widget.Picker.Palette.Selector class provides functionality for palette picker widgets that require selection from a set of values (like a drop list) Uize.Widget.Picker.Palette.mSelector The Uize.Widget.Picker.Palette.mSelector class mix-in provides functionality for palette picker widgets that require selection from a set of values (like a drop list) Uize.Widget.Population The Uize.Widget.Population class implements population of contents into a DOM node, by cloning an HTML template using data from a records array. Uize.Widget.PopupPalette The Uize.Widget.PopupPalette class manages state for a generic popup palette widget, that can be used as a child widget for droplist style widgets. Uize.Widget.Resizer The Uize.Widget.Resizer class implements resizing logic, with support for fixed aspect ratio, constraining to container, minimum dimensions, and more. Uize.Widget.Resizer.Marquee The Uize.Widget.Resizer.Marquee class implements a resizer / selection marquee, with support for drag handles on corners and sides and drag-to-move. Uize.Widget.Scrolly The Uize.Widget.Scrolly class provides animated scrolling for the contents of a view port, with support for both horizontal and vertical scrolling. Uize.Widget.SegmentDisplay The Uize.Widget.SegmentDisplay base class can be subclassed to create segment display widget classes for supporting different numbers of segments. Uize.Widget.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5 The Uize.Widget.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5 class implements a 3x5 matrix display widget, much like the classic LCD matrix displays on electronics devices. Uize.Widget.SegmentDisplay.Seven The Uize.Widget.SegmentDisplay.Seven class implements a seven segment display widget, much like the classic LED or LCD digit displays on calculators. Uize.Widget.SlideShow The Uize.Widget.SlideShow class eases the creation of slideshow presentations, supporting navigation controls, configurable visualizations, and more. Uize.Widget.SlideShow.AutoAdvance The Uize.Widget.SlideShow.AutoAdvance extends its superclass by adding a configurable auto-advance behavior so that user interaction is not necesary. Uize.Widget.SlideShow.AutoAdvance.WithSlideSelectors The Uize.Widget.SlideShow.AutoAdvance.WithSlideSelectors extends its superclass by adding an options widgets for selecting individual slides. Uize.Widget.Stretchy The Uize.Widget.Stretchy class implements a widget with long and short views, and controls for toggling between them with an accompanying animation. Uize.Widget.Swap The Uize.Widget.Swap abstract class enables a wide variety of lightweight animated swap effects, and serves as the base class for several subclasses. Uize.Widget.Swap.Deck The Uize.Widget.Swap.Deck class manages the displayed state of nodes in a deck of nodes, swapping from one to another using an animated swap effect. Uize.Widget.Swap.Html The Uize.Widget.Swap.Html class supports swapping between two chunks of HTML, with an accompanying, highly configurable JavaScript animation effect. Uize.Widget.Swap.Image The Uize.Widget.Swap.Image class supports swapping between two image URLs, with an accompanying, highly configurable JavaScript animation effect. Uize.Widget.Swap.Image.Cycle The Uize.Widget.Swap.Image.Cycle class extends its superclass by adding the ability to specify a set of images that the widget should cycle through. Uize.Widget.Swap.ThemeValuePack The Uize.Widget.Swap.ThemeValuePack module provides a way to convert between a theme oject and a theme value pack for the Uize.Widget.Swap widget. Uize.Widget.Swap.Themes The Uize.Widget.Swap.Themes module defines themes for the Uize.Widget.Swap widget class. Uize.Widget.TableSort The Uize.Widget.TableSort class adds sorting functionality to tables, and provides row highlighting as well as column name tooltips for table cells. Uize.Widget.TextInput The Uize.Widget.TextInput class provides an interface for entering text, with support for min and max length, validation with warning tips, and more. Uize.Widget.TextInputBasic The Uize.Widget.TextInputBasic class provides an interface for entering text, with support for min and max length, validation with warning tips, and more. Uize.Widget.ThumbZoom The Uize.Widget.ThumbZoom class wires up thumbnails that are linked to larger versions, so clicking them shows the larger versions with a zoom effect. Uize.Widget.Tree The Uize.Widget.Tree class is a base class for hierarchical collapsible/expandable tree widgets of many kinds, including lists, drop-down menus, etc. Uize.Widget.Tree.List The Uize.Widget.Tree.List class extends its superclass by adding support for collapsible/expandable tree lists, with clickable expand/collapse icons. Uize.Widget.Tree.ListAbstract The Uize.Widget.Tree.ListAbstract class is an abstract class that provides common code to the Uize.Widget.Tree.List class and the newer Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List.Widget V2 widget class. Uize.Widget.Tree.Menu The Uize.Widget.Tree.Menu class extends its superclass by adding support for multi-level / nested drop down menus, with support for separator items. Uize.Widget.Tree.MenuAbstract The Uize.Widget.Tree.MenuAbstract class is an abstract class that provides common code to the Uize.Widget.Tree.Menu class and the newer Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu.Widget V2 widget class. Uize.Widget.Tree.Select The Uize.Widget.Tree.Select class extends its superclass by adding support for selecting options from a hierarchical tree using regular select tags. Uize.Widget.V2 The Uize.Widget.V2 class implements the next generation widget base class and is currently under development. Uize.Widget.mBindings The Uize.Widget.mBindings mixin is an aggregator mixin that mixes in the Uize.Widget.mHtmlBindings, Uize.Widget.mCssBindings and Uize.Widget.mEventBindings mixins. Uize.Widget.mChildBindings The Uize.Widget.mChildBindings mixin implements features to provide a declarative approach to binding the state properties of a widget to those of its children. Uize.Widget.mChildrenLinked The Uize.Widget.mChildrenLinked mixin implements features to control when child widgets are considered linked to their parent widget. Uize.Widget.mCssBindings The Uize.Widget.mCssBindings mixin implements features to provide various different ways to bind state properties to CSS classes on the root node of a widget. Uize.Widget.mDeclarativeChildren The Uize.Widget.mDeclarativeChildren mixin implements features to provide a declarative approach to adding child widgets to a widget. Uize.Widget.mEventBindings The Uize.Widget.mEventBindings mixin implements features to provide a declarative approach to wiring Uize events on widgets and their children, as well as DOM events on DOM nodes. Uize.Widget.mHtmlBindings The Uize.Widget.mHtmlBindings mixin implements features to provide various different ways to bind state properties to DOM nodes. Uize.Widget.mLoc The Uize.Widget.mLoc mixin module implements features to facilitate the creation of localized widget classes. Uize.Widget.mModels The Uize.Widget.mModels widget mixin provides support for widgets that can contain child model class objects, allowing state between a widget and its child models to be bound. Uize.Widget.mV2 The Uize.Widget.mV2 class implements the next generation widget base class and is currently under development. Uize.Widget.mWeb The Uize.Widget.mWeb module is a mixin module that provides an implementation for Uize.Web-related features that can be mixed into a Uize.Widget subclass. Uize.Widget.mWebBindings The Uize.Widget.mWebBindings module is an aggregator mixin module that allows widget classes to more easily mix in Uize.Widget.mWeb and other widget binding modules with additional helpful functionality. Uize.Widget.mWidthHeight The Uize.Widget.mWidthHeight module implements a simple mixin to add width and height state properties to a widget class and bind their values to the width and height style properties of the root node of the widget. Uize.Widgets This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Bar This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Bar module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Bar.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Bar.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.Widget class implements a widget for displaying numerical values using a bar, with full and empty indicators and an optional value knob. Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.mFullEmpty The Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.mFullEmpty module implements a mixin that lets you mix in the full/empty styling functionality for bar and slider V2 widget classes. Uize.Widgets.Bar.HorzWithStatusText This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Bar.HorzWithStatusText module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Bar.HorzWithStatusText.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Bar.HorzWithStatusText.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Bar.HorzWithStatusText.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Bar.HorzWithStatusText.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Bar.HorzWithStatusText.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Bar.HorzWithStatusText.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Bar.HorzWithStatusText.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Bar.HorzWithStatusText.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Bar.HorzWithStatusText.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Bar.HorzWithStatusText.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Bar.HorzWithStatusText.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Bar.HorzWithStatusText.Widget class implements an abstract base class for horizontal bar widgets with overlayed status text, such as progress bars. Uize.Widgets.Bar.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Bar.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Bar.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Bar.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Bar.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Bar.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Bar.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Bar.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Bar.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Bar.Widget class implements a widget for displaying numerical values using a bar, with full and empty indicators and an optional value knob. Uize.Widgets.Bars This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Bars module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining.Widget class implements a bar widget for indicating used versus remaining, supporting customizable text messages for each. Uize.Widgets.BoxWithHeading This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.BoxWithHeading module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.BoxWithHeading.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.BoxWithHeading.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.BoxWithHeading.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.BoxWithHeading.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.BoxWithHeading.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.BoxWithHeading.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.BoxWithHeading.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.BoxWithHeading.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.BoxWithHeading.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.BoxWithHeading.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.BoxWithHeading.Widget The Uize.Widgets.BoxWithHeading.Widget class implements a very basic widget for a box layout with a heading. Uize.Widgets.Button This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Button module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Button.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Button.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Button.Square This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Square module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Icon This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Icon module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Icon.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Icon.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Icon.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Icon.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Icon.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Icon.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Icon.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Icon.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Icon.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Icon.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Icon.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Icon.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Button.Square.Widget class implements a simple on/off toggler button widget class. Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle.OnOff This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle.OnOff module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle.OnOff.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle.OnOff.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle.OnOff.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle.OnOff.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle.OnOff.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle.OnOff.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle.OnOff.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle.OnOff.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle.OnOff.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle.OnOff.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle.OnOff.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Button.Toggle.OnOff.Widget class implements a simple on/off toggler button widget class. Uize.Widgets.Button.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Button.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Button.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Button.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Button.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Button.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Button.Widget class implements the button widget - the most basic and atomic widget that is used in the implementation of many other widgets. Uize.Widgets.Buttons This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Cancel.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Char This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Char module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Char.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Char.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Char.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Char.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Char.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Char.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Char.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Char.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Char.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Char.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Char.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Char.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Clear.Widget class implements a localized clear button. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ColorSwatch This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ColorSwatch module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ColorSwatch.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ColorSwatch.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ColorSwatch.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ColorSwatch.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ColorSwatch.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ColorSwatch.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ColorSwatch.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ColorSwatch.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ColorSwatch.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ColorSwatch.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ColorSwatch.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ColorSwatch.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Date This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Date module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Date.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Date.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Date.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Date.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Date.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Date.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Date.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Date.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Date.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Date.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Directional This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Directional module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Directional.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Directional.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Directional.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Directional.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Directional.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Directional.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Directional.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Directional.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Directional.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Directional.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Directional.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Directional.Widget class implements a directional arrow button that supports three different directions for each of the X and Y axes. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Localized This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Localized module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Localized.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Localized.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget base class for localized button widget classes. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Localized.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Localized.VisualTests class implements a visual tests widget base class for localized button widget classes. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Localized.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Localized.Widget module implements an abstract base class for localized button widget classes. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Ok.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Reset.Widget class implements a localized reset button. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Delicious This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Delicious module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Delicious.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Delicious.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Delicious.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Delicious.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Delicious.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Delicious.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Delicious.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Delicious.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Delicious.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Delicious.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Digg This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Digg module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Digg.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Digg.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Digg.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Digg.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Digg.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Digg.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Digg.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Digg.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Digg.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Digg.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Email This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Email module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Email.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Email.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Email.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Email.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Email.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Email.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Email.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Email.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Email.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Email.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Facebook This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Facebook module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Facebook.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Facebook.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Facebook.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Facebook.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Facebook.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Facebook.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Facebook.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Facebook.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Facebook.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Facebook.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.GoogleBookmarks This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.GoogleBookmarks module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.GoogleBookmarks.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.GoogleBookmarks.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.GoogleBookmarks.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.GoogleBookmarks.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.GoogleBookmarks.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.GoogleBookmarks.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.GoogleBookmarks.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.GoogleBookmarks.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.GoogleBookmarks.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.GoogleBookmarks.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.LinkedIn This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.LinkedIn module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.LinkedIn.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.LinkedIn.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.LinkedIn.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.LinkedIn.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.LinkedIn.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.LinkedIn.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.LinkedIn.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.LinkedIn.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.LinkedIn.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.LinkedIn.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Reddit This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Reddit module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Reddit.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Reddit.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Reddit.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Reddit.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Reddit.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Reddit.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Reddit.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Reddit.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Reddit.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Reddit.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.StumbleUpon This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.StumbleUpon module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.StumbleUpon.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.StumbleUpon.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.StumbleUpon.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.StumbleUpon.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.StumbleUpon.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.StumbleUpon.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.StumbleUpon.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.StumbleUpon.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.StumbleUpon.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.StumbleUpon.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Twitter This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Twitter module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Twitter.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Twitter.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Twitter.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Twitter.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Twitter.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Twitter.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Twitter.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Twitter.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Twitter.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Twitter.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.VisualSamplerBase The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.VisualSamplerBase class implements an abstract base class for visual sampler classes of subclasses of the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.VisualTestsBase The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.VisualTestsBase class implements an abstract base class for visual test classes of subclasses of the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.Share.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Buttons.ViewSizeToggler.Widget class implements a view size toggler button that supports toggling between small and large views. Uize.Widgets.Calculator This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Calculator module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Entry This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Entry module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Entry.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Entry.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Entry.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Entry.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Entry.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Entry.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Entry.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Entry.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Entry.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Entry.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Entry.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Entry.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Calculator.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Calculator.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Calculator.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Calculator.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Calculator.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Calendar This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Calendar module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Calendar.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Calendar.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Calendar.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Calendar.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Calendar.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Calendar.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Calendar.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Calendar.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Calendar.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Calendar.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Calendar.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Calendar.Widget class implements a very basic widget for a box layout with a heading. Uize.Widgets.ColorInfo This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorInfo module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorInfo.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorInfo.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorInfo.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorInfo.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorInfo.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.ColorInfo.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.ColorInfo.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorInfo.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.ColorInfo.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.ColorInfo.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorInfo.Widget The Uize.Widgets.ColorInfo.Widget class implements a basic widget for previewing a color value... Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Widget The Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Combo.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Widget The Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Hsl.Widget class implements an HSL color picker interface, with sliders for adjusting levels for the hue, saturation, and lightness channels. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Widget The Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Rgb.Widget class implements an RGB color picker interface, with sliders for adjusting levels for the red, green, and blue channels. Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Widget The Uize.Widgets.ColorSliders.Vert.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorSwatch This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSwatch module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSwatch.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSwatch.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSwatch.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSwatch.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorSwatch.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.ColorSwatch.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSwatch.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorSwatch.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.ColorSwatch.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.ColorSwatch.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorSwatch.Widget The Uize.Widgets.ColorSwatch.Widget class implements a basic widget for previewing a color value... Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Widget The Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.ShiftAndRange.Widget class implements a widget for letting the user adjust shift and range transformtion values for a single color component. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Widget The Uize.Widgets.ColorsTransformer.Widget class implements a widget for transforming the hue, saturation, and lightness of a set of colors. Uize.Widgets.Container This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Container module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Container.Html The Uize.Widgets.Container.Html module is a JavaScript Template module, defining a very basic template for generating the HTML for V2 widgets. Uize.Widgets.Container.Widget The Uize.Widgets.VisualSampler.Widget class implements a base class for widget visual samplers, to be subclassed when creating visual samplers for other widget classes. Uize.Widgets.CssUtil The Uize.Widgets.CssUtil module provides utilities to facilitate ensuring standardized styling throughout the various built-in widgets of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Confirm.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Picker This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Picker module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Picker.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Picker.Widget module implements an abstract base class for various value picker dialogs, such as date picker dialogs, color picker dialogs, etc. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Dialog.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Dialog.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Widget class implements a very basic widget for a box layout with a heading. Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Base This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Base module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Base.Widget The Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Base.Widget class implements an abstract base class for digital clock widgets. Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hm This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hm module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hm.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hm.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hm.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hm.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hm.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hm.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hm.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hm.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hm.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hm.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hm.Widget The Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hm.Widget class implements a simple digital clock widget for displaying the time in hours, minutes, and seconds. Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hms This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hms module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hms.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hms.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hms.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hms.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hms.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hms.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hms.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hms.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hms.Widget The Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hms.Widget class implements a simple digital clock widget for displaying the time in hours, minutes, and seconds. Uize.Widgets.FlavoredMessage This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.FlavoredMessage module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.FlavoredMessage.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.FlavoredMessage.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.FlavoredMessage.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.FlavoredMessage.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.FlavoredMessage.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.FlavoredMessage.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.FlavoredMessage.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.FlavoredMessage.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.FlavoredMessage.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.FlavoredMessage.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.FlavoredMessage.Widget The Uize.Widgets.FlavoredMessage.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Form This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Form module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Form.Input This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Form.Input module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Select This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Select module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Select.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Select.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Select.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Select.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Select.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Select.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Select.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Select.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Select.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Select.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Select.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Select.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Hue This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Hue module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Hue.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Hue.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Hue.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Hue.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Hue.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Hue.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Hue.Widget The Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Hue.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Lightness This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Lightness module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Lightness.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Lightness.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Lightness.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Lightness.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Lightness.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Lightness.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Lightness.Widget The Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Lightness.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Saturation This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Saturation module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Saturation.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Saturation.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Saturation.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Saturation.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Saturation.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Saturation.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Saturation.Widget The Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Saturation.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Widget The Uize.Widgets.HslSliders.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.ImagePort This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ImagePort module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.TestAssets This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.TestAssets module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.Widget The Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Log This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Log module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Log.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Log.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Log.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Log.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Log.InstanceEvents This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Log.InstanceEvents module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Log.InstanceEvents.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Log.InstanceEvents.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Log.InstanceEvents.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Log.InstanceEvents.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Log.InstanceEvents.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Log.InstanceEvents.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Log.InstanceEvents.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Log.InstanceEvents.Widget class implements a log interface for logging the instance events of an instance of a Uize.Class subclass. Uize.Widgets.Log.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Log.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Log.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Log.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Log.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Log.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Log.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Log.Widget class implements a basic log interface. Uize.Widgets.NavTree This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.NavTree module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List.Widget The Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu.Widget The Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Page This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Page module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Page.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Page.Widget class implements an abstract page widget base class. Uize.Widgets.Picker This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Picker module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Picker.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Picker.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Picker.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Picker.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Picker.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Picker.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Picker.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Picker.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Picker.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Picker.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Picker.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Picker.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Pickers This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Color This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Color module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Color.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Color.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Color.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Color.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Color.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Color.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Color.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Color.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Date This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Date module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Date.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Date.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Date.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Date.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Date.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Date.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Date.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Date.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Color.Widget widget lets the user select a color from a modal dialog containing a color picker widget. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Dialogs.Date.Widget widget lets the user select a date from a modal dialog containing a calendar widget, with support for valid date ranges. Uize.Widgets.ProgressBar This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ProgressBar module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ProgressBar.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.ProgressBar.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.ProgressBar.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ProgressBar.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.ProgressBar.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.ProgressBar.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ProgressBar.Widget The Uize.Widgets.ProgressBar.Widget class implements a progress bar widget that supports several standard sizes and optional overlayed status text. Uize.Widgets.RatingStars This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.RatingStars module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.RatingStars.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.RatingStars.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.RatingStars.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.RatingStars.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.RatingStars.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.RatingStars.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.RatingStars.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.RatingStars.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.RatingStars.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.RatingStars.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.RatingStars.Widget The Uize.Widgets.ImagePort.Widget module implements a widget class for a rating stars widget. Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders.Widget The Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders.Widget class implements an RGB color picker interface, with sliders for adjusting levels for the red, green, and blue channels. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5 This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5 module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5.Widget The Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Matrix3x5.Widget class implements a 3x5 matrix display widget, complete with HTML and CSS, and with configurable segment width, segment color, and dim segment opacity. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Matrix3x5 This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Matrix3x5 module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Matrix3x5.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Matrix3x5.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Matrix3x5.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Matrix3x5.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Matrix3x5.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Matrix3x5.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Matrix3x5.Widget The Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Matrix3x5.Widget module implements a widget class for a separator for the hours, minutes, and seconds components of a 3x5 matrix digital clock display. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Seven This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Seven module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Seven.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Seven.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Seven.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Seven.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Seven.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Seven.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Seven.Widget The Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Seven.Widget module implements a widget class for a separator for the hours, minutes, and seconds components of a seven segment digital clock display. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Widget The Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Separator.Widget module implements an abstract base class for a colon style separator widget to be used with segment display widgets to form displays such as time displays. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven.Widget The Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven.Widget class implements a seven segment display widget, complete with HTML and CSS, and with configurable segment width, segment color, and dim segment opacity. Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.mSegmentColor The Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.mSegmentColor module implements a mixin for mixin in segment color features into a segment display widget class. Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Horz This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Horz module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Horz.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Horz.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Horz.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Horz.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Horz.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Horz.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Horz.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Horz.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Horz.Widget The Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Horz.Widget module implements a horizontal share strip widget class. Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Vert This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Vert module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Vert.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Vert.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Vert.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Vert.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Vert.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Vert.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Vert.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Vert.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Vert.Widget The Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Vert.Widget module implements a horizontal share strip widget class. Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Widget The Uize.Widgets.ShareStrip.Widget module implements an abstract base class for share strip widget classes. Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Sortable This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Sortable module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Sortable.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Sortable.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Sortable.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Sortable.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Sortable.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Sortable.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Sortable.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Sortable.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Sortable.Widget The Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Sortable.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.TestsData The Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.TestsData package provides some shareable test data for the visual sampler and visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Widget class and subclasses. Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Widget The Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Slider This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Slider module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Base This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Slider.Base module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Base.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Slider.Base.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Base.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Slider.Base.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Base.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Slider.Base.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Slider.Base.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Base.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Slider.Base.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Slider.Base.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Base.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Slider.Base.Widget class implements an abstract base class for slider widget classes. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Slider.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Slider.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Slider.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Slider.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Slider.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Slider.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Slider.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Slider.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Slider.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Slider.Widget class implements a slider widget that supports several standard sizes and horizontal and vertical orientations. Uize.Widgets.StateValues The Uize.Widgets.StateValues module provides properties for the possible values of various state properties that are common to all V2 widget classes. Uize.Widgets.Tools This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.TestData DEVELOPERS: Chris van Rensburg Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Widget module implements a widget class for a JSON serializer tool. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tools.SourceVsResult This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.SourceVsResult module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.SourceVsResult.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.SourceVsResult.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.SourceVsResult.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.SourceVsResult.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tools.SourceVsResult.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Tools.SourceVsResult.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.SourceVsResult.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tools.SourceVsResult.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Tools.SourceVsResult.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Tools.SourceVsResult.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tools.SourceVsResult.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Tools.SourceVsResult.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tooltip This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tooltip module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.KeysValues This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.KeysValues module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.KeysValues.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.KeysValues.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.KeysValues.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.KeysValues.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.KeysValues.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.KeysValues.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.KeysValues.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.KeysValues.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.KeysValues.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.KeysValues.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.VisualSampler The Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.VisualTests The Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.Widget class. Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.Widget The Uize.Widgets.Tooltip.Widget module implements a widget class. Uize.Widgets.VisualSampler This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.VisualSampler module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.VisualSampler.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.VisualSampler.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.VisualSampler.Widget The Uize.Widgets.VisualSampler.Widget class implements a base class for widget visual samplers, to be subclassed when creating visual samplers for other widget classes. Uize.Widgets.VisualTests This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.VisualTests module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.VisualTests.TestCase This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.VisualTests.TestCase module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.VisualTests.TestCase.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.VisualTests.TestCase.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.VisualTests.TestCase.Widget The Uize.Widgets.VisualTests.TestCase.Widget class implements a widget for a widget test case, to be used when building visual tests for widgets. Uize.Widgets.VisualTests.Widget The Uize.Widgets.VisualTests.Widget class implements a widget for a collection of test cases for widget visual tests. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.Css This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.Html This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Widget The Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualSamplersViewer.Widget class implements a widget for selecting and viewing visual samplers from a list of namespaces that contain visual samplers. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.de_DE This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.de_DE module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.en_GB This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.en_GB module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.en_US This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.en_US module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.en_ZZ This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.en_ZZ module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.fr_FR This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.fr_FR module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.ja_JP This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.ja_JP module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.nl_NL This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.nl_NL module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.ru_RU This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.ru_RU module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.zh_CN This is reference documentation for the Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Loc.zh_CN module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Widget The Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.VisualTestsViewer.Widget class implements a widget for selecting and viewing visual tests for widget modules that have companion visual tests modules. Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.Widget The Uize.Widgets.WidgetViewer.Widget class implements a widget base class for the visual samplers and visual tests viewers. Uize.Xml The Uize.Xml package defines utility methods (primarily for serialization and deserialization) that are useful when handling data in the XML format. UizeSite This is reference documentation for the UizeSite module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Build This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Build module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Build.Deps The UizeSite.Build.Deps module implements a build script for analyzing the dependencies of a specified module and producing a detailed report. UizeSite.Build.File The UizeSite.Build.File package provides a method for building any file requested for the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.DirectoryPage The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.DirectoryPage module defines a file builder for the directory page of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.ExampleSourceCodePages The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.ExampleSourceCodePages module defines a file builder for the example source code pages of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.ExamplesByKeywordIndexPages The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.ExamplesByKeywordIndexPages module defines a file builder for the examples-by-keyword index pages of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.GoogleCodeSitemap The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.GoogleCodeSitemap module defines a file builder for the sitemap XML file that is used by the Google Code feature. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.Homepage The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.Homepage module defines a file builder for the homepage of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryExamplesByKeywordLookup The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryExamplesByKeywordLookup module defines a file builder for the in-memory examples-by-keyword lookup for the example pages of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryExamplesInfoForSiteMap The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryExamplesInfoForSiteMap module defines a file builder for the in-memory examples-info-for-sitemap object. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryModulesTree The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryModulesTree module defines a file builder for the in-memory modules tree object for the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryNewsByYearLookup The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryNewsByYearLookup module defines a file builder for the in-memory news-by-year lookup for the news pages of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryUrlDictionary The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.InMemoryUrlDictionary module defines a file builder for the in-memory URL dictionary object used when building SimpleDoc pages. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages module defines a file builder for various index pages of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages.Appendixes The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages.Appendixes module defines a file builder for the appendixes index page of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages.InMemoryHtmlFiles The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages.InMemoryHtmlFiles module defines a file builder for the in-memory HTML files index of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages.InMemoryNews The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages.InMemoryNews module defines a file builder for the in-memory HTML files index for the news files of UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages.JavaScriptGuides The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages.JavaScriptGuides module defines a file builder for the JavaScript guides index page of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages.JavaScriptModules The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages.JavaScriptModules module defines a file builder for the JavaScript modules index page of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages.JavaScriptModulesToDo The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages.JavaScriptModulesToDo module defines a file builder for the JavaScript Modules TO DO index page of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages.JavaScriptWhitePapers The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.IndexPages.JavaScriptWhitePapers module defines a file builder for the JavaScript white papers index page of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.JavaScriptExamplesByModule The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.JavaScriptExamplesByModule module defines a file builder for the JavaScript-examples-by-module index page of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.JavaScriptModulesToDoPages The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.JavaScriptModulesToDoPages module defines a file builder for the TO DO pages of JavaScript modules. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.LatestNewsRssFeed The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.LatestNewsRssFeed module defines a file builder for the latest news RSS feed page of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.ModuleInfoModules The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.ModuleInfoModules module defines a file builder for the generated module info modules under the UizeSite.ModuleInfo namespace. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.ModuleReferencePages The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.ModuleReferencePages module defines a file builder for the module reference pages of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.ModuleSourceCodePages The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.ModuleSourceCodePages module defines a file builder for the module source code pages of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.NewsByYearIndexPages The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.NewsByYearIndexPages module defines a file builder for the news-by-year index pages of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.TempExamplesInfoForSiteMapModule The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.TempExamplesInfoForSiteMapModule module defines a file builder for the generated UizeSite.ExamplesInfoForSiteMap module in the site temp folder. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.TempExamplesModule The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.TempExamplesModule module defines a file builder for the generated UizeSite.Examples module in the site temp folder. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.TempModulesTreeModule The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.TempModulesTreeModule module defines a file builder for the generated UizeSite.ModulesTree module in the site temp folder. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.TempSotuModule The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.TempSotuModule module defines a file builder for the generated UizeSite.Sotu module in the site temp folder. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.WidgetsToGo The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.WidgetsToGo module defines a utilities package for the various Widget To Go file builder modules. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.WidgetsToGo.GoogleGadgetXmlPages The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.WidgetsToGo.GoogleGadgetXmlPages module defines a file builder for the individual widget Google gadget XML pages for the Widgets To Go section of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.WidgetsToGo.IndexPage The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.WidgetsToGo.IndexPage module defines a file builder for the index page of the Widgets To Go section of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.WidgetsToGo.WidgetHomepages The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.WidgetsToGo.WidgetHomepages module defines a file builder for the individual widget homepages of the Widgets To Go section of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.WidgetsToGo.WidgetIframePages The UizeSite.Build.FileBuilders.WidgetsToGo.WidgetIframePages module defines a file builder for the individual widget IFRAME pages for the Widgets To Go section of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.Files The UizeSite.Build.Files module implements a base class specifically for build script modules of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.Files.GeneratedJsModules The UizeSite.Build.Files.GeneratedJsModules package provides a method for building all the purely generated JavaScript modules for the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.Files.IndexPages The UizeSite.Build.Files.IndexPages package provides a method for building the index pages for the examples, tools, and JavaScript modules for the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.Files.JavaScriptModulesToDoPages The UizeSite.Build.Files.JavaScriptModulesToDoPages package provides a method for building the JavaScript module TO DO pages on the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.Files.SimpleDataPages The UizeSite.Build.Files.SimpleDataPages build script recurses through all folders of the UIZE Web site project, building pages from all the Simple Data (.simpledata) files that it finds. UizeSite.Build.Files.SimpleDocPages The UizeSite.Build.Files.SimpleDocPages build script recurses through all folders of the UIZE Web site project, building pages from all the Simple Doc (.simple) files that it finds, as well as building HTML reference documentation pages from all JavaScript modules that it finds in the modules folder. UizeSite.Build.Files.SourceCodePages The UizeSite.Build.Files.SourceCodePages build script builds HTML pages for viewing the source code of JavaScript modules and examples pages for the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Build.Files.WidgetPages The UizeSite.Build.Files.WidgetPages package provides a method for building the supporting pages for the various widgets that are offered as part of the UIZE Web site's Widgets to Go feature. UizeSite.Build.ServicesSetup The UizeSite.Build.ServicesSetup package.... UizeSite.Build.Templates This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Build.Templates module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Build.Templates.Module This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Build.Templates.Module module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Build.Templates.Module.ScrunchedHeadComment This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Build.Templates.Module.ScrunchedHeadComment module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Build.Util The UizeSite.Build.Util package provides various utility methods to facilitate building of pages for the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Delve . UizeSite.Delve.library The UizeSite.Delve.library module is a library module that bundles together all the JavaScript modules needed by the DELVE tool. UizeSite.DelvePageWriter . UizeSite.Examples This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Examples module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.ExamplesInfoForSiteMap This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.ExamplesInfoForSiteMap module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.ModuleInfo This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.ModuleInfo module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.ModulesTree This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.ModulesTree module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Page A subclass of Uize.Widget.Page that provides a base class for page widget classes used by the UIZE JavaScript Framework's Web site. This class provides functionality that is generally useful to all types of pages on the site. UizeSite.Page.Doc A subclass of UizeSite.Page that provides additional functionality specific to pages that contain documentation. UizeSite.Page.Doc.library The UizeSite.Page.Doc.library module is a library module that bundles together various JavaScript modules common to the SimpleDoc pages of the UIZE JavaScript Framework's Web site. UizeSite.Page.Example A subclass of UizeSite.Page that provides additional functionality specific to example/demo pages. UizeSite.Page.Example.Test A subclass of UizeSite.Page.Example that provides additional functionality specific to test pages. UizeSite.Page.Example.Test.library The UizeSite.Page.Example.Test.library module is a library module that bundles together various JavaScript modules common to the test pages of the UIZE JavaScript Framework's Web site. UizeSite.Page.Example.library The UizeSite.Page.Example.library module is a library module that bundles together various JavaScript modules common to the example pages of the UIZE JavaScript Framework's Web site. UizeSite.Page.Home A subclass of the UizeSite.Page class, designed exclusively for the very important homepage of the UIZE Web site. UizeSite.Page.Home.library The UizeSite.Page.Home.library module is a library module that bundles together various JavaScript modules used by the very important homepage of the UIZE JavaScript Framework's Web site. UizeSite.Page.library The UizeSite.Page.library module is a library module that bundles together various JavaScript modules common to pages of the UIZE JavaScript Framework's Web site. UizeSite.ParamsInspector A widget class that implements a tabbed interface for selecting params presets and also modifying the values of the individual params in a params table. UizeSite.ParamsInspector.InlinePresets A subclass of UizeSite.ParamsInspector that adds the ability to harvest the presets from a DOM node whose inner HTML is formatted in the Simple Data format. UizeSite.SiteMap A package that defines a tree data structure for the UIZE Web site's site hierarchy. UizeSite.Templates This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Templates.DataBar This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates.DataBar module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Templates.DelvePageHtml This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates.DelvePageHtml module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Templates.DelveUiHtml This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates.DelveUiHtml module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Templates.IndexPage This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates.IndexPage module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Templates.JavaScriptSourceSample This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates.JavaScriptSourceSample module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Templates.ListingsPage This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates.ListingsPage module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Templates.ParamsInspector This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates.ParamsInspector module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Templates.ParamsTable This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates.ParamsTable module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Templates.SimpleDoc This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates.SimpleDoc module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Templates.SimpleDocSample This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates.SimpleDocSample module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Templates.SlideShow This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates.SlideShow module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Templates.SlideShow.Basic This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates.SlideShow.Basic module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Templates.SlideShow.Wipes This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates.SlideShow.Wipes module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Templates.WidgetToGoTitle This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Templates.WidgetToGoTitle module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.TestData This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.TestData module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.TestData.Fruits DEVELOPERS: Chris van Rensburg UizeSite.TestData.Photos DEVELOPERS: Chris van Rensburg UizeSite.WidgetToGoPage A subclass of Uize.Widget.Page that provides functionality that is generally useful to widgets that are intended to be used remotely in an IFRAME. UizeSite.WidgetToGoPage.Calculator A subclass of UizeSite.WidgetToGoPage that defines the page widget class for the calculator widget-to-go. UizeSite.WidgetToGoPage.Calculator.library The UizeSite.WidgetToGoPage.Calculator.library module is a library module that bundles together all the JavaScript modules needed by the calculator Widgets To Go widget. UizeSite.WidgetToGoPage.Calendar A subclass of UizeSite.WidgetToGoPage that defines the page widget class for the calendar widget-to-go. UizeSite.WidgetToGoPage.Calendar.library The UizeSite.WidgetToGoPage.Calendar.library module is a library module that bundles together all the JavaScript modules needed by the calendar Widgets To Go widget. UizeSite.Widgets This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.EnabledBusyDemo This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.EnabledBusyDemo module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.EnabledBusyDemo.Css This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.EnabledBusyDemo.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.EnabledBusyDemo.Html This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.EnabledBusyDemo.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.EnabledBusyDemo.VisualSampler The UizeSite.Widgets.EnabledBusyDemo.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the UizeSite.Widgets.EnabledBusyDemo.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.EnabledBusyDemo.Widget The UizeSite.Widgets.EnabledBusyDemo.Widget class implements a widget that is used to demonstrate how the enabled and busy state properties behave with widgets in a widget tree. UizeSite.Widgets.ExampleInfoTooltip This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.ExampleInfoTooltip module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.ExampleInfoTooltip.Css This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.ExampleInfoTooltip.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.ExampleInfoTooltip.VisualSampler The UizeSite.Widgets.ExampleInfoTooltip.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the UizeSite.Widgets.ExampleInfoTooltip.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.ExampleInfoTooltip.VisualTests The UizeSite.Widgets.ExampleInfoTooltip.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the UizeSite.Widgets.ExampleInfoTooltip.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.ExampleInfoTooltip.Widget The UizeSite.Widgets.ExampleInfoTooltip.Widget module implements a widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.Follow This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.Follow module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.Follow.Css This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.Follow.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.Follow.Html This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.Follow.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.Follow.VisualSampler The UizeSite.Widgets.Follow.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the UizeSite.Widgets.Follow.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.Follow.VisualTests The UizeSite.Widgets.Follow.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the UizeSite.Widgets.Follow.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.Follow.Widget The UizeSite.Widgets.Follow.Widget module implements a widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.Footer This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.Footer module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.Footer.Css This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.Footer.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.Footer.Html This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.Footer.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.Footer.VisualSampler The UizeSite.Widgets.Footer.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the UizeSite.Widgets.Footer.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.Footer.VisualTests The UizeSite.Widgets.Footer.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the UizeSite.Widgets.Footer.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.Footer.Widget The UizeSite.Widgets.Footer.Widget module implements a widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.GetInvolved This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.GetInvolved module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.GetInvolved.Css This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.GetInvolved.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.GetInvolved.Html This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.GetInvolved.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.GetInvolved.VisualSampler The UizeSite.Widgets.GetInvolved.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the UizeSite.Widgets.GetInvolved.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.GetInvolved.VisualTests The UizeSite.Widgets.GetInvolved.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the UizeSite.Widgets.GetInvolved.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.GetInvolved.Widget The UizeSite.Widgets.GetInvolved.Widget module implements a widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.LikeThis This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.LikeThis module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.LikeThis.Css This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.LikeThis.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.LikeThis.Html This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.LikeThis.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.LikeThis.VisualSampler The UizeSite.Widgets.LikeThis.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the UizeSite.Widgets.LikeThis.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.LikeThis.VisualTests The UizeSite.Widgets.LikeThis.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the UizeSite.Widgets.LikeThis.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.LikeThis.Widget The UizeSite.Widgets.LikeThis.Widget module implements a widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteAssistant This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.SiteAssistant module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteAssistant.Css This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.SiteAssistant.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteAssistant.Html This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.SiteAssistant.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteAssistant.VisualSampler The UizeSite.Widgets.SiteAssistant.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the UizeSite.Widgets.SiteAssistant.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteAssistant.VisualTests The UizeSite.Widgets.SiteAssistant.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the UizeSite.Widgets.SiteAssistant.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteAssistant.Widget The UizeSite.Widgets.SiteAssistant.Widget class implements a widget that lets users easily share a link to the page they are on, using a service of their choice. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteMenu This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.SiteMenu module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteMenu.Css This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.SiteMenu.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteMenu.VisualSampler The UizeSite.Widgets.SiteMenu.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the UizeSite.Widgets.SiteMenu.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteMenu.VisualTests The UizeSite.Widgets.SiteMenu.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the UizeSite.Widgets.SiteMenu.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteMenu.Widget The UizeSite.Widgets.SiteMenu.Widget module implements a widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteNav This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.SiteNav module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteNav.Css This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.SiteNav.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteNav.VisualSampler The UizeSite.Widgets.SiteNav.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the UizeSite.Widgets.SiteNav.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteNav.VisualTests The UizeSite.Widgets.SiteNav.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the UizeSite.Widgets.SiteNav.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.SiteNav.Widget The UizeSite.Widgets.SiteNav.Widget module implements a widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.TourBar This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.TourBar module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.TourBar.Css This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.TourBar.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.TourBar.Html This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.TourBar.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.TourBar.VisualSampler The UizeSite.Widgets.TourBar.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the UizeSite.Widgets.TourBar.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.TourBar.VisualTests The UizeSite.Widgets.TourBar.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the UizeSite.Widgets.TourBar.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.TourBar.Widget The UizeSite.Widgets.TourBar.Widget module implements a widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests.Css This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests.Css module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests.Html This is reference documentation for the UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests.Html module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests.VisualSampler The UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests.VisualSampler class implements a visual sampler widget for the UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests.VisualTests The UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests.VisualTests class implements a set of visual tests for the UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests.Widget class. UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests.Widget The UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests.Widget module implements a widget class for a unit tests runner.