MODULES Uize.Widget
1. Introduction
The Uize.Widget
class serves as the base class for widgets in the UIZE JavaScript Framework, providing services to ease the implementation of widgets.
DEVELOPERS: Chris van Rensburg, Ben Ilegbodu, Vinson Chuong
1.1. An Abstract Class
The Uize.Widget
class is primarily an abstract class, intended for the creation of widget subclasses.
That said, however, it is possible and sometimes useful to create instances of this class that will act as wrappers for sets of child widgets in order to achieve functional grouping for the child widgets within a widget class. Child widgets grouped together in this way can then be enabled or disabled as a group, separately from the other child widgets.
1.2. Examples
The following example pages are good showcases for the Uize.Widget
Shared UI - See how some widget HTML for a slider widget can be shared by multiple slider widget instances. The UIZE JavaScript Framework makes this possible. | |
The setNodeValue Method - See a demo of the setNodeValue method, which can set a value on select boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, text inputs, textareas, divs, spans... | |
enabled/busy in Widget Tree - See a demonstration of the busy and enabled mechanisms of the widget base class, and how busy and enabled state can be inherited within a widget tree. | |
setNodeValue on Multi-select - See a demo of the setNodeValue and getNodeValue instance methods being used to set and get the value for a multiple select style listbox form element. |
Use the link below to search for example pages on the UIZE Web site that reference the Uize.Widget
1.3. Implementation Info
The Uize.Widget
module defines the Uize.Widget
class, which is a subclass of Uize.Class
−> Uize.Widget
1.3.1. Features Introduced in This Module
The features listed in this section have been introduced in this module.
| addChildren
| ajax
| buildHtml
| callInherited
| childHtml
| childId
| confirm
| displayNode
| flushNodeCache
| getContainer
| getHtml
| getInherited
| getNode
| getNodeStyle
| getNodeValue
| getProvider
| globalizeNode
| inform
| injectNodeHtml
| insertOrWireUi
| insertUi
| localize
| nodeId
| removeChild
| removeNode
| removeUi
| setInherited
| setNodeClipRect
| setNodeInnerHtml
| setNodeOpacity
| setNodeProperties
| setNodeStyle
| setNodeValue
| showNode
| unwireNode
| unwireNodeEventsByMatch
| unwireUi
| updateUi
| wireNode
| wireUi
| busy
| busyInherited
| busyParentTickle
| children
| container
| enabled
| enabledInherited
| enabledParentTickle
| html
| idPrefix
| idPrefixConstruction
| insertionMode
| localized
| name
| nodeMap
| parent
| wired
| Uize.Widget.spawn
| Uize.Widget.treeInheritedStateProperties
| Uize.Widget.enabledParentTickle
| Uize.Widget.isWired
| Uize.Widget.mBindings
| Uize.Widget.undefined
1.3.2. Features Overridden in This Module
The features listed in this section have been overridden in this module.
The module that an overridden feature was initially introduced in will be noted in the IMPLEMENTATION INFO notes for the feature.
1.3.3. Features Inherited From Other Modules
The features listed in this section have been inherited from other modules.
The module that an inherited feature was initially introduced in will be noted in the IMPLEMENTATION INFO notes for the feature.
| get
| is
| isMet
| met
| onChange
| once
| set
| toggle
| unmet
| unwire
| whenever
| wire
| Uize.Widget.declare
| Uize.Widget.doMy
| Uize.Widget.dualContextMethods
| Uize.Widget.dualContextProperties
| Uize.Widget.get
| Uize.Widget.instanceMethods
| Uize.Widget.instanceProperties
| Uize.Widget.mixins
| Uize.Widget.omegastructor
| Uize.Widget.set
| Uize.Widget.singleton
| Uize.Widget.stateProperties
| Uize.Widget.staticMethods
| Uize.Widget.staticProperties
| Uize.Widget.subclass
| Uize.Widget.toggle
| Uize.Widget.unwire
| Uize.Widget.wire
1.3.4. Modules Directly Under This Namespace
| Uize.Widget.AutoTooltip
| Uize.Widget.Bar
| Uize.Widget.Button
| Uize.Widget.Calculator
| Uize.Widget.CalculatorAbstract
| Uize.Widget.Calendar
| Uize.Widget.Captcha
| Uize.Widget.Collapsy
| Uize.Widget.Collection
| Uize.Widget.CollectionItem
| Uize.Widget.ColorGrid
| Uize.Widget.Committer
| Uize.Widget.Count
| Uize.Widget.Dialog
| Uize.Widget.DirectionalPad
| Uize.Widget.Drag
| Uize.Widget.EdgeHugger
| Uize.Widget.EggTimer
| Uize.Widget.FilterGroups
| Uize.Widget.Fleeting
| Uize.Widget.Flip
| Uize.Widget.Form
| Uize.Widget.FormDialog
| Uize.Widget.FormElement
| Uize.Widget.FormElementWarning
| Uize.Widget.FormElements
| Uize.Widget.FormWarnings
| Uize.Widget.HoverFader
| Uize.Widget.HtmltCompiler
| Uize.Widget.ImagePort
| Uize.Widget.ImageWipe
| Uize.Widget.InlinePicker
| Uize.Widget.ListEditor
| Uize.Widget.Log
| Uize.Widget.MagView
| Uize.Widget.Mask
| Uize.Widget.Options
| Uize.Widget.Page
| Uize.Widget.Pagination
| Uize.Widget.Picker
| Uize.Widget.Population
| Uize.Widget.PopupPalette
| Uize.Widget.Resizer
| Uize.Widget.Scrolly
| Uize.Widget.SegmentDisplay
| Uize.Widget.SlideShow
| Uize.Widget.Stretchy
| Uize.Widget.Swap
| Uize.Widget.TableSort
| Uize.Widget.TextInput
| Uize.Widget.TextInputBasic
| Uize.Widget.ThumbZoom
| Uize.Widget.Tree
| Uize.Widget.V2
| Uize.Widget.mBindings
| Uize.Widget.mChildBindings
| Uize.Widget.mChildrenLinked
| Uize.Widget.mCssBindings
| Uize.Widget.mDeclarativeChildren
| Uize.Widget.mEventBindings
| Uize.Widget.mHtmlBindings
| Uize.Widget.mLoc
| Uize.Widget.mModels
| Uize.Widget.mV2
| Uize.Widget.mWeb
| Uize.Widget.mWebBindings
| Uize.Widget.mWidthHeight
1.3.5. Unit Tests
The Uize.Widget
module is unit tested by the Uize.Test.Uize.Widget
test module.
2. DOM Nodes
2.1. Root Node
The optional root node of a widget is the DOM node with the name ''
(empty string).
The id
for the root node of a widget instance is the value of that instance's idPrefix
state property - there is no "-" (hyphen) separating the idPrefix
and the empty DOM node name. So, for an instance of the slider class with its idPrefix
set to the value 'mySlider'
, the id of that instance's root node would be just mySlider
A reference to the root node can be obtained by either specifying the value ''
(empty string) or no nodeSTRorBLOB
parameter when calling the getNode
instance method, as in...
var theRootNode = myWidget.getNode (); var alsoTheRootNode = myWidget.getNode ('');
Similarly, when using the node related instance methods, one can specify the value ''
(empty string), as in...
myWidget.displayNode ('',false); // hide myWidget, if it has a root node in its HTML
2.2. shell
The optional shell
DOM node for a widget instance provides a "slot" in the document into which markup for that instance can be inserted.
3. Instance Properties
3.1. addedChildren
A Uize.Class
instance whose state properties reflect whether or not child widgets by the same name has been added.
You can use the condition system methods like isMet
, once
, and whenver
on addedChildren
to determine if and when a child widget has been added to the widget.
the addedChildren object is read-only - its state should not be directly modified |
see also the related children instance property |
3.2. children
An object, each of whose properties is a reference to one of a widget's child widgets.
For example, an instance of the Uize.Widget.SlideShow
class assigned to the variable mySlideShow
may have child widgets that can be referenced as follows...
mySlideShow.children.first mySlideShow.children.last mySlideShow.children.previous
3.2.1. Don't Directly Modify the children Object
The contents of the children
object is managed by the various instance methods of the Uize.Widget
class, such as the addChild
and removeChild
One should not directly modify the contents of the children
object, but should only do this through the child widget management methods.
3.2.2. The Special children state Property
The children
instance property has a companion state property of the same name, but which has a special behavior.
The children state property provides a convenient way to distribute widget properties to any or all of a widget's child widgets.
the children object is read-only - its contents should not be directly modified |
see also the special children state property | |
see also the related addedChildren instance property and the parent state property |
3.3. isWired
An alternate way of accessing the value of the wired
state property, that doesn't require using the get
instance method.
Using this property is functionally equivalent to myWidget.get ('wired')
. This property is provided primarily as a convenience and to improve performance, since the wired
state property is accessed many times in many widget class files, and often in heavily hit areas of code. Using this property to access the value of the wired
state property offers slightly better performance than using the get
instance method, which may help a little with performance optimization.
if (!this.get ('wired')) { // code to perform wiring }
if (!this.isWired) { // code to perform wiring }
see also the wired state property |
3.4. showConfirm
this feature was introduced in this module |
3.5. showInform
this feature was introduced in this module |
4. Instance Methods
4.1. addChild
The addChild
method lets you add a child widget to a widget.
childWidgetOBJ = myWidget.addChild ( childWidgetNameSTR,childWidgetClassOBJ,childWidgetPropertiesOBJ );
childWidgetOBJ = myWidget.addChild (childWidgetNameSTR,childWidgetClassOBJ);
The childWidgetPropertiesOBJ
parameter is optional and can be omitted when the default property values for a widget class are sufficient, or when the properties will be set to the desired values at a later stage.
returns a reference to the child widget instance that was added | |
a state property matching the child widget name is marked as met in the addedChildren instance property |
the value of the childWidgetNameSTR can be null or undefined if a value is specified for the name property in the childWidgetPropertiesOBJ parameter |
see also the removeChild instance method, and the children instance property |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.2. addChildren
Lets you conveniently add multiple child widgets in a single method call, by specifying the children in an object that maps child names to child properties.
myInstance.addChildren (childrenOBJ);
Add Multiple Child Widgets, Specifying Properties That Are Common to All
myInstance.addChildren (childrenOBJ,commonPropertiesOBJ);
4.2.1. Add Multiple Child Widgets
Multiple child widgets can be added in a single call, by specifying a single childrenOBJ
myInstance.addChildren (childrenOBJ);
The value of the childrenOBJ
parameter should be an object, where the name of a property should be the name of a child widget, and where the value of a property should be an object specifying values for a child widget's state properties. The widget class for a child widget should be specified using the special widgetClass
widget property.
this.addChildren ({ ok:{ text:'OK', widgetClass:Uize.Widgets.Button, size:'small' }, cancel:{ text:'CANCEL', widgetClass:Uize.Widgets.Button, size:'small' }, reset:{ text:'RESET', widgetClass:Uize.Widgets.Button, size:'small' } });
In the above example, the addChildren
method is being used to add three button child widgets.
4.2.2. Add Multiple Child Widgets, Specifying Properties That Are Common to All
Multiple child widgets can be added in a single call, without repeating widget property values that are common to all children being added, by specifying the common property values in the optional commonPropertiesOBJ
myInstance.addChildren (childrenOBJ,commonPropertiesOBJ);
this.addChildren ( { ok:{text:'OK'}, cancel:{text:'CANCEL'}, reset:{text:'RESET'} }, { widgetClass:Uize.Widgets.Button, size:'small' } );
In the above example, the addChildren
method is being used to add three button child widgets of the same Uize.Widgets.Button
widget class and with the same 'small'
value for their size
state property. Because the widget class and size are the same for all the buttons being added, these values can be specified using the optional commonPropertiesOBJ
parameter so that the values don't need to be repeated in the child properties object for each of the child widgets.
4.2.3. More Concise
Using the addChildren
method can produce more concise code in situations where you are adding multiple child widgets that share some common properties.
Consider the following example of adding multiple button child widgets...
this.addChild ( 'ok', Uize.Widgets.Button, { text:'OK', size:'small' } ); this.addChild ( 'cancel', Uize.Widgets.Button, { text:'CANCEL', size:'small' } ); this.addChild ( 'reset', Uize.Widgets.Button, { text:'RESET', size:'small' } );
this.addChildren ( { ok:{text:'OK'}, cancel:{text:'CANCEL'}, reset:{text:'RESET'} }, { widgetClass:Uize.Widgets.Button, size:'small' } );
In the above example, we are adding multiple button child widgets of the same widget class and of the same size (as specified in the size
state property). Rather than calling the addChild
method multiple times, each time passing the same common property values, we can use the addChildren
method and tale advantage of its optional commonPropertiesOBJ
parameter to avoid having to repeat the property values that are common to all the button child widgets.
compare to the companion addChild instance method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.3. ajax
Performs an asynchronous service (Ajax) request with the specified service parameters and (optional) request parameters.
myWidget.ajax (serviceParamsOBJ,requestParamsOBJ);
The serviceParamsOBJ
contains parameters needed by the service (typically what is passed on the query string or as post data in the request). The requestParamsOBJ
contains parameters used in configuring the request itself, such as callbacks, caching level, request method, etc.
myWidget.ajax ( { action:'getresults', query:'dog shirts', sort:'price_asc', pg:2, num:25 }, { cache:'browser', requestMethod:'GET', callback:function (responseObj) { // Do something with search results data } } );
Depending on how ajax
has been implemented for widgets in your site-specific page widget (see performAjax Implementation), the resulting Ajax service request could look like:
4.3.1. performAjax Implementation
Strictly speaking, the parameters supported by the serviceParamsOBJ
and requestParamsOBJ
parameters are determined by the specific implementation of ajax
Technically, what happens when the ajax
instance method is called is that the widget finds the nearest parent up the parent chain that provides an implementation for the performAjax
instance method.
Typically, performAjax
is implemented at the page widget level, but it can also be overriden by parent widgets closer to the widget on which the ajax
instance method is called. If no performAjax
implementation is provided, anywhere up the parent chain, then no Ajax request would be made and the code will fail silently. There is no default implementation for ajax
aside from supporting the variations outlined below.
_class.instanceMethods ({ performAjax:function (_serviceParams,_requestParams) { this._commObject.request ({ url:['',_requestParams], returnType:'json', requestMethod:_requestParams.requestMethod || 'POST', cache:_requestParams.cache, callback:_requestParams.callback }) } });
The above sample implementation assumes that there is a private reference to a comm object, which could be an instance of either the Uize.Comm.Ajax
or the Uize.Comm.Iframe
class, and that was most likely created in the constructor of this widget.
The base implementation of ajax
does not contain code to make an Ajax request; it is up to your site-specific implementation to handle this (see performAjax Implementation). However, the base implementation does support abstract variations to ajax
so that the site-specific implementation only has to deal with the single method syntax outlined above.
myWidget.ajax (serviceParamsOBJ,callbackFUNC);
This variation supports just passing a callback function (with no additional request parameters) as the second parameter to ajax
myWidget.ajax ( { action:'getresults', query:'dog shirts', sort:'price_asc', pg:2, num:25 }, function (responseObj) { // Do something with search results data } );
This would be equivalent to...
myWidget.ajax ( { action:'getresults', query:'dog shirts', sort:'price_asc', pg:2, num:25 }, { callback:function (responseObj) { // Do something with search results data } } );
myWidget.ajax (serviceParamsOBJ);
In this variation, the requestParamsOBJ
parameter is completely ommitted. This variation is useful when you do not need to alter how the Ajax request is made and calling a callback is unnecessary. Making an Ajax request without a callback is typically rare, but there are some use cases where it is appropriate, such as when logging information.
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.4. buildHtml
Rebuilds the HTML for a widget instance, replacing its existing HTML in the DOM.
myWidget.buildHtml ();
HTML for a widget instance is generated by using the instance's html
state property. If the value of the html
property is a function, or is an object with a process
property whose value is a function, then the HTML generator function will be supplied with the current state of the instance's state properties as input - in the form of a single input object.
The generator function can either return a string containing HTML markup, a DOM node, or an array of DOM nodes.
The generated HTML for the widget is inserted into a node in the document, according to a series of fallbacks. Priority is given to the container
state property. If container
is set to null
or undefined
, then the shell
DOM node is considered. If the shell
DOM node is not present, then the root node is considered. If no root node is present, then the HTML is inserted at the bottom of the document's body.
This method always builds the HTML for a widget instance and does not consider the value of the instance's built
state property. Moreover, after this method has been called, the built
state property will be set to true
myWidget.buildHtml (alternateTemplateInputOBJ);
When the optional alternateTemplateInputOBJ
parameter is specified, then the object specified by this parameter will be used as the input for the HTML generator, rather than the current state of the instance's state properties.
see also the shell and root node DOM nodes |
compare to the insertUi and insertOrWireUi instance methods |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.5. callInherited
Returns a function, being a caller for the specified instance method, as inherited from the widget's parent chain.
callerFUNC = myInstance.callInherited (methodNameSTR);
Once you have a caller function for calling an instance method inherited from up the parent chain, then you can call it and pass parameters as if you were calling that method on the instance that provides the method.
myWidget.callInherited ('useDialog') ({ widgetClassName:'MyNamespace.SomeDialogWidget', widgetProperties:{ name:'myDialog', title:'This is My Diaog, Hear it Roar' }, submitHandler:function (_confirmed) { // handle dialog being submitted (i.e. OK or CANCEL) } });
In the above example, myWidget
is a widget instance that is on a widget tree with a page widget instance (an instance of Uize.Widget.Page
, or a subclass of it) at the root. The Uize.Widget.Page
class implements a useDialog
instance method. Now, even though the widget class of the myWidget
instance doesn't implement a useDialog
instance method, and even though it isn't a subclass of Uize.Widget.Page
and, therefore, doesn't inherit the implementation from the page widget class, the callInherited
instance method is able to "locate" the provider of this method up the parent widget chain and returns a function that will call the method as an instance method on its provider.
see also the getProvider , getInherited , and setInherited instance methods |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.6. childHtml
Returns the HTML for a child widget that can then be inserted into the HTML for the widget.
childHtml = myInstance.childHtml (childPropertiesOBJ);
The childHtml
method is intended primarily for use within the HTML generator (usually a JST template or an htmlt template) for a widget.
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.7. childId
Returns the ID prefix of a child widget with the specified childNameSTR
childIdPrefixSTR = myWidget.childId (childNameSTR);
var childIdPrefix = mySlider.childId ('child');
Assuming an idPrefix
of "page_slider"
, the example would return "page_slider_child"
See related addChild instance method in Uize.Widget |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.8. confirm
Lets you obtain user confirmation through a decorated HTML dialog.
myWidget.confirm (paramOBJ);
{ title:titleSTR, // text to display in dialog's title bar (optional) message:messageSTR, // message to display in dialog's content area yesHandler:yesFUNC, // handler for user clicking "ok" noHandler:noFUNC, // handler for user clicking "cancel" or close button callback:callbackFUNC, // handler for user dismissing dialog (ok *or* cancel) // IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT... state:stateSTR, // info, warning, error, confirm, success (optional) okText:okTextSTR, // text for the ok button of the dialog (optional) cancelText:cancelTextSTR // text for the cancel button of the dialog (optional) }
4.8.1. How It Works
Strictly speaking, the parameters supported by the paramsOBJ
parameter are determined by the specific implementation of confirm. Technically, what happens when the confirm
instance method is called is that the widget finds the nearest parent up the parent chain that provides an implementation for the showConfirm
instance method.
Typically, showConfirm
is implemented at the page widget level, but it can also be overrided by parent widgets closer to the widget on which the confirm
instance method is called. If no showConfirm
implementation is provided, anywhere up the parent chain, then the browser's default confirm global function
is used.
Because a decorated HTML implementation is asynchronous in its behavior, the call to the confirm
instance method cannot expect the confirmation value to be returned to it as a result, so the confirmation logic must be coded asynchronously by providing callback handlers - even in the case where this class resorts to using the built-in confirm global function
You can provide callback handlers for either or both of the yes and no states, using the yesHandler
and noHandler
parameters, respectively, or you can provide a generic handler through the callback
parameter, where your callback will be called with a single parameter that represents the confirmation value.
myWidget.confirm ({ title:'Confirm Delete', message:'Are you sure you would like to delete the selected items?', okText:'YES, DELETE', cancelText:'NO, DON\'T DELETE', yesHandler:function () {myWidget.deleteSelected ()} });
see also the companion inform instance method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.9. displayNode
Lets you display or hide the specified DOM node, using the display
CSS style property.
myWidget.displayNode (nodeSTRorBLOB,mustDisplayANYTYPE);
While typically a Boolean, the mustDisplayANYTYPE
parameter can be of any type and the node will be displayed if it resolves to true
, and hidden if it resolves to false
- with the exception of undefined
, when the node will be displayed (see explanation below).
myWidget.displayNode (nodeSTRorBLOB);
When no mustDisplayANYTYPE
parameter is specified (or when its value is undefined
), the node will be displayed.
compare to the showNode instance method |
compare to the Uize.Dom.Basics.display static method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.10. fire
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.11. flushNodeCache
Flushes the cached reference to the specified DOM node, or all cached node references, from the widget instance's node cache.
myWidget.flushNodeCache (nodeSTR);
myWidget.flushNodeCache ();
When no nodeSTR
parameter is specified, the entire node cache for the widget instance will be flushed. This will not affect the functioning of a widget that has already been wired up, but may incur a very small performance cost the next time that operations on DOM nodes are performed.
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.12. get
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.13. getContainer
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.14. getHtml
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.15. getInherited
Returns the value for the specified state property, as inherited from the widget's parent chain.
inheritedANYTYPE = myWidget.getInherited (setGetPropertySTR);
If a value other than 'inherit'
or undefined
is set for the specified state property of the instance, then the property's value will be returned. Otherwise, this method will walk up the parent widget chain until a widget is found that has a value other than 'inherit'
or undefined
set for this state property. If none is found, then the value undefined
will be returned.
see also the callInherited , getProvider , and setInherited instance methods |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.16. getNode
Returns a reference to the specified DOM node of the widget, or an array of references to the specified blob of DOM nodes.
nodeOBJ = myWidget.getNode (nodeSTRorBLOB);
var sliderKnob = mySlider.getNode ('knob');
Returns the "knob" DOM node of the slider widget.
var sliderRootNode = mySlider.getNode ();
Returns the root node of the slider widget.
The nodeSTRorBLOB parameter can be a string specifying the name of the DOM node, or an object reference to the DOM node. When a reference is specified, it is simply returned. |
When the nodeSTRorBLOB parameter has a value of null , then the value null is returned. |
When the nodeSTRorBLOB parameter has a value of undefined or is not specified, then the root node of the widget is returned. This has the same effect as specifying the empty string. (i.e. getNode () is equivalent to getNode ('') ) |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.17. getNodeStyle
Returns the value of the specified style property (or style properties) for the specified DOM node.
propertyValueSTR = myWidget.getNodeStyle (nodeSTRorOBJ,propertyNameSTR);
stylePropertiesOBJ = myWidget.getNodeStyle (nodeSTRorOBJ,stylePropertiesOBJ);
In order to get the values for multiple style properties in a single call, a style properties object can be specified using the stylePropertiesOBJ
parameter. The value for this parameter should be an object, where each key is the name of a style property. The values for the individual properties in this object are not important - you can use any dummy values you like.
myWidget2.setNodeStyle ( 'title', myWidget1.getNodeStyle ('title',{borderWidth:0,borderColor:0}) );
When provided with a stylePropertiesOBJ
parameter, the getNodeStyle
method returns a value that is a style properties object, and this object can then be supplied to the setNodeStyle
instance method. In the above example, values of the borderWidth
and borderColor
CSS style properties are being "copied" from the "title" DOM node of myWidget1
to the "title" DOM node of myWidget2
see also the companion setNodeStyle instance method |
compare to the Uize.Dom.Basics.getStyle and Uize.Dom.Basics.setStyle static methods |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.18. getNodeValue
Returns a string or boolean value, representing the value of the specified DOM node of the widget instance.
nodeValueSTRorBOOL = myWidget.getNodeValue (nodeSTRorOBJ);
This method uses the Uize.Dom.Basics.getValue
static method in its implementation. For more details, consult the reference for the Uize.Dom.Basics
see the corresponding setNodeValue instance method |
compare to the Uize.Dom.Basics.getValue static method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.19. getProvider
Returns a reference to the nearest widget instance up the parent widget chain that provides a value for the specified state property.
providerWidgetOBJ = myWidget.getProvider (setGetPropertySTR);
If a value other than 'inherit'
or undefined
is set for the specified state property of the instance, then a reference to the instance will be returned. Otherwise, this method will walk up the parent widget chain until a widget is found that has a value other than 'inherit'
or undefined
set for this state property. If none is found, then the value undefined
will be returned.
see also the callInherited , getInherited , and setInherited instance methods |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.20. globalizeNode
myWidget.globalizeNode (nodeSTRorBLOB);
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.21. inform
Lets you provide information to the user in a decorated HTML dialog.
myWidget.inform (paramOBJ);
{ title:titleSTR, // text to display in dialog's title bar (optional) message:messageSTR, // message to display in dialog's content area callback:callbackFUNC, // handler for user dismissing dialog (ok *or* cancel) // IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT... state:stateSTR, // info, warning, error, confirm, success (optional) okText:okTextSTR // text for the ok button of the dialog (optional) }
4.21.1. How It Works
Strictly speaking, the parameters supported by the paramsOBJ
parameter are determined by the specific implementation of inform. Technically, what happens when the inform
instance method is called is that the widget finds the nearest parent up the parent chain that provides an implementation for the showInform
instance method.
Typically, showInform
is implemented at the page widget level, but it can also be overrided by parent widgets closer to the widget on which the inform
instance method is called. If no showInform
implementation is provided, anywhere up the parent chain, then the browser's default alert global function
is used.
Because a decorated HTML implementation is asynchronous in its behavior, the inform logic must be coded asynchronously by providing a callback handler through the callback
parameter - even in the case where this class resorts to using the built-in alert global function
myWidget.inform ({ title:'Items Deleted', message:'The items that you selected have been successfully deleted.', okText:'OK' callback:function () { // continuation code } });
see also the companion confirm instance method |
no "cancel" button is shown for information dialogs |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.22. injectNodeHtml
Lets you inject the specified HTML markup into the specified DOM node, using the specified injection mode.
myWidget.injectNodeHtml (nodeSTRorBLOB,htmlSTR,injectModeSTR);
This method uses the Uize.Dom.Basics.injectHtml
static method in its implementation. For more details and for a more in-depth discussion of the supported injection modes and how they behave, consult the reference for the Uize.Dom.Basics
myWidget.injectNodeHtml (nodeSTRorBLOB,htmlSTR);
When no injectModeSTR
parameter is specified, then the default injection mode 'inner bottom'
will be used.
compare to the setNodeInnerHtml instance method |
compare to the Uize.Dom.Basics.injectHtml static method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.23. insertOrWireUi
Calls either the wireUi
or insertUi
instance method, depending on the value of the built
state property.
myWidget.insertOrWireUi ();
If built
is set to true
at the time that insertOrWireUi
is called, then the wireUi
method will be called. Otherwise, the insertUi
method will be called. When you're dealing with widgets where the UI may or may not already be built, and the value of the built
property is not guaranteed to be known, then the insertOrWireUi
method provides a convenient conditional behavior so that you don't have to always write such conditional logic in your application or widget code.
see the related insertUi and wireUi instance methods |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.24. insertUi
Inserts the UI for an instance by calling the buildHtml
instance method, and then wires the instance's UI by calling the wireUi
myWidget.insertUi ();
The insertUi
method always first builds the instance's UI, regardless of the value of the built
state property. To conditionally build an instance's UI before wiring it, taking into account the value of the built
property, use the insertOrWireUi
instance method.
see the related insertOrWireUi and wireUi instance methods |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.25. is
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.26. isMet
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.27. kill
Overrides the kill
method of the Uize.Class
base class to call the kill
method on all of an instance's child widgets.
myWidget.kill ();
this is an override of an inherited feature (implementation is in this module, first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.28. localize
Returns a string value, representing the localized version of the specified resource string or function.
localizedSTR = myWidget.localize (resourceIdSTR,substitutionsARRAYorOBJ);
When an array is specified for the substitutionsARRAYorOBJ
parameter, the values in the array will be substituted for the tokens {0}
, {1}
, {2}
, ..., {N}
, where N is the index of the last element in the array.
myWidget.set ({localized:{welcomeMessage:'Welcome, {0} of {1}, {2}'}}); var localWelcome = myWidget.localize ('welcomeMessage',['Chris','California','USA']);
The above example would produce the result 'Welcome, Chris of California, USA'
When an object is specified for the substitutionsARRAYorOBJ
parameter, then the keys (property names) of the object are assumed to be the token names.
myWidget.set ({localized:{welcomeMessage:'Welcome, {firstName} of {state}, {country}'}}); var localWelcome = myWidget.localize ( 'welcomeMessage', {firstName:'Chris',state:'California',country:'USA'} );
The above example would also produce the result 'Welcome, Chris of California, USA'
localizedSTR = myWidget.localize (resourceIdSTR,substitutionSTRorBOOLorNUM);
When a simple type substitutionSTRorBOOLorNUM
parameter is specified in place of a hash or array of multiple substitutions, then the specified simple type value will be substituted for the token {0}
myWidget.set ({localized:{welcomeMessage:'Welcome, {0}'}}); var localWelcome = myWidget.localize ('welcomeMessage','Chris');
The above example would produce the result 'Welcome, Chris'
localizedSTR = myWidget.localize (resourceIdSTR);
When no substitutionsARRAYorOBJ
or substitutionSTRorBOOLorNUM
parameter is specified, then no substitution will be performed - the localized resource string will be looked up and simply returned as is. If the localized resource is a function (see the section Function Type Resources), then it will simply be called with an undefined
value as its input parameter.
myWidget.set ({localized:{welcomeMessage:'Welcome'}}); var localWelcome = myWidget.localize ('welcomeMessage');
The above example would produce the result 'Welcome'
localizedSTR = myWidget.localize (resourceIdSTR,substitutionsANYTYPE,tokenNamingSTR);
When the optional tokenNamingSTR
parameter is specified, the syntax of the tokens that will be substituted can be controlled. This facility provides a lot of flexibility in how tokens are formatted inside localized resource strings. The value specified for the tokenNamingSTR
parameter should be a string containing the text 'KEY'
somewhere inside it, where that segment will be replaced with the name for a given key. So, for example, a value of '[KEY]'
for the tokenNamingSTR
parameter would produce the token name '[firstName]'
for the substitution key 'firstName'
. Consider the following example...
myWidget.set ({localized:{welcomeMessage:'Welcome, [firstName] of [state], [country]'}}); var localWelcome = myWidget.localize ( 'welcomeMessage', {firstName:'Chris',state:'California',country:'USA'}, '[KEY]' );
The above example would also produce the result 'Welcome, Chris of California, USA'
4.28.1. Providence
An important feature of the localize
method is its ability to go up the parent chain of a widget to find the nearest parent widget that provides a value for the specified resource in its localized
state property.
This allows localized resources to be declared with the top-most parent widget in a page - the page widget - if that is what proves most convenient for the application. Additionally, a parent widget might define a value for a localized resource which is overrided by a child widget's localized
resources map.
myWidget.parent.set ({localized:{welcomeMessage:'Welcome, {0} of {1}, {2}'}}); myWidget.set ({localized:{}}); var localWelcome = myWidget.localize ('welcomeMessage',['Chris','California','USA']);
The above example would still produce the result 'Welcome, Chris of California, USA'
, even though the localized resource string is not declared with the myWidget
instance, but its parent instead.
4.28.2. Function Type Resources
A simple yet powerful feature of the localize
method is its support for function type resources.
Typically, a localized resource will be a string. In some cases, such strings will have substitution tokens and the localize
method will need to be called with one or more substitution values. In exceptional cases, plain old token substitution may not be adequate and more sophisticated string construction may be necessary. In such cases, a function type resource can be used.
For a detailed discussion of this feature, complete with examples, consult the section Function Type Localized Resources of the guide JavaScript Localization.
see also the localized state property. |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.29. met
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.30. nodeId
Returns a string, representing the fully namespaced ID for the specified node of the widget.
nodeIdSTR = myInstance.nodeId (nodeNameSTR);
The nodeId
method is intended primarily for use within the HTML generator (usually a JST template) for a widget.
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.31. onChange
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.32. once
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.33. removeChild
The removeChild
instance method lets you remove a child widget from a widget.
myWidget.removeChild (childWidgetSTRorOBJ);
When using this method, the child widget to remove can be specified by its name, or by an object reference to it.
a state property matching the child widget name is marked as unmet in the addedChildren instance property |
see also the addChild instance method, and the children instance property |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.34. removeNode
Removes the specified DOM node (or nodes) from the DOM.
myWidget.removeNode (nodeSTRorBLOB);
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.35. removeUi
Unwires the UI of the widget, removes the widget's root node from the DOM, and calls this method on all the widget's child widgets.
myWidget.removeUi ();
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.36. set
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.37. setInherited
Allows us to set values for the specified state properties on the instance in the widget's parent chain from which the properties are inherited.
myWidget.setInherited (setGetPropertiesOBJ);
see also the callInherited , getProvider , and getInherited instance methods |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.38. setNodeClipRect
Sets the clip style property of the specified DOM node (or Node Blob
) of the widget instance, using the supplied rectangle coordinates.
myWidget.setNodeClipRect (nodeSTRorBLOB,leftINT,topINT,rightINT,bottomINT);
compare to the Uize.Dom.Basics.setClipRect static method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.39. setNodeInnerHtml
Set the innerHTML
property for the specified DOM node (or Node Blob
) to the specified HTML string.
myWidget.setNodeInnerHtml (nodeSTRorBLOB,htmlSTR);
This method uses the Uize.Dom.Basics.setInnerHtml
static method in its implementation. For more details, consult the reference for the Uize.Dom.Basics
page.setNodeInnerHtml ( 'priceShell', '<span class="priceAmount">Node' + (priceInCents / 100).toFixed (2) + '</span> );
compare to the injectNodeHtml instance method |
compare to the Uize.Dom.Basics.setInnerHtml static method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.40. setNodeOpacity
Sets the opacity (and, therefore, the transparency) of the specified DOM node (or nodes).
myWidget.setNodeOpacity (nodeSTRorBLOB,opacityFLOATorOBJ);
The value of the opacityFLOATorOBJ
parameter should be a number in the range of 0
to 1
, where 0
represents completely invisible, 1
represents completely opaque, and any fractional values inbetween represent varying degrees of transparency / opacity. Alternatively, if an instance of a Uize.Class
subclass is specified, then a value will be obtained by invoking the instance's valueOf Intrinsic Method
compare to the Uize.Dom.Basics.setOpacity static method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.41. setNodeProperties
Sets the specified properties for the specified DOM node (or nodes).
myWidget.setNodeProperties (nodeSTRorBLOB,propertiesOBJ);
myWidget.setNodeProperties ( 'thumbnail', { src:..., width:..., height:..., title:... } );
compare to the Uize.Dom.Basics.setProperties static method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.42. setNodeStyle
Sets values for an arbitrary set of style attributes for the specified DOM node (or nodes).
myWidget.setNodeStyle (nodeSTRorBLOB,propertyValueSTR);
myWidget.setNodeStyle ( 'selector', { display:'block', position:'absolute', visibility:'inherit', top:'100px' } );
When number type values are specified for CSS style properties, those values will be converted to strings by appending the "px" unit. When string type values are specified, the unit should already be present in the value. Instances of Uize.Class
subclasses can also be specified, and they will be converted to values by invoking their valueOf Intrinsic Method
. For a more detailed discussion, consult the reference for the Uize.Dom.Basics.setStyle
static method.
see also the companion getNodeStyle instance method |
compare to the Uize.Dom.Basics.getStyle and Uize.Dom.Basics.setStyle static methods |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.43. setNodeValue
Sets the value of the specified DOM node (or Node Blob
) of the widget instance.
myWidget.setNodeValue (nodeSTRorBLOB,valueSTRorBOOLorNUM);
This method uses the Uize.Dom.Basics.setValue
static method in its implementation. For more details, consult the reference for the Uize.Dom.Basics
you can use the setNodeValue instance method to set values on readonly form elements |
see the corresponding getNodeValue instance method |
the value parameter can be an object that implements a valueOf interface (such as an instance of a Uize.Class subclass that implements the value state property) |
compare to the Uize.Dom.Basics.setValue static method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.44. showConfirm
The implementation for a decorated confirmation dialog.
This method will be used when the confirm
instance method is called. This method is typically implemented at the page widget level, although it can also be implemented by child widgets at any level on the widget tree.
the initial value is undefined |
see the confirm instance method |
see also the companion showInform instance method |
4.45. showInform
The implementation for a decorated inform (i.e. alert) dialog.
This method will be used when the infom
instance method is called. This method is typically implemented at the page widget level, although it can also be implemented by child widgets at any level on the widget tree.
the initial value is undefined |
see the inform instance method |
see also the companion showConfirm instance method |
4.46. showNode
Lets you show or hide the specified DOM node, using the visibility
CSS style property.
myWidget.showNode (nodeSTRorBLOB,mustShowANYTYPE);
While typically a Boolean, the mustShowANYTYPE
parameter can be of any type and the node will be shown if it resolves to true
, and hidden if it resolves to false
- with the exception of undefined
, when the node will be shown (see explanation below).
myWidget.displayNode (mustShowANYTYPE);
When no mustShowANYTYPE
parameter is specified (or when its value is undefined
), the node will be shown.
compare to the displayNode instance method |
compare to the static method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.47. toggle
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.48. unmet
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.49. unwire
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.50. unwireNode
Lets you unwire one or more event handlers for the specified DOM node.
myWidget.unwireNode (nodeSTRorBLOB,eventNameSTR,eventHandlerFUNC);
function clickHandler1 () {alert ('foo')} function clickHandler2 () {alert ('bar')} myWidget.wireNode ('','click',clickHandler1); myWidget.wireNode ('','click',clickHandler2); myWidget.unwireNode ('','click',clickHandler1);
The above example would unwire only the clickHandler1
handler for the click
event of the myWidget
instance's root node. So, after the above code has been executed, clicking on the root node of myWidget
would produce only one alert dialog displaying the text "bar" (so long, foo).
myWidget.unwireNode (nodeSTRorBLOB,eventNameSTR);
When no eventHandlerFUNC
parameter is specified, then all handlers wired for the specified event of the specified DOM node of the widget instance will be unwired.
myWidget.unwireNode ('','click');
The above example would unwire all handlers for the click
event of the myWidget
instance's root node.
myWidget.unwireNode (nodeSTRorBLOB,eventNamesToHandlersMapOBJ);
When the eventNamesToHandlersMapOBJ
parameter is specified in place of the eventNameSTR
and eventHandlerFUNC
parameters, then this method has the effect of iterating through the event-name-to-handler mappings in the eventNamesToHandlersMapOBJ
object and unwiring the handler for each mapping.
The contents of the eventNamesToHandlersMapOBJ
object must be of the form...
{ event1Name:event1HandlerFUNC, event2Name:event2HandlerFUNC, ... eventNName:eventNHandlerFUNC }
function mouseoverHandler () {alert ('mouseover')} function mouseoutHandler () {alert ('mouseout')} function clickHandler () {alert ('click')} myWidget.wireNode ( '', { mouseover:mouseoverHandler, mouseout:mouseoutHandler, click:clickHandler } ); myWidget.unwireNode ( '', { mouseover:mouseoverHandler, mouseout:mouseoutHandler } );
In the above example, handlers are being wired to the mouseover
, mouseout
, and click
events of the widget's root node. Then the handlers for the mouseover
and mouseout
events are being unwired, leaving only the handler that was wired to the click
myWidget.unwireNode (nodeSTRorBLOB);
When no eventNameSTR
or eventHandlerFUNC
parameters are specified, then all handlers wired for all events of the specified DOM node of the widget instance will be unwired.
myWidget.unwireNode ('');
The above example would unwire all handlers for all events of the myWidget
instance's root node.
myWidget.unwireNode ();
When no parameters are specified, then all event handlers wired for the entire widget instance will be unwired.
This method only unwires event handlers that have been wired by the widget instance on which this method is called. Event handlers that may have been wired for the same node(s) by other widget instances or application code are not unwired.
see the companion wireNode instance method |
compare to the unwireNodeEventsByMatch instance method |
compare to the Uize.Dom.Basics.unwire static method of the Uize.Dom.Basics module |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.51. unwireNodeEventsByMatch
Lets you unwire one or more event handlers for the specified DOM node, using a wiring match object.
myWidget.unwireNodeEventsByMatch (nodeSTRorBLOB,wiringtMatchOBJ);
The wiringtMatchOBJ
parameter is an object of the form...
{ eventName:eventNameSTR, // name of event to unwire (optional, all if not specified) handler:eventHandlerFUNC // handler to unwire (optional, all if not specified) }
myWidget.unwireNodeEventsByMatch ('',{eventName:'click'});
The above example would unwire all handlers for the click
event of the myWidget
instance's root node.
myWidget.unwireNodeEventsByMatch (nodeSTRorBLOB);
When no wiringtMatchOBJ
parameter is specified, all handlers wired for all events of the specified DOM node of the widget instance will be unwired.
myWidget.unwireNodeEventsByMatch ('preview');
The above example would unwire all handlers for all events of the myWidget
instance's 'preview' DOM node.
myWidget.unwireNodeEventsByMatch ();
When no parameters are specified, then all event handlers wired for the entire widget instance will be unwired.
This method only unwires event handlers that have been wired by the widget instance on which this method is called. Event handlers that may have been wired for the same node(s) by other widget instances or application code are not unwired.
see the related wireNode instance method |
compare to the unwireNode instance method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.52. unwireUi
Unwires all the events associated to the instance and all of its child widgets. After this method has been called, the wired
state property will be set to false
myWidget.unwireUi ();
see also the wireUi instance method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.53. updateUi
Not implemented in this class, this method is intended to be overrided / implemented in a subclass.
myWidget.updateUi ();
The updateUi
method is called on the instance as the last step of this class' wireUi
method implementation. The updateUi
method should perform any DOM updates necessary in order that the UI correctly reflect the widget's state.
4.53.1. Child Widgets
It is generally not necessary for the implementation of this method to invoke updates on child widgets, unless the child widgets are used to represent some aspects of the widget's state and may have become out of sync with that state. Typically, state of a widget that is reflected using its child widgets is set on those child widgets whenever that state changes using private update handlers that are more granular than the updateUi
method. It might be desirable in one's implementation to break granular update code out into private methods so that this code can be called for those state changes as well as from the updateUi
method's implementation.
although this method currently has no implementation in this class, it is suggested that subclasses call this method on their superclass as the last step in their implementation, as this method may someday perform other operations in this class |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.54. valueOf
this is an override of an inherited feature (implementation is in this module, first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.55. whenever
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.56. wire
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
4.57. wireNode
Wires the specified handler function to the specified event, or the specified handlers to the specified events, of the specified DOM node (or Node Blob
) of the widget instance.
myWidget.wireNode (nodeSTRorBLOB,eventNameSTR,eventHandlerFUNC);
myWidget.wireNode ( '', 'click', function () { // do something } );
In the above example, a handler is being wired to the click
event of the widget's root node.
myWidget.wireNode (nodeSTRorBLOB,eventNamesToHandlersMapOBJ);
When the eventNamesToHandlersMapOBJ
parameter is specified in place of the eventNameSTR
and eventHandlerFUNC
parameters, then this method has the effect of iterating through the event-name-to-handler mappings in the eventNamesToHandlersMapOBJ
object and wiring the handler for each mapping.
The contents of the eventNamesToHandlersMapOBJ
object must be of the form...
{ event1Name:event1HandlerFUNC, event2Name:event2HandlerFUNC, ... eventNName:eventNHandlerFUNC }
myWidget.wireNode ( '', { mouseover: function () { // do something }, mouseout: function () { // do something }, click:function () { // do something } } );
In the above example, handlers are being wired to the mouseover
, mouseout
, and click
events of the widget's root node.
see the companion unwireNode instance method |
compare to the Uize.Dom.Basics.wire static method of the Uize.Dom.Basics module |
this feature was introduced in this module |
4.58. wireUi
Wires the widget's UI.
After the UI has been wired, all of the widget's child widgets are wired by calling this method on each of them. Finally, the widget's UI is updated through a call to the updateUi
instance method, which also has the effect of updating the UI of all child widgets down the widget tree.
When creating a subclass of Uize.Widget, this method should be overrided according to the following structure...
_class.instanceMethods ({ wireUi:function () { var m = this; if (!m.isWired) { // do a // whole bunch // of wiring _superclass.doMy (m,'wireUi'); } } });
...where _superclass
is the superclass from which the new widget class is being subclassed.
if the widget's UI has already been wired, this method has no effect. | |
see also the wired state property |
see also the updateUi and unwireUi instance methods |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5. State Properties
5.1. built
A boolean, indicating whether or not a specific child widget's UI has already been built and inserted into the DOM by the time that its parent widget wires up the child widgets.
the initial value is true |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.2. busy
A boolean, indicating whether or not the widget is busy.
The busy state can be useful when a complex set of processes needs to be performed and user interaction with certain widgets needs to be blocked during that time. Widgets that are in a busy state should not allow user interaction. It is up to an individual widget class to provide its own implementation for the busy state.
the initial value is false |
this state property has a significantly different effect to the enabled state property |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.3. busyInherited
A boolean, indicating whether or not the instance is busy. A widget subclass can use this state property when performing UI updates in order to reflect a busy state.
This property will be true
if the busy
state property is set to true
, or if busy
is set to 'inherit'
and the value inherited from up the parent chain resolves to true
. If an inherited value resolves to inherit
, then this property will be set to false
the initial value is false |
see also the busy state property |
see also the getInherited instance method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.4. busyParentTickle
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.5. children
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.6. children
A special state property that provides a way to distribute widget properties to any or all of the widget's child widgets, or even child widgets of the widget's child widgets - all the way down to the deepest child widgets in the widget's widget tree.
For a detailed discussion of the children
state property, consult the JavaScript Widgets guide and read through specifically the section entitled "The children State Property".
see also the companion children instance property | |
see also the related parent state property |
5.7. container
A string, representing the ID of a container node, or an object reference to a container node, into which the HTML for a widget should be inserted when the insertUi
instance method is called.
the initial value is undefined |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.8. enabled
A boolean, specifying whether or not the widget is enabled.
The enabled state can be useful when a complex set of processes needs to be performed and user interaction with certain widgets needs to be blocked during that time. Widgets that are not in an enabled state (i.e. disabled) should not allow user interaction. It is up to an individual widget class to provide its own implementation for the enabled state.
the initial value is true |
this state property has a significantly different effect to the busy state property |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.9. enabledInherited
A boolean, indicating whether or not the instance is enabled. A widget subclass can use this state property when performing UI updates in order to reflect a disabled state.
This property will be set to true
if the enabled
state property is set to true
, or if enabled
is set to 'inherit'
and the inherited value resolves to either 'inherit'
or true
the initial value is true |
see also the enabled state property |
see also the getInherited instance method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.10. enabledParentTickle
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.11. html
A string, function, object, or boolean value, specifying the HTML that should be inserted into the document by the insertUi
instance method.
5.11.1. Values Types
The following value types are supported for the html
state property... String
Lets you specify a template string for the HTML of a widget.
A string value specified for this property may contain tokens of the form [#setGetPropertyName]
, which will be substituted by the values of the corresponding state properties of the widget. Function
Lets you specify a generator function for a widget's markup.
A function that you register as an HTML generator for your widget using the html
state property should expect to receive one parameter, being an object containing the HTML generator input. The function should return either a string, being the generated HTML markup for the widget, or a DOM node or array of DOM nodes. While the generator function can use the values in the HTML generator input object when constructing the HTML for the widget, the string returned by the function may also contain tokens of the form [#setGetPropertyName]
, which will be substituted by the values of the corresponding state properties of the widget. Object
Lets you supply a JavaScript Template Module as the HTML generator for a widget.
When specifying an object for this property, the object should contain a process
property that is a generator function. That generator function should expect to receive one parameter, being an object containing the HTML generator input. The function should return a string, being the generated HTML markup for the widget. The string returned will not be processed any further and will be inserted into the document as is, so it is the reponsibility of the generator function in this case to stitch in any values it cares to from the HTML generator input.
Now, typically an object specified for the html
state property will be a JavaScript Template Module, but you can supply any object - the only requirement is that it have a process
property that is a generator function. Since the function type value for the html
state property results in the string returned by the function being processed further with token substitution, using the object type is one way to dodge that extra processing if it's not desired - without actually having to create a full-blown JavaScript Template Module.
myWidget.set ({html:myWidgetHtmlGeneratorFunction});
myWidget.set ({html:{process:myWidgetHtmlGeneratorFunction}}); Boolean
Lets you embed a JavaScript Template inside a widget's markup, which will then be used for generating the widget's UI.
When the boolean value true
is set for this property, and if the Uize.Template
module is loaded, then the Uize.Widget
class will attempt to find a script
tag inside the container, shell, or root node of the widget with the type "text/jst" (JavaScript Template). If such a script
tag is found, then its contents will be compiled by the Uize.Template
module and the resulting JST module will be set on the html
state property.
5.11.2. HTML Generator Input
When a generator function is called, it is supplied with an object that contains the current state of the state properties for the widget instance.
This allows the generator function to use any - or all - of the state properties when constructing the HTML for a specific instance of the widget.
In addition to the state property values, the HTML Generator Input object also contains the two special properties pathToResources
and blankGif
, where pathToResources
is set to the value of the Uize.pathToResources
static property, and blankGif
is set to the result from calling the Uize.Widget.getBlankImageUrl
static method.
These special path properties allow widgets to generate HTML that references assets that are located in directories relative to the JavaScript modules that implement the widgets.
the initial value is undefined |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.12. idPrefix
A string, specifying the ID prefix to be used when resolving DOM nodes and child widgets to DOM node references.
see the related idPrefixConstruction state property |
the initial value is undefined |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.13. idPrefixConstruction
A string, specifying the mode of construction of the value for the idPrefix
state property.
The value of the idPrefixConstruction
property is used when the value of the idPrefix
property is constructed. This happens either at the time that a widget is added as a child widget of a parent widget using the addChild
instance method, or when the idPrefix
value of a child widget's parent widget is modified after it has already been added as a child.
'same as parent' - When idPrefixConstruction is set to 'same as parent' , the idPrefix property will be set to the value of a widget's parent widget whenever the idPrefix value needs to be constructed. |
'concatenated' - When idPrefixConstruction is set to 'concatenated' , the idPrefix property will be constructed using the idPrefix value of a widget's parent widget as a prefix, and using the value of the widget's name property as a suffix, with the prefix and suffix separated by a "_" (underscore) character. For example, if a button widget has the name 'selectAll' , and its parent widget has the idPrefix value of 'page_collection' , then the idPrefix value produced for the button widget using this idPrefixConstruction mode would be 'page_collection_selectAll' . |
'explicit' - When idPrefixConstruction is set to 'explicit' , an explicit value specified for a widget's idPrefix property will be used throughout the lifetime of the widget, and the idPrefix will not be otherwise derived. |
undefined (the default value) - When idPrefixConstruction is set to undefined , the behavior for the value 'concatenated' will be used (i.e. the value undefined is equivalent to the value 'concatenated' ). |
see the related idPrefix state property |
the initial value is undefined (equivalent to the value 'concatenated' ) |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.14. insertionMode
A string, specifying the injection mode that should be used when inserting the HTML for a widget into the page.
This property works in conjunction with the built
, container
, and html
state properties. If the value for the built
property is true
for a widget instance, then insertionMode
is not applicable. But if the value for built
is false
, then the HTML generated using the html
state property will be injected into a container node specified by the container
state property (or the shell
DOM node, or the root node of the widget instance, or the document's body, whichever is non-null) using the mode specified by insertionMode
page.addChild ( 'quantitySlider', Uize.Widget.Bar.Slider, { html:MySiteNamespace.Templates.Slider, built:false, container:Uize.Dom.Basics.getById ('quantityUiShell'), insertionMode:'inner bottom' } );
In the above example, an instance of the Uize.Widget.Bar.Slider
class will have its HTML generated by the template module MySiteNamespace.Templates.Slider
and then inserted into the container node quantityUiShell
, using the 'inner bottom'
insertion mode. This means that if the quantityUiShell
node already contained contents, that contents will not be replaced by insertion of the widget's HTML, but the widget's HTML will be inserted at the bottom - under the existing contents.
5.14.1. Values
The possible values for the insertionMode
state property are the same as the valid values for the injectModeSTR
parameter of the Uize.Dom.Basics.injectHtml
static method: 'inner bottom'
, 'inner top'
, 'outer bottom'
, 'outer top'
, 'inner replace'
, and 'outer replace'
. For a more in-depth discussion of insertion modes and how they behave, consult the reference for the Uize.Dom.Basics.injectHtml
static method.
If the value of the insertionMode
state property is null
, undefined
, or an empty string, then an insertion mode is chosen automatically based upon the node that the HTML is being inserted into: 'inner replace'
if a container node is specified, and 'inner bottom'
into the document body if no container node is specified or if the document body is specified for the container.
the initial value is undefined (which results in default auto behavior) |
see also the built , container , and html state properties |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.15. localized
An object which, if defined, lets you specify localized strings that can be accessed using the localized
instance method.
myWidget.set ({ localized:{welcomeMessage:'Welcome, {firstName} of {state}, {country}'} }); var localWelcome = myWidget.localize ( 'welcomeMessage', {firstName:'Chris',state:'California',country:'USA'} );
The above example would produce the result 'Welcome, Chris of California, USA'
the initial value is undefined |
see also the localize instance method |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.16. name
A read-only string, specifying the name of the widget if it is added as a child widget of another widget by calling the addChild
instance method on that other widget.
The value of this property is set for an instance when the instance is added as a child widget of another widget instance. The value is read-only and is not intended to be set later.
this property is read-only | |
the initial value is undefined |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.17. nodeMap
An object which, if defined, lets you provide override mappings for DOM nodes. Each property's name-value pair is a single DOM node mapping, where the property name is the natural name (as implemented in the widget subclass) for the DOM node, and where the property value is the override (which can be either an alternate node name, or an actual node reference).
the initial value is undefined |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.18. parent
A reference to the instance's parent, if the instance has been added as a child widget of another widget by calling the addChild
instance method on that other widget.
The value of this property is set for an instance when the instance is added as a child widget of another widget instance. The value is not intended to be set directly, but will be modified if the instance is removed from its parent by calling the removeChild
instance method on the parent widget.
the initial value is undefined |
see also the related children instance property |
this feature was introduced in this module |
5.19. wired
A boolean, indicating whether or not the widget's UI has been wired up. This property is set to true
after the wireUi
instance method has been called on a widget and all its child widgets.
the initial value is false |
see also the isWired instance property |
this feature was introduced in this module |
6. Static Methods
6.1. Uize.Widget.alphastructor
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.2. Uize.Widget.declare
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.3. Uize.Widget.doMy
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.4. Uize.Widget.dualContextMethods
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.5. Uize.Widget.dualContextProperties
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.7. Uize.Widget.get
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.8. Uize.Widget.getBlankImageUrl
Returns a string, representing the relative path from the current document to the "blank.gif" image resource that is available to all Uize.Widget
subclasses that may need it in generating HTML markup, or in building or manipulating DOM nodes.
blankImageUrlSTR = Uize.Widget.getBlankImageUrl ();
this feature was introduced in this module | |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.9. Uize.Widget.instanceMethods
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.10. Uize.Widget.instanceProperties
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.11. Uize.Widget.mixins
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.12. Uize.Widget.omegastructor
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.13. Uize.Widget.set
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.14. Uize.Widget.singleton
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.15. Uize.Widget.spawn
Spawns a number of widgets using the specified state property values, attaches them as children to the specified parent widget, and returns the spawned widgets as an array.
widgetsARRAY = Uize.Widget.spawn (propertiesOBJ,parentWidgetOBJ);
widgetsARRAY = Uize.Widget.spawn (propertiesOBJ);
When no parentWidgetOBJ
parameter is specified, the spawned widgets are not added as children of any parent widget and are wired immediately by calling their wireUi
instance method.
6.15.1. Called on Subclasses
The Uize.Widget.spawn
static method is inherited by subclasses of Uize.Widget
and spawns instances of the class on which it is called, so it is not typically called on the Uize.Widget
class but rather on a specific widget class.
6.15.2. The propertiesOBJ Parameter
The propertiesOBJ
parameter is an object, containing values for the state properties of the widget class of which instances are being spawned.
Besides the required idPrefix
property (see Special Meaning of idPrefix), the propertiesOBJ
parameter may contain values for any of the other state properties of the widget class on which this method is being called.
6.15.3. Special Meaning of idPrefix
The number of widgets spawned is determined by the value of the "idPrefix" property in the propertiesOBJ
A value for "idPrefix" must be specified, otherwise the Uize.Widget.spawn
method will not work correctly. The value of this property identifies one or more DOM nodes for which the widget instances should be spawned, and may be a DOM node reference, a string representing the id
of a DOM node, an array of DOM node references, or a find expression object that will be used with the Uize.Dom.Basics.find
static method to find the DOM nodes.
Once the value of the "idPrefix" property has been resolved to one or more DOM nodes, an instance of the widget class on which the method is called will be created for each of the DOM nodes. For each widget instance that is created, the actual idPrefix
value for the instance will be derived from the id
attribute of the DOM node for which the instance is being created. For this reason, the DOM nodes represented by the "idPrefix" property should be the root nodes for the widget instances that will be spawned.
6.15.4. Child Widget Naming
When spawned widgets are added as child widgets of a specified parent widget, the names of the child widget are - if possible - derived using the value of the idPrefix
state property of the parent widget and the value of the id
attribute for the DOM node for which a widget instance is being spawned.
For example, if the id
attribute of a DOM node for which a widget is to be spawned has the value "page_item0", and if the parent widget of the spawned widget is a page widget instance with the idPrefix
value of 'page'
, then the spawned widget will be added as the child named "item0".
6.15.5. An Example
Let's look at an example of how the Uize.Widget.spawn
static method can be used...
Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming.spawn ( { idPrefix:{root:'thumbnails',tagName:'A',className:'thumbnail'}, previewZoomUrl:function () {return this.get ('previewUrl')}, zoomPower:2.5 }, page );
In the above example, instances of the Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming
widget class are being spawned - one for each of the nodes obtained by evaluating the find expression object {root:'thumbnails',tagName:'A',className:'thumbnail'}
Besides the idPrefix
value here that identifies the DOM nodes for which the Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming
instances should be created, the values specified for the previewZoomUrl
and zoomPower
state properties of this widget class are common for all instances that are spawned. Finally, the parentWidgetOBJ
parameter is used here to attach the spawned instances as children of a page widget instance.
the widget adoption mechanism implemented in the Uize.Widget.Page class supports a declaration syntax for spawning widgets |
this feature was introduced in this module | |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.16. Uize.Widget.stateProperties
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.17. Uize.Widget.staticMethods
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.18. Uize.Widget.staticProperties
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.19. Uize.Widget.subclass
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.20. Uize.Widget.toggle
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.21. Uize.Widget.treeInheritedStateProperties
this feature was introduced in this module | |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.22. Uize.Widget.unwire
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
6.23. Uize.Widget.wire
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
7. Static Properties
7.1. Uize.Widget.busyParentTickle
this feature was introduced in this module | |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
7.2. Uize.Widget.enabledParentTickle
this feature was introduced in this module | |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
7.3. Uize.Widget.isWired
this feature was introduced in this module | |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
7.4. Uize.Widget.mBindings
this feature was introduced in this module | |
this static feature is not inherited by subclasses |
7.5. Uize.Widget.moduleName
this is an override of an inherited feature (implementation is in this module, first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
7.6. Uize.Widget.nonInheritableStatics
this is an override of an inherited feature (implementation is in this module, first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is not inherited by subclasses |
7.7. Uize.Widget.pathToResources
Inherited from Uize.Class
this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class , first introduced in Uize.Class ) |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |
7.8. Uize.Widget.undefined
this feature was introduced in this module | |
this static feature is inherited by subclasses |