UIZE JavaScript Framework

MODULES Uize.Widget.Calendar

1. Introduction

The Uize.Widget.Calendar class implements a calendar widget that supports selecting a date within a given date range, with month and year navigation.

DEVELOPERS: Jan Borgersen, Chris van Rensburg

1.1. Key Features

The Uize.Widget.Calendar module provides the following key features...

Valid Date Range - You can configure a valid date range to limit the date range within which the user can select dates.
Navigation Buttons - Month and year navigation buttons let the user navigate the calendar to a different month or year in order to select a date.
Navigation Button State Management - The enabled states of the month and year navigation buttons are managed so that they are disabled when their action would take the view outside of a configured valid date range.
Date Grid - A date grid, with links for every day of the month, lets the user select a date.
Snap View Behavior - A snap view behavior ensures that the date is in view and that the view is not outside of the valid date range after the values of the value, minValue, or maxValue state properties are changed programmatically.
Flexibility in specifying date values - Flexibility in how dates can be specified when setting values for the value, minValue, and maxValue state properties lets you specify dates in any of the ways supported by the Uize.Date.resolve method.

1.2. Implemented Interfaces

The Uize.Widget.Calendar implements the following JavaScript interfaces...

Value Interface - This class implements a value state property and, therefore, it implements the value interface.
Value Range Interface - This class implements minValue and maxValue state properties and, therefore, it implements the value range interface.

1.3. Valid Date Range

The Uize.Widget.Calendar module supports the ability to limit the date range within which the user can select dates.

It does this by providing the minValue and maxValue state properties, where the minValue property specifies the start date of the valid date range, and the maxValue property specifies the end date of the range.

1.3.1. Upper and Lower Bounds

When dates are specified for both the minValue and maxValue state properties, then date selection can be constrained to a bounded date range - the user will not be able to select a date outside of this range.


page.addChild (

In the above example, the user will be able to select a date only in the 21st century - not in the 20th century or earlier, and not in the 22nd century or beyond. Using Uize.Date.getRangeAround

When supplying values for the minValue and maxValue state properties, it may be useful to use static methods of the Uize.Date module to more easily create logical date ranges.

One particularly useful method of the Uize.Date module is the Uize.Date.getRangeAround method, which will generate a "neat" date range of the specified range size around the specified date, such as the week around a specified date, the month around a date, the quarter around a date, the year around a date, etc.


page.addChild ('calendar',Uize.Widget.Calendar,Uize.Date.getRangeAround ('','week'));

In the above example, the user will be able to select a date in the current week (i.e. the week of the date on which this calendar widget is instantiated). The result from the call to the Uize.Date.getRangeAround method is being supplied as the state property values for the Uize.Widget.Calendar instance. This works because the Uize.Widget.Calendar class implements minValue and maxValue state properties, and because the dateRangeOBJ value returned by the Uize.Date.getRangeAround method contains minValue and maxValue properties.

1.3.2. Boundless Date Ranges

The minValue and maxValue properties are nullable.

This means that either - or both - of the minValue and maxValue properties can be set to null or '' (empty string), to indicate that there is no lower and/or upper bound, respectively, for the valid date range. Lower Bound Only

When only the minValue property is set to a date and the maxValue property is set to null or '' (empty string), then there will be no upper bound to the valid date range.

This configuration lets the user select a date from a specified start date onwards. Consider the following examples...


page.addChild ('calendar',Uize.Widget.Calendar,{minValue:'2000-01-01'});

In the above example, the user will be able to select a date in the 21st century and beyond.


page.addChild ('calendar',Uize.Widget.Calendar,{minValue:new Date});

In the above example, the user will be able to select a date from today's date (i.e. the date on which this calendar widget is instantiated) onwards. Upper Bound Only

When only the maxValue property is set to a date and the minValue property is set to null or '' (empty string), then there will be no lower bound to the valid date range.

This configuration lets the user select a date up until a specified date. Consider the following examples...


page.addChild ('calendar',Uize.Widget.Calendar,{maxValue:'1999-12-31'});

In the above example, the user will be able to select a date in the 20th century or earlier.


page.addChild ('calendar',Uize.Widget.Calendar,{maxValue:new Date});

In the above example, the user will be able to select a date up until today's date (i.e. the date on which this calendar widget is instantiated). No Lower or Upper Bounds

When both the minValue and maxValue properties are set to null or '' (empty string), then there will be no restriction on the date that the user can select.

In this case, there will effectively be no valid date range constraint. Put another way, the valid date range will include all dates for all time - completely boundless.

1.3.3. Invalidation of value

The value of the value state property (i.e. the selected date) may be set to null, effectively being invalidated, if the values of the minValue and/or maxValue state properties are modified and the selected date no longer falls within the newly set valid date range.

1.4. Specifying Date Values

The Uize.Widget.Calendar module uses the Uize.Date.resolve static method of the Uize.Date module to conform date values to instances of JavaScript's Date object.

This provides flexibility in how dates can be specified when setting values for the value, minValue, and maxValue state properties. Supported value types include: strings in ISO 8601 format, instances of JavaScript's Date object, date strings that can be parsed by the Date object, and basically any value type that is supported by the Uize.Date module's Uize.Date.resolve method.

1.5. Navigation Buttons

The Uize.Widget.Calendar module implements support for month and year navigation in the form of navigation buttons.

The navigation button child widgets, which are all button instances, allow the user to navigate the calendar to a different month or year in order to select a date. Month navigation is offered via the nextMonth and previousMonth buttons, which are wired to control the value of the month state property. Year navigation is offered via the nextYear and previousYear buttons, which are wired to control the value of the year state property.

The markup for the navigation button child widgets is optional, and a given implementation of a calendar widget's HTML does not need to offer the navigation buttons in its UI. If the navigation button markup is omitted, the application may elect to provide month and year navigation through some alternate UI. In other cases, a calendar widget's HTML may exclude just the markup for the year navigation buttons, especially in cases where the user is not likely to need to navigate to earlier or later years, or if date selection will be constrained to dates from a particular year.

1.5.1. Navigation Button State Management

The Uize.Widget.Calendar module manages the enabled state of the navigation buttons so that they are disabled when their action would take the view outside of a valid date range specified by the minValue and maxValue state properties.

When a non-null value is specified for the maxValue state property and incrementing the value of the month state property would take the view outside of the valid date range, then the nextMonth button will be disabled.
When a non-null value is specified for the minValue state property and decrementing the value of the month state property would take the view outside of the valid date range, then the previousMonth button will be disabled.
When a non-null value is specified for the maxValue state property and incrementing the value of the year state property would take the view outside of the valid date range, then the nextYear button will be disabled.
When a non-null value is specified for the minValue state property and decrementing the value of the year state property would take the view outside of the valid date range, then the previousYear button will be disabled.

1.6. Snap View Behavior

The Uize.Widget.Calendar module implements a snap-into-view behavior, so that programmatically changing the value of the value, minValue, or maxValue state properties will update the month and year state properties - as needed - in order to ensure that the date is in view and that the view is not outside of the valid date range.

The snap view behavior, as it pertains to the value state property, is switchable with the boolean snapViewOnValueChange state property. If the snapViewOnValueChange state property is set to true at the time that the value property is modified, then the values of the year and month state properties will be updated, if necessary, in order to ensure that the viewed year and month is not outside of the valid date range and that the selected date is in view. If no date is selected, then the year and month will be updated so that today's date is in view, unless today's date is outside of the valid date range, in which case the year and month will be updated so that the start or end date of the valid date range is in view, with priority given to the start date, but with the end date being used if there is no lower bound to the valid date range.

1.7. Date Grid

The Uize.Widget.Calendar module implements a date grid, with links for every day of the month, which lets the user select a date.

The HTML for the date grid is dynamically generated to have links for the month of the year currently in view by the instance. The currently selected date is indicated in the grid with a highlight. Days of the month currently in view that are outside of the valid date range are grayed out.

1.8. Examples

There are no dedicated showcase example pages for the Uize.Widget.Calendar module.


Use the link below to search for example pages on the UIZE Web site that reference the Uize.Widget.Calendar module...


1.9. Implementation Info

The Uize.Widget.Calendar module defines the Uize.Widget.Calendar class, which is a subclass of Uize.Widget.


Uize.Class −> Uize.Widget −> Uize.Widget.Calendar

1.9.1. Features Introduced in This Module

The features listed in this section have been introduced in this module.




dayNameLength | dayNames | displayFormat | maxValue | minValue | month | monthNames | snapViewOnValueChange | value | year



1.9.2. Features Overridden in This Module

The features listed in this section have been overridden in this module.

The module that an overridden feature was initially introduced in will be noted in the IMPLEMENTATION INFO notes for the feature.


updateUi | valueOf


Uize.Widget.Calendar.moduleName | Uize.Widget.Calendar.nonInheritableStatics | Uize.Widget.Calendar.undefined

1.9.3. Features Inherited From Other Modules

The features listed in this section have been inherited from other modules.

The module that an inherited feature was initially introduced in will be noted in the IMPLEMENTATION INFO notes for the feature.


addChild | addChildren | ajax | buildHtml | callInherited | childHtml | childId | confirm | displayNode | fire | flushNodeCache | get | getContainer | getHtml | getInherited | getNode | getNodeStyle | getNodeValue | getProvider | globalizeNode | inform | injectNodeHtml | insertOrWireUi | insertUi | is | isMet | kill | localize | met | nodeId | onChange | once | removeChild | removeNode | removeUi | set | setInherited | setNodeClipRect | setNodeInnerHtml | setNodeOpacity | setNodeProperties | setNodeStyle | setNodeValue | showNode | toggle | unmet | unwire | unwireNode | unwireNodeEventsByMatch | unwireUi | whenever | wire | wireNode | wireUi


showConfirm | showInform


built | busy | busyInherited | busyParentTickle | children | container | enabled | enabledInherited | enabledParentTickle | html | idPrefix | idPrefixConstruction | insertionMode | localized | name | nodeMap | parent | wired


Uize.Widget.Calendar.alphastructor | Uize.Widget.Calendar.declare | Uize.Widget.Calendar.doMy | Uize.Widget.Calendar.dualContextMethods | Uize.Widget.Calendar.dualContextProperties | Uize.Widget.Calendar.fire | Uize.Widget.Calendar.get | Uize.Widget.Calendar.getBlankImageUrl | Uize.Widget.Calendar.instanceMethods | Uize.Widget.Calendar.instanceProperties | Uize.Widget.Calendar.mixins | Uize.Widget.Calendar.omegastructor | Uize.Widget.Calendar.set | Uize.Widget.Calendar.singleton | Uize.Widget.Calendar.spawn | Uize.Widget.Calendar.stateProperties | Uize.Widget.Calendar.staticMethods | Uize.Widget.Calendar.staticProperties | Uize.Widget.Calendar.subclass | Uize.Widget.Calendar.toggle | Uize.Widget.Calendar.treeInheritedStateProperties | Uize.Widget.Calendar.unwire | Uize.Widget.Calendar.wire


Uize.Widget.Calendar.busyParentTickle | Uize.Widget.Calendar.enabledParentTickle | Uize.Widget.Calendar.isWired | Uize.Widget.Calendar.pathToResources

1.9.4. Modules Directly Under This Namespace

There are no modules directly under this namespace.

1.9.5. Unit Tests

There is no dedicated unit tests module for the Uize.Widget.Calendar module.

2. DOM Nodes

2.1. day[dayNo]

One of a number of nodes in the date grid that are used to indicate the days of the month of the year currently in view by the instance and that may be wired up to let the user select the corresponding date.

The HTML for these DOM nodes are generated dynamically when the contents of the grid DOM node is replaced with the updated date grid HTML. The specific day[dayNo] DOM node that corresponds to the currently selected date will be highlighted. All day[dayNo] DOM nodes that represent dates that are outside of the valid date range will be grayed out.


see the related grid DOM node

2.2. grid

A node, whose contents will be replaced with the dynamically generated grid HTML for the month of the year currently in view by the instance.

This DOM node can be of any type that can accept HTML contents containing a table. The contents of this node will be replaced when the grid needs to be updated - as a result of the values of the month or year properties changing, as a result of the valid date range changing, or as a result of any other state change in the instance that would affect what is displayed in the grid. For more info, see the section Date Grid.


see the related day[dayNo] DOM node

2.3. month DOM Node

A node that is used to display the name of the current month in view (i.e. the value of the month state property, displayed as a month name).

This DOM node can be of many types: div, span, p, b, td, input, etc. The month name is displayed in this DOM node using the setNodeValue instance method of the Uize.Widget base class. Therefore, any features supported by the setNodeValue method are also supported for this DOM node.


the markup for this DOM node is optional
see the companion year DOM Node

2.4. year DOM Node

A node that is used to display the current year in view (i.e. the value of the year state property).

This DOM node can be of many types: div, span, p, b, td, input, etc. The year is displayed in this DOM node using the setNodeValue instance method of the Uize.Widget base class. Therefore, any features supported by the setNodeValue method are also supported for this DOM node.


the markup for this DOM node is optional
see the companion month DOM Node

3. Child Widgets

3.1. nextMonth

A button instance, that is wired up as part of the navigation buttons, and that increments the value of the month state property.

When a non-null value is specified for the maxValue state property and incrementing the value of the month state property would take the view outside of the valid date range, then the nextMonth button will be disabled (for more info, see the section Navigation Button State Management).

When the month state property is set to the value 11 (the last month of the year), then incrementing its value will increment the value of the year state property and set the month property to 0. Thus, the nextMonth button can be used to navigate across years (see Month Wrapping Behavior).


the markup for this child widget is optional, and a given implementation of a calendar widget's HTML does not need to offer a nextMonth button
see the companion previousMonth child widget
see the related nextYear and previousYear child widgets
this child widget is added in the constructor

3.2. nextYear

A button instance, that is wired up as part of the navigation buttons, and that increments the value of the year state property.

When a non-null value is specified for the maxValue state property and incrementing the value of the year state property would take the view outside of the valid date range, then the nextYear button will be disabled (for more info, see the section Navigation Button State Management).


the markup for this child widget is optional, and a given implementation of a calendar widget's HTML does not need to offer a nextYear button
see the companion previousYear child widget
see the related nextMonth and previousMonth child widgets
this child widget is added in the constructor

3.3. previousMonth

A button instance, that is wired up as part of the navigation buttons, and that decrements the value of the month state property.

When a non-null value is specified for the minValue state property and decrementing the value of the month state property would take the view outside of the valid date range, then the previousMonth button will be disabled (for more info, see the section Navigation Button State Management).

When the month state property is set to the value 0 (the first month of the year), then decrementing its value will decrement the value of the year state property and set the month property to 11. Thus, the previousMonth button can be used to navigate across years (see Month Wrapping Behavior).


the markup for this child widget is optional, and a given implementation of a calendar widget's HTML does not need to offer a previousMonth button
see the companion nextMonth child widget
see the related nextYear and previousYear child widgets
this child widget is added in the constructor

3.4. previousYear

A button instance, that is wired up as part of the navigation buttons, and that decrements the value of the year state property.

When a non-null value is specified for the minValue state property and decrementing the value of the year state property would take the view outside of the valid date range, then the previousYear button will be disabled (for more info, see the section Navigation Button State Management).


the markup for this child widget is optional, and a given implementation of a calendar widget's HTML does not need to offer a previousYear button
see the companion nextYear child widget
see the related nextMonth and previousMonth child widgets
this child widget is added in the constructor

4. State Properties

4.1. built

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.2. busy

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.3. busyInherited

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.4. busyParentTickle

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.5. children

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.6. container

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.7. dayNameLength


this feature was introduced in this module

4.8. dayNames


this feature was introduced in this module

4.9. displayFormat


this feature was introduced in this module

4.10. enabled

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.11. enabledInherited

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.12. enabledParentTickle

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.13. html

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.14. idPrefix

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.15. idPrefixConstruction

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.16. insertionMode

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.17. localized

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.18. maxValue

An instance of JavaScript's Date object, representing the latest date that can be selected by the user (i.e. the maximum value for the value state property).

The maxValue property specifies the end date of the valid date range represented by the minValue and maxValue properties combined (for more info, see the section Valid Date Range).

4.18.1. Flexibility in Specifying Value

When setting the maxValue property, the date can be specified in a variety of different manners (for more info, see the section Specifying Date Values).

4.18.2. Nullable

The maxValue property can be set to null or '' (empty string), to indicate that there is no upper bound to the valid date range (for more info, see the section Boundless Date Ranges).

4.18.3. Snapping into View

When the maxValue property is modified, the values of the year and month state properties will be updated, if necessary, in order to ensure that the viewed year and month is not outside of the newly set valid date range (for more info, see the section Snap View Behavior).

4.18.4. Value Invalidation

When the maxValue property is modified, the value state property may be set to null if the selected date lies outside of the newly set valid date range (for more info, see the section Invalidation of value).

4.18.5. Updating Navigation Button State

When the value of the maxValue property is modified, the state of the year and month navigation buttons will be updated, so that buttons will only be enabled if their action would not take the view outside of the newly set valid date range (for more info, see the section Navigation Button State Management).


see the companion minValue state property
see also the snapViewOnValueChange state property


this feature was introduced in this module

4.19. minValue

An instance of JavaScript's Date object, representing the earliest date that can be selected by the user (i.e. the minimum value for the value state property).

The minValue property specifies the start date of the valid date range represented by the minValue and maxValue properties combined (for more info, see the section Valid Date Range).

4.19.1. Flexibility in Specifying Value

When setting the minValue property, the date can be specified in a variety of different manners (for more info, see the section Specifying Date Values).

4.19.2. Nullable

The minValue property can be set to null or '' (empty string), to indicate that there is no lower bound to the valid date range (for more info, see the section Boundless Date Ranges).

4.19.3. Snapping into View

When the minValue property is modified, the values of the year and month state properties will be updated, if necessary, in order to ensure that the viewed year and month is not outside of the newly set valid date range (for more info, see the section Snap View Behavior).

4.19.4. Value Invalidation

When the minValue property is modified, the value state property may be set to null if the selected date lies outside of the newly set valid date range (for more info, see the section Invalidation of value).

4.19.5. Updating Navigation Button State

When the value of the minValue property is modified, the state of the year and month navigation buttons will be updated, so that buttons will only be enabled if their action would not take the view outside of the newly set valid date range (for more info, see the section Navigation Button State Management).


see the companion maxValue state property
see also the snapViewOnValueChange state property


this feature was introduced in this module

4.20. month

An integer in the range of 0 to 11, repesenting the month of the year that should be in view in the calendar's UI.

The value of this state property is independent of the selected date that is represented by the value state property.

4.20.1. Month Wrapping Behavior

The conformer of the month property supports wrapping when values are specified outside of the range of 0 to 11.

This makes is possible to increment or decrement the value of this property to effectively navigate across years.


myCalendar.set ({year:2009,month:11});

// increment month into next year
myCalendar.set ({month:myCalendar.get ('month') + 1});

alert (myCalendar.get ('year'));   // displays 2010
alert (myCalendar.get ('month'));  // displays 0

// decrement month back into previous year
myCalendar.set ({month:myCalendar.get ('month') - 1});

alert (myCalendar.get ('year'));   // displays 2009
alert (myCalendar.get ('month'));  // displays 11

The wrapping behavior uses a modulus, so you can increment or decrement by any number of months at a time. For instance, the statement myCalendar.set ({month:myCalendar.get ('month') + 18}) would advance the view of the myCalendar widget a year and a half into the future.


see the companion year state property
see the related snapViewOnValueChange and value state properties


this feature was introduced in this module

4.21. monthNames


this feature was introduced in this module

4.22. name

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.23. nodeMap

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.24. parent

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.25. snapViewOnValueChange

A boolean, specifying whether or not the values of the month and year state properties should automatically be set when the value of the value state property changes.

When this property is set to true, the month and year properties will be automatically set when the value of the value property changes, to ensure that the newly selected date is in view. In this mode, the values of the month and year properties can still be changed so that the currently selected date is not in view, but whenever the value property is next modified, the month and year properties will be "snapped back" to the month and year of the selected date.


see the related month, year, and value state properties


this feature was introduced in this module

4.26. value

An instance of JavaScript's Date object, representing the currently selected date value for the instance.

When the user selects a date using the instance's user interface, the value property is updated. When the value property is modified programmatically, the user interface will be updated to reflect the new value.

4.26.1. Flexibility in Specifying Value

When setting the value property, the date can be specified in a variety of different manners (for more info, see the section Specifying Date Values).

4.26.2. Nullable

The value property can be set to null or '' (empty string), to indicate that no date has been selected.

4.26.3. Snapping Into View

If the snapViewOnValueChange state property is set to true at the time that the value property is modified, then the values of the year and month state properties will be updated as needed in order to ensure that the newly selected date is in view.

For more information on this behavior, see the section Snap View Behavior.


see the related minValue and maxValue state properties
see also the snapViewOnValueChange state property


this feature was introduced in this module

4.27. wired

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

4.28. year

An integer, repesenting the year that should be in view in the calendar's UI.

The value of this state property is independent of the selected date that is represented by the value state property.


see the companion month state property
see the related snapViewOnValueChange and value state properties


this feature was introduced in this module

5. Instance Methods

5.1. addChild

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.2. addChildren

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.3. ajax

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.4. buildHtml

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.5. callInherited

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.6. childHtml

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.7. childId

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.8. confirm

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.9. displayNode

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.10. fire

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)

5.11. flushNodeCache

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.12. get

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)

5.13. getContainer

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.14. getCustomDateUi


this feature was introduced in this module

5.15. getHtml

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.16. getInherited

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.17. getNode

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.18. getNodeStyle

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.19. getNodeValue

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.20. getProvider

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.21. globalizeNode

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.22. inform

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.23. injectNodeHtml

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.24. insertOrWireUi

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.25. insertUi

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.26. is

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)

5.27. isMet

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)

5.28. kill

Inherited from Uize.Widget, but introduced in Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Class)

5.29. localize

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.30. met

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)

5.31. nodeId

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.32. onChange

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)

5.33. once

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)

5.34. removeChild

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.35. removeNode

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.36. removeUi

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.37. set

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)

5.38. setInherited

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.39. setNodeClipRect

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.40. setNodeInnerHtml

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.41. setNodeOpacity

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.42. setNodeProperties

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.43. setNodeStyle

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.44. setNodeValue

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.45. showNode

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.46. toggle

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)

5.47. unmet

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)

5.48. unwire

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)

5.49. unwireNode

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.50. unwireNodeEventsByMatch

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.51. unwireUi

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.52. updateUi


this is an override of an inherited feature (implementation is in this module, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.53. valueOf

this is an override of an inherited feature (implementation is in this module, first introduced in Uize.Class)


5.54. whenever

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)

5.55. wire

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)

5.56. wireNode

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

5.57. wireUi

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

6. Instance Properties

6.1. showConfirm

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

6.2. showInform

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)

7. Static Methods

7.1. Uize.Widget.Calendar.alphastructor

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.2. Uize.Widget.Calendar.declare

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.3. Uize.Widget.Calendar.doMy

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.4. Uize.Widget.Calendar.dualContextMethods

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.5. Uize.Widget.Calendar.dualContextProperties

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.6. Uize.Widget.Calendar.fire

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.7. Uize.Widget.Calendar.get

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.8. Uize.Widget.Calendar.getBlankImageUrl

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.9. Uize.Widget.Calendar.instanceMethods

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.10. Uize.Widget.Calendar.instanceProperties

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.11. Uize.Widget.Calendar.mixins

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.12. Uize.Widget.Calendar.omegastructor

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.13. Uize.Widget.Calendar.set

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.14. Uize.Widget.Calendar.singleton

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.15. Uize.Widget.Calendar.spawn

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.16. Uize.Widget.Calendar.stateProperties

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.17. Uize.Widget.Calendar.staticMethods

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.18. Uize.Widget.Calendar.staticProperties

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.19. Uize.Widget.Calendar.subclass

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.20. Uize.Widget.Calendar.toggle

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.21. Uize.Widget.Calendar.treeInheritedStateProperties

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.22. Uize.Widget.Calendar.unwire

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

7.23. Uize.Widget.Calendar.wire

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

8. Static Properties

8.1. Uize.Widget.Calendar.busyParentTickle

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

8.2. Uize.Widget.Calendar.enabledParentTickle

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

8.3. Uize.Widget.Calendar.isWired

Inherited from Uize.Widget.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Widget, first introduced in Uize.Widget)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

8.4. Uize.Widget.Calendar.moduleName


this is an override of an inherited feature (implementation is in this module, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

8.5. Uize.Widget.Calendar.nonInheritableStatics


this is an override of an inherited feature (implementation is in this module, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is not inherited by subclasses

8.6. Uize.Widget.Calendar.pathToResources

Inherited from Uize.Class.


this is an inherited feature (implementation is in Uize.Class, first introduced in Uize.Class)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

8.7. Uize.Widget.Calendar.undefined


this is an override of an inherited feature (implementation is in this module, first introduced in Uize.Widget)
this static feature is inherited by subclasses

8.8. Uize.Widget.Calendar.useV2CssClasses


this feature was introduced in this module
this static feature is inherited by subclasses