UIZE JavaScript Framework

2014 NEWS 2014-06-03 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Util.ModuleNaming

The new Uize.Util.ModuleNaming module provides utility methods to help with following the various UIZE conventions for module naming.

The UIZE JavaScript Framework follows certain conventions when it comes to the naming of modules, and these conventions are observed by various build scripts provided as part of the framework. The Uize.Util.ModuleNaming module provides a set of utility methods to make it easier for various build scripts and development tools to follow these conventions.

1. Module Naming

A string value is considered to be a valid module name if it contains a period-delimited list of one or more JavaScript identifier names.

This means that, in order for a string to be considered a valid module name, it must be matched by the following regular expression...



The table below lists some examples of module names to illustrate how the basic convention for module naming covers a variety of different types of modules...

Examples of Module Names
Module Name Module Type Notes
MyNamespace Namespace Module top level namespace
MyNamespace.MySubNamespace Namespace Module deeper level namespace
MyNamespace.MyPackage Package Module capital first letter is recommended but not required
MyNamespace.MyClass Class Module capital first letter is recommended but not required
MyNamespace.xMyExtension Extension Module prefixed with lowercase "x" by convention
MyNamespace.mMyMixin Mixin Module prefixed with lowercase "m" by convention
MyNamespace.Test.MyNamespace.MyClass Test Module path under MyNamespace.Test is path of module that is tested by the test module

As you will notice, additional conventions exist for denoting certain specific types of modules, such as extension modules (see Extension Module Naming), mixin modules (see Mixin Module Naming), and test modules (see Test Module Naming).

The Uize.Util.ModuleNaming.isModuleName static method can be used to test if a specified string is a module name, according to the aforementioned convention.

2. Top Level Namespaces

A string is considered to be a top level namespace if it is a valid module name that contains only one segment.



The Uize.Util.ModuleNaming.getNamespace static method can be used to obtain the top level namespace from a specified module name.


Module Name Top Level Namespace
Uize Uize
Uize.Color Uize
Uize.Widgets.Slider.Widget Uize
MyNamespace.MyClass.MySubClass MyNamespace

3. Extension Module Naming

A string is considered to be an extension module name if it is a valid module name that has more than one segment, and where the last segment starts with a lowercase "x" and is followed by a capital letter.

Examples of Extension Module Names
Module Being Extended Extension Module Name
Uize.Color Uize.Color.xSvgColors
Uize.Fade Uize.Fade.xFactory
Uize.Fx Uize.Fx.xShadows

The Uize.Util.ModuleNaming.isExtensionModule static method can be used to test if a specified string is an extension module name.

4. Mixin Module Naming

A string is considered to be a mixin module name if it is a valid module name that has more than one segment, and where the last segment starts with a lowercase "m" and is followed by a capital letter.



The Uize.Util.ModuleNaming.isMixinModule static method can be used to test if a specified string is a mixin module name.

5. Test Module Naming

A string is considered to be a test module name if it starts with a top level namespace, followed by the segment "Test", followed by a segment name that is identical to the top level namespace, followed by zero or more additional segments.

The methods of the Uize.Util.ModuleNaming module follow the convention that the name for a test module is derived from the name of the module it is intended to test, by using the top level namespace for that module as a prefix, appending the path segment ".Test.", and then finally appending the name of the module being tested.

This naming convention is best illustrated by the following table of examples...

Examples of Test Module Names
Name of Module to Test Name of Test Module
Uize Uize.Test.Uize
Uize.Widget Uize.Test.Uize.Widget
MyNamespace.MyClass.MySubclass MyNamespace.Test.MyNamespace.MyClass.MySubclass

The following static methods are useful with respect to test module names...

Uize.Util.ModuleNaming.getModuleNameFromTestModuleName - determines the name of the module being tested by a specified test module
Uize.Util.ModuleNaming.getTestModuleName - determines the name that should be used for the test module for a specified module
Uize.Util.ModuleNaming.isTestModule - determines if the specified module name is a test module name

6. Comprehensively Documented and Tested

The Uize.Util.ModuleNaming module is comprehensively documented and has exhaustive unit tests in the Uize.Test.Uize.Util.ModuleNaming test module.