UIZE JavaScript Framework

2014 NEWS 2014-05-31 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar

The new Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar JavaScript Template module lets you generate a text progress bar string that can be used when outputting to logs, consoles, terminals, etc.

The Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar module is a simple template module that can be useful in situations where you need to display a visual progress or level indicator using purely text characters. For instance, you may wish to display progress updates in a console or terminal window for an automation script that may be long-running, such as a build script. In a console you have only plain text at your disposal. The following example illustrates the possible console output from a hypothetical build script that processes a set of files and builds a package archive file...


|█░░░░░░░░░| Prepared job, 8 files to process under ~/files
|▓█░░░░░░░░| Processed file: ~/files/foo.txt
|▓▓█░░░░░░░| Processed file: ~/files/bar.txt
|▓▓▓█░░░░░░| Processed file: ~/files/baz.txt
|▓▓▓▓█░░░░░| Processed file: ~/files/qux.txt
|▓▓▓▓▓█░░░░| Processed file: ~/files/more/foo.txt
|▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░░| Processed file: ~/files/more/bar.txt
|▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█░░| Processed file: ~/files/more/baz.txt
|▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█░| Processed file: ~/files/more/qux.txt
|▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█| Processed 8 files and built package ~/files.zip

As the build script progresses through its steps, it uses the Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar module when constructing the progress update messages it outputs to the console.

1. Examples

The following examples demonstrate the various ways that output from the Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar.process method can be customized by using the different properties supported by its inputOBJ argument.

1.1. Indicating a Progress of 0%

A progress of 0% can be indicated by specifying the value 0 for the progress property of the inputOBJ argument.


Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar.process ({progress:0});



1.2. Indicating a Progress of 50%

A progress of 50% can be indicated by specifying the value .5 for the progress property of the inputOBJ argument.


Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar.process ({progress:.5});



1.3. Indicating a Progress of 100%

A progress of 100% can be indicated by specifying the value 1 for the progress property of the inputOBJ argument.


Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar.process ({progress:.5});



1.4. Specifying a Custom Track Length

A custom track length can be achieved by specifying the desired track length (measured in characters) for the trackLength property of the inputOBJ argument.


Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar.process ({trackLength:10,progress:.5});



1.5. Specifying Custom Characters

The appearance of the progress bar can be controlled by specifying values for the endsChar, fullHeadChar, and emptyChar properties of the inputOBJ argument.


Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar.process ({



2. Comprehensively Documented and Tested

The Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar module is comprehensively documented and has exhaustive unit tests in the Uize.Test.Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar test module.