UIZE JavaScript Framework

2011 NEWS 2011-12-03 - Improved Uize.lookup and Uize.reverseLookup

The Uize.lookup and Uize.reverseLookup static methods have been improved with the added ability to specify a target object for adding entries.

The Uize.lookup and Uize.reverseLookup methods now both support an optional target parameter that lets you provide an object into which lookup entries should be populated. This allows one to stitch in new lookup entries into existing lookup objects.

1. Add More Entries to a Lookup Object

By specifying an existing lookup object for the optional targetLookupOBJ third parameter of the Uize.lookup method, more entries can be added to the existing lookup.


lookupOBJ = Uize.lookup (valuesARRAY,lookupValueANYTYPE,targetLookupOBJ);


  fruits = ['apple','apricot','orange','peach','pear','watermelon'],
  vegetables = ['beet','broccoli','cauliflower','onion','potato','squash'],
  grains = ['barley','maize','oats','quinoa','rice','sorghum','wheat']
  foodLookup = Uize.lookup (fruits,'fruit')
Uize.lookup (vegetables,'vegetable',foodLookup); // stitch in keys for vegetables
Uize.lookup (grains,'grain',foodLookup);         // stitch in keys for grains

alert (foodLookup ['apricot']);   // alerts "fruit"
alert (foodLookup ['broccoli']);  // alerts "vegetable"
alert (foodLookup ['quinoa']);    // alerts "grain"

In the above example, a food lookup object is created initially from the fruits array. Then, entries are added to the foodLookup lookup object by specifying it as the target in two additional calls to the Uize.lookup method: one to stirch in lookup entries for the vegetables values array, and the other to stitch in entries for the grains values array. Also note that different lookup values are being used in each case, allowing the foodLookup lookup object to be used to look up the food type from the food name.

2. Add More Entries to a Reverse Lookup Object

By specifying an existing reverse lookup object for the optional targetOBJ second parameter of the Uize.reverseLookup method, more entries can be added to the existing reverse lookup.


targetOBJ = Uize.reverseLookup (hashOBJorValuesARRAY,targetOBJ);


var entitiesCodesToNames = Uize.reverseLookup ({quot:34,amp:38,lt:60,gt:62});
Uize.reverseLookup ({nbsp:160,copy:169,reg:174},entitiesCodesToNames);

alert (entitiesCodesToNames [38]);   // alerts "amp"
alert (entitiesCodesToNames [169]);  // alerts "copy"

In the above example, the second call to the Uize.reverseLookup method is adding more entries to the reverse lookup object that was created in the first call to the method. This is done by supplying that reverse lookup object, which is assigned to the entitiesCodesToNames variable, as the second argument. When calling the Uize.reverseLookup method the second time, the result is ignored. This is because the method modifies the target, so we don't care about its return value.