UIZE JavaScript Framework

2009 NEWS 2009-11-16 - New Support for Wiring Window Events

Wiring of events on the window object is now supported by both the Uize.Node and Uize.Widget modules.

Handlers can be wired for the focus, blur, load, beforeunload, unload, resize, and scroll events, using the Uize.Node.wire static method of the Uize.Node module, or the wireNode instance method of the Uize.Widget class. Similarly, handlers for these events can be unwired using the various node event unwiring methods of these two modules.

1. Deprecated Static Events

As a result of the improved support for wiring window object event handlers, the Document Loaded, Document Unload, Window Resized, and Window Scrolled static events of the Uize.Widget class have been deprecated.


Uize.Widget.wire (
  'Window Resized',
  function () {
    // do something when window is resized


Uize.Node.wire (
  function () {
    // do something when window is resized


myWidget.wireNode (
  function () {
    // do something when window is resized


Uize.Node.wire (
      function () {
        // do something when document loads
      function () {
        // do something when window / document is scrolled

2. Benefits of This Change

The changes to these various methods offer the following benefits...

the new system provides support for wiring handlers for seven window events, while the previous system supported only four
the new system is more inituitive, since more developers will be familiar with the names of the window object events than the custom static event names that were offered in Uize.Widget class
the new system relays the event object for the window event to the handler (previously not the case), and the handler is called as an instance method on the window object (previously not the case) - consistent with the behavior for wiring DOM nodes
events of the window object that are wired using the wireNode method inside a widget's wireUi method will be automatically unwired when calling the unwireUi method

3. Deprecated Events Still Supported

For backwards compatibility, the deprecated Document Loaded, Document Unload, Window Resized, and Window Scrolled static events of the Uize.Widget class are all still supported, and will be supported for some time into the future.

All existing code using the deprecated events should continue to work as normal. It would be wise to progressively migrate code over to using the new methods.