UIZE JavaScript Framework

2010 NEWS 2010-02-23 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Url

The Uize.Url module has been improved with the introduction of the Uize.Url.from static method (actually, it's existed in the code for a while, but has never been officially documented or fully tested).

The Uize.Url.from static method returns an object, containing properties for the various logical segments of the specified URL string. This method provides a convenient way to get at very precise portions of a URL string, such as the file name without the extension, the file type without the "." (period) character, the query params string without the "?" (question mark) character, the anchor without the "#" (pound / hash) character, etc. Upon parsing a specified URL string, the Uize.Url.from method returns an object with the following structure...


  href       : hrefSTR,       //  http://uize.com:80/reference/Uize.html?param=value#anchor
  fullDomain : fullDomainSTR, //  http://uize.com:80
  protocol   : protocolSTR,   //  http:
  host       : hostSTR,       //  uize.com:80
  hostname   : hostnameSTR,   //  uize.com
  port       : portSTR,       //  80
  pathname   : pathnameSTR,   //  /reference/Uize.html
  folderPath : folderPathSTR, //  /reference/
  file       : fileSTR,       //  Uize.html
  fileName   : fileNameSTR,   //  Uize
  extension  : extensionSTR,  //  .html
  fileType   : fileTypeSTR,   //  html
  search     : searchSTR,     //  ?param=value
  query      : querySTR,      //  param=value
  hash       : hashSTR,       //  #anchor
  anchor     : anchorSTR      //  hash

The Uize.Url.from method is comprehensively documented and fully tested. Additionally, all static methods of the Uize.Url module are now fully unit tested by the module Uize.Test.Uize.Url.