WIDGETS TO GO Calculator
An easy to use calculator widget that you can embed in your Web sites and blogs, supporting all the operations you'd expect from a basic calculator.
- BASIC NUMERICAL OPERATIONS: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
- MEMORY FEATURE: M+ (memory plus), M- (memory minus), MR (memory recall), and MC (memory clear)
- CLEAR OPERATIONS: CE (clear entry), C (clear all)
- EXTRA OPERATIONS: +/- (invert sign / polarity), square root
- ENTRY USING KEYBOARD: digits 0 through 9, "." (decimal point), "%" (percent operation), "*" (multiply), "/" (divide), "+" (add), "-" (subtract), "Enter" or "=" (calculate result), "Esc" or "Spacebar" (clear all), "m" (memory plus)
- BUTTON HIGHLIGHTING: buttons that correspond to keys that are being pressed on the keyboard are highlighted, to simulate the buttons being clicked
- KEYBOARD FILTERING: invalid keys are filtered out
- OPERATION COMPOUNDING: by using the "=" operation repeatedly (e.g. "2 x 3 = = =" is the same as "2 x 3 x 3 x 3 =")
- VERSATILE PERCENT FUNCTION: "85 % 50 =" (85 percent of 50), "50 x 85 %" (85 percent of 50), "15 + 12 %" (15 increased by 12 percent), "15 - 12 %" (15 decreased by 12 percent)
- BUTTON STATE MANAGEMENT: buttons are disabled when their functions can't be used
This widget is built using the Uize.Widget.Calculator module of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. To see more JavaScript examples, view the Javascript Examples index page.