TO DO - Uize.Web.xAjax
This is a TO DO document for the proposed Uize.Web.xAjax
1. Proposed New Methods
1.1. Uize.Web.ajax
Makes an asynchronous HTTP service (AJAX) request
ajax() - URL is current page | |
ajax(urlSTR[, dataOBJ[, successFUNC[, dataTypeSTR]]]) - GET by default | |
ajax(settingsOBJ) | |
Wraps Uize.Comm.Ajax |
1.2. Uize.Web.GET
Load data from the service using a HTTP GET asynchronous service request
GET(urlSTR[, dataOBJ[, successFUNC[, dataTypeSTR]]]) -> ajax(urlSTR, dataOBJ, successFUNC, dataTypeSTR) | |
May need a different name to not be confused with Uize.get |
1.3. Uize.Web.getJson
Load JSON-encoded ata from the server using a HTTP GET aysnchronous service request
getJSON(urlSTR[, dataOBJ[, successFUNC]]) -> ajax(urlSTR, dataOBJ, successFUNC, 'json') |
1.4. Uize.Web.getScript
Load a JavaScript file from the server using a HTTP GET request, then execute it
getScript(urlSTR[, dataOBJ[, successFUNC]]) -> ajax(urlSTR, dataOBJ, successFUNC, 'script') |
1.5. Uize.Web.POST
Send data to a service using a HTTP POST asynchronous service request
get(urlSTR[, dataOBJ[, successFUNC[, dataTypeSTR]]]) -> ajax({type:'POST', url:urlSTR, data:dataOBJ, success:successFUNC, dataType:dataTypeSTR}) |
1.6. load
Loads the resultant HTML into the matched nodes
load(urlSTR[, dataOBJ[, successFUNC]]) -> ajax(urlSTR, dataOBJ, successFUNC, 'html') |
1.7. Uize.Web.fromParams
A utility method that parses a query string and returns the query parameters as an object.
fromParams(queryParamsSTR) | |
Wrapper for Uize.Url.fromParams |
1.8. Uize.Web.toParams
A utility method that serializes the properties of the specified object to produce a URL query params string.
toParams(paramsOBJ) | |
Wrapper for Uize.Url.toParams |