TO DO - Uize.Util.Lookup
This is a proposal document for a Uize.Util.Lookup
1. Introduction
Implement a package to facilitate creating very lightweight and highly performant lookup objects that are safe.
1.1. Features
handles the own property issue in a performant way |
2. Instance Methods
2.1. keys
Returns an array, containing the keys for all the items in the lookup, in the order in which the items were defined.
keysARRAY = myLookup.keys ();
2.2. values
Returns an array, containing the values for all the items in the lookup, in the order in which the items were defined.
valuesARRAY = myLookup.keys ();
2.3. forEach
Iterates over all the items in the lookup, in the order in which the items were defined, calling the specified iteration handler function and passing the value, key, and item number.
myLookup.forEach (iterationHandlerFUNC);
2.4. item
Get the Value for an Item
valueANYTYPE = myLookup.item (keySTR);
Set the Value for an Item
myLookup.item (keySTR,valueANYTYPE);
2.5. remove
Removes the specified item or items from the lookup.
Remove a Single Item
myLookup.remove (keySTR);
Remove Multiple Items
myLookup.remove (keysARRAY);
2.6. has
Returns a boolean, indicating whether or not there is an item with the specified key in the lookup.
hasBOOL = myLookup.has (keySTR);
2.7. clear
Clears the lookup object, removing all items.
myLookup.clear ();
2.8. init
Lets you initialize the lookup with the specified set of values.
myLookup.init (keysValuesOBJ);