UIZE JavaScript Framework

TO DO - Uize.Fade.xSeries

This is a TO DO document for the Uize.Fade.xSeries module.

ability to specify decoder and encoder functions, so that you could do something like...
Uize.Fade.getSeries ('#000000','#ffffff',20,{from:Uize.Color.encoder ('#hex'),to:Uize.Color.decoder ('#hex'))
Uize.Fade.getSeries ('#000000','#ffffff',20,Uize.Color.encodings ['#hex'])
Uize.Fade.getSeries (Uize.Color.from ('#000000'),Uize.Color.from ('#ffffff'),20) ???
if there was a toNumerical and fromNumerical method for all objects, then something like the Uize.Fade class could use these methods for interpolating