This is a TO DO document for the Uize.Dom.VirtualEvent
can a virtual DOM event involve multiple nodes, or more complex relationships? |
1. - ideas for new virtual DOM events
1.1. - match(matchObject)
1.1.1. - match()
wildcard virtual DOM event |
wires handlers for all events supported by node type |
firstClick() |
repeatClick(times,maxInterval) |
1.2. - key abstractions
delete() |
cut() |
copy() |
paste() |
print() |
undo() |
redo() |
1.3. - keyDown(keyName)
1.3.1. - examples...
keyDown('delete') |
keyDown('tab') |
keyDown('enter') |
1.4. - keyPressed(keyName)
1.4.1. - examples...
keyDown('delete') |
keyPressed('v') |
keyPressed('v',{shift:true,ctrl:true}) |
1.5. - inState({state:'mouseover',shiftKey:true})
would fire when mousing over node with shift modifier key pressed |
would fire when already moused over node and then pressing down shift key |
1.6. - notInState({state:'mouseover',shiftKey:true})
would fire when having been moused over node and having shift modifier key pressed, and then either mousing out of node or releasing shift modifier key |
becomeSeen |
becomeUnseen |
valueChange |
1.7. - not quite sure what to do with these ones...
mouseenter (currently mouseover) |
mouseleave (currently mouseout) |
1.8. - sector detection events
virtual DOM events for when mouse activity occurs within a specific sector of a node's region |
question: doesn't this approach limit the ability to use the remain-in-state events for sectors, as well? Perhaps there's a better construct to permit wiring sectors of nodes? Perhaps DOM nodes need a companion virtual DOM node construct, where a sector of a node can be treated as a discrete node for convenience of coding application logic. |
1.8.1. - possible event names
mouseoverSector(x,y,width,height) |
mousedownSector(x,y,width,height) |
mouseupSector(x,y,width,height) |
clickSector(x,y,width,height) |