Uize.module ({ name:'UizeSite.Examples', builder:function () { return function () { return [ { path:'examples/3d-rotation-viewer.html', title:'3D Rotation Viewer', keywords:'animation drag-and-drop ipad touch Uize.Widget.Drag Uize.Fade.Factory', description:'Easily create a 3D rotation viewer in UIZE that lets users rotate the view of an object a full 360 degrees using a mouse, or finger on the Apple iPad.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/animate-position-in-javascript.html', title:'Animate Position in JavaScript', keywords:'animation Uize.Fx', description:'See how to animate the position of an HTML element and how to apply amazingly realistic motion effects like easing, elasticity, bounce, and many more.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/animate-size-in-javascript.html', title:'Animate Size in JavaScript', keywords:'animation Uize.Fx', description:'See how to animate the size of an HTML element and how to apply amazingly realistic physics effects like easing, elasticity, bounce, and many more.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/animated-buttons-with-box-shadow.html', title:'Animated Buttons with Box Shadow', keywords:'animation widget menu Uize.Widget.HoverFader Uize.Fx.xShadows', description:'See how to animate CSS3 box-shadow in order to make buttons leap out of the page when you mouse over them and bounce back when you mouse out of them.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/auto-tooltip-photo-info.html', title:'Auto Tooltip for Photo Info', keywords:'featured widget Uize.Widget.AutoTooltip', description:'See how a fancy photo info tooltip can be added for multiple links, where the tooltip\'s HTML is built using data tucked in the links\' title attribute.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/bars.html', title:'Bars For Data Comparison', keywords:'featured animation Uize.Widget.Bar', description:'See an example that uses bar widgets to create a dynamic bar chart to compare nutritional data for fruits, with slick JavaScript animation effects.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/color-grid.html', title:'Basic Color Grid', keywords:'color Uize.Widget.ColorGrid Uize.Util.PropertyAdapter', description:'See an example of a color grid, where the color swatches in the grid are interpolated from RGB corner colors that can be dynamically set by the user.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/swap-html.html', title:'Basic HTML Swap', keywords:'animation widget Uize.Widget.Swap.Html', description:'See a demo of the HTML swapper widget, which provides a JavaScript animation transition effect when swapping out the HTML that the widget displays.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/image-port.html', title:'Basic Image Port', keywords:'Uize.Widget.ImagePort', description:'The image port widget displays an image in a view port using logical sizing and positioning values. See it here, with controls for all its properties.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/marquee.html', title:'Basic Marquee', keywords:'widget touch ipad Uize.Widget.Resizer.Marquee', description:'See a basic example of the marquee widget in action. Some test links provided let you change some of the widget\'s configuration options dynamically.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/mask.html', title:'Basic Mask', keywords:'animation widget Uize.Widget.Mask Uize.Fade.Factory', description:'See a mask widget being used to highlight an image in a layout. Switching to highlighting a different image is accompanied by a JavaScript animation.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/progress-bar.html', title:'Basic Progress Bar', keywords:'animation widget Uize.Widget.Bar.Progress', description:'Ever needed a progress bar for your Ajax applications to show that requests are busy and how much longer they may take? This demo will show you how.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/slider.html', title:'Basic Slider', keywords:'Uize.Widgets.Slider.Widget', description:'See a very basic example of a slider widget that lets you select a value in the range of 0 to 200, with a display of the currently selected value.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/table-sort-basic.html', title:'Basic Table Sort', keywords:'widget Uize.Widget.TableSort', description:'Make your data tables sortable with little to no changes needed to your table HTML. Sort on string columns, date columns, and numerical value columns.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/button.html', title:'Button', keywords:'widget Uize.Widgets.Button.Widget', description:'See a demonstration of the button widget, with a logger that displays its events and state changes, and with links for modifying its state properties.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/calendar.html', title:'Calendar', keywords:'widget Uize.Widgets.Calendar.Widget', description:'See an example of a calendar widget that you can use on your own Web site to let users choose a date from a grid, with controls for navigating months.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/calendar-controls-wikipedia.html', title:'Calendar Controls Wikipedia', keywords:'Uize.Widgets.Calendar.Widget', description:'See an example of how a calendar widget can be used to control Wikipedia, where choosing a date loads the Wikipedia page for that date in an IFRAME.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/slider-chars-used.html', title:'Characters Used Indicator', keywords:'form Uize.Widgets.Bars.UsedAndRemaining.Widget', description:'Among the creative uses of the bar widget is this characters used indicator for a textarea. As you type, the bar indicates chars used and remaining.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/color-format-converter.html', title:'Color Format Converter', keywords:'tool color Uize.Color Uize.Color.xHsv Uize.Color.xSvgColors Uize.Color.xCmyk Uize.Widgets.Form.Input.Text.Widget Uize.Util.PropertyAdapter', description:'Easily convert color values from one format to another. Convert between RGB hex, RGB tuple string, HSL, HSV, CMYK, and SVG color names.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/color-gradient-tool.html', title:'Color Gradient Tool', keywords:'color tool Uize.Color', description:'Explore a wide variety of color gradients - from basic gradients to intricate patterns. Tweak presets or build your own. Use gradients to pick colors.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/color-grid-with-pickers.html', title:'Color Grid With Color Pickers', keywords:'color drag-and-drop touch ipad Uize.Widget.ColorGrid.Draggable', description:'See an example of a color grid, with RGB color pickers for editing corner colors, and the ability to click-and-drag in the grid to "smear" its colors.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/color-picker.html', title:'Color Picker', keywords:'color touch ipad Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders.Widget', description:'See how three RGB sliders widgets - with sliders for red, green, and blue - can be used to tweak text color, background color, and border color.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/color-pickers-with-gradient.html', title:'Color Pickers With Gradient', keywords:'color Uize.Widgets.RgbSliders.Widget', description:'See a demo of a dynamically generated color gradient, where the two end colors of the gradient can be modified using RGB color pickers with sliders.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/color-sort-by-rgb-proximity.html', title:'Color Sort by RGB Proximity', keywords:'featured color Uize.Color Uize.Color.Util Uize.Color.xSvgColors', description:'When you have a limited palette of colors, how can you sort the colors to find the closest matches to a desired color? This example shows you how.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/table-sort-complex.html', title:'Complex Table Sort', keywords:'Uize.Widget.TableSort', description:'See an example of a sortable data table, where one column has complex HTML and some rows are fixed. No problem - the table sort widget handles it all!', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/collection-item-coupled-zooming.html', title:'Coupled Zooming Collection Items', keywords:'animation zoom Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming Uize.Util.Coupler', description:'See how two instances of the zooming collection item widget can be coupled together to give you a side-by-side zoomed in comparison of two images.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/curve-explorer.html', title:'Curve Explorer', keywords:'animation featured tool Uize.Curve', description:'Add pizazz to JavaScript animations - bounce, easing, elasticity, and more. Visualize and experiment with preset curve functions. Or create your own!', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/date-picker.html', title:'Date Picker', keywords:'widget form Uize.Widgets.Pickers.Date.Widget', description:'The date picker widget lets users pick dates within configured date ranges, inside a shared date picker dialog. Many configurations are demonstrated.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/swap-deck.html', title:'Deck Swapper', keywords:'animation widget Uize.Widget.Swap.Deck', description:'See a demo of the deck swapper widget, which provides a JavaScript animation transition effect when swapping from one item in the deck to another.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/decorated-confirm.html', title:'Decorated Confirm Dialog', keywords:'Uize.Widget.Page', description:'Why settle for ugly JavaScript alert and confirm dialogs when you can have stylish inline HTML dialogs, themed to your choosing with a bit of CSS!', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/dependency-analyzer.html', title:'Dependency Analyzer', keywords:'tool Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Widget Uize.Widgets.SimpleStatsTable.Sortable.Widget', description:'View detailed info for any module, including a full dependency visualization.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/dialog.html', title:'Dialog', keywords:'Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Widget', description:'See an example of a draggable modal JavaScript dialog that uses inline HTML (rather than a blockable popup window) and has a shield to block the page.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/marquee-modes.html', title:'Different Marquee Modes', keywords:'touch ipad Uize.Widget.Resizer.Marquee', description:'See how to configure the marquee widget. Learn how to contrain to area, have a fixed aspect ratio, minimum dimensions, non-resizable sides, and more.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/digital-clock.html', title:'Digital Clock', keywords:'widget Uize.Widgets.DigitalClock.Hms.Widget Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven.Widget', description:'See how to easily create a JavaScript digital clock widget in UIZE, that shows hours, minutes, and seconds, using UIZE\'s seven segment display widget.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/domain-list-editor.html', title:'Domain List Editor', keywords:'widget form Uize.Widget.ListEditor', description:'See an example of a domain list editor that lets the user add domains to a list, or select items from the list to remove or modify and then re-add.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/drag-to-move.html', title:'Drag-to-move', keywords:'drag-and-drop touch ipad Uize.Widget.Drag.Move', description:'Learn about drag-and-drop in this basic example where you\'ll see how to wire up a bunch of image thumbnails so they can be dragged around a workspace.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/image-port-drag.html', title:'Draggable Image Port', keywords:'touch ipad Uize.Widget.ImagePort.Draggable', description:'See how a draggable image port is wired up to a set of sliders. Use the image port and the sliders update. Use the sliders and the image port updates.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/collection-dynamic.html', title:'Dynamic Collection', keywords:'featured drag-and-drop ipad touch widget Uize.Widget.Collection.Dynamic', description:'See an example of a dynamic grid of images, where you can select one or more, drag-and-drop to rearrange, remove, select all, clear selection, etc.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/options-dynamic.html', title:'Dynamic Options', keywords:'widget Uize.Widget.Options Uize.Template', description:'See a demo of an options set widget, where the HTML for the widget\'s buttons can be dynamically regenerated just by setting new values for the widget.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/edge-virtual-dom-events.html', title:'Edge Virtual DOM Events', keywords:'Uize.Dom.VirtualEvent Uize.Dom.VirtualEvents.Edge', description:'Edge related virtual DOM events let you perform different actions based upon from which edge the mouse enters or exits a node. See how this works.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/fade-as-a-color-chart.html', title:'Fade As a Color Chart', keywords:'color Uize.Color Uize.Fade', description:'See how acceleration and deceleration affect fades in this visual representation using color gradients, where fades are blending between two colors.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/fade-as-a-graph.html', title:'Fade As a Graph', keywords:'Uize.Fade', description:'Visualize how different acceleration / deceleration curves affect a fade with this graphical representation using bar widgets.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/fade-css-style-across-nodes.html', title:'Fade CSS Style Across Nodes', keywords:'color menu Uize.Curve Uize.Fx.xShadows', description:'See how CSS style properties can be faded across a series of nodes to create color gradient effects you wouldn\'t think possible without using images.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/fade-quantization-chart.html', title:'Fade Quantization Chart', keywords:'color Uize.Fade', description:'See how different values for the quantization property affect a fade with this visualization using color gradients for different quantization values.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/fading-links.html', title:'Fading Links', keywords:'animation widget Uize.Widget.HoverFader', description:'Elegant menu animation effects to liven up any dull Web page! This JavaScript example shows you what is possible with the UIZE JavaScript Framework.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/fading-an-object.html', title:'Fading an Object', keywords:'color animation Uize.Fade', description:'Animate complex data objects with ease. UIZE supports compound value interpolation. See how an array of two RGB color objects can be faded over time.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/auto-tooltip-generic.html', title:'Generic Auto Tooltip', keywords:'Uize.Widget.AutoTooltip', description:'See how an HTML info tooltip can be added for multiple links, where the tooltip\'s contents is built using data tucked into the links\' title attribute.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/get-tree-from-list.html', title:'Get Tree from List', keywords:'Uize.Dom.Tree', description:'See how a tree data object can be generated by analyzing the structure and contents of a nested list defined by an HTML ul (unordered list) tag.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/get-tree-from-page.html', title:'Get Tree from Page', keywords:'Uize.Dom.Tree', description:'See how a tree data object can be created by analyzing the occurrence of different CSS classes for section headings at different depths of a document.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/html-entities-table.html', title:'HTML Entities Table', keywords:'Uize.Widget.TableSort Uize.Util.Html.Entities Uize.Util.Html.EntityInfo', description:'See all the HTML entities in a sortable table.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/hierarchical-selector.html', title:'Hierarchical Selector', keywords:'form Uize.Widget.Tree.Select', description:'See a demo of the tree select widget being used to let the user choose a value from a hierarchical value list using the browser\'s built-in select tag.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/hover-fader-color-effects.html', title:'Hover Fader Color Effects', keywords:'featured color animation menu Uize.Widget.HoverFader', description:'Who needs boring menus when you can have stunning menu animations that will have your users mesmerized! You have to see these effects to believe them.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/hover-fader-stretching-menu.html', title:'Hover Fader Stretching Menu', keywords:'animation widget menu Uize.Widget.HoverFader', description:'Stretch the limits of what can be done with animated menus. Using JavaScript to animate CSS style properties can produce amazingly slick effects!', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/hover-fader-text-shadow-animation.html', title:'Hover Fader Text Shadow Animation', keywords:'featured color animation menu Uize.Widget.HoverFader', description:'Animate the color, horizontal offset, vertical offset, and blur radius properties for any number of CSS3 text shadows to produce amazing menu effects.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/hover-fader-for-thumbnails.html', title:'Hover Fader for Thumbnails', keywords:'featured animation widget Uize.Widget.HoverFader', description:'See how to liven up image thumbnails with some cool JavaScript animation! Diverse effects can be achieved by animating different CSS style properties.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/swap-image-cycle.html', title:'Image Cycle', keywords:'animation Uize.Widget.Swap.Image.Cycle Uize.Widget.Swap.Themes', description:'Create a simple JavaScript slideshow experience with the cycling image swap widget. Each image is revealed with a different swap / transition effect.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/image-port-with-marquee.html', title:'Image Port Inside a Marquee', keywords:'touch ipad Uize.Widget.ImagePort Uize.Widget.Resizer.Marquee', description:'See this demo, where an image port is resizable by a marquee, to better understand how the logical sizing and positiong of the image port widget work.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/json-prettifier.html', title:'JSON Prettifier', keywords:'tool featured Uize.Widgets.Tools.JsonSerializer.Widget Uize.Json', description:'Take ugly / unreadable JSON data and prettify it by re-serializing it. Make it look exactly how you want with the many serialization options provided.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/javascript-calculator-widget.html', title:'JavaScript Calculator Widget', keywords:'widget Uize.Widget.Calculator', description:'The calculator widget gives you all the functions you\'d expect: division, multiplication, addition, subtraction, square root, memory, and percent.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/javascript-scruncher.html', title:'JavaScript Scruncher', keywords:'tool Uize.Build.Scruncher', description:'Take bloated JavaScript source code and scrunch (minify, compress) it using this versatile tool. Drastically reduce its size and even obfuscate it!', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/javascript-template-tester.html', title:'JavaScript Template Tester', keywords:'tool Uize.Template', description:'Experiment with JavaScript templates and see how they can be used to generate HTML. See them compiled to JavaScript functions, and JavaScript modules.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/templates-list.html', title:'List Template', keywords:'Uize.Templates.List', description:'See a demo of a template JavaScript module - hand-written, rather than compiled from a JST file - used to generate a hierarchical list from JSON data.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/mag-view.html', title:'Mag View', keywords:'featured widget zoom Uize.Widget.MagView', description:'Experience the image magnifier widget that lets you see a zoomed in version of a highlighted area of an image, with support for multiple zoom levels.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/slideshow-mantle.html', title:'Mantle Slideshow', keywords:'animation slideshow Uize.Widget.SlideShow Uize.Widget.SlideShow.AutoAdvance Uize.Widget.SlideShow.AutoAdvance.WithSlideSelectors', description:'.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/marquee-with-rest-update.html', title:'Marquee With Rest Update', keywords:'Uize.Widget.Resizer.Marquee', description:'See a demo of the marquee widget\'s Drag Rest event, which lets you perform more costly drag updates only when the user rests the mouse or ends drag.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/marquee-and-image-port.html', title:'Marquee and Image Port', keywords:'featured drag-and-drop touch ipad widget zoom Uize.Widget.Resizer.Marquee Uize.Widget.ImagePort.Draggable', description:'See this demo for a drag-and-drop image crop interface, with an enlarged display of the cropped region. Drag to move it, or drag its edges to resize.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/multiline-string-serializer.html', title:'Multi-line String Serializer', keywords:'tool Uize.Json.MultiLineStringLiteral Uize.Widgets.Tools.MultiLineStringSerializer.Widget', description:'Take multi-line strings and serialize them to multi-line JavaScript string literal expressions using string concatenation.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/sliders-from-template.html', title:'Multiple Sliders From a Template', keywords:'touch ipad Uize.Widget.Bar.Slider', description:'See how to supply your own HTML template for widgets. Seven sliders in a row - all using the same HTML, but each with its own unique configuration.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/options.html', title:'Options', keywords:'Uize.Widget.Options', description:'See how to use the options widget to let the user pick a single option from a set of options by clicking on an option button. Test links are provided.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/populating-photo-details.html', title:'Populating Photo Details', keywords:'Uize.Widget.Population', description:'See the population class used to dynamically generate HTML for a photo set, where the HTML for each photo shows title, image, description, and rating.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/pseudo-localizer.html', title:'Pseudo-localizer', keywords:'tool Uize.Loc.Pseudo Uize.Widgets.Tools.PseudoLocalizer', description:'Experiment with the technique of pseudo-localization.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/dialog-resizable.html', title:'Resizable Dialog', keywords:'featured drag-and-drop widget Uize.Widgets.Dialog.Widget', description:'See an example of a draggable and resizable modal JavaScript dialog that uses inline HTML (rather than a blockable popup window) and is configurable.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/scrolly.html', title:'Scrolly', keywords:'featured animation Uize.Widget.Scrolly', description:'See the scrolly widget in action, as it scrolls two sets of thumbnails - horizontal and vertical - with an accompanying JavaScript animation effect.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/scrolly-carousel.html', title:'Scrolly Carousel', keywords:'featured animation widget Uize.Widget.Scrolly', description:'See the scrolly widget being used to create a scrollable carousel, where scrolling through the pages is accompanied by a JavaScript animation effect.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/sequenced-show.html', title:'Sequenced Show', keywords:'animation Uize.Array.Order Uize.Widget.ThumbZoom', description:'This demo shows how you can sequence the appearance of thumbnails in a grid, with thumbnails filling in from the top left and bottom right corners.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/sequenced-show-using-swap.html', title:'Sequenced Show Using Swap', keywords:'featured animation Uize.Array.Order Uize.Widget.Swap Uize.Widget.ThumbZoom', description:'See how thumbnails in a grid of thumbnails can be revealed in a choreographed manner, with a JavaScript animation effect for revealing each thumbnail.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/seven-segment-display.html', title:'Seven Segment Display', keywords:'widget animation Uize.Widgets.SegmentDisplay.Seven.Widget Uize.Fade.Factory', description:'See an interactive demonstration of a seven segment display widget, much like the classic LED / LCD digit displays on calculators and digital watches.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/shared-ui.html', title:'Shared UI', keywords:'Uize.Widget', description:'See how some widget HTML for a slider widget can be shared by multiple slider widget instances. The UIZE JavaScript Framework makes this possible.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/simple-data-tester.html', title:'Simple Data Tester', keywords:'tool Uize.Data.Simple', description:'Experiment with SimpleData - an indentation-based format for representing structured data. Convert data formatted as SimpleData to the JSON format.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/simple-doc-tester.html', title:'SimpleDoc Tester', keywords:'tool Uize.Doc.Simple', description:'Experiment with SimpleDoc - a Wikitext like document format. See its formatting rules in action. See how it is generated to HTML and preview the HTML.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/slider-plus.html', title:'Slider Plus Buttons', keywords:'widget Uize.Widget.Bar.Slider.Plus', description:'See how to use a slider widget that has buttons for incrementing or decrementing the value, and buttons for selecting the maximum and minimum values.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/sliders-as-rgb-selectors.html', title:'Sliders as RGB Selectors', keywords:'color widget Uize.Color Uize.Widgets.Slider.Widget', description:'Get three sliders in the same room together and you\'ve got yourself an RGB color selector. See how to get sliders to cooperate for the greater good.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/sliders-in-color-blender.html', title:'Sliders in a Color Blender', keywords:'featured drag-and-drop touch ipad color Uize.Color Uize.Widgets.Slider.Widget Uize.Widgets.Slider.Gradient.Widget Uize.Widgets.Bar.FullEmpty.Widget', description:'Three sliders for one RGB color selector. Three sliders for another. One slider to blend between the colors. Three sliders to show the blended color.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/slideshow.html', title:'Slideshow', keywords:'slideshow Uize.Widget.SlideShow', description:'See an example of a barebones JavaScript slideshow widget, with navigation buttons, basic display of image, title, slide number, and total slides.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/slideshow-with-dissolve.html', title:'Slideshow With Dissolve', keywords:'animation slideshow Uize.Widget.SlideShow Uize.Widget.Bar', description:'See a slideshow demo that transitions from image to image with a JavaScript animation effect and that also displays rating stars using a bar widget.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/slideshow-with-wipes.html', title:'Slideshow With Wipes', keywords:'featured animation widget slideshow Uize.Widget.ImageWipe Uize.Widget.ImageWipe.Themes Uize.Widget.SlideShow', description:'See an example of a JavaScript slideshow widget with stunning image wipe animation effects that you didn\'t believe were possible with just JavaScript.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/slideshow-of-data.html', title:'Slideshow of Data', keywords:'featured animation slideshow Uize.Widget.Bar Uize.Widget.Swap.Image Uize.Widget.SlideShow', description:'Who says that a slideshow can only be used to display an image? See this demo - it uses a slideshow to display nutritional data for various fruits.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/sortable-color-table.html', title:'Sortable Color Table', keywords:'featured color Uize.Color.xSvgColors Uize.Widget.TableSort', description:'See all the standardized colors of the CSS 3 specification in a sortable table, where you can sort by name, hue, saturation, lightness, and more.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/population-structured-record.html', title:'Structured Record Population', keywords:'Uize.Widget.Population', description:'See how the population class is used to dynamically generate HTML using an HTML template and a records array, where each record has structured data.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/tabbed-interface.html', title:'Tabbed Interface', keywords:'Uize.Widget.Options.Tabbed', description:'Add tabbed interfaces to your own Web pages. See how in this example. Some test links are provided to demo the programmatic interface of this widget.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/tabbed-interface-with-fade.html', title:'Tabbed Interface With Fade', keywords:'featured animation widget Uize.Widget.Options.Tabbed.Fading', description:'Everyone\'s seen a basic tabbed interface. Why not add some pizazz to your tabs with a JavaScript animation cross-fade effect! This demo shows you how.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/slider-built-in-skin.html', title:'The Built-in Slider Skin', keywords:'Uize.Widgets.Slider.Widget', description:'A basic preset skin is provided for the slider widget that is customizable with various parameters. This demo shows a few variations using this skin.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/set-node-value.html', title:'The setNodeValue Method', keywords:'form Uize.Widget', description:'See a demo of the setNodeValue method, which can set a value on select boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, text inputs, textareas, divs, spans...', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/image-port-zoom-and-pan-tiled.html', title:'Tiled Zoom and Pan', keywords:'Uize.Widget.ImagePort.Draggable', description:'In this demo, an image is split into six image port tiles. A JavaScript animation zooms from seeing it repeated six times to seeing the large version.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/transferring-state.html', title:'Transferring State', keywords:'touch ipad Uize.Class Uize.Widget.Resizer.Marquee Uize.Util.Coupler', description:'UIZE makes it easy to transfer state from one widget to another. See how to copy state from one marquee to another - or even how to keep them coupled.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/tree-list.html', title:'Tree List From JSON', keywords:'featured widget menu Uize.Widgets.NavTree.List.Widget', description:'See a demo of a JavaScript expandable / collapsible tree list widget, that can be easily built from a JSON object and can even be dynamically updated.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/tree-menu.html', title:'Tree Menu From JSON', keywords:'featured widget menu Uize.Widgets.NavTree.Menu.Widget', description:'See a demo of JavaScript menus, that can be easily built from a JSON object and can even be dynamically updated. These menus also support separators.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/two-hierarchical-selectors.html', title:'Two Hierarchical Selectors', keywords:'form Uize.Widget.Tree.Select', description:'See a demo of two instances of the tree select widget used side-by-side - one lets the user select an animal, the other lets the user select a plant.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/uize-unit-tests.html', title:'UIZE Unit Tests', keywords:'Uize.Test Uize.Widgets.Log.Widget UizeSite.Widgets.UnitTests.Widget', description:'See how to run the various unit tests of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Run a unit test and watch as the test runner chunks through its tests.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/button-toggle.html', title:'Uize.Widget.Button.Toggle', keywords:'Uize.Widget.Button.Toggle', description:'See a demo of the toggle button that lets the user cycle through values by repeatedly clicking it. Experiment with the widget\'s configuration options.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/image-wipe.html', title:'Uize.Widget.ImageWipe', keywords:'featured animation Uize.Widget.ImageWipe Uize.Widget.ImageWipe.Themes', description:'See stunning image wipe animation effects you didn\'t believe possible with JavaScript. Choose from dozens of themes. Tweak values to make your own.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/swap-image.html', title:'Uize.Widget.Swap.Image', keywords:'animation widget Uize.Widget.Swap.Image Uize.Widget.Swap.Themes', description:'See some amazing possibilities for image transitions using lightweight JavaScript animation. Play with lots of effect themes, and even make your own.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/thumbzoom.html', title:'Uize.Widget.ThumbZoom', keywords:'animation widget zoom Uize.Widget.ThumbZoom', description:'Astonish users with a slick animated image preview feature where a larger preview zooms out from a grid of thumbnail images. This demo shows you how.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/virtual-dom-events.html', title:'Virtual DOM Events', keywords:'Uize.Dom.VirtualEvent Uize.Dom.VirtualEvents.Remain Uize.Dom.VirtualEvent.ModClick', description:'A demonstration of various virtual DOM events, such as mouseRest, mouseRemainOver, mouseRemainDown, remainFocused, ctrlClick, shiftClick, and more.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/widget-visual-samplers.html', title:'Widget Visual Samplers', keywords:'widget Uize.Widgets.VisualSampler.Widget', description:'See the visual samplers for one or more widget classes that implement visual samplers. Use this page to visually browse and discover available widgets.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/widget-visual-tests.html', title:'Widget Visual Tests', keywords:'widget Uize.Widgets.VisualTests.Widget Uize.Widgets.VisualTests.TestCase.Widget', description:'See the visual tests for any widget that implements visual tests. Use this page to test a widget while you\'re developing it.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/image-port-zoom-and-pan.html', title:'Zoom and Pan', keywords:'widget zoom Uize.Widget.ImagePort.Draggable', description:'See how a draggable image port lets you control zoom for an image in a view port by ctrl-clicking and dragging, or pan by just clicking and dragging.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/collection-item-zooming-with-image-switching.html', title:'Zooming Collection Item with Image Switching', keywords:'animation widget zoom Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming', description:'See how the zooming collection item widget is used in combination with an image selector strip to provide an interface for previewing multiple images.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/collection-item-zooming.html', title:'Zooming Collection Items', keywords:'featured animation widget zoom Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming', description:'Experience the zooming collection item widget. It gives you a lightweight and intuitive preview behavior, with a JavaScript animation zoom-in effect.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/enabled-busy-in-widget-tree.html', title:'enabled/busy in Widget Tree', keywords:'Uize.Widget', description:'See a demonstration of the busy and enabled mechanisms of the widget base class, and how busy and enabled state can be inherited within a widget tree.', imageSrc:'' }, { path:'examples/set-node-value-multi-select.html', title:'setNodeValue on Multi-select', keywords:'form Uize.Widget', description:'See a demo of the setNodeValue and getNodeValue instance methods being used to set and get the value for a multiple select style listbox form element.', imageSrc:'' } ]; }; } });