SOURCE CODE: Uize.Widget.mWebBindings (view docs)

|       ______  |   U I Z E    J A V A S C R I P T    F R A M E W O R K
|     /      /  |   ---------------------------------------------------
|    /    O /   |    MODULE : Uize.Widget.mWebBindings Mixin
|   /    / /    |
|  /    / /  /| |    ONLINE :
| /____/ /__/_| | COPYRIGHT : (c)2013-2016 UIZE
|          /___ |   LICENSE : Available under MIT License or GNU General Public License

/* Module Meta Data
  type: Mixin
  importance: 3
  codeCompleteness: 100
  docCompleteness: 80

    The =Uize.Widget.mWebBindings= module is an aggregator mixin module that allows widget classes to more easily mix in =Uize.Widget.mWeb= and other widget binding modules with additional helpful functionality.

    *DEVELOPERS:* `Ben Ilegbodu`

Uize.module ({
  builder:function () {
    'use strict';

      /*** Variables for Scruncher Optimization ***/
        _Uize_Widget = Uize.Widget

    return function(_class) {

          webSelect:function(_selector) {
            var m = this;
            return Uize.Web(
              (_selector || '').replace(
                function(_match) {
                  var _firstChar = _match[0];
                  return _firstChar
                    + m[
                      _firstChar == '#' ? 'nodeId' : 'cssClass'
              Instance Methods
                  Selects descendent DOM nodes within the `root node` matching the specified selector, returning a =Uize.Web= object that wraps the node(s).

                  The selector is modified such that class selectors are appropriately prefixed with their =cssClassPrefix= and ID selectors are appropriately prefixed with their =idPrefix=.

                  webOBJ = widgetOBJ.webSelect(selectorSTR);

                  EXAMPLE MARKUP

                  EXAMPLE CODE
                  var items = myList.webSelect('.item');

                  The code above returns a =Uize.Web= object with the 6 list item DOM nodes. The specified selector is transformed from =".item"= to =".MyList-item"= using the =cssClass= method (from =Uize.Widget.mBindings=) and then searches within the `root node` for matching DOM nodes.

                  EXAMPLE CODE 2
                  var thirdItem = myList.webSelect('#item2');

                  The code above returns a =Uize.Web= object with the DOM node that has an ID of ="page_myList-item2"=. The specified selector is transformed from ="#item2"= to ="#page_myList-item2"= using the =idPrefix= method (from =Uize.Widget=) and then searches within the `root node` for matching DOM nodes.

                  An ID selector is equivalent to =myList.web('item2')=.

                  EXAMPLE CODE 3
                  var selectedItem = myList.webSelect('li.selected');

                  The code above returns a =Uize.Web= object with the DOM node that has an ID of ="page_myList-item4"= because it is an <li> tag with a class of =".MyList-seelcted"=.

                  - See related =cssClass= instance method of =Uize.Widget.mBindings=
                  - See related =idPrefix= instance method of =Uize.Widget.
                  - See also =Uize.Web= object