/*______________ | ______ | U I Z E J A V A S C R I P T F R A M E W O R K | / / | --------------------------------------------------- | / O / | MODULE : Uize.Widget.Resizer Class | / / / | | / / / /| | ONLINE : http://uize.com | /____/ /__/_| | COPYRIGHT : (c)2006-2016 UIZE | /___ | LICENSE : Available under MIT License or GNU General Public License |_______________| http://uize.com/license.html */ /* HOOKS FOR SUBCLASSING - areaNodes state property - creatingNew state property - pointIdsMap static property - activeHandleEffectivePointIdX - activeHandleEffectivePointIdY */ /* Module Meta Data type: Class importance: 6 codeCompleteness: 100 docCompleteness: 2 */ /*? Introduction The =Uize.Widget.Resizer= class implements resizing logic, with support for fixed aspect ratio, constraining to container, minimum dimensions, and more. *DEVELOPERS:* `Chris van Rensburg`, `Tim Carter` */ Uize.module ({ name:'Uize.Widget.Resizer', required:[ 'Uize.Dom.Basics', 'Uize.Dom.Pos', 'Uize.Widget.Drag' ], builder:function (_superclass) { 'use strict'; var /*** Variables for Scruncher Optimization ***/ _true = true, _false = false, _Uize_Dom_Basics = Uize.Dom.Basics, _isIe = _Uize_Dom_Basics.isIe, /*** General Variables ***/ _ieQuirkyBoxes = _isIe && document.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat', _pointIdsMap = { northWest:[0,0], north:[.5,0], northEast:[1,0], west:[0,.5], move:['both','both'], east:[1,.5], southWest:[0,1], south:[.5,1], southEast:[1,1] } ; /*** Private Instance Methods ***/ function _canResizeAxis (m,_axis,_pointIds) { var _pointIdForAxis = _pointIds [_axis]; return _pointIdForAxis != .5 && (_pointIdForAxis == 'both' || !(_axis ? m._fixedY : m._fixedX)); } function _updateHandlesEnabled () { var m = this; if (m.isWired) { for (var _handleName in _pointIdsMap) { var _pointIds = _pointIdsMap [_handleName]; m.children [_handleName].set ({ enabled: _canResizeAxis (m,0,_pointIds) || _canResizeAxis (m,1,_pointIds) ? 'inherit' : _false }); } } } function _updateShellBounds (m) { if (m.isWired && !(m._bounds = m._constrainBounds)) { var _shellDims = Uize.Dom.Pos.getDimensions (m.getNode ('shell')); if (_shellDims.width && _shellDims.height) m._bounds = [0,0,_shellDims.width - 1,_shellDims.height - 1] ; } } function _updateShellBoundsAndConformDims () { var m = this; _updateShellBounds (m); var _bounds = m._bounds; if (_bounds) { m._maxDims = [_bounds [2] - _bounds [0] + 1,_bounds [3] - _bounds [1] + 1]; _conformDims.call (m); } } function _conformDims () { var m = this; if (m.isWired && (!m._inDrag || m._creatingNew)) { _updateShellBounds (m); if (m._bounds) { var _constrain = m._constrain, _bounds = m._bounds, _maxDims = m._maxDims, _left = m._left, _top = m._top, _width = m._width, _height = m._height, _conformedWidth, _conformedHeight, _aspectRatio = m._aspectRatio ; if (_aspectRatio != null) { /* TO DO: - if dimensions don't match explicit aspect ratio... - calculate volume of new rect and "split the difference" to make new width and height that conform to aspect ratio - determine dimensions, having the explicit aspect ratio, that would *fit* into the bounds - if either of the resizer axes are larger than fit rect, set both resizer dimensions to fit rect */ _conformedWidth = _width; _conformedHeight = _height; } else { _conformedWidth = Uize.constrain (_width,m._minWidth,_constrain ? _maxDims [0] : Infinity); _conformedHeight = Uize.constrain (_height,m._minHeight,_constrain ? _maxDims [1] : Infinity); } var _conformedLeft = _constrain ? Uize.constrain (_left,_bounds [0],_bounds [2] - _conformedWidth + 1) : _left, _conformedTop = _constrain ? Uize.constrain (_top,_bounds [1],_bounds [3] - _conformedHeight + 1) : _top ; if ( _conformedLeft != _left || _conformedTop != _top || _conformedWidth != _width || _conformedHeight != _height ) m.set ({ _left:_conformedLeft, _top:_conformedTop, _width:_conformedWidth, _height:_conformedHeight }) ; } } } /*** State Property onChange Handlers ***/ var _updateUi = 'updateUi', _fixedOnChange = [_updateUi,_updateHandlesEnabled], _conformDimsAndUpdateUi = [_conformDims,_updateUi] ; return _superclass.subclass ({ alphastructor:function () { /*** Private Instance Properties ***/ this._lastAreaWidth = {}; }, instanceMethods:{ setPositionDuringDrag:function (_left,_top,_width,_height) { var m = this; if (_left != m._left || _top != m._top || _width != m._width || _height != m._height) { m.set ({ left:_left, top:_top, width:_width, height:_height }); m.fire ('Position Changed'); } }, getCoords:function () { var m = this; return {left:m._left,top:m._top,width:m._width,height:m._height}; }, initiateDrag:function (_domEvent) { this.children.move.initiate (_domEvent) }, updateUi:function () { var m = this; if (m.isWired) { var _setRotation = _true; Uize.forEach ( m._areaNodes, function _setAreaDims (_areaNode) { var _area = m.getNode (_areaNode); if (_area) { var _getBorderWidth = function(_side) { return parseInt (_Uize_Dom_Basics.getStyle (_area,'border' + _side + 'Width')) || 0; }, _newAreaWidth = Math.max ( m._width - (_ieQuirkyBoxes ? _getBorderWidth ('Left') + _getBorderWidth ('Right') : 0),0 ), _newAreaHeight = Math.max (m._height - (_ieQuirkyBoxes ? _getBorderWidth ('Top') + _getBorderWidth ('Bottom') : 0),0) ; if (_isIe) _newAreaWidth == m._lastAreaWidth [_areaNode] ? m.displayNode ('jiggler',m._jigglerShown = !m._jigglerShown) : (m._lastAreaWidth [_areaNode] = _newAreaWidth) ; _Uize_Dom_Basics.setStyle ( _area, { left:m._left, top:m._top, width:_newAreaWidth, height:_newAreaHeight } ); if (Uize.isNumber (m._rotation) && _setRotation) { var _rotation = m._rotation, _rotationString = _rotation ? 'rotate(' + Math.round (m._rotation) + 'deg)' : '', _origin = _rotation ? (m._left + _newAreaWidth / 2) + 'px ' + (m._top + _newAreaHeight / 2) + 'px' : '' ; m.setNodeStyle ( '', { mozTransformOrigin:_origin, webkitTransformOrigin:_origin, oTransformOrigin:_origin, msTransformOrigin:_origin, transformOrigin:_origin, mozTransform:_rotationString, webkitTransform:_rotationString, msTransform:_rotationString, oTransform:_rotationString, transform:_rotationString } ); _setRotation = _false; } } } ); } }, wireUi:function () { var m = this; if (!m.isWired) { /*** wire up the drag handles ***/ var _bounds, _shellCenter, _pointIds, _dragStartCoords, _Uize_Widget_Drag = Uize.Widget.Drag, _wireHandle = function(_handleName) { _pointIds = _pointIdsMap [_handleName]; var _dragHandle = m.addChild ( _handleName, _Uize_Widget_Drag, { cursor: m._useDefaultCursors ? (_handleName == 'move' ? _handleName : _handleName.charAt (0) + (_handleName.match (/[A-Z]|$/)) [0] + '-resize' ) : false, dragRestTime:m._dragRestTime, node:m.getNode (_handleName), resizerInfo:{ _handleName:_handleName, _pointIds:_pointIds } } ); _dragHandle.wire ({ 'Before Drag Start': function (_event) {m.fire (_event)}, 'Drag Start': function (_event) { m._activeHandle = _event.source; m.set ({_inDrag:_true}); _updateShellBoundsAndConformDims.call (m); _bounds = m._bounds || [0, 0, 0, 0]; _shellCenter = [_bounds [2] / 2,_bounds [3] / 2]; _dragStartCoords = [ m._left, m._top, m._left + m._width - 1, m._top + m._height -1 ]; m.fire (_event); }, 'Drag Update': function () { var _aspectRatio = m._aspectRatio, _resizerInfo = m._activeHandle.resizerInfo, _pointIds = _resizerInfo._pointIds, _effectivePointIds = _pointIds.concat (), _newCoords = _dragStartCoords.concat (), _updateAxisCoords = function(_axis) { if (_canResizeAxis (m,_axis,_pointIds)) { var _pointIdForAxis = _pointIds [_axis], _offset = _dragHandle.eventDeltaPos [_axis] ; if (_pointIdForAxis == 'both') { if (m._constrain) _offset = Uize.constrain ( _offset, _bounds [_axis] - _newCoords [_axis], _bounds [_axis + 2] - _newCoords [_axis + 2] ) ; _newCoords [_axis] += _offset; _newCoords [_axis + 2] += _offset; } else { var _coordNo = _axis + _pointIdForAxis * 2; _newCoords [_coordNo] += _offset; if (m._constrain) _newCoords [_coordNo] = Uize.constrain ( _newCoords [_coordNo], _bounds [_axis], _bounds [_axis + 2] ) ; if (_aspectRatio == null && _newCoords [_axis] > _newCoords [_axis + 2]) { /* NOTE: for now we don't swap the coordinates around when they cross over if an aspect ratio is set, since we haven't dealt with the weird calculation issues that arise and lead to strange behaviors where the resizer moves around */ var _temp = _newCoords [_axis]; _newCoords [_axis] = _newCoords [_axis + 2]; _newCoords [_axis + 2] = _temp; _effectivePointIds [_axis] = 1 - _effectivePointIds [_axis]; } } } } ; _updateAxisCoords (0); _updateAxisCoords (1); var _newDims = [ Math.max (_newCoords [2] - _newCoords [0] + 1,m._minWidth), Math.max (_newCoords [3] - _newCoords [1] + 1,m._minHeight) ], _newCenter = [ (_newCoords [0] + _newCoords [2]) / 2, (_newCoords [1] + _newCoords [3]) / 2 ] ; /*** handle explicit aspect ratio ***/ if (_aspectRatio != null) { if (_newDims [0] / _newDims [1] != _aspectRatio) { var _dimsFromAspectRatio = [ _newDims [1] * _aspectRatio, _newDims [0] / _aspectRatio ], _setDimWithConstraint = function (_axis,_maxDim) { _newDims [_axis] = _dimsFromAspectRatio [_axis]; if (m._constrain) { _newDims [_axis] = Math.min (_newDims [_axis],_maxDim); _newDims [1 - _axis] = _newDims [_axis] * Math.pow (_aspectRatio,_axis * 2 - 1) ; } }, _updateDimByCenterPoint = function (_axis) { _setDimWithConstraint ( _axis, ( _newCenter [_axis] < _shellCenter [_axis] ? (_newCenter [_axis] + .5) : _bounds [_axis + 2] - _newCenter [_axis] ) * 2 ); }, _updateDimByCornerPoint = function (_axis) { _setDimWithConstraint ( _axis, ( _pointIds [_axis] ? _bounds [_axis + 2] - _newCoords [_axis] : _newCoords [_axis + 2] ) + 1 ); } ; if (_pointIds [0] == .5) { _updateDimByCenterPoint (0); } else if (_pointIds [1] == .5) { _updateDimByCenterPoint (1); } else if (_newDims [1] * _dimsFromAspectRatio [0] > _newDims [0] * _dimsFromAspectRatio [1]) { _updateDimByCornerPoint (0); } else { _updateDimByCornerPoint (1); } } var _updateNewCoord = function (_axis) { if (!_pointIds [_axis]) { _newCoords [_axis] = _newCoords [_axis + 2] - _newDims [_axis] + 1; } else if (_pointIds [_axis] == .5) { _newCoords [_axis] = _newCenter [_axis] - (_newDims [_axis] - 1) / 2; } }; _updateNewCoord (0); _updateNewCoord (1); } m.set ({ activeHandleEffectivePointIdX:_effectivePointIds [0], activeHandleEffectivePointIdY:_effectivePointIds [1] }); m.setPositionDuringDrag (_newCoords [0],_newCoords [1],_newDims [0],_newDims [1]); }, 'Drag Rest': function (_event) {m.fire (_event)}, 'Drag Done': function (_event) { m.set ({_inDrag:_false}); m.fire (_event); m.set ({_creatingNew:_false}); m.updateUi (); } }); } ; for (var _handleName in _pointIdsMap) _wireHandle (_handleName) ; _updateHandlesEnabled.call (m); /*** insert the jiggler node for repaint issue in IE ***/ if (_isIe) { var _areaNode = m.getNode (m._areaNodes [0]); if (_areaNode) { var _jiggler = document.createElement ('div'); _jiggler.id = m.get ('idPrefix') + '-jiggler'; _Uize_Dom_Basics.setStyle (_jiggler,{position:'absolute'}); _areaNode.appendChild (_jiggler); } } _superclass.doMy (m,'wireUi'); _updateShellBoundsAndConformDims.call (m); } } }, stateProperties:{ _activeHandleEffectivePointIdX:'activeHandleEffectivePointIdX', _activeHandleEffectivePointIdY:'activeHandleEffectivePointIdY', _areaNodes:{ name:'areaNodes', value:[''] }, _aspectRatio:{ name:'aspectRatio', onChange:_updateUi, value:null }, _constrain:{ name:'constrain', value:_true, onChange:_conformDims }, _constrainBounds:{ name:'constrainBounds', value:null, onChange:_updateShellBoundsAndConformDims }, _creatingNew:{ name:'creatingNew', value:_false }, _dragRestTime:{ name:'dragRestTime', onChange:function () {Uize.callOn (this.children,'set',[{dragRestTime:this._dragRestTime}])}, value:250 }, _fixedX:{ name:'fixedX', onChange:_fixedOnChange, value:_false }, _fixedY:{ name:'fixedY', onChange:_fixedOnChange, value:_false }, _height:{ name:'height', onChange:_conformDimsAndUpdateUi, value:200 }, _inDrag:{ name:'inDrag', value:_false }, _left:{ name:'left', onChange:_conformDimsAndUpdateUi, value:0 }, _minHeight:{ name:'minHeight', value:10, onChange:_conformDims }, _minWidth:{ name:'minWidth', value:10, onChange:_conformDims }, _rotation:{ name:'rotation', onChange:_conformDimsAndUpdateUi }, _top:{ name:'top', onChange:_conformDimsAndUpdateUi, value:0 }, _useDefaultCursors: { name: 'useDefaultCursors', value: _true }, _width:{ name:'width', onChange:_conformDimsAndUpdateUi, value:200 } }, staticProperties:{ pointIdsMap:_pointIdsMap } }); } });