SOURCE CODE: Uize.Widget.Page (view docs)

|       ______  |   U I Z E    J A V A S C R I P T    F R A M E W O R K
|     /      /  |   ---------------------------------------------------
|    /    O /   |    MODULE : Uize.Widget.Page Class
|   /    / /    |
|  /    / /  /| |    ONLINE :
| /____/ /__/_| | COPYRIGHT : (c)2008-2016 UIZE
|          /___ |   LICENSE : Available under MIT License or GNU General Public License

/* Module Meta Data
  type: Class
  importance: 7
  codeCompleteness: 90
  docCompleteness: 85

    The =Uize.Widget.Page= class implements the page widget (the main controller for a page), supporting widget adoption, dialog sharing, popups, and more.

    *DEVELOPERS:* `Chris van Rensburg`, `Ben Ilegbodu`

    The page widget provides an environment and services that can be relied upon by child widgets in its tree. Use this base class as the superclass for page widget classes that you will develop for your own Web site projects.

  Key Features
    Widget Adoption
      This class implements a widget adoption mechanism that allows child widgets to be declared in the page's markup using a purely declarative syntax (i.e. requiring no JavaScript to be previously loaded).

      For more information on this feature, and for a discussion of some of the other features of the =Uize.Widget.Page= class, consult the guide [[../guides/javascript-widgets.html][JavaScript Widgets]] and see under the section `Page Widget`.

    Hook Methods
      The =Uize.Widget.Page= class supports a number of "hook methods" that are primarily of interest to developers of the UIZE JavaScript Framework and are not intended to be used in applications, and that are only public because they form an interface between separate modules.

      These hook methods include the =loadHtml=, =showConfirm=, and =showInform= instance methods.

Uize.module ({
  builder:function (_superclass) {
    'use strict';

      /*** Variables for Scruncher Optimization ***/
        _true = true,
        _false = false,
        _null = null,
        _Uize = Uize,
        _Uize_Dom_Basics = _Uize.Dom.Basics,

      /*** General Variables ***/
        _equivalentToTrue = {yes:1,on:1,1:1,'true':1}

    /*** Utility Functions ***/
      function _getCallbackFromDirectives (_directives) {
        return (_Uize.isFunction (_directives) && _directives) || (_directives && _directives.callback) || Object;

    /*** Private Instance Methods ***/
      function _showConfirmDialog (m,_mode,_defaultState,_params) {
        m.useDialog ({
          widgetClassName:m._confirmDialog.widgetClassName || 'Uize.Widget.Dialog.Confirm',
            title:_params.title || '',
            message:(_params.message + '').replace (/\n/g,'
'), mode:_mode, state:_params.state || _defaultState, okText:_params.okText || _null, cancelText:_params.cancelText || _null, mooringNode:_params.mooringNode || _null, offsetX:_params.offsetX || _null, offsetY:_params.offsetY || _null }, submitHandler:function (_confirmed) { var _handler = _params.callback || (_confirmed ? _params.yesHandler : _params.noHandler); _handler && _handler (_confirmed); } }); } function _adoptChildWidgets (m,_callback) { _callback = _callback || Object; var _idPrefix = m.get ('idPrefix'), _window = window ; /*** find $... properties in window object, whose values are objects with widgetClass property ***/ var _childrenToAdoptTree = {}, _hasChildrenToAdopt = _false, _childPropertiesPrefix = '$' + _idPrefix + '_', _childPropertiesPrefixLength = _childPropertiesPrefix.length, _widgetProperties ; for (var _propertyName in _window) { if ( _propertyName.charAt (0) == '$' && /* reduce impact of this feature with quick elimination */ _propertyName.substr (0,_childPropertiesPrefixLength) == _childPropertiesPrefix && typeof (_widgetProperties = _window [_propertyName]) == 'object' && _widgetProperties && _widgetProperties.widgetClass ) { _hasChildrenToAdopt = _true; for ( var _widgetLevelNo = -1, _levelChildren = _childrenToAdoptTree, _widgetLevels = _propertyName.substr (_childPropertiesPrefixLength).split ('_'), _widgetLevelName, _widgetLevelsLength = _widgetLevels.length ; ++_widgetLevelNo < _widgetLevelsLength; ) { var _levelWidget = _levelChildren [_widgetLevelName = _widgetLevels [_widgetLevelNo]]; if (_widgetLevelNo < _widgetLevelsLength - 1) { _levelChildren = (_levelWidget || (_levelWidget = _levelChildren [_widgetLevelName] = {})).children || (_levelWidget.children = {}) ; } else { _levelWidget ? _Uize.mergeInto (_levelWidget,_widgetProperties) : (_levelChildren [_widgetLevelName] = _widgetProperties) ; _window [_propertyName] = _undefined; } } } } /*** if any widgets to adopt, require widget class modules and recurse tree to add widgets ***/ if (_hasChildrenToAdopt) { var _traverseChildrenToAdoptTree = function (_childCreator,_childInitializer) { function _traverseChild (_parent,_childName,_childProperties) { var _childChildren = _childProperties.children, _child = _childCreator (_parent,_childName,_childProperties) ; _childChildren && _traverseChildren (_child,_childChildren); _childInitializer && _childInitializer (_child); } function _traverseChildren (_parent,_children) { for (var _childName in _children) _traverseChild (_parent,_childName,_children [_childName]) ; } _traverseChildren (m,_childrenToAdoptTree); }; /*** recurse tree, determining required widget class modules ***/ var _requiredModulesMap = {}, _requiredModules = [] ; _traverseChildrenToAdoptTree ( function (_parent,_childName,_childProperties) { var _widgetClass = _childProperties.widgetClass; if (_widgetClass && !_requiredModulesMap [_widgetClass]) { _requiredModulesMap [_widgetClass] = 1; _requiredModules.push (_widgetClass); } } ); _Uize.require ( _requiredModules, function () { m.set ({children:_childrenToAdoptTree}); /*** recurse tree, adopting all widgets ***/ _traverseChildrenToAdoptTree ( function (_parent,_childName,_childProperties) { var _child = _parent.children [_childName]; if (!_child) { var _widgetClass = _Uize.getModuleByName (_childProperties.widgetClass) || _Uize.Widget ; _child = _childName.charCodeAt (0) == 36 && _childName.charCodeAt (1) == 36 ? _widgetClass.spawn (_childProperties,_parent) : _parent.addChild (_childName,_widgetClass,_childProperties) ; } return _child; }, m.isWired && function (_child) {_Uize.callOn (_child,'insertOrWireUi')} /* NOTE: Don't wire adopted child widgets if page widget isn't wired yet (this code could be executed before the page widget is wired if all modules required by adopted children are already loaded, and the builder for this anonymous module is executed immediately). */ ); _callback (); } ); } else { _callback (); } } return _superclass.subclass ({ omegastructor:function () { this.wireDeferredLinks && this.wireDeferredLinks() }, instanceMethods:{ loadHtmlIntoNode:function (_injectionParams,_htmlParams,_loaderDirectives) { var m = this, _rootNodeId = _injectionParams.rootNodeId, _callback = _getCallbackFromDirectives (_loaderDirectives) ; if (typeof _loaderDirectives !== 'object') { _loaderDirectives = {}; } _loaderDirectives.callback = function (_html) { function _injectHmtl() { var _documentBody = document.body, _node = _injectionParams.node != undefined ? m.getNode (_injectionParams.node) : (_rootNodeId ? _Uize_Dom_Basics.getById (_rootNodeId + '-shell') : _null) || _documentBody ; _Uize_Dom_Basics.injectHtml( _node, _html, _injectionParams.injectMode || (_node == _documentBody ? 'inner bottom' : 'inner replace') ); /* NOTE: Need to break synchronous execution of the page between HTML injection and child widget adoption so the browser has time to insert any widget data into the window object */ setTimeout(function () { try { _adoptChildWidgets(m, _callback); } catch (err) { _loaderDirectives.errorCallback && _loaderDirectives.errorCallback(err); throw err; } }, 0); } _loaderDirectives.beforeInject ? _loaderDirectives.beforeInject (_injectHmtl,_html) : _injectHmtl() ; }; _injectionParams.alwaysReplace === _false && _rootNodeId && _Uize_Dom_Basics.getById (_rootNodeId) ? _callback() : m.loadHtml(_htmlParams, _loaderDirectives) ; /*? Instance Methods loadHtmlIntoNode Lets you dynamically load HTML and inject that HTML into the specified node. SYNTAX ..................................................................... myPageWidget.loadHtmlIntoNode ( injectionParamsOBJ,htmlParamsOBJ,loaderDirectivesOBJorCallbackFUNC ); ..................................................................... With a suitable implementation of the companion =loadHtml= instance method, the =loadHtmlIntoNode= method can be used to load HTML from the server using Ajax and then inject that HTML into some DOM node on the page. How HTML is loaded is entirely dependent on the =loadHtml= method's implementation. Parameters injectionParamsOBJ An object, specifying the node into which the loaded HTML should be injected, and *how* it should be injected (e.g. inserted above existing contents, inserted after existing contents, replacing existing contents, etc.). The =injectionParamsOBJ= parameter's value should be an object of the form... .................................................. { node : nodeNameSTR, injectMode : injectModeSTR, // optional alwaysReplace : alwaysReplaceBOOL, // optional rootNodeId : rootNodeIdSTR // optional } .................................................. The =injectionParamsOBJ= object supports the following properties... node A `node blob`, specifying the node (or nodes) into which the loaded HTML should be injected. NOTES - required injectMode A string, specifying how the HTML should be injected into the node(s) specified by the =node= property. The value specified for this property can be any value that can be specified for the =injectModeSTR= parameter of the =Uize.Dom.Basics.injectHtml= static method and its sister =injectNodeHtml= instance method of the =Uize.Widget= class. NOTES - optional - the default value for this property is ='inner replace'=, except when the =node= is the document body (i.e. a reference to the =document.body= object), in which case the property defaults to ='inner bottom'= alwaysReplace A boolean, indicating whether or not any HTML that is already in the page and that is considered equivalent to the HTML being injected should be replaced. A DOM node in the page will be considered equivalent to the HTML being injected if its =id= is identical to the value of the optional =rootNodeId= property of the =injectionParamsOBJ= object. If HTML exists that is considered equivalent, then it will be replaced with the new loaded HTML if the value =true= is specified for the =alwaysReplace= property, or if the =alwaysReplace= property is omitted from the =injectionParamsOBJ= object (so, it defaults to =true=). NOTES - optional - the default value for this property is =true= rootNodeId A string, specifying the =id= of a node that should be considered equivalent to the HTML being injected, and that should *not* be replaced if the value =false= is specified for the =alwaysReplace= property of the =injectionParamsOBJ= object. If no DOM node exists in the document with the =id= specified in the =rootNodeId= property, then the loaded HTML will always be injected. The loaded HTML will only *not* be injected if a DOM node with the =id= specified in the =rootNodeId= property *does* exist in the document *and* the value =false= is specified for the =alwaysReplace= property. NOTES - optional - the default value for this property is =undefined= htmlParamsOBJ An object, providing data that can be used by the HTML generator. The =htmlParamsOBJ= may contain any number of arbitrary properties that are used by the HTML generator in generating its HTML output, so the properties supported will depend entirely upon the particular HTML generator. loaderDirectivesOBJorCallbackFUNC . ... { callback : callbackFUNC, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... } ... When the value of the =loaderDirectivesOBJorCallbackFUNC= parameter is an object, the object supports the following properties... callback . Loading is Implemented Elsewhere It is important to note that the =loadHtmlIntoNode= method does not actually perform the loading of the HTML itself - instead, it defers to the implementation of the companion =loadHtml= hook method. Examples Default Injection, No Callback EXAMPLE ........................................ myPageWidget.loadHtmlIntoNode ( {node:'searchResultsPane'}, { control:'searchresults', keywords:'dog puppy hound canine', sort:'recent', results:20 } ); ........................................ Inner Bottom Injection, With Callback EXAMPLE ........................................ myPageWidget.loadHtmlIntoNode ( { node:'searchResultsPane', injectMode:'inner bottom' }, { control:'searchresults', keywords:'dog puppy hound canine', sort:'recent', results:20, page:2 }, function () { // perform animated reveal effect } ); ........................................ */ }, performAjax:function () { /*? Instance Methods performAjax A stub implementation of the =performAjax= instance method that should be overridden by page widget subclasses in order to provide an implementation of Ajax communication. An implementation of Ajax communication, provided by an implementation of the =performAjax= method in a page widget, will be used to handle Ajax requests initiated by widget instances on the page widget's widget tree. The stub implementation provided in this class does nothing. An implementation that you provide in your own page widget subclass should expect to receive the two parameters passed by the =ajax= instance method of the =Uize.Widget= class. */ }, flushAjaxCache:function (/*_requestOrUrl*/) { /*? Instance Methods flushAjaxCache A stub implementation of the =flushAjaxCache= instance method that should be overridden by page widget subclasses to flush the cache of Ajax requests. This method should expect to receive the =requestOrUrl= parameter expected by =Uize.Comm.flushCache()=. */ }, useDialog:function (_params) { var m = this, _dialogWidgetProperties = _Uize.copy (m._dialogProperties,_params.widgetProperties), _dialogWidgetParent = _dialogWidgetProperties.parent || m, _dialogWidgetName =, _dialogWidget = _dialogWidgetParent.children [_dialogWidgetName], _component = _params.component, _loadingDialogs = m._loadingDialogs = m._loadingDialogs || {}, // keep track of dialogs that are loading in case another request for one comes in while loading _componentProfile ; if (_component) { var _rootNodeId = _dialogWidgetProperties.idPrefix || (_dialogWidgetParent.get ('idPrefix') + '_' + _dialogWidgetName) ; _componentProfile = {, node:_component.rootNode, // the node to inject into rootNodeId:_rootNodeId, params:_Uize.copyInto ({idPrefix:_rootNodeId},_component.params) }; } function _showDialog () { setTimeout( /* NOTE: Using a setTimeout here to ensure that the dialog is shown in an asynchronous manner. We were getting in situations where a dialog would be shown, OK would be pressed, and the OK handler executed in such a way that the dialog would be reshown. Then once the dialog was reshown, the set({shown:false}) for the first dialog would execute, but hide the second dialog. We'd like the hiding to happen before the second dialog is shown and this should guarantee that by effectively breaking the thread of execution. */ function () { function _callHandler (_handlerProperty,_handlerParams) { var _handler = _params [_handlerProperty]; _handler && _handler.apply (0,_handlerParams); } function _handleCloseOrCancel (_event) { var _handlerParams = [_event]; _callHandler ( () + 'Handler',_handlerParams); _callHandler ('dismissHandler',_handlerParams); } function _handleShownOrHide(_event) { var _eventName =; _callHandler(_eventName, [_event]);{ name:'Dialog ' + _eventName, dialogWidget:_event.source }); } _dialogWidget.set ({shown:_false}); /*** store handlers as properties of widget, in order to be able to remove them on reuse ***/ /* WORKAROUND: this is a horrible workaround, since there is currently no elegant way to remove event handlers based upon an owner ID, or wiring IDs fundamental problem is... - reuse wants to register handlers that are specific to closure scope - reuse wants to remove handlers from previous use - reuse shouldn't remove handlers registered by others - can't remove handlers on closing dialog, because some dialogs fire 'Submission Complete' asynchronously after dialog is closed ...reuse could either... ...have ability to remove handlers by owner ID ...have ability to remove handlers by wiring ID, and store just the wiring IDs reference to previous handlers on widget instance */ _dialogWidget.unwire (_dialogWidget.eventHandlersForUseDialog || {}); _dialogWidget.eventHandlersForUseDialog = _Uize.copyInto ( { 'Submission Complete': function (_event) {_callHandler ('submitHandler',[_event.result,_event])}, Close:_handleCloseOrCancel, Cancel:_handleCloseOrCancel, 'Before Show':_handleShownOrHide, 'After Show':_handleShownOrHide, 'Before Hide':_handleShownOrHide, 'After Hide':_handleShownOrHide }, _params.widgetEventHandlers ); _dialogWidget.wire (_dialogWidget.eventHandlersForUseDialog); _dialogWidget.set (_dialogWidgetProperties); _dialogWidget.set ({shown:_true}); }, 0 ); } function _loadDialog() { function _createDialogWidget() { var _dialogWidgetClassName = _params.widgetClassName; _Uize.require ( _dialogWidgetClassName, function (_dialogWidgetClass) { (_dialogWidget = _dialogWidgetParent.children [_dialogWidgetName]) ? _dialogWidget.set (_dialogWidgetProperties) : ( _dialogWidget = _dialogWidgetParent.addChild ( _dialogWidgetName, _dialogWidgetClass, _dialogWidgetProperties ) ) ; _dialogWidget.Page_componentProfile = _componentProfile; _dialogWidget.insertOrWireUi (); _showDialog (_refetch ? 'refetched' : 'initial'); _loadingDialogs[_dialogWidgetName] = _false; } ); } function _loadError (_error) { var _widgetEventHandlers = _params && _params.widgetEventHandlers; _loadingDialogs [_dialogWidgetName] = _false; if (_widgetEventHandlers && _widgetEventHandlers.Error) _widgetEventHandlers.Error (_error); else if (_widgetEventHandlers && _widgetEventHandlers.Cancel) _widgetEventHandlers.Cancel (_error); } if (!_loadingDialogs[_dialogWidgetName]) { // if we're already loading a dialog of that name just ignore _loadingDialogs[_dialogWidgetName] = _true; var _refetch = _componentProfile && !!_dialogWidget; if (_refetch) { _dialogWidget.removeUi (); _dialogWidgetParent.removeChild (_dialogWidgetName); } _componentProfile ? m.loadHtmlIntoNode ( { node:_componentProfile.node, rootNodeId:_componentProfile.rootNodeId, injectMode:'inner bottom', alwaysReplace:_false }, _Uize.copyInto ({},_componentProfile.params), { cache:'memory', callback:_createDialogWidget, errorCallback:_loadError } ) : _createDialogWidget () ; } } if (_dialogWidget) { if (_dialogWidget.Page_componentProfile == _componentProfile) _showDialog ('subsequent'); else { _Uize.require( 'Uize.Data.Compare', function(_Uize_Data_Compare) { _Uize_Data_Compare.identical (_dialogWidget.Page_componentProfile,_componentProfile) ? _showDialog ('subsequent') : _loadDialog() ; } ); } } else { _loadDialog() } /*? Instance Methods useDialog Lets you conveniently use a dialog widget that may need to be dynamically loaded. SYNTAX ................................... myPageWidget.useDialog (paramsOBJ); ................................... Both the widget class for the dialog as well as its HTML markup can be loaded dynamically. The =useDialog= method takes care of loading the dialog widget class module and HTML, if necessary. Also, this method makes it easy for the same dialog to be reused multiple times - from within the same code or across different modules of code. Once a dialog has been loaded and used for the first time, then subsequent uses of the dialog will incur no additional load cost. Examples of dialogs that are suitable for use with this method are: a confirmation dialog, a media browser dialog, a file uploader dialog, a date picker dialog, a color picker dialog, a link-to-this dialog, etc. Contract In order for a dialog widget class to be compatible with the =useDialog= method, it must comply with a specific contract (or interface). Submission Complete A dialog widget class to be used with this method should be a subclass of the =Uize.Widget.Dialog= class (or one of its subclasses), and should implement a =Submission Complete= event. This event should be fired when the dialog has finished all its processing and has produced a result that can be delivered to the code that is using the dialog. This means that the =Submission Complete= event may fire some time after the user either clicks the dialog's =ok= button or otherwise interacts with the contents of the dialog so that it triggers submission. The dialog class may need to perform asynchronous processing to complete the submission action. The event object for the =Submission Complete= event should contain a =result= property, and the value of this property will be relayed to the handler function specified in the =submitHandler= property of the =paramsOBJ= parameter (see below). Close and Cancel The handler function specified in the =submitHandler= property of the =paramsOBJ= parameter will not be executed when the user closes the dialog by clicking the =close= or =cancel= button, unless you deliberately code your dialog class to do this. There may be cases where it is desirable (such as with a confirmation dialog) for the =close= and =cancel= buttons to fire a =Submission Complete= event, with a false or "no" value for the result. In such cases, your dialog class can listen on its own =Close= and =Cancel= events in order to fire the =Submission Complete= event. A good example of this can be found in the =Uize.Widget.Dialog.Confirm= module. paramsOBJ The =paramsOBJ= parameter lets you specify parameters for the =useDialog= method, and its value should be an object that may contain the following properties... widgetProperties An object, specifying the values of state properties of the dialog widget that will be set on the dialog widget right before it is displayed. The =widgetProperties= property's value should be an object of the form... ...................................................................... { name:dialogWidgetNameSTR, // REQUIRED!!! parent:parentWidgetOBJ, // optional, defaults to page widget idPrefix:idPrefixSTR, // optional, constructed if not specified ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... } ...................................................................... NOTES - The value specified for the required "name" property will be used as the child widget name for the dialog widget. - The optional "parent" property allows us to attach the dialog widget as the child of a widget other than the page widget. If not specified (which is most of the time), the dialog widget will have the page widget as its parent. - The optional "idPrefix" property lets you explicitly specify the =idPrefix= for the dialog widget. Usually you will want to just leave it up to the =useDialog= method to construct the =idPrefix= for you, based upon the =idPrefix= of the dialog widget's parent and the name of the dialog widget (as specified in the "name" property mentioned earlier). Beyond the "name", "parent", and "idPrefix" properties, values can be specified for any of the state properties supported by the class of the dialog widget. This is useful for reuse of dialogs, where on repeat use you may wish to change state. component An object, defining the parameters for a server side component that should be accessed - through an Ajax request - for providing the HTML markup for the dialog. The =component= property's value should be an object of the form... ............................ { name:componentNameSTR, params:componentParamsOBJ } ............................ When no =component= property is specified, then the dialog widget's HTML will be expected to be already in the page, or it will be the responsibility of the dialog's widget class to build the HTML for insertion into the page. widgetClassName A string, specifying the name of the widget class that should be used for creating the instance of the dialog widget. The widget class is specified as a string, precisely because the class may not yet be loaded (you can't reference a class that isn't defined). The class name is used by the module loader mechanism to dynamically load in the widget class module for the dialog. widgetEventHandlers An object, specifying handlers for events of the dialog widget that should be wired up when the widget is first instantiated. The =widgetEventHandlers= property's value should be an object of the form... ................................... { event1Name:event1HandlerSTRorFN, event2Name:event2HandlerSTRorFN, ... eventNName:eventNHandlerSTRorFN } ................................... submitHandler A function, specifying the callback handler that will be executed when the user submits the dialog by clicking on its =ok= button, or otherwise interacts with the contents of the dialog so that it triggers submission. The handler function that you specify for this property can expect to receive a single parameter, being the result of the submission action. The value of this result will depend on the specific dialog widget class being used - in some cases it may be a simple type value (such as a boolean), while in other cases it may be an object containing multiple properties. closeHandler A function, specifying the callback handler that will be executed if the user closes the dialog by clicking the =close= button. The handler function that you specify for this property can expect to receive a single parameter, being the event object originating from the dialog. cancelHandler A function, specifying the callback handler that will be executed if the user dismisses the dialog by clicking the =cancel= button. The handler function that you specify for this property can expect to receive a single parameter, being the event object originating from the dialog. dismissHandler A function, specifying the callback handler that will be executed if the user dismisses the dialog by clicking either the =close= or =cancel= button. The handler function that you specify for this property can expect to receive a single parameter, being the event object originating from the dialog. An Example To better understand how the =useDialog= method is used, let's consider an example... EXAMPLE ....................................................... myWidget.callInherited ('useDialog') ({ widgetClassName:'MyCompanySite.DialogConfirm', widgetProperties:{ name:'confirmDialog', title:'Are you sure?', message:'Would you like to delete this product?', mode:'confirm', state:'confirm', okText:'DELETE', cancelText:'NOOOOOOOOO!!!!' }, submitHandler:function (_confirmed) { if (_confirmed) { alert ('now your product will get deleted'); // code to delete the product } } }); ....................................................... In the above example, the =callInherited= instance method of the widget =myWidget= is being used to get a caller for the =useDialog= instance method of the page widget. It is assumed, in this example, that =myWidget= is somewhere on a widget tree with a page widget instance at the root. The widget class =MyCompanySite.DialogConfirm= is being used for the dialog widget, and the various widget properties that are specified in the =widgetProperties= property are state properties of the =MyCompanySite.DialogConfirm= class. This example is essentially using a dynamically loaded dialog widget class for displaying a decorated confirmation dialog that is implemented using HTML. */ }, wireUi:function () { var m = this; if (!m.isWired) { _adoptChildWidgets (m); _superclass.doMy (m,'wireUi'); } }, getPageInfo:function () { function _getMetaTagContent (_metaTagName) { var _metaTag = _Uize_Dom_Basics.find ({ tagName:'meta', self:function () { return == _metaTagName /* ISSUE: Can't use name property in find object, because it doesn't seem to find the tags in FF. Perhaps getElementsByName is being used in Uize.Dom.Basics.find, or something, and that doesn't work with meta tags? Weird! */ } }) [0]; return _metaTag ? _metaTag.content : ''; } return ( typeof navigator != 'undefined' ? { title:document.title, url:window.location.href, keywords:_getMetaTagContent ('keywords'), description:_getMetaTagContent ('description') } : { title:'', url:'', keywords:'', description:'' } ); }, /*** Hook Methods ***/ loadHtml:function (_htmlParams,_directives) { _getCallbackFromDirectives (_directives) (''); /*? Instance Methods loadHtml Provides a hook to support the implementation of the =loadHtmlIntoNode= instance method. SYNTAX .................................................................. myPageWidget.loadHtml (htmlParamsOBJ,directivesOBJorCallbackFUNC); .................................................................. The =loadHtml= method, as implemented in this class, is only a stub implementation - you should override this method in your own page widget subclass to provide an implementation that will actually perform the HTML loading. Parameters Any implementation of the =loadHtml= method should expect to receive the following two parameters... htmlParamsOBJ An object, providing data that can be used by the HTML generator. The =htmlParamsOBJ= may contain any number of arbitrary properties that are used by the HTML generator in generating its HTML output, so the properties supported will depend entirely upon the particular HTML generator. directivesOBJorCallbackFUNC An object, providing directives that can be used to qualify how HTML is generated by the HTML generator, or a function that should be called once the HTML has been generated. If an object is specified for the =directivesOBJorCallbackFUNC= parameter, it can contain a =callback= property that specifies the function that should be called once the HTML has been generated. The callback function should expect to receive a single string parameter, being the generated HTML. Example Usage EXAMPLE ................................................................ myPageWidget.loadHtml ( { control:'searchresults', keywords:'dog puppy hound canine', sort:'recent', results:20 }, function (_html) { myPageWidget.setNodeInnerHtml ('searchResultsPane',_html); } ); ................................................................ loadHtml Implementation Example Implementation EXAMPLE ............................................................................... MySite.MyPageWidgetClass.instanceMethods ({ loadHtml:function (_htmlParams,_directives) { var m = this; if (typeof _directives != 'object' || !_directives) _directives = {callback:_directives} ; m.ajax ( Uize.copyInto ({service:'getcontrol'},_htmlParams), { cache:'cache' in _directives ? _directives.cache : 'never', callbackSuccess:function (_responseJson) { _responseJson.success && (_directives.callback || Object) (responseJson.componentData) ; } } ); } }); ............................................................................... NOTES - this method is one of several `hook methods` - see the related =loadHtmlIntoNode= instance method */ }, showConfirm:function (_params) { _showConfirmDialog (this,'confirm','confirm',_params); /*? Instance Methods showConfirm Provides a hook to support the implementation of the =confirm= instance method of the =Uize.Widget= class. NOTES - this method is one of several `hook methods` - see also the companion =showInform= hook method */ }, showInform:function (_params) { _showConfirmDialog (this,'alert','info',_params); /*? Instance Methods showInform Provides a hook to support the implementation of the =inform= instance method of the =Uize.Widget= class. NOTES - this method is one of several `hook methods` - see also the companion =showConfirm= hook method */ } }, dualContextMethods:{ launchPopup:function (_params) { if (!_params) _params = {}; /*** default the width and height ***/ if (_params.width == _undefined) _params.width = 850; if (_params.height == _undefined) _params.height = 600; /*** calculate window centering (if no explicit positioning specified) ***/ var _screen = window.screen; if (_params.left == _undefined) _params.left = Math.max ((_screen.width - _params.width - 10) >> 1,0) ; if ( == _undefined) = Math.max ((_screen.height - _params.height - 40) >> 1,0) ; /*** open the popup window ***/ function _getParamAsNameValue (_paramName) { return _paramName + '=' + _params [_paramName]; } function _getDefaultedBooleanParamAsNameValue (_paramName,_defaultValue) { return ( _paramName + '=' + ( _equivalentToTrue [ _params [_paramName] == _undefined ? _defaultValue : _params [_paramName] + '' ] ? 'yes' : 'no' ) ); } var _popupWindow = ( _params.url || '', == _undefined ? 'popupWindow' :, [ _getParamAsNameValue ('width'), _getParamAsNameValue ('height'), _getParamAsNameValue ('top'), _getParamAsNameValue ('left'), _getDefaultedBooleanParamAsNameValue ('toolbar',0), _getDefaultedBooleanParamAsNameValue ('location',0), _getDefaultedBooleanParamAsNameValue ('directories',0), _getDefaultedBooleanParamAsNameValue ('status',0), _getDefaultedBooleanParamAsNameValue ('menubar',0), _getDefaultedBooleanParamAsNameValue ('scrollbars',1), _getDefaultedBooleanParamAsNameValue ('resizable',1) ].join (',') ); _popupWindow && _popupWindow.focus (); return _popupWindow; /*? Instance Methods launchPopup For convenience, the =Uize.Widget.Page.launchPopup= static method is also mapped as the instance method =launchPopup=. SYNTAX .......................................................... windowOBJ = myPageWidget.launchPopup (popupPropertiesOBJ); .......................................................... The =launchPopup= instance method is fully equivalent to the =Uize.Widget.Page.launchPopup= static method, but its availability as an instance method is convenient for implementing page widget code, or for implementing widgets that are expected to be used within the context of a widget tree with a page widget at the root. EXAMPLE .................................................................................. // using the static method Uize.Widget.Page.launchPopup ({name:'window1',url:''}); // calling the instance method on a page widget instance page = Uize.Widget.Page (); page.launchPopup ({name:'window2',url:''}); // using callInherited to access instance method of root page widget from child var widget = page.addChild ('myChildWidget',Uize.Widget); widget.callInherited ('launchPopup') ({name:'window3',url:''}); .................................................................................. For an in-depth discussion of the features of the =launchPopup= instance method, consult the reference for the =Uize.Widget.Page.launchPopup= static method. Static Methods Uize.Widget.Page.launchPopup Lets you launch content in a popup window, allowing you to specify properties for that popup window, such as =width=, =height=, =toolbar=, =scrollbars=, etc. SYNTAX .............................................................. windowOBJ = Uize.Widget.Page.launchPopup (popupPropertiesOBJ); .............................................................. EXAMPLE ..................................................................................... Uize.Widget.Page.launchPopup ({url:'',width:800,height:600}); ..................................................................................... The above example will launch the Wikipedia Web site in a popup window named =popupWindow=, and whose document area is sized to 800x600. popupPropertiesOBJ The =popupPropertiesOBJ= parameter lets you specify various properties for the popup window, and its value should be an object that may contain the following properties... url A string, specifying the URL of the document that should be loaded into the popup window. If no URL is specified, then a `blank popup window` will be launched. width An integer, specifying the width of the document area of the popup window (i.e. *not* the outside width, so excluding browser chrome). When no value is specified for this property, or if the value =0=, =null=, or =undefined= is specified, then the default value of =850= will be used. height An integer, specifying the height of the document area of the popup window (i.e. *not* the outside height, so excluding browser chrome). When no value is specified for this property, or if the value =0=, =null=, or =undefined= is specified, then the default value of =600= will be used. name A string, specifying the name of the popup window. The value of this property should be a valid JavaScript identifier (i.e. no special characters or delimeters that would break an identifier). If a window is already open by the name specified in the =name= property, then it will be reused (see `Reusing Windows`). When no value is specified for this property, or if the value =null= or =undefined= is specified, then the default value ='popupWindow'= will be used. The special value =''= (empty string) will allow multiple popup windows to be opened, without having to worry about popup window reuse, and without having to programmatically generate unique names for each window opened. left An integer, specifying the screen coordinate for the left edge of the popup window. When no value is specified for this property, or if the value =null= or =undefined= is specified, then the popup window will be centered horizontally (see `Automatic Centering`). top An integer, specifying the screen coordinate for the top edge of the popup window. When no value is specified for this property, or if the value =null= or =undefined= is specified, then the popup window will be centered vertically (see `Automatic Centering`). toolbar A string, boolean, or number, specifying whether or not the toolbar should be displayed for the popup window. For convenience, the value of this property can be of multiple types (see `Switch Property Values` below). When no value is specified for this property, or if the value =null= or =undefined= is specified, then the default value ='no'= will be used. location A string, boolean, or number, specifying whether or not the location bar should be displayed for the popup window. For convenience, the value of this property can be of multiple types (see `Switch Property Values` below). When no value is specified for this property, or if the value =null= or =undefined= is specified, then the default value ='no'= will be used. directories A string, boolean, or number, specifying whether or not the directories bar should be displayed for the popup window. In some browsers, the directories bar is known as the personal toolbar and may contain personal bookmarks. For convenience, the value of this property can be of multiple types (see `Switch Property Values` below). When no value is specified for this property, or if the value =null= or =undefined= is specified, then the default value ='no'= will be used. status A string, boolean, or number, specifying whether or not the status bar should be displayed for the popup window. The status bar is usually displayed at the bottom of the browser window. For some browsers, it is not possible to suppress the status bar, so this property may essentially be ignored in such cases. For convenience, the value of this property can be of multiple types (see `Switch Property Values` below). When no value is specified for this property, or if the value =null= or =undefined= is specified, then the default value ='no'= will be used. menubar A string, boolean, or number, specifying whether or not the menu bar should be displayed for the popup window. The menu bar is usually displayed at the top of the browser window, underneath the titlebar. For convenience, the value of this property can be of multiple types (see `Switch Property Values` below). When no value is specified for this property, or if the value =null= or =undefined= is specified, then the default value ='no'= will be used. scrollbars A string, boolean, or number, specifying whether or not scrollbars should be displayed for the popup window. For convenience, the value of this property can be of multiple types (see `Switch Property Values` below). When no value is specified for this property, or if the value =null= or =undefined= is specified, then the default value ='yes'= will be used. resizable A string, boolean, or number, specifying whether or not the popup window should be resizable by the user. For convenience, the value of this property can be of multiple types (see `Switch Property Values` below). When no value is specified for this property, or if the value =null= or =undefined= is specified, then the default value ='yes'= will be used. Switch Property Values For the switch properties =toolbar=, =location=, =directories=, =status=, =menubar=, =scrollbars=, and =resizable=, values can be specified as string, boolean, or number. Boolean and number type values are resolved to the string values ='yes'= or ='no'=. The boolean value =true= and the number value =1= are resolved to ='yes'=, and the boolean value =false= and the number value =0= are resolved to ='no'=. Additionally, the string values ='on'=, ='true'=, and ='1'= are resolved to ='yes'=, and the string values ='off'=, ='false'=, and ='0'= are resolved to ='no'=. Automatic Centering The popup window is automatically centered if positioning is not specified by the =left= and/or =top= properties. When no value is specified for the =left= property, then the popup window will be centered horizontally. Similarly, when no value is specified for the =top= property, then the popup window will be centered vertically. If neither =left= nor =top= are specified, then the popup window will be centered horizontally *and* vertically. Blank Popup Window When no value is specified for the =url= property, or if the value =null=, =undefined=, or =''= (empty string) is specified, then a blank popup window will be launched. A document can be written into a blank popup window by using the window object reference that is returned by the =Uize.Widget.Page.launchPopup= method, as in... EXAMPLE ....................................................................... var popupWindow = Uize.Widget.Page.launchPopup ({width:350,height:100}), popupWindowDoc = popupWindow.document ; ('text/plain'); popupWindowDoc.writeln ('HELLO, WORLD!'); popupWindowDoc.close (); ....................................................................... In the above example, a little popup window would be launched displaying the text *"HELLO, WORLD!"*. Reusing Windows If a window is already open by the name specified in the =name= property, then it will be reused. A reused window will be brought to the front (see `Focusing of Popup Windows`), but its properties will not be updated to the new property values specified in the =popupPropertiesOBJ= parameter. So, size, position, displaying of scrollbars, etc. will not be changed when a popup window is reused. If a value is specified for the =url= property, then the contents of the reused window will be replaced with the document from the specified URL. If no =url= is specified, then the contents of the reused window will not be disturbed. Focusing of Popup Windows Popup windows that are launched using the =Uize.Widget.Page.launchPopup= method are focused (brought to the front). This is useful for reusing popup windows that may have become covered by other browser windows since first being launched. VARIATION ............................................ windowOBJ = Uize.Widget.Page.launchPopup (); ............................................ When no =popupPropertiesOBJ= parameter is specified, then a blank popup window will be opened using default values for all the =popupPropertiesOBJ= properties. */ } }, stateProperties:{ _confirmDialog:{ name:'confirmDialog', value:{} /*? State Properties confirmDialog An object, allowing aspects of the confirm dialog to be configured by an application. The object value for this property should be of the form... ............................................. { component:componentProfileOBJ, // optional widgetClassName:widgetClassNameSTR } ............................................. Confirm Dialog Properties The confirm dialog can be configured for an application using the following two properties... - =component= - A string, specifying the name of the server side component that should be loaded for building the confirm dialog's HTML. If no value is specified for the =component= property, then no component will be loaded from the server, and the confirm dialog's HTML will be expected to be already in the page, or it will be the responsibility of the confirm dialog's widget class to build the HTML for insertion into the page. - =widgetClassName= - A string, specifying the class name of the dialog widget that should be used for the confirm dialog. When no value is specified for the =widgetClassName= property, then the class =Uize.Widget.Dialog.Confirm= will be used as the default. NOTES - the initial value is ={}= (empty object) - the value specified for this property will affect the behavior of the =showConfirm= and =showInform= instance methods */ }, _dialogProperties:'dialogProperties' }, set:{ idPrefix:'page' /*? State Properties idPrefix This class inherits the =idPrefix= state property from the =Uize.Widget= base class, but overrides the initial value to ='page'=. Therefore, an instance of the page widget that is created without specifying a value for this property will automatically get the value ='page'=. You will generally only create one instance of this widget per page. */ } }); } });