SOURCE CODE: Uize.Test.Uize.Flo


|       ______  |   U I Z E    J A V A S C R I P T    F R A M E W O R K
|     /      /  |   ---------------------------------------------------
|    /    O /   |    MODULE : Uize.Test.Uize.Flo Class
|   /    / /    |
|  /    / /  /| |    ONLINE :
| /____/ /__/_| | COPYRIGHT : (c)2013-2014 UIZE
|          /___ |   LICENSE : Available under MIT License or GNU General Public License

/* Module Meta Data
  type: Test
  importance: 2
  codeCompleteness: 2
  docCompleteness: 100

    The =Uize.Test.Uize.Flo= module defines a suite of unit tests for the =Uize.Flo= module.

    *DEVELOPERS:* `Chris van Rensburg`

Uize.module ({
  builder:function () {
    'use strict';

    function _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,_toPush) {
      return function (_next) {
        setTimeout (
          function () {
            _actual.push (_toPush);
            _next ();

    function _syncPushActualAndNext (_actual,_toPush) {
      return function (_next) {
        _actual.push (_toPush);
        _next ();

    function _async (_function) {
      return function () {
          m = this,
          _arguments = arguments
        setTimeout (function () {_function.apply (m,_arguments)},0);

    return Uize.Test.resolve ({
      title:'Test for Uize.Flo Module',
        Uize.Test.requiredModulesTest ('Uize.Flo'),
        Uize.Test.staticMethodsTest ([
              title:'Statements of a block are executed in the order in which they are declared, when all statements execute asynchronously',
              test:function (_next) {
                  m = this,
                  _expected = ['a','b','c'],
                  _actual = []
                Uize.Flo.block (
                  _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'a'),
                  _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'b'),
                  _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'c')
                ) (
                  function () {
                    _next (m.expect (_expected,_actual));
              title:'Statements of a block are executed in the order in which they are declared, when all statements execute synchronously',
              test:function (_next) {
                  m = this,
                  _expected = ['a','b','c'],
                  _actual = []
                Uize.Flo.block (
                  _syncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'a'),
                  _syncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'b'),
                  _syncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'c')
                ) (
                  function () {
                    _next (m.expect (_expected,_actual));
              title:'Test that nested blocks are supported correctly',
              test:function (_next) {
                  m = this,
                  _expected = ['a','b','A','B','1','2','C','c'],
                  _actual = []
                Uize.Flo.block (
                  _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'a'),
                  _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'b'),
                  Uize.Flo.block (
                    _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'A'),
                    _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'B'),
                    Uize.Flo.block (
                      _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'1'),
                      _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'2')
                    _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'C')
                  _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'c')
                ) (
                  function () {
                    _next (m.expect (_expected,_actual));
              title:'In a block of only synchronous statements, all statements are executed synchronously and no asynchronous breaks are introduced',
              test:function () {
                  _expected = ['a','b','c'],
                  _actual = []
                Uize.Flo.block (
                  _syncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'a'),
                  _syncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'b'),
                  _syncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'c')
                ) ();
                return this.expect (_expected,_actual);
              title:'Test aborting from a block',
              test:function (_next) {
                  m = this,
                  _expected = ['a','b'],
                  _actual = []
                Uize.Flo.block (
                  _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'a'),
                  _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'b'),
                  function (_next) {setTimeout (function () {_next.flo.abort ()},0)},
                  _asyncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'c')
                ) (
                  function () {
                    _next (m.expect (_expected,_actual));
              title:'Test that synchronous statements are handled correctly',
                  title:'Test a basic if, where the statements are synchronous and the condition is false',
                  test:function () {
                    var _statementsExecuted = [];
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      function (_next) {_next (false)},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()}
                    ) ();
                    return this.expect ([],_statementsExecuted);
                  title:'Test a basic if, where the statements are synchronous and the condition is true',
                  test:function () {
                    var _statementsExecuted = [];
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      function (_next) {_next (true)},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()}
                    ) ();
                    return this.expect (['if'],_statementsExecuted);
                  title:'Test an if-else, where the statements are synchronous and the condition is false',
                  test:function () {
                    var _statementsExecuted = [];
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      function (_next) {_next (false)},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else'); _next ()}
                    ) ();
                    return this.expect (['else'],_statementsExecuted);
                  title:'Test an if-else, where the statements are synchronous and the condition is true',
                  test:function () {
                    var _statementsExecuted = [];
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      function (_next) {_next (true)},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else'); _next ()}
                    ) ();
                    return this.expect (['if'],_statementsExecuted);
                  title:'Test an if-then-elseif, where the statements are synchronous and the first condition is false and the elseif condition is also false',
                  test:function () {
                    var _statementsExecuted = [];
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      function (_next) {_next (false)},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()},
                      function (_next) {_next (false)},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else-if'); _next ()}
                    ) ();
                    return this.expect ([],_statementsExecuted);
                  title:'Test an if-then-elseif, where the statements are synchronous and the first condition is false and the elseif condition is true',
                  test:function () {
                    var _statementsExecuted = [];
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      function (_next) {_next (false)},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()},
                      function (_next) {_next (true)},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else-if'); _next ()}
                    ) ();
                    return this.expect (['else-if'],_statementsExecuted);
                  title:'Test an if-then-elseif-else, where the statements are synchronous and the first condition is false and the elseif condition is also false',
                  test:function () {
                    var _statementsExecuted = [];
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      function (_next) {_next (false)},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()},
                      function (_next) {_next (false)},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else-if'); _next ()},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else'); _next ()}
                    ) ();
                    return this.expect (['else'],_statementsExecuted);
                  title:'Test an if-then-elseif-else, where the statements are synchronous and the first condition is false and the elseif condition is true',
                  test:function () {
                    var _statementsExecuted = [];
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      function (_next) {_next (false)},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()},
                      function (_next) {_next (true)},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else-if'); _next ()},
                      function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else'); _next ()}
                    ) ();
                    return this.expect (['else-if'],_statementsExecuted);
              title:'Test that asynchronous statements are handled correctly',
                  title:'Test a basic if, where the statements are asynchronous and the condition is false',
                  test:function (_next) {
                      m = this,
                      _statementsExecuted = []
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      _async (function (_next) {_next (false)}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()})
                    ) (
                      function () {_next (m.expect ([],_statementsExecuted))}
                  title:'Test a basic if, where the statements are asynchronous and the condition is true',
                  test:function (_next) {
                      m = this,
                      _statementsExecuted = []
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      _async (function (_next) {_next (true)}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()})
                    ) (
                      function () {_next (m.expect (['if'],_statementsExecuted))}
                  title:'Test an if-else, where the statements are asynchronous and the condition is false',
                  test:function (_next) {
                      m = this,
                      _statementsExecuted = []
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      _async (function (_next) {_next (false)}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else'); _next ()})
                    ) (
                      function () {_next (m.expect (['else'],_statementsExecuted))}
                  title:'Test an if-else, where the statements are asynchronous and the condition is true',
                  test:function (_next) {
                      m = this,
                      _statementsExecuted = []
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      _async (function (_next) {_next (true)}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else'); _next ()})
                    ) (
                      function () {_next (m.expect (['if'],_statementsExecuted))}
                  title:'Test an if-then-elseif, where the statements are asynchronous and the first condition is false and the elseif condition is also false',
                  test:function (_next) {
                      m = this,
                      _statementsExecuted = []
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      _async (function (_next) {_next (false)}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_next (false)}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else-if'); _next ()})
                    ) (
                      function () {_next (m.expect ([],_statementsExecuted))}
                  title:'Test an if-then-elseif, where the statements are asynchronous and the first condition is false and the elseif condition is true',
                  test:function (_next) {
                      m = this,
                      _statementsExecuted = []
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      _async (function (_next) {_next (false)}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_next (true)}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else-if'); _next ()})
                    ) (
                      function () {_next (m.expect (['else-if'],_statementsExecuted))}
                  title:'Test an if-then-elseif-else, where the statements are asynchronous and the first condition is false and the elseif condition is also false',
                  test:function (_next) {
                      m = this,
                      _statementsExecuted = []
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      _async (function (_next) {_next (false)}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_next (false)}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else-if'); _next ()}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else'); _next ()})
                    ) (
                      function () {_next (m.expect (['else'],_statementsExecuted))}
                  title:'Test an if-then-elseif-else, where the statements are asynchronous and the first condition is false and the elseif condition is true',
                  test:function (_next) {
                      m = this,
                      _statementsExecuted = []
                    Uize.Flo ['if'] (
                      _async (function (_next) {_next (false)}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('if'); _next ()}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_next (true)}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else-if'); _next ()}),
                      _async (function (_next) {_statementsExecuted.push ('else'); _next ()})
                    ) (
                      function () {_next (m.expect (['else-if'],_statementsExecuted))}
              title:'Test that a do loop where the statements are asynchronous is handled correctly',
              test:function (_next) {
                  m = this,
                  _expected = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'],
                  _actual = [],
                  _items = _expected.concat ()
                Uize.Flo ['do'] (
                  _async (function (_next) {_actual.push (_items.shift ()); _next ();}),
                  _async (function (_next) {_next (_items.length)})
                ) (
                  function () {
                    _next (m.expect (_expected,_actual));
              title:'Test that a do loop where the statements are synchronous is handled correctly',
              test:function () {
                  m = this,
                  _expected = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'],
                  _actual = [],
                  _items = _expected.concat ()
                Uize.Flo ['do'] (
                  function (_next) {_actual.push (_items.shift ()); _next ();},
                  function (_next) {_next (_items.length)}
                ) ();
                return m.expect (_expected,_actual);
              title:'Test that a while loop where the statements are asynchronous is handled correctly',
              test:function (_next) {
                  m = this,
                  _expected = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'],
                  _actual = [],
                  _items = _expected.concat ()
                Uize.Flo ['while'] (
                  _async (function (_next) {_next (_items.length)}),
                  _async (function (_next) {_actual.push (_items.shift ()); _next ();})
                ) (
                  function () {
                    _next (m.expect (_expected,_actual));
              title:'Test that a while loop where the statements are synchronous is handled correctly',
              test:function () {
                  m = this,
                  _expected = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'],
                  _actual = [],
                  _items = _expected.concat ()
                Uize.Flo ['while'] (
                  function (_next) {_next (_items.length)},
                  function (_next) {_actual.push (_items.shift ()); _next ();}
                ) ();
                return m.expect (_expected,_actual);
              title:'Test that a for loop where the statements are asynchronous is handled correctly',
              test:function (_next) {
                  m = this,
                  _expected = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'],
                  _actual = [],
                  _items = _expected.concat ()
                Uize.Flo ['for'] (
                  _async (function (_next) {_itemNo = 0; _next ()}),
                  _async (function (_next) {_next (_itemNo < _items.length)}),
                  _async (function (_next) {_itemNo++; _next ()}),
                  _async (function (_next) {_actual.push (_items [_itemNo]); _next ()})
                ) (
                  function () {
                    _next (m.expect (_expected,_actual));
              title:'Test that a for loop where the statements are synchronous is handled correctly',
              test:function () {
                  m = this,
                  _expected = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'],
                  _actual = [],
                  _items = _expected.concat ()
                Uize.Flo ['for'] (
                  function (_next) {_itemNo = 0; _next ()},
                  function (_next) {_next (_itemNo < _items.length)},
                  function (_next) {_itemNo++; _next ()},
                  function (_next) {_actual.push (_items [_itemNo]); _next ()}
                ) ();
                return m.expect (_expected,_actual);
              title:'Test that an ongoing loop can be terminated with an internal break',
              test:function (_next) {
                  m = this,
                  _items = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'],
                  _actual = []
                Uize.Flo.ongoing (
                  _async (
                    function (_next) {
                      _actual.push (_items.shift ());
                      _next ();
                  _async (function (_next) {_actual.length == 4 ? _next.flo ['break'] () : _next ()})
                ) (
                  function () {
                    _next (m.expect (['a','b','c','d'],_actual));
              title:'When an ongoing loop contains only synchronous statements, the entire loop is executed synchronously',
              test:function () {
                  _items = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'],
                  _actual = []
                Uize.Flo.ongoing (
                  function (_next) {
                    _actual.push (_items.shift ());
                    _next ();
                  function (_next) {_actual.length == 4 ? _next.flo ['break'] () : _next ()}
                ) ();
                return this.expect (['a','b','c','d'],_actual);
              title:'Test that an ongoing loop can be terminated by calling break on the flo reference that would be accessible externally',
              test:function (_next) {
                  m = this,
                  _items = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g'],
                  _actual = [],
                  _flo = Uize.Flo.ongoing (
                    _async (
                      function (_next) {
                        _actual.push (_items.shift ());
                        _next ();
                    _async (function (_next) {_actual.length == 4 ? _flo ['break'] () : _next ()})
                  ) (
                    function () {
                      _next (m.expect (['a','b','c','d'],_actual));
              title:'Test that a forIn loop where the statements are asynchronous is handled correctly',
              test:function (_next) {
                  m = this,
                  _source = {foo:'bar',hello:'world'},
                  _actualKeyNos = [],
                  _actualKeys = [],
                  _actualValues = []
                Uize.Flo.forIn (
                  _async (function (_next) {_next (_source)}),
                  _async (
                    function (_next) {
                      _actualKeyNos.push (this.keyNo);
                      _actualKeys.push (this.key);
                      _actualValues.push (this.value);
                      _next ();
                ) (
                  function () {
                    _next (
                      m.expect ([0,1],_actualKeyNos) &&
                      m.expect (['foo','hello'],_actualKeys) &&
                      m.expect (['bar','world'],_actualValues)
              title:'Test that a forIn loop where the statements are synchronous is handled correctly',
              test:function () {
                  m = this,
                  _source = {foo:'bar',hello:'world'},
                  _actualKeyNos = [],
                  _actualKeys = [],
                  _actualValues = []
                Uize.Flo.forIn (
                  function (_next) {_next (_source)},
                  function (_next) {
                    _actualKeyNos.push (this.keyNo);
                    _actualKeys.push (this.key);
                    _actualValues.push (this.value);
                    _next ();
                ) ();
                return (
                  m.expect ([0,1],_actualKeyNos) &&
                  m.expect (['foo','hello'],_actualKeys) &&
                  m.expect (['bar','world'],_actualValues)
          title:'Test the instance methods',
              title:'Test that the continue instance method works correctly',
                  - test that the continue instance method works correctly for a do loop
                  - test that the continue instance method works correctly for a while loop
                  - test that the continue instance method works correctly for a for loop
                  - test that the continue instance method works correctly for a forIn loop
          title:'Test breathing features',
              title:'When breathing is enabled, asynchronous breaks are introduced between all statements in a block of synchronous statements',
              test:function (_next) {
                  m = this,
                  _expected = ['a','b','c'],
                  _actual = []
                Uize.Flo.block (
                  _syncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'a'),
                  _syncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'b'),
                  _syncPushActualAndNext (_actual,'c')
                ) ({
                  callback:function () {
                    _next (
                      m.expect (['a'],_actualImmediatelyAfterFloInvokation) &&
                      m.expect (_expected,_actual)
                var _actualImmediatelyAfterFloInvokation = _actual.concat ();