SOURCE CODE: Uize.Test.Uize.Dom.Classes (view docs)

|       ______  |   U I Z E    J A V A S C R I P T    F R A M E W O R K
|     /      /  |   ---------------------------------------------------
|    /    O /   |    MODULE : Uize.Test.Uize.Dom.Classes Class
|   /    / /    |
|  /    / /  /| |    ONLINE :
| /____/ /__/_| | COPYRIGHT : (c)2010-2016 UIZE
|          /___ |   LICENSE : Available under MIT License or GNU General Public License

/* Module Meta Data
  type: Test
  importance: 3
  codeCompleteness: 100
  docCompleteness: 100

    The =Uize.Test.Uize.Dom.Classes= module defines a suite of unit tests for the =Uize.Dom.Classes= module.

    *DEVELOPERS:* `Chris van Rensburg`

Uize.module ({
  builder:function () {
    'use strict';

    function _mockNodeWithClassName (_className) {
      /* NOTE:
        returns an object designed to fool the Uize.Dom.Basics.isNode method into thinking it's a node, so we can test the classes methods without having to have a browser or a document, allowing this test module to run in Windows Script Host or other non-browser host
      return {

    function _modifyClassesStaticMethodTest (_methodFullName,_cases,_testProperties) {
        _hostAndProperty = Uize.Test.splitHostAndProperty (_methodFullName),
        _methodHostName =,
        _methodName =,
        _test = [Uize.Test.staticPropertyTest (_methodFullName,'function')]
      function _getCaseTest (_case) {
        return (
          Uize.isArray (_case)
            ? {
              title:_case [0],
              test:function () {
                  _mockNode = _mockNodeWithClassName (_case [1]),
                  _methodHost = Uize.getModuleByName (_methodHostName),
                  _arguments = _case [2]
                _methodHost [_methodName].apply (
                  [_mockNode].concat (Uize.isArray (_arguments) ? _arguments : [_arguments])
                return this.expect (_case [3],_mockNode.className);
            : _case
      for (var _caseNo = -1, _casesLength = _cases.length; ++_caseNo < _casesLength;)
        _test.push (_getCaseTest (_cases [_caseNo]))
      return Uize.Test.resolve (
        Uize.copyInto (
            title:'STATIC METHOD TEST: ' + _methodFullName,

    function _modifyClassesStaticMethodsTest (_staticMethodsTest) {
      var _test = [];
      for (
        var _staticMethodTestNo = -1, _staticMethodsTestLength = _staticMethodsTest.length;
        ++_staticMethodTestNo < _staticMethodsTestLength;
      ) {
        var _staticMethodTest = _staticMethodsTest [_staticMethodTestNo];
        _test.push (
          Uize.isArray (_staticMethodTest)
            ? _modifyClassesStaticMethodTest.apply (this,_staticMethodTest)
            : _staticMethodTest
      return Uize.Test.resolve ({title:'Modify Classes Static Method Tests',test:_test});

    return Uize.Test.resolve ({
      title:'Test for Uize.Dom.Classes Module',
        Uize.Test.requiredModulesTest ('Uize.Dom.Classes'),
        Uize.Test.staticMethodsTest ([
            /*** test handling of invalid node cases ***/
              ['The integer -1 is returned when the node is null',
              ['The integer -1 is returned when the node is undefined',

            /*** test support for boolean state values ***/
              ['The boolean false is returned when the node\'s className string contains the first of two state classes',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('BEFORE disabled AFTER'),['disabled','enabled']],
              ['The boolean true is returned when the node\'s className string contains the second of two state classes',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('BEFORE enabled AFTER'),['disabled','enabled']],

            /*** test support for integer state values (i.e. more than two states) ***/
              ['The integer 0 is returned when the node\'s className string contains the first of three state classes',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('BEFORE warning AFTER'),['warning','nonFatalError','fatalError']],
              ['The integer 1 is returned when the node\'s className string contains the second of three state classes',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('BEFORE nonFatalError AFTER'),['warning','nonFatalError','fatalError']],
              ['The integer 2 is returned when the node\'s className string contains the third of three state classes',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('BEFORE fatalError AFTER'),['warning','nonFatalError','fatalError']],

            /*** test handling of no state class present ***/
              ['The integer -1 is returned when the node\'s className string contains neither of two state classes',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('BEFORE AFTER'),['disabled','enabled']],
              ['The integer -1 is returned when the node\'s className string contains none of three state classes',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('BEFORE AFTER'),['warning','nonFatalError','fatalError']],
              ['Class matching is case sensitive when getting a state from a node\'s className',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('ENABLED'),['disabled','enabled']],

            /*** test handling when class for one of the states is an empty string ***/
              ['The boolean false is returned when the first of the state classes is an empty string and the node\'s className string does not contain the second state class',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('populated featured'),['','selected']],
              ['The boolean true is returned when the second of the state classes is an empty string and the node\'s className string does not contain the first state class',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('populated featured'),['selected','']],

            /*** test support for state classes being specified using a string ***/
              /*** test support for multiple state classes being specified using a comma-separated string ***/
                ['The boolean false is returned when the node\'s className string contains the first of two state classes specified using a comma-separated string',
                  [_mockNodeWithClassName ('BEFORE disabled AFTER'),'disabled,enabled'],
                ['The boolean true is returned when the node\'s className string contains the second of two state classes',
                  [_mockNodeWithClassName ('BEFORE enabled AFTER'),'disabled,enabled'],

              /*** test handling of a single state class being specified using a string ***/
                ['The boolean false is returned when a state class specified using a string isn\'t contained inside the node\'s className string',
                  [_mockNodeWithClassName ('populated featured'),'selected'],
                ['The boolean true is returned when a state class specified using a string is contained inside the node\'s className string',
                  [_mockNodeWithClassName ('populated selected featured'),'selected'],
                ['The integer -1 is returned when an empty string is specified for the state class',
                  [_mockNodeWithClassName ('enabled'),''],
            /*** test handling of invalid node cases ***/
              ['The boolean false is returned when the node is null',
              ['The boolean false is returned when the node is undefined',

            /*** test when specified class is present ***/
              ['The boolean true is returned when the specified class is the first class of several classes in the node\'s className string',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('populated selected featured'),['populated']],
              ['The boolean true is returned when the specified class is the second class of several classes in the node\'s className string',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('populated selected featured'),['selected']],
              ['The boolean true is returned when the specified class is the last class of several classes in the node\'s className string',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('populated selected featured'),['featured']],

            /*** test when specified class is absent ***/
              ['The value false is returned when the node\'s className string does not contain the specified class',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('populated featured'),['selected']],
              ['Class matching is case sensitive when testing if a class is present in a node\'s className string',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('populated selected featured'),['SELECTED']],

            /*** miscellaneous ***/
              ['The boolean false is returned when the class that is being tested for is an empty string',
                [_mockNodeWithClassName ('populated selected featured'),['']],
        _modifyClassesStaticMethodsTest ([
            ['Setting state for a class that is the empty string has no effect',
              'populated selected featured',
              'populated selected featured'

            /*** test adding a class by setting its state to true ***/
              ['Test that setting state for a class to true on a node that has no classes works correctly',
              ['Setting state for a class to true on a node that already has that class doesn\'t result in a duplicate',
                'populated selected',
                'populated selected'
              ['Setting state for a class to true on a node that already has a different class results in the new class being appended, with a single space as separator',
                'populated selected'
              ['Class matching is case sensitive when setting state for a class to true',
                'populated selected',
                'populated selected SELECTED'
              ['Setting state for a class to true where that class that is an empty string results in no change',
                'populated selected',
                'populated selected'

            /*** test removing a class by setting its state to false ***/
              ['Test that setting state for a class to false on a node that has no classes works correctly',
              ['Test that setting state for a class to false where that class is at the beginning of a node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                'populated selected featured',
                'selected featured'
              ['Test that setting state for a class to false where that class is in the middle of a node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                'populated selected featured',
                'populated featured'
              ['Test that setting state for a class to false where that class at the end of a node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                'populated selected featured',
                'populated selected'
              ['Setting state for a class to false where that class isn\'t in a node\'s className string results in no change',
                'populated selected featured',
                'populated selected featured'
              ['Setting state for a class to false where that class is an empty string results in no change',
                'populated selected featured',
                'populated selected featured'
              ['Setting state for a class to false where that class is the only class in a node\'s className string results in an empty className string',
              ['Class matching is case sensitive when setting state for a class to false',
                'populated selected featured',
                'populated selected featured'

            /*** test support for two state classes ***/
              ['Test that setting state to false where there are two state classes and where neither class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
              ['Test that setting state to false where there are two state classes and where the false state class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
              ['Test that setting state to false where there are two state classes and where the true state class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
              ['Test that setting state to true where there are two state classes and where neither class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
              ['Test that setting state to true where there are two state classes and where the false state class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
              ['Test that setting state to true where there are two state classes and where the true state class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',

            /*** test support for three state classes ***/
              /*** setting state to 0 ***/
                ['Test that setting state to 0 where there are three state classes and where none of the classes are in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                ['Test that setting state to 0 where there are three state classes and where the 0 state class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                ['Test that setting state to 0 where there are three state classes and where the 1 state class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                ['Test that setting state to 0 where there are three state classes and where the 2 state class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',

              /*** setting state to 1 ***/
                ['Test that setting state to 1 where there are three state classes and where none of the classes are in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                ['Test that setting state to 1 where there are three state classes and where the 0 state class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                ['Test that setting state to 1 where there are three state classes and where the 1 state class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                ['Test that setting state to 1 where there are three state classes and where the 2 state class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',

              /*** setting state to 2 ***/
                ['Test that setting state to 2 where there are three state classes and where none of the classes are in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                ['Test that setting state to 2 where there are three state classes and where the 0 state class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                ['Test that setting state to 2 where there are three state classes and where the 1 state class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                ['Test that setting state to 2 where there are three state classes and where the 2 state class is in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',

            /*** test support for more than one state class being an empty string ***/
              /*** test setting state to a state whose state class is a non-empty string, where all other state classes are empty strings ***/
                ['Test that setting state to 0 where there are four state classes, where all are empty strings except for the 0 state class, and where the 0 state class is *not* in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                  'ENABLED stateClass'
                ['Test that setting state to 1 where there are four state classes, where all are empty strings except for the 1 state class, and where the 1 state class is *not* in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                  'ENABLED stateClass'
                ['Test that setting state to 2 where there are four state classes, where all are empty strings except for the 2 state class, and where the 2 state class is *not* in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                  'ENABLED stateClass'
                ['Test that setting state to 3 where there are four state classes, where all are empty strings except for the 3 state class, and where the 3 state class is *not* in the node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                  'ENABLED stateClass'

              /*** test setting state to a state whose state class is an empty string, and where there are three other state classes, two of which are empty strings, and one of which is a non-empty string that is in the node's className string ***/
                ['Test that setting state to 0 where there are four state classes, where all are empty strings except for one state class which is in the node\'s className string, and where the 0 state class is an empty string, is handled correctly',
                  'BEFORE stateClass AFTER',
                  'BEFORE AFTER'
                ['Test that setting state to 1 where there are four state classes, where all are empty strings except for one state class which is in the node\'s className string, and where the 1 state class is an empty string, is handled correctly',
                  'BEFORE stateClass AFTER',
                  'BEFORE AFTER'
                ['Test that setting state to 2 where there are four state classes, where all are empty strings except for one state class which is in the node\'s className string, and where the 2 state class is an empty string, is handled correctly',
                  'BEFORE stateClass AFTER',
                  'BEFORE AFTER'
                ['Test that setting state to 3 where there are four state classes, where all are empty strings except for one state class which is in the node\'s className string, and where the 3 state class is an empty string, is handled correctly',
                  'BEFORE stateClass AFTER',
                  'BEFORE AFTER'
            /*** test support for first state class being empty string ***/
              ['Removing a state when none of the state classes is present in the node\'s className string results in no change',
                'BEFORE AFTER',
                'BEFORE AFTER'
              ['Test that removing a state that is specified using a string with only one state class (the first class is implicit as the empty string) is handled correctly',
                'BEFORE selected AFTER',
                'BEFORE AFTER'

            /*** test support for two state classes ***/
              ['Removing a state where there are two non-empty state classes and where none of those classes is in the node\'s className string results in no change',
                'BEFORE AFTER',
                'BEFORE AFTER'
              ['Removing a state where there are two non-empty state classes and where the first of those classes is in the node\'s className string results in it being removed',
                'BEFORE disabled AFTER',
                'BEFORE AFTER'
              ['Removing a state where there are two non-empty state classes and where the second of those classes is in the node\'s className string results in it being removed',
                'BEFORE enabled AFTER',
                'BEFORE AFTER'

            /*** test support for three state classes ***/
              ['Removing a state where there are three non-empty state classes and where none of those classes is in the node\'s className string results in no change',
                'BEFORE AFTER',
                'BEFORE AFTER'
              ['Removing a state where there are three non-empty state classes and where the first of those classes is in the node\'s className string results in it being removed',
                'BEFORE state0Class AFTER',
                'BEFORE AFTER'
              ['Removing a state where there are three non-empty state classes and where the second of those classes is in the node\'s className string results in it being removed',
                'BEFORE state1Class AFTER',
                'BEFORE AFTER'
              ['Removing a state where there are three non-empty state classes and where the third of those classes is in the node\'s className string results in it being removed',
                'BEFORE state2Class AFTER',
                'BEFORE AFTER'

            /*** miscellaneous ***/
              ['Class matching is case sensitive when removing a state',
                'BEFORE selected AFTER',
                'BEFORE selected AFTER'
            ['Toggling state for a class that is the empty string has no effect',
              'populated selected featured',
              'populated selected featured'

            /*** test support for state classes being specified as a string ***/
              ['Test that toggling state where state classes is specified using a string and where the node\'s className string is empty is handled correctly',
              ['Test that toggling state where state classes is specified using a string and where the node\'s className string is the true state class is handled correctly',
              ['Toggling state where state classes is specified using a string, where the node\'s className string has classes but not the true state class, results in the true state class being appended',
                'populated selected',
                'populated selected featured'
              ['Test that toggling state where state classes is specified using a string, and where the true state class is at the beginning of the node\'s className string results in it being removed correctly',
                'populated selected featured',
                'selected featured'
              ['Test that toggling state where state classes is specified using a string, and where the true state class is in the middle of the node\'s className string results in it being removed correctly',
                'populated selected featured',
                'populated featured'
              ['Test that toggling state where state classes is specified using a string, and where the true state class is at the end of the node\'s className string results in it being removed correctly',
                'populated selected featured',
                'populated selected'

            /*** test support for two state classes ***/
              ['Toggling state where there are two states, and where none of the state classes is in a node\'s className string results in the first state class being appended, with a single space as separator',
                'BEFORE AFTER',
                'BEFORE AFTER disabled'
              ['Toggling state where there are two states, and where the first state class is in a node\'s className string results in it being replaced with the second state class',
                'BEFORE disabled AFTER',
                'BEFORE enabled AFTER'
              ['Toggling state where there are two states, and where the second state class is in a node\'s className string results in it being replaced with the first state class',
                'BEFORE enabled AFTER',
                'BEFORE disabled AFTER'

            /*** test support for three state classes ***/
              ['Toggling state where there are three states, and where none of the state classes is in a node\'s className string results in the first state class being appended, with a single space as separator',
                'BEFORE AFTER',
                'BEFORE AFTER state0Class'
              ['Toggling state where there are three states, and where the first state class is in a node\'s className string results in it being replaced with the second state class',
                'BEFORE state0Class AFTER',
                'BEFORE state1Class AFTER'
              ['Toggling state where there are three states, and where the second state class is in a node\'s className string results in it being replaced with the third state class',
                'BEFORE state1Class AFTER',
                'BEFORE state2Class AFTER'
              ['That toggling state where there are three states, and where the third state class is in a node\'s className string results in it being replaced with the first state class',
                'BEFORE state2Class AFTER',
                'BEFORE state0Class AFTER'
            ['Test that adding a class to a node that has no classes works correctly',
            ['Adding a class to a node that already has that class doesn\'t result in a duplicate',
              'populated selected',
              'populated selected'
            ['Adding a class to a node that already has a different class results in the new class being appended, with a single space as separator',
              'populated selected'
            ['Class matching is case sensitive when adding a class',
              'populated selected',
              'populated selected SELECTED'
            ['Adding a class that is an empty string results in no change',
              'populated selected',
              'populated selected'
            ['Test that removing a class from a node that has no classes works correctly',
            ['Test that removing a class that is at the beginning of a node\'s className string is handled correctly',
              'populated selected featured',
              'selected featured'
            ['Test that removing a class that is in the middle of a node\'s className string is handled correctly',
              'populated selected featured',
              'populated featured'
            ['Test that removing a class that is at the end of a node\'s className string is handled correctly',
              'populated selected featured',
              'populated selected'
            ['Removing a class that isn\'t in a node\'s className string results in no change',
              'populated selected featured',
              'populated selected featured'
            ['Removing a class that is an empty string results in no change',
              'populated selected featured',
              'populated selected featured'
            ['Removing the only class in a node\'s className string results in an empty className string',
            ['Class matching is case sensitive when removing a class',
              'populated selected featured',
              'populated selected featured'
            /*** test when specified class is present ***/
              ['Test that toggling a class that is at the beginning of a node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                'populated selected featured',
                'selected featured'
              ['Test that toggling a class that is in the middle of a node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                'populated selected featured',
                'populated featured'
              ['Test that toggling a class that is at the end of a node\'s className string is handled correctly',
                'populated selected featured',
                'populated selected'

            /*** test when specified class is absent ***/
              ['Test that toggling a class for a node that has no classes works correctly',
              ['Toggling a class that isn\'t present for a node that has different classes in its className string results in the toggle class being appended, with a single space as separator',
                'populated selected',
                'populated selected featured'

            /*** miscellaneous ***/
              ['Class matching is case sensitive when toggling a class',
                'populated selected featured',
                'populated selected featured FEATURED'
              ['Toggling a class that is an empty string results in no change',
                'populated selected featured',
                'populated selected featured'