SOURCE CODE: Uize.Test.Uize.Date


|       ______  |   U I Z E    J A V A S C R I P T    F R A M E W O R K
|     /      /  |   ---------------------------------------------------
|    /    O /   |    MODULE : Uize.Test.Uize.Date Class
|   /    / /    |
|  /    / /  /| |    ONLINE :
| /____/ /__/_| | COPYRIGHT : (c)2010-2014 UIZE
|          /___ |   LICENSE : Available under MIT License or GNU General Public License

/* Module Meta Data
  type: Test
  importance: 3
  codeCompleteness: 100
  docCompleteness: 100

    The =Uize.Test.Uize.Date= module defines a suite of unit tests for the =Uize.Date= module.

    *DEVELOPERS:* `Chris van Rensburg`

Uize.module ({
  builder:function () {
    'use strict';

    function _dateToNumber (_date) {return +_date}
    function _dateToString (_date) {return _date + ''}
    function _dateToIso8601String (_date) {return Uize.Date.toIso8601 (_date)}

    function _newDate (_year,_month,_dayNo,_hours,_minutes,_seconds,_milliseconds) {
      var _date = new Date (
        +_year + (_year < 100 && 400),
        (+_month || 1) - 1,
        +_dayNo || 1,
        +_hours || 0,
        +_minutes || 0,
        +_seconds || 0,
        +_milliseconds || 0
      _year < 100 && _date.setFullYear (_year);
      return _date;
      _defaultDate = new Date,
      _oneDayInMilliseconds = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
      _nowTestFudgeFactor = 10,

      /*** various test dates, for use in tests for different methods ***/
        _testDate = _newDate (2001,9,11,8,46,40),
        _testDateInvalid = new Date (NaN),
        _testDateYearWithOneDigit = _newDate (9,1,1),
        _testDateYearWithTwoDigits = _newDate (99,1,1),
        _testDateYearWithThreeDigits = _newDate (999,1,1),
        _testDateYearWithFourDigits = _newDate (9999,1,1),
        _testDateMonthWithOneDigit = _newDate (2001,1,1),
        _testDateMonthWithTwoDigits = _newDate (2001,12,1),
        _testDateDateWithOneDigit = _newDate (2001,1,1),
        _testDateDateWithTwoDigits = _newDate (2001,1,31),

        /*** dates for testing date ranges ***/
          _testDateBeforeDateRangeMin = _newDate (2001,1,1,23,59,59,999),
          _testDateDateRangeMin = _newDate (2001,1,2,0,0,0,0),
          _testDateWithinDateRange = _newDate (2001,6,15),
          _testDateDateRangeMax = _newDate (2001,12,31,23,59,59,999),
          _testDateAfterDateRangeMax = _newDate (2002,1,1,0,0,0,0),
          _dateRangeWithMinAndMax = {minValue:_testDateDateRangeMin,maxValue:_testDateDateRangeMax},
          _dateRangeWithOnlyMin = {minValue:_testDateDateRangeMin},
          _dateRangeWithOnlyMax = {minValue:_testDateDateRangeMax},
          _dateRangeWhereMinIsUsedForMax = {minValue:_testDateDateRangeMin,maxValue:_testDateDateRangeMin},
          _dateRangeWithoutBounds = {}

    function _resolveShouldReturnNowTest (_testTitle,_arguments) {
      return {
        test:function () {
            _now = (),
            _result = Uize.Date.resolve.apply (Uize.Date,_arguments)
          return this.expectInstanceOf (Date,_result) && _now - _result < _nowTestFudgeFactor;
    function _dateMethodShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (_testTitle,_methodName,_arguments,_specificDate) {
      return {
        test:function () {
          var _result = Uize.Date [_methodName].apply (Uize.Date,_arguments);
          return (
            this.expectInstanceOf (Date,_result) &&
            _result.getFullYear () == _specificDate.getFullYear () &&
            _result.getMonth () == _specificDate.getMonth () &&
            _result.getDate () == _specificDate.getDate ()
    function _resolveShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (_testTitle,_arguments,_specificDate) {
      return _dateMethodShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (_testTitle,'resolve',_arguments,_specificDate);
    function _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (_testTitle,_daysFromNow,_recencyWindow,_expectedValue,_dateEncoder) {
      return {
        test:function () {
          var _now = ();
          return this.expect (
            Uize.Date.isRecent (
              (_dateEncoder || Uize.returnX) (new Date (+_now + _daysFromNow * _oneDayInMilliseconds)),

    function _dateRangeValueCanBeOfTypeTest (_testTitle,_rangeProperty,_dateEncoder) {
      return {
        test:function () {
          var _dateRange = {minValue:_testDateDateRangeMin,maxValue:_testDateDateRangeMin};
          _dateRange [_rangeProperty] = _dateEncoder (_testDateDateRangeMin);
          return (
            !Uize.Date.inRange (_testDateBeforeDateRangeMin,_dateRange) &&
            Uize.Date.inRange (_testDateDateRangeMin,_dateRange) &&
            !Uize.Date.inRange (_testDateWithinDateRange,_dateRange)

    function _getRangeAroundTest (_testTitle,_arguments,_expectedDateRange) {
      return {
        test:function () {
          var _dateRange = Uize.Date.getRangeAround.apply (Uize.Date,_arguments);
          return !(
            _dateRange.minValue - _expectedDateRange.minValue ||
            _dateRange.maxValue - _expectedDateRange.maxValue

    function _getRangeAroundTestsForRangeSize (_rangeSize,_rangeMinValue,_rangeMiddleValue,_rangeMaxValue) {
      var _expectedDateRange = {minValue:_rangeMinValue,maxValue:_rangeMaxValue};
      return {
        title:'For a ' + _rangeSize + ' sized date range, the reference date can fall at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of a ' + _rangeSize,
          _getRangeAroundTest (
            'For a ' + _rangeSize + ' sized date range, the reference date can fall at the beginning of a ' + _rangeSize,
          _getRangeAroundTest (
            'For a ' + _rangeSize + ' sized date range, the reference date can fall in the middle of a ' + _rangeSize,
          _getRangeAroundTest (
            'For a ' + _rangeSize + ' sized date range, the reference date can fall at the end of a ' + _rangeSize,

    function _dateToGetRangeAroundIsDefaultedToNowTest (_value,_valueDisplayName) {
      return {
        title:'The date to get a range around is defaulted to now when its value is ' + _valueDisplayName,
        test:function () {
            _rangeAroundNow = Uize.Date.getRangeAround (new Date,'month'),
            _rangeAroundValue = Uize.Date.getRangeAround (_value,'month')
          return (
            _rangeAroundValue.minValue - _rangeAroundNow.minValue < _nowTestFudgeFactor &&
            _rangeAroundValue.maxValue - _rangeAroundNow.maxValue < _nowTestFudgeFactor

    return Uize.Test.resolve ({
      title:'Test for Uize.Date Module',
        Uize.Test.requiredModulesTest ('Uize.Date'),
        Uize.Test.staticMethodsTest ([
            ['Converting 1 year to months produces the result 12',
            ['Converting 1 month to weeks produces the result 4.348121428571429',
            ['Converting 1 week to days produces the result 7',
            ['Converting 1 day to hours produces the result 24',
            ['Converting 1 hour to minutes produces the result 60',
            ['Converting 1 minute to seconds produces the result 60',
            ['Converting 1 second to milliseconds produces the result 1000',
            ['Converting 1 month to years produces the result 1/12',
            ['Converting 1 week to months produces the result 1/4.348121428571429',
              1/4.348121428571429  // troublesome, because of precision issues
            ['Converting 1 day to weeks produces the result 1/7',
            ['Converting 1 hour to days produces the result 1/24',
            ['Converting 1 minute to hours produces the result 1/60',
            ['Converting 1 second to minutes produces the result 1/60',
            ['Converting 1 millisecond to seconds produces the result 1/1000',
            ['The value to be converted can be a string type',
            ['The values for all the parameters can be Uize class instances',
                Uize.Class.Value ({value:'2'}),
                Uize.Class.Value ({value:'hours'}),
                Uize.Class.Value ({value:'seconds'})
            ['A year that is not perfectly divisible by 4 is not considered a leap year',
            ['A year that is perfectly divisible by 4, but is not perfectly divisible by 100, is considered a leap year',
            ['A year that is perfectly divisible by 4, but that is perfectly divisible by 100 and not perfectly divisible by 400, is not considered a leap year',
            ['A year that is perfectly divisible by 4, but is perfectly divisible by 100, but is also perfectly divisible by 400, is considered a leap year',
            /*** test all months of a non-leap year ***/
              ['January has 31 days in a non-leap year',[0,2001],31],
              ['February has 28 days in a non-leap year',[1,2001],28],
              ['March has 31 days in a non-leap year',[2,2001],31],
              ['April has 30 days in a non-leap year',[3,2001],30],
              ['May has 31 days in a non-leap year',[4,2001],31],
              ['June has 30 days in a non-leap year',[5,2001],30],
              ['July has 31 days in a non-leap year',[6,2001],31],
              ['August has 31 days in a non-leap year',[7,2001],31],
              ['September has 30 days in a non-leap year',[8,2001],30],
              ['October has 31 days in a non-leap year',[9,2001],31],
              ['November has 30 days in a non-leap year',[10,2001],30],
              ['December has 31 days in a non-leap year',[11,2001],31],

            /*** test all months of a leap year ***/
              ['January has 31 days in a leap year',[0,2000],31],
              ['February has 29 days in a leap year',[1,2000],29],
              ['March has 31 days in a leap year',[2,2000],31],
              ['April has 30 days in a leap year',[3,2000],30],
              ['May has 31 days in a leap year',[4,2000],31],
              ['June has 30 days in a leap year',[5,2000],30],
              ['July has 31 days in a leap year',[6,2000],31],
              ['August has 31 days in a leap year',[7,2000],31],
              ['September has 30 days in a leap year',[8,2000],30],
              ['October has 31 days in a leap year',[9,2000],31],
              ['November has 30 days in a leap year',[10,2000],30],
              ['December has 31 days in a leap year',[11,2000],31]
            _dateMethodShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (
              'An ISO8601 date string formatted in the typical YYYY-MM-DD manner can be decoded',
            ['A date string that is not formatted as ISO8601 produces the result undefined',
              'THIS IS NOT A VALID ISO8601 DATE STRING',
            _dateMethodShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (
              'An ISO8601 formatted date string is allowed to have three digits for the year',
              _newDate (999,1,2)
            _dateMethodShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (
              'An ISO8601 formatted date string with a year less than 100 is not considered in the 20th century when more than two digits are specified for year',
              _newDate (99,1,2)
            _dateMethodShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (
              'An ISO8601 formatted date string is allowed to have two digits for the year',
              _newDate (1999,1,2)
            ['A date string that has only one year digit is not considered a valid ISO8601 formatted date',
            _dateMethodShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (
              'An ISO8601 formatted date string is allowed to have more than four digits for the year',
              _newDate (12345,1,2)
            _dateMethodShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (
              'An ISO8601 formatted date string is allowed to have only one digit for the month',
              _newDate (2000,1,2)
            _dateMethodShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (
              'An ISO8601 formatted date string is allowed to have only one digit for the day',
              _newDate (2000,1,2)
            ['A date string that has more than two month digits is not considered a valid ISO8601 formatted date',
            ['A date string that has more than two day digits is not considered a valid ISO8601 formatted date',
            _dateMethodShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (
              'An ISO8601 date string that is surrounded by extraneous text can still be parsed',
              ['AN ISO8601 DATE ----> 2001-09-11 <---- AN ISO8601 DATE'],
              title:'The returned Date object instance has its hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds all set to 0',
              test:function () {
                var _result = Uize.Date.fromIso8601 ('2001-09-11');
                return (
                  !_result.getHours () &&
                  !_result.getMinutes () &&
                  !_result.getSeconds () &&
                  !_result.getMilliseconds ()
            /*** test handling of the default date parameter ***/
              ['The specified default date is returned when undefined is specified for the dateSTRorOBJ parameter',
              ['The specified default date is returned when null is specified for the dateSTRorOBJ parameter',
              ['The specified default date is returned when an empty string is specified for the dateSTRorOBJ parameter',
              _resolveShouldReturnNowTest (
                'Specifying undefined as the default date results in the default being defaulted to a date initialized to now',
              ['Specifying null as the default date results in null being used as the default date',
              ['The specified default date is returned when an empty string is specified for the dateSTRorOBJ parameter',
                title:'The specified default date is not used when a valid date to resolve is specified',
                test:function () {
                  return Uize.Date.resolve ('Thu Apr 01 2010 18:45:01 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)',_defaultDate) != _defaultDate;

            /*** test resolving dates specified in a number of different ways ***/
              _resolveShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (
                'The date to resolve can be an ISO8601 formatted date',
                [_testDate.getFullYear () + '-' + (_testDate.getMonth () + 1) + '-' + _testDate.getDate ()],
              _resolveShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (
                'When an integer is specified for the date to resolve, a Date object instance is created with its time in milliseconds initialized to the specified number',
              _resolveShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (
                'When the number 0 is specified for the date to resolve, a Date object instance is created with its time in milliseconds initialized to 0 (rather than defaulting to now)',
                new Date (0)
              _resolveShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (
                'An instance of the Date object resolves to a new Date object instance, set to the same time',
              _resolveShouldReturnSpecificDateTest (
                'A correctly formatted valid date string resolves to a Date object instance initialized to the correct time',
                [_testDate + ''],

            /*** miscellaneous ***/
                title:'A badly formatted date string resolves to a Date object instance initialized to the time NaN',
                test:function () {
                  var _result = Uize.Date.resolve ('THIS IS NOT A VALID DATE STRING');
                  return this.expectInstanceOf (Date,_result) && this.expectSameAs (NaN,+_result);
              _resolveShouldReturnNowTest (
                'Calling with no parameters produces a date object initialized to now',
            ['The date to encode can be specified as a Date object instance',
            ['The date to encode can be specified as a string',
              _testDate + '',
            ['The date to encode can be specified as a string in ISO8601 format',
            ['The date to encode can be specified as a millisecond integers number',
            ['Leading zeros are added to year, month, and date, when necessary',
              new Date ('Thu Feb 01 0111 00:00:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)'),
              title:'Now (current time) is the default when the date to encode is not specfied',
              test:function () {return Uize.Date.toIso8601 () == Uize.Date.toIso8601 (new Date)}
            ['An invalid date is formatted in ISO8601 as ????-??-??',
            /*** test different dates that fall at different places relative to a date range ***/
              ['A date that occurs before the start of a date range is not considered in that range',
              ['A date that occurs at the start of a date range is considered in that range',
              ['A date that occurs in the middle of a date range is considered in that range',
              ['A date that occurs at the end of a date range is considered in that range',
              ['A date that occurs after the end of a date range is not considered in that range',

            /*** test that date to test can be specified in a number of other different ways ***/
              ['The date to test can be specified as a string',
                [_testDateDateRangeMin + '',_dateRangeWhereMinIsUsedForMax],
              ['The date to test can be specified as a string in ISO8601 format',
              ['The date to test can be specified as a millisecond integers number',

            /*** test defaulting of the minValue property of the date range ***/
              ['The start of a date range is defaulted to -Infinity when its value is undefined',
              ['The start of a date range is defaulted to -Infinity when its value is null',
              ['The start of a date range is defaulted to -Infinity when its value is an empty string',

            /*** test that maxValue property of date range is still observed when minValue is defaulted ***/
              ['Even when a date range has no minValue, a date that occurs before the end of that range is considered in that range',
              ['Even when a date range has no minValue, a date that occurs at the end of that range is considered in that range',
              ['Even when a date range has no minValue, a date that occurs after the end of that range is not considered in that range',

            /*** test defaulting of the maxValue property of the date range ***/
              ['The end of a date range is defaulted to Infinity when its value is undefined',
              ['The end of a date range is defaulted to Infinity when its value is null',
              ['The end of a date range is defaulted to Infinity when its value is an empty string',

            /*** test that minValue property of date range is still observed when maxValue is defaulted ***/
              ['Even when a date range has no maxValue, a date that occurs before the start of that range is not considered in that range',
              ['Even when a date range has no maxValue, a date that occurs at the start of that range is considered in that range',
              ['Even when a date range has no maxValue, a date that occurs after the start of that range is considered in that range',

            /*** test handling for completely open / unbounded date range ***/
              ['The value -Infinity falls into the unbounded date range (ie. all of time)',
              ['The value Infinity falls into the unbounded date range (ie. all of time)',
              ['An invalid date doesn\'t fall anywhere in an unbounded date range (ie. all of time)',
                [new Date (NaN),_dateRangeWithoutBounds],

            /*** test that minValue of date range can be specified in a number of other different ways ***/
              _dateRangeValueCanBeOfTypeTest (
                'The minValue of a date range can be specified as a string',
              _dateRangeValueCanBeOfTypeTest (
                'The minValue of a date range can be specified as a string in ISO8601 format',
              _dateRangeValueCanBeOfTypeTest (
                'The minValue of a date range can be specified as a millisecond integers number',

            /*** test that maxValue of date range can be specified in a number of other different ways ***/
              _dateRangeValueCanBeOfTypeTest (
                'The maxValue of a date range can be specified as a string',
              _dateRangeValueCanBeOfTypeTest (
                'The maxValue of a date range can be specified as a string in ISO8601 format',
              _dateRangeValueCanBeOfTypeTest (
                'The maxValue of a date range can be specified as a millisecond integers number',

            /*** test defaulting of the date to test for being in range ***/
                title:'The date to test is defaulted to now when its value is undefined',
                test:function () {
                  return Uize.Date.inRange (
                    { (), () + _nowTestFudgeFactor}
                title:'The date to test is defaulted to now when its value is null',
                test:function () {
                  return Uize.Date.inRange (
                    { (), () + _nowTestFudgeFactor}
                title:'The date to test is defaulted to now when its value is an empty string',
                test:function () {
                  return Uize.Date.inRange (
                    { (), () + _nowTestFudgeFactor}
            /*** test zero day recency window ***/
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'Now (current time) is considered to be in the zero day recency window',0,0,true
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'Yesterday is not considered to be in the zero day recency window',-.9,0,false
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'Tomorrow is considered to be in the zero day recency window',.9,0,true
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'Two days from now is considered to be in the zero day recency window',1.9,0,true

            /*** test one day recency window ***/
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'Now (current time) is considered to be in the one day recency window',0,1,true
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'Yesterday is considered to be in the one day recency window',-.9,1,true
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'Two days ago is not considered to be in the one day recency window',-1.9,1,false
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'Tomorrow is considered to be in the one day recency window',.9,1,true

            /*** test two day recency window ***/
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'Now (current time) is not considered to be in the negative one day recency window',0,-1,false
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'Yesterday is not considered to be in the negative one day recency window',-.9,-1,false
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'Tomorrow is not considered to be in the negative one day recency window',.9,-1,false
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'Two days from now is considered to be in the negative one day recency window',1.9,-1,true

            /*** test that date can be specified in a number of other different ways ***/
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'The date to test for recency can be specified as a string',
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'The date to test for recency can be specified as a string in ISO8601 format',
              _isRecentDaysFromNowTest (
                'The date to test for recency can be specified as a millisecond integers number',
            /*** test handling for all the different range sizes ***/
              _getRangeAroundTestsForRangeSize (
                _newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2500,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2999,12,31,23,59,59,999)
              _getRangeAroundTestsForRangeSize (
                _newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2050,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2099,12,31,23,59,59,999)
              _getRangeAroundTestsForRangeSize (
                _newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2005,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2009,12,31,23,59,59,999)
              _getRangeAroundTestsForRangeSize (
                _newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,6,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,12,31,23,59,59,999)
              _getRangeAroundTestsForRangeSize (
                _newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,2,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,3,31,23,59,59,999)
              _getRangeAroundTestsForRangeSize (
                _newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,1,15,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,1,31,23,59,59,999)
              _getRangeAroundTestsForRangeSize (
                _newDate (2000,1,2,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,1,5,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,1,8,23,59,59,999)
              _getRangeAroundTestsForRangeSize (
                _newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,1,1,12,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,1,1,23,59,59,999)
              _getRangeAroundTestsForRangeSize (
                _newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,1,1,6,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,1,1,11,59,59,999)
              _getRangeAroundTestsForRangeSize (
                _newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,1,1,0,30,0,0),_newDate (2000,1,1,0,59,59,999)
              _getRangeAroundTestsForRangeSize (
                _newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,30,0),_newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,59,999)
              _getRangeAroundTestsForRangeSize (
                _newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,500),_newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,999)
              _getRangeAroundTestsForRangeSize (
                _newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,0),_newDate (2000,1,1,0,0,0,0)

            /*** test that date to get range around can be specified in a number of other different ways ***/
              _getRangeAroundTest (
                'The date to get a range around can be specified as a string',
                [_testDateDateRangeMin + '','millisecond'],
              _getRangeAroundTest (
                'The date to get a range around can be specified as a string in ISO8601 format',
              _getRangeAroundTest (
                'The date to get a range around can be specified as a string',

            /*** test defaulting for range size ***/
              _getRangeAroundTest (
                'The range size is defaulted to a month when its value is undefined',
                [_newDate (2000,1,15),undefined],
                {minValue:_newDate (2000,1,1),maxValue:_newDate (2000,1,31,23,59,59,999)}
              _getRangeAroundTest (
                'The range size is defaulted to a month when its value is undefined',
                [_newDate (2000,1,15),null],
                {minValue:_newDate (2000,1,1),maxValue:_newDate (2000,1,31,23,59,59,999)}
              _getRangeAroundTest (
                'The range size is defaulted to a month when its value is undefined',
                [_newDate (2000,1,15),''],
                {minValue:_newDate (2000,1,1),maxValue:_newDate (2000,1,31,23,59,59,999)}

            /*** test defaulting of the date to get a range around ***/
              _dateToGetRangeAroundIsDefaultedToNowTest (undefined,'undefined'),
              _dateToGetRangeAroundIsDefaultedToNowTest (null,'null'),
              _dateToGetRangeAroundIsDefaultedToNowTest ('','an empty string')
            /*** test that a date is considered equal to itself, at all levels of precision ***/
              ['A date is equal to itself down to the precision of a second',
              ['A date is equal to itself down to the precision of a minute',
              ['A date is equal to itself down to the precision of an hour',
              ['A date is equal to itself down to the precision of am/pm',
              ['A date is equal to itself down to the precision of a day',
              ['A date is equal to itself down to the precision of a week',
              ['A date is equal to itself down to the precision of a month',
              ['A date is equal to itself down to the precision of a quarter',
              ['A date is equal to itself down to the precision of a year',
              ['A date is equal to itself down to the precision of a decade',
              ['A date is equal to itself down to the precision of a century',
              ['A date is equal to itself down to the precision of a millennium',

            /*** test that two different dates are considered equal, at different levels of precision ***/
              ['Two different dates are considered equal to the precision of a second',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/10 18:19:25','second'],
              ['Two different dates are considered equal to the precision of a minute',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/10 18:19:26','minute'],
              ['Two different dates are considered equal to the precision of an hour',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/10 18:20:26','hour'],
              ['Two different dates are considered equal to the precision of am/pm',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/10 19:20:26','am/pm'],
              ['Two different dates are considered equal to the precision of a day',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/10 01:20:26','day'],
              ['Two different dates are considered equal to the precision of a week',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/11 01:20:26','week'],
              ['Two different dates are considered equal to the precision of a month',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/30 01:20:26','month'],
              ['Two different dates are considered equal to the precision of a quarter',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/08/11 01:20:26','quarter'],
              ['Two different dates are considered equal to the precision of a year',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/12/11 01:20:26','year'],
              ['Two different dates are considered equal to the precision of a decade',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2008/12/11 01:20:26','decade'],
              ['Two different dates are considered equal to the precision of a century',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2050/12/11 01:20:26','century'],
              ['Two different dates are considered equal to the precision of a millennium',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2500/12/11 01:20:26','millennium'],

            /*** test that two different dates are considered unequal, at different levels of precision ***/
              ['Two different dates are considered unequal, at the precision of a second',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/10 18:19:26','second'],
              ['Two different dates are considered unequal, at the precision of a minute',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/10 18:20:25','minute'],
              ['Two different dates are considered unequal, at the precision of an hour',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/10 19:19:25','hour'],
              ['Two different dates are considered unequal, at the precision of am/pm',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/10 01:19:25','am/pm'],
              ['Two different dates are considered unequal, at the precision of a day',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/11 18:19:25','day'],
              ['Two different dates are considered unequal, at the precision of a week',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/30 18:19:25','week'],
              ['Two different dates are considered unequal, at the precision of a month',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/08/10 18:19:25','month'],
              ['Two different dates are considered unequal, at the precision of a quarter',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/12/10 18:19:25','quarter'],
              ['Two different dates are considered unequal, at the precision of a year',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2008/09/10 18:19:25','year'],
              ['Two different dates are considered unequal, at the precision of a decade',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2050/09/10 18:19:25','decade'],
              ['Two different dates are considered unequal, at the precision of a century',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','2500/09/10 18:19:25','century'],
              ['Two different dates are considered unequal, at the precision of a millennium',
                ['2009/09/10 18:19:25','1999/09/10 18:19:25','millennium'],

            /*** miscellaneous tests ***/
              ['Calling with no parameters produces the result true (because now is the default for both dates)',
                title:'Day is the default unit of precision, when not specified explicitly',
                test:function () {
                  return (
                    Uize.Date.equal ('2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/10 01:02:03') &&
                    !Uize.Date.equal ('2009/09/10 18:19:25','2009/09/11 18:19:25')

              /*** test that dates can be specified in a number of other different ways ***/
                ['The dates to compare can be specified as Date object instances',
                  [new Date ('2009/09/10 18:19:25'),new Date ('2009/09/11 18:19:25'),'month'],
                ['The dates to compare can be specified as millisecond integers',
                  [+new Date ('2009/09/10 18:19:25'),+new Date ('2009/09/11 18:19:25'),'month'],
                ['The dates to compare can be specified in ISO8601 format',