<%@ input ({idPrefix:'string'}) %><%/* Module Meta Data type: Template importance: 2 codeCompleteness: 100 docCompleteness: 100 */%><%/*? Introduction The =Uize.Templates.Calendar= module generates HTML that can be used for instances of the =Uize.Widget.Calendar= class. *DEVELOPERS:* `Chris van Rensburg` The =Uize.Templates.Calendar= module is a JavaScript Template Module that is automatically generated by a build script from a companion =Uize.Templates.Calendar.js.jst= JavaScript Template (.jst) file. Static Methods Uize.Templates.Calendar.process Returns a string, being the generated HTML that is to be used by an instance of the =Uize.Widget.Calendar= class (or subclass). SYNTAX ........................................................... widgetHtmlSTR = Uize.Templates.Calendar.process (inputOBJ); ........................................................... The value of the =inputOBJ= parameter should be an object of the form... ........................ { idPrefix: idPrefixSTR } ........................ idPrefix A string, specifying the value of the =idPrefix= state property of the widget instance that uses this module to generate its HTML. Static Properties Uize.Templates.Calendar.input An object, describing the allowed properties of the =inputOBJ= parameter of the =Uize.Templates.Calendar.process= static method. */%>