| ______ | U I Z E J A V A S C R I P T F R A M E W O R K
| / / | ---------------------------------------------------
| / O / | MODULE : Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Xliff Package
| / / / |
| / / / /| | ONLINE : http://uize.com
| /____/ /__/_| | COPYRIGHT : (c)2014-2016 UIZE
| /___ | LICENSE : Available under MIT License or GNU General Public License
|_______________| http://uize.com/license.html
/* Module Meta Data
type: Package
importance: 1
codeCompleteness: 100
docCompleteness: 5
The =Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Xliff= module provides methods to serialize a resource strings object to XLIFF format and parse a resource strings object from XLIFF format.
*DEVELOPERS:* `Chris van Rensburg`
Uize.module ({
builder:function () {
'use strict';
/*** Variables for Scruncher Optimization ***/
_Uize_Parse_Xml_Util = Uize.Parse.Xml.Util,
/*** Variable for Performance Optimization ***/
_getTags = _Uize_Parse_Xml_Util.getTags,
_isTag = _Uize_Parse_Xml_Util.isTag,
_getAttributeValue = _Uize_Parse_Xml_Util.getAttributeValue,
_htmlEncode = Uize.Util.Html.Encode.encode,
_split = Uize.Str.Split.split
return Uize.package ({
to:function (_toEncode,_options) {
_options || (_options = {});
_sourceLanguage = _toEncode.sourceLanguage,
_targetLanguage = _toEncode.targetLanguage,
_seedTarget = _options.seedTarget,
_seedTargetIsObject = Uize.isPlainObject (_seedTarget),
_tokenSplitter = _options.tokenSplitter,
_phId = 0,
_xliffLines = [
if (Uize.isRegExp (_tokenSplitter)) {
var _tokenRegExp = _tokenSplitter;
_tokenSplitter = function (_string) {
return _split (_string,_tokenRegExp,null,'match');
Uize.forEach (
function (_resourceFileStrings,_resourceFileSubPath) {
function _flattenResourceStrings (_resourceFileStrings) {
return Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Util.flatten (_resourceFileStrings);
function _encodeResourceStringText (_text) {
return (
? Uize.map (
_tokenSplitter (_text),
function (_segment,_segmentNo) {
return (
_segmentNo % 2
? '' + _htmlEncode (_segment) + ''
: _htmlEncode (_segment)
).join ('')
: _htmlEncode (_text)
_xliffLines.push (
var _targetValues =
_seedTargetIsObject && _flattenResourceStrings (_seedTarget [_resourceFileSubPath] || {})
Uize.forEach (
_flattenResourceStrings (_resourceFileStrings),
function (_resourceStringSource,_id) {
_resourceStringTarget = (
_seedTarget ? ((_targetValues && _targetValues [_id]) || _resourceStringSource) : ''
_source = _encodeResourceStringText (_resourceStringSource)
_xliffLines.push (
'\t\t\t\t' + _source + '',
'\t\t\t\t' +
_resourceStringTarget &&
_resourceStringTarget == _resourceStringSource
? _source
: _encodeResourceStringText (_resourceStringTarget)
) +
_xliffLines.push (
_xliffLines.push ('');
return _xliffLines.join ('\n');
from:function (_toDecode) {
var _strings = {};
Uize.forEach (
_getTags (
_getTags (new Uize.Parse.Xml.NodeList (_toDecode.replace (/<\?.*?\?>/,'')),'xliff') [0].childNodes,
function (_fileTag) {
var _fileStrings = {};
Uize.forEach (
_getTags (_getTags (_fileTag.childNodes,'body') [0].childNodes,'trans-unit'),
function (_transUnitTag) {
var _targetTagChildNodes = _getTags (_transUnitTag.childNodes,'target') [0].childNodes;
_fileStrings [_getAttributeValue (_transUnitTag,'id')] = _targetTagChildNodes
? Uize.map (
function (_node) {
if ('text' in _node) {
return _node.text;
} else if (_isTag (_node,'ph')) {
var _textChildNode = _node.childNodes.nodes [0];
return _textChildNode ? _textChildNode.text : '';
).join ('')
: ''
_strings [_getAttributeValue (_fileTag,'original')] =
Uize.Loc.FileFormats.ProjectStrings.Util.unflatten (_fileStrings)
return _strings;