SOURCE CODE: Uize.Fade.mSeries (view docs)

|       ______  |   U I Z E    J A V A S C R I P T    F R A M E W O R K
|     /      /  |   ---------------------------------------------------
|    /    O /   |    MODULE : Uize.Fade.mSeries Class Mixin
|   /    / /    |
|  /    / /  /| |    ONLINE :
| /____/ /__/_| | COPYRIGHT : (c)2009-2016 UIZE
|          /___ |   LICENSE : Available under MIT License or GNU General Public License

/* Module Meta Data
  type: Mixin
  importance: 2
  codeCompleteness: 100
  docCompleteness: 100

    The =Uize.Fade.mSeries= mixin module lets you mix in static and instance methods for interpolating a series of values between specified start and end values, into =Uize.Fade= subclasses.

    *DEVELOPERS:* `Chris van Rensburg`

    In a Nutshell
      The methods defined in the =Uize.Fade.mSeries= module utilize the =Uize.Fade= class to let you create arrays of interpolated values.

      Typically, the =Uize.Fade= class is used to produce time-based animations, but this class can also be used solely for its powerful value interpolation capabilities. The =getSeries= and =Uize.Fade.getSeries= methods defined in this mixin module could be useful when using fades in non-time based applications, such as displaying values in a bar chart, fading colors over a series of elements, plotting positions for a series of elements, populating data sets, etc.

      var MyFadeClass = Uize.Fade.subclass ({mixins:Uize.Fade.mSeries});

      function fadeNodesBgColor (nodes,startColorStr,endColorStr) {
        var colors = MyFadeClass.getSeries (
 (startColorStr,'RGB array'),
 (endColorStr,'RGB array'),
        for (var nodeNo = nodes.length; --nodeNo >= 0;) {
          Uize.Dom.Basics.setStyle (
            nodes [nodeNo],
            { (colors [nodeNo],'#hex')}

      In the above example, a function is defined that will accept an array of DOM nodes, a start color, and an end color, and will then set the background color of all the nodes by fading from the start color to the end color.


      For an in-depth discussion on animation in the UIZE JavaScript Framework, and for a discussion on how this module fits into the larger picture, consult the guide [[../guides/javascript-animation-and-effects.html][JavaScript Animation and Effects]] and read through the section `The Fade Factory`.

Uize.module ({
  builder:function () {
    'use strict';

    return function (_class) {
      _class.declare ({
          getSeries:function (_valuesLength) {
              m = this,
              _values = [],
              _valuesLengthMinus1 = Math.max (_valuesLength - 1,1)
            for (var _valueNo = -1; ++_valueNo < _valuesLength;) {
              m.set ({progress:_valueNo / _valuesLengthMinus1});
              _values.push (Uize.clone (m.valueOf ()));
            return _values;
              Instance Methods
                  Returns an array, representing a series - of the specified length - of the interpolated values that would be generated over the course of the fade's progress.

                  valueSeriesARRAY = myInstance.getSeries (seriesLengthINT);

                  The value series is generated using the current values for the fade instance's state properties. This method could be useful when using fades in non-time based applications, such as displaying values in a bar chart, fading colors over a series of elements, plotting positions for a series of elements, populating data sets, etc.

                  - if the value =0= is specified for the =seriesLengthINT= parameter, then this method will return an empty array
                  - if the value =1= is specified for the =seriesLengthINT= parameter, then this method will return an array containing one element whose value is the value of the fade's =startValue= state property
                  - if the value =2= is specified for the =seriesLengthINT= parameter, then this method will return an array containing two elements, where the value of the first element is the value of the fade's =startValue= state property, and the value of the second element is the value of the fade's =endValue= state property
                  - compare to the =Uize.Fade.getSeries= static method

          getSeries:function (_startValue,_endValue,_valuesLength,_fadeProperties) {
            return this (
              Uize.copyInto ({startValue:_startValue,endValue:_endValue},_fadeProperties)
            ).getSeries (
              Static Methods
                  Returns an array, representing a series - of the specified length - of the interpolated values that would be generated over the course of a fade's progress.

                  valueSeriesARRAY = MyFadeClass.getSeries (

                  valueSeriesARRAY = MyFadeClass.getSeries (

                  By default, the values in the series are interpolated linearly. However, by using the optional =fadePropertiesOBJ= parameter it is possible to control all the properties of a fade, such as =curve= and =quantization=.

                  - if the value =0= is specified for the =seriesLengthINT= parameter, then this method will return an empty array
                  - if the value =1= is specified for the =seriesLengthINT= parameter, then this method will return an array containing one element whose value is the value of the =startValueNUMorARRAYorOBJ= parameter
                  - if the value =2= is specified for the =seriesLengthINT= parameter, then this method will return an array containing two elements, where the value of the first element is the value of the =startValueNUMorARRAYorOBJ= parameter, and the value of the second element is the value of the =endValueNUMorARRAYorOBJ= parameter
                  - compare to the =getSeries= instance method