SOURCE CODE: Uize.Color.xSvgColors (view docs)

|       ______  |   U I Z E    J A V A S C R I P T    F R A M E W O R K
|     /      /  |   ---------------------------------------------------
|    /    O /   |    MODULE : Uize.Color.xSvgColors Object Extension
|   /    / /    |
|  /    / /  /| |    ONLINE :
| /____/ /__/_| | COPYRIGHT : (c)2009-2016 UIZE
|          /___ |   LICENSE : Available under MIT License or GNU General Public License

/* Module Meta Data
  type: Extension
  importance: 2
  codeCompleteness: 100
  docCompleteness: 100

    The =Uize.Color.xSvgColors= extension module extends the =Uize.Color= object by adding SVG 1.0 / CSS 3 color definitions to the =Uize.Color.colors= object.

    *DEVELOPERS:* `Chris van Rensburg`

  Using the Colors
    When you extend the =Uize.Color= object using the =Uize.Color.xSvgColors= extension module, it will then be possible to use the names of the colors defined in this extension when creating instances of the =Uize.Color= object, or when setting the color of =Uize.Color= instances using the =from= instance method.

    Uize.Color ('#ffebcd');
    Uize.Color ('BlanchedAlmond');
    Uize.Color (Uize.Color.colors.blanchedalmond);

    Each of the above three statements would create a new instance of the =Uize.Color= object initialized to the SVG color "BlanchedAlmond". And because the =Uize.Color= module is used by other modules, such as the =Uize.Fx= module, it is possible to use color names when specifying the values of color CSS style properties for fade effects, as in...

    Uize.Fx.fadeStyle ('myNodeId',{color:'DarkMagenta'},{color:'LavenderBlush'});

Uize.module ({
  builder:function (_class) {
    'use strict';

    _class.defineColors ({
      aliceBlue:            15792383, // 0xf0f8ff
      antiqueWhite:         16444375, // 0xfaebd7
      aquamarine:            8388564, // 0x7fffd4
      azure:                15794175, // 0xf0ffff
      beige:                16119260, // 0xf5f5dc
      bisque:               16770244, // 0xffe4c4
      blanchedAlmond:       16772045, // 0xffebcd
      blueViolet:            9055202, // 0x8a2be2
      brown:                10824234, // 0xa52a2a
      burlyWood:            14596231, // 0xdeb887
      cadetBlue:             6266528, // 0x5f9ea0
      chartreuse:            8388352, // 0x7fff00
      chocolate:            13789470, // 0xd2691e
      coral:                16744272, // 0xff7f50
      cornflowerBlue:        6591981, // 0x6495ed
      cornSilk:             16775388, // 0xfff8dc
      crimson:              14423100, // 0xdc143c
      cyan:                    65535, // 0x00ffff
      darkBlue:                  139, // 0x00008b
      darkCyan:                35723, // 0x008b8b
      darkGoldenrod:        12092939, // 0xb8860b
      darkGray:             11119017, // 0xa9a9a9
      darkGreen:               25600, // 0x006400
      darkGrey:             11119017, // 0xa9a9a9
      darkKhaki:            12433259, // 0xbdb76b
      darkMagenta:           9109643, // 0x8b008b
      darkOliveGreen:        5597999, // 0x556b2f
      darkOrange:           16747520, // 0xff8c00
      darkOrchid:           10040012, // 0x9932cc
      darkRed:               9109504, // 0x8b0000
      darkSalmon:           15308410, // 0xe9967a
      darkSeaGreen:          9419919, // 0x8fbc8f
      darkSlateBlue:         4734347, // 0x483d8b
      darkSlateGray:         3100495, // 0x2f4f4f
      darkSlateGrey:         3100495, // 0x2f4f4f
      darkTurquoise:           52945, // 0x00ced1
      darkViolet:            9699539, // 0x9400d3
      deepPink:             16716947, // 0xff1493
      deepSkyBlue:             49151, // 0x00bfff
      dimGray:               6908265, // 0x696969
      dimGrey:               6908265, // 0x696969
      dodgerBlue:            2003199, // 0x1e90ff
      fireBrick:            11674146, // 0xb22222
      floralWhite:          16775920, // 0xfffaf0
      forestGreen:           2263842, // 0x228b22
      gainsboro:            14474460, // 0xdcdcdc
      ghostWhite:           16316671, // 0xf8f8ff
      gold:                 16766720, // 0xffd700
      goldenrod:            14329120, // 0xdaa520
      greenYellow:          11403055, // 0xadff2f
      grey:                  8421504, // 0x808080
      honeydew:             15794160, // 0xf0fff0
      hotPink:              16738740, // 0xff69b4
      indianRed:            13458524, // 0xcd5c5c
      indigo:                4915330, // 0x4b0082
      ivory:                16777200, // 0xfffff0
      khaki:                15787660, // 0xf0e68c
      lavender:             15132410, // 0xe6e6fa
      lavenderBlush:        16773365, // 0xfff0f5
      lawnGreen:             8190976, // 0x7cfc00
      lemonChiffon:         16775885, // 0xfffacd
      lightBlue:            11393254, // 0xadd8e6
      lightCoral:           15761536, // 0xf08080
      lightCyan:            14745599, // 0xe0ffff
      lightGoldenrodYellow: 16448210, // 0xfafad2
      lightGray:            13882323, // 0xd3d3d3
      lightGreen:            9498256, // 0x90ee90
      lightGrey:            13882323, // 0xd3d3d3
      lightPink:            16758465, // 0xffb6c1
      lightSalmon:          16752762, // 0xffa07a
      lightSeaGreen:         2142890, // 0x20b2aa
      lightSkyBlue:          8900346, // 0x87cefa
      lightSlateGray:        7833753, // 0x778899
      lightSlateGrey:        7833753, // 0x778899
      lightSteelBlue:       11584734, // 0xb0c4de
      lightYellow:          16777184, // 0xffffe0
      limeGreen:             3329330, // 0x32cd32
      linen:                16445670, // 0xfaf0e6
      magenta:              16711935, // 0xff00ff
      mediumAquamarine:      6737322, // 0x66cdaa
      mediumBlue:                205, // 0x0000cd
      mediumOrchid:         12211667, // 0xba55d3
      mediumPurple:          9662683, // 0x9370db
      mediumSeaGreen:        3978097, // 0x3cb371
      mediumSlateBlue:       8087790, // 0x7b68ee
      mediumSpringGreen:       64154, // 0x00fa9a
      mediumTurquoise:       4772300, // 0x48d1cc
      mediumVioletRed:      13047173, // 0xc71585
      midnightBlue:          1644912, // 0x191970
      mintCream:            16121850, // 0xf5fffa
      mistyRose:            16770273, // 0xffe4e1
      moccasin:             16770229, // 0xffe4b5
      navajoWhite:          16768685, // 0xffdead
      oldLace:              16643558, // 0xfdf5e6
      oliveDrab:             7048739, // 0x6b8e23
      orangeRed:            16729344, // 0xff4500
      orchid:               14315734, // 0xda70d6
      paleGoldenrod:        15657130, // 0xeee8aa
      paleGreen:            10025880, // 0x98fb98
      paleTurquoise:        11529966, // 0xafeeee
      paleVioletRed:        14381203, // 0xdb7093
      papayaWhip:           16773077, // 0xffefd5
      peachPuff:            16767673, // 0xffdab9
      peru:                 13468991, // 0xcd853f
      pink:                 16761035, // 0xffc0cb
      plum:                 14524637, // 0xdda0dd
      powderBlue:           11591910, // 0xb0e0e6
      rosyBrown:            12357519, // 0xbc8f8f
      royalBlue:             4286945, // 0x4169e1
      saddleBrown:           9127187, // 0x8b4513
      salmon:               16416882, // 0xfa8072
      sandyBrown:           16032864, // 0xf4a460
      seaGreen:              3050327, // 0x2e8b57
      seashell:             16774638, // 0xfff5ee
      sienna:               10506797, // 0xa0522d
      skyBlue:               8900331, // 0x87ceeb
      slateBlue:             6970061, // 0x6a5acd
      slateGray:             7372944, // 0x708090
      slateGrey:             7372944, // 0x708090
      snow:                 16775930, // 0xfffafa
      springGreen:             65407, // 0x00ff7f
      steelBlue:             4620980, // 0x4682b4
      tan:                  13808780, // 0xd2b48c
      thistle:              14204888, // 0xd8bfd8
      tomato:               16737095, // 0xff6347
      turquoise:             4251856, // 0x40e0d0
      violet:               15631086, // 0xee82ee
      wheat:                16113331, // 0xf5deb3
      whiteSmoke:           16119285, // 0xf5f5f5
      yellowGreen:          10145074  // 0x9acd32
      The SVG 1.0 Colors
        The =Uize.Color.xSvgColors= module defines over a hundred additional colors, as listed in the table below.

        This is in addition to the seventeen standard CSS 2.1 colors defined in the =Uize.Color= module, which are =white=, =silver=, =gray=, =black=, =navy=, =blue=, =aqua=, =teal=, =green=, =olive=, =lime=, =maroon=, =red=, =orange=, =yellow=, =purple=, and =fuchsia=.

        << table >>

        title: SVG 1.0 COLORS
        :| COLOR NAME             |  HEX VALUE  |
        :| aliceBlue              |   #f0f8ff   |
        :| antiqueWhite           |   #faebd7   |
        :| aquamarine             |   #7fffd4   |
        :| azure                  |   #f0ffff   |
        :| beige                  |   #f5f5dc   |
        :| bisque                 |   #ffe4c4   |
        :| blanchedAlmond         |   #ffebcd   |
        :| blueViolet             |   #8a2be2   |
        :| brown                  |   #a52a2a   |
        :| burlyWood              |   #deb887   |
        :| cadetBlue              |   #5f9ea0   |
        :| chartreuse             |   #7fff00   |
        :| chocolate              |   #d2691e   |
        :| coral                  |   #ff7f50   |
        :| cornflowerBlue         |   #6495ed   |
        :| cornSilk               |   #fff8dc   |
        :| crimson                |   #dc143c   |
        :| cyan                   |   #00ffff   |
        :| darkBlue               |   #00008b   |
        :| darkCyan               |   #008b8b   |
        :| darkGoldenrod          |   #b8860b   |
        :| darkGray               |   #a9a9a9   |
        :| darkGreen              |   #006400   |
        :| darkGrey               |   #a9a9a9   |
        :| darkKhaki              |   #bdb76b   |
        :| darkMagenta            |   #8b008b   |
        :| darkOliveGreen         |   #556b2f   |
        :| darkOrange             |   #ff8c00   |
        :| darkOrchid             |   #9932cc   |
        :| darkRed                |   #8b0000   |
        :| darkSalmon             |   #e9967a   |
        :| darkSeaGreen           |   #8fbc8f   |
        :| darkSlateBlue          |   #483d8b   |
        :| darkSlateGray          |   #2f4f4f   |
        :| darkSlateGrey          |   #2f4f4f   |
        :| darkTurquoise          |   #00ced1   |
        :| darkViolet             |   #9400d3   |
        :| deepPink               |   #ff1493   |
        :| deepSkyBlue            |   #00bfff   |
        :| dimGray                |   #696969   |
        :| dimGrey                |   #696969   |
        :| dodgerBlue             |   #1e90ff   |
        :| fireBrick              |   #b22222   |
        :| floralWhite            |   #fffaf0   |
        :| forestGreen            |   #228b22   |
        :| gainsboro              |   #dcdcdc   |
        :| ghostWhite             |   #f8f8ff   |
        :| gold                   |   #ffd700   |
        :| goldenrod              |   #daa520   |
        :| greenYellow            |   #adff2f   |
        :| grey                   |   #808080   |
        :| honeydew               |   #f0fff0   |
        :| hotPink                |   #ff69b4   |
        :| indianRed              |   #cd5c5c   |
        :| indigo                 |   #4b0082   |
        :| ivory                  |   #fffff0   |
        :| khaki                  |   #f0e68c   |
        :| lavender               |   #e6e6fa   |
        :| lavenderBlush          |   #fff0f5   |
        :| lawnGreen              |   #7cfc00   |
        :| lemonChiffon           |   #fffacd   |
        :| lightBlue              |   #add8e6   |
        :| lightCoral             |   #f08080   |
        :| lightCyan              |   #e0ffff   |
        :| lightGoldenrodYellow   |   #fafad2   |
        :| lightGray              |   #d3d3d3   |
        :| lightGreen             |   #90ee90   |
        :| lightGrey              |   #d3d3d3   |
        :| lightPink              |   #ffb6c1   |
        :| lightSalmon            |   #ffa07a   |
        :| lightSeaGreen          |   #20b2aa   |
        :| lightSkyBlue           |   #87cefa   |
        :| lightSlateGray         |   #778899   |
        :| lightSlateGrey         |   #778899   |
        :| lightSteelBlue         |   #b0c4de   |
        :| lightYellow            |   #ffffe0   |
        :| limeGreen              |   #32cd32   |
        :| linen                  |   #faf0e6   |
        :| magenta                |   #ff00ff   |
        :| mediumAquamarine       |   #66cdaa   |
        :| mediumBlue             |   #0000cd   |
        :| mediumOrchid           |   #ba55d3   |
        :| mediumPurple           |   #9370db   |
        :| mediumSeaGreen         |   #3cb371   |
        :| mediumSlateBlue        |   #7b68ee   |
        :| mediumSpringGreen      |   #00fa9a   |
        :| mediumTurquoise        |   #48d1cc   |
        :| mediumVioletRed        |   #c71585   |
        :| midnightBlue           |   #191970   |
        :| mintCream              |   #f5fffa   |
        :| mistyRose              |   #ffe4e1   |
        :| moccasin               |   #ffe4b5   |
        :| navajoWhite            |   #ffdead   |
        :| oldLace                |   #fdf5e6   |
        :| oliveDrab              |   #6b8e23   |
        :| orangeRed              |   #ff4500   |
        :| orchid                 |   #da70d6   |
        :| paleGoldenrod          |   #eee8aa   |
        :| paleGreen              |   #98fb98   |
        :| paleTurquoise          |   #afeeee   |
        :| paleVioletRed          |   #db7093   |
        :| papayaWhip             |   #ffefd5   |
        :| peachPuff              |   #ffdab9   |
        :| peru                   |   #cd853f   |
        :| pink                   |   #ffc0cb   |
        :| plum                   |   #dda0dd   |
        :| powderBlue             |   #b0e0e6   |
        :| rosyBrown              |   #bc8f8f   |
        :| royalBlue              |   #4169e1   |
        :| saddleBrown            |   #8b4513   |
        :| salmon                 |   #fa8072   |
        :| sandyBrown             |   #f4a460   |
        :| seaGreen               |   #2e8b57   |
        :| seashell               |   #fff5ee   |
        :| sienna                 |   #a0522d   |
        :| skyBlue                |   #87ceeb   |
        :| slateBlue              |   #6a5acd   |
        :| slateGray              |   #708090   |
        :| slateGrey              |   #708090   |
        :| snow                   |   #fffafa   |
        :| springGreen            |   #00ff7f   |
        :| steelBlue              |   #4682b4   |
        :| tan                    |   #d2b48c   |
        :| thistle                |   #d8bfd8   |
        :| tomato                 |   #ff6347   |
        :| turquoise              |   #40e0d0   |
        :| violet                 |   #ee82ee   |
        :| wheat                  |   #f5deb3   |
        :| whiteSmoke             |   #f5f5f5   |
        :| yellowGreen            |   #9acd32   |