SOURCE CODE: Uize.Build.Scruncher


|       ______  |   U I Z E    J A V A S C R I P T    F R A M E W O R K
|     /      /  |   ---------------------------------------------------
|    /    O /   |    MODULE : Uize.Build.Scruncher Package
|   /    / /    |
|  /    / /  /| |    ONLINE :
| /____/ /__/_| | COPYRIGHT : (c)1997-2014 UIZE
|          /___ |   LICENSE : Available under MIT License or GNU General Public License

/* Module Meta Data
  type: Package
  importance: 8
  codeCompleteness: 100
  docCompleteness: 100

    The =Uize.Build.Scruncher= package provides a method for scrunching (compressing / minifying) JavaScript source code into compact / obfuscated scrunched code.

    *DEVELOPERS:* `Chris van Rensburg`

  - whitespace is regarded as being any continuous segment of tab and/or space characters
  - for any amount of whitespace that is necessary for separating tokens, a single space will be substituted
  - if whitespace is being used to separate identifiers and operators and is therefore not essential, it should be removed
  - whitespace is considered necessary when it
    - separates reserved words, identifiers, and literals
      eg. function blah () {} BECOMES--> function blah(){}
    - separates consecutive operators
      eg. a += ++b; BECOMES--> a+= ++b;
  - whitespace is considered unnecessary when it
    - occurs at the start of a line, before any non-whitespace characters
        function blah () {


        function blah(){

    - separates reserved words, identifiers, or literals from operators
      eg. a += b; BECOMES--> a+=b;
    - separates reserved words, identifiers, or literals from delimiters
      eg. a += 2 * (b - 3) BECOMES--> a+=2*(b-3)
      eg. myArray [5] BECOMES--> myArray[5]
      eg. a++ ; BECOMES--> a++;
      eg. myFunction ( 2 , 'hello' , 7 ); BECOMES--> myFunction(2,'hello',7);
    - separates delimiters from each other
      eg. myFunction () ; BECOMES--> myFunction();
      eg. myArray1 [myArray2 [5] ] ; BECOMES--> myArray1[myArray2[5]];
    - separates operators from delimiters
      eg. a ++ ; BECOMES--> a++;
      eg. myVariable += (myArray [a ++ ] - 5) ; BECOMES--> myVariable+=(myArray[a++]-5);

Uize.module ({
  builder:function () {
    'use strict';

    /*** Utility Functions ***/
      function _makeCharLookup (_charsStr,_lookupValue) {
        return Uize.lookup (_charsStr.split (''),_lookupValue != null ? _lookupValue : _true);

      /*** Variables for Scruncher Optimization ***/
        _true = true,
        _false = false,

      /*** General Variables ***/
        _settings = {},

        /*** token types ***/
          _NONE = 0,
          _WORD = 1,
          _NUMBER = 2,
          _DELIMITER = 3,
          _STRINGLITERAL = 4,
          _COMMENT = 5,
          _OPERATOR = 6,
          _LINEBREAK = 7,

        /*** char lookups ***/
          _operatorCharsLookup = _makeCharLookup ('+-*/%&|^~<>=!?:',_OPERATOR),
          _delimiterCharsLookup = _makeCharLookup ('.,()[]{};',_DELIMITER),
          _quoteCharsLookup = _makeCharLookup ('"\'',_STRINGLITERAL),
          _linebreakCharsLookup = _makeCharLookup ('\n\r',_LINEBREAK),
          _wordStarterCharsLookup = _makeCharLookup (
          _digitsLookup = _makeCharLookup ('0123456789',_NUMBER),
          _numberCharsLookup = Uize.copyInto (_digitsLookup,{x:_NUMBER}),
          _tokenStarterCharsLookup = Uize.copy (
          _wordCharsLookup = Uize.copy (_wordStarterCharsLookup,_numberCharsLookup),
          _closeParenOrSquareBracketMap = _makeCharLookup (')]'),

        _identifierChars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'.split (''),
        _totalIdentifierChars = _identifierChars.length,
        _invalidOperatorRegExp = /^(:|!+|\*|-|\+|\||\|\||&|&&|%|>|>>|<|<<|=|==|\?|\^)\/$/
          /* EXAMPLES */
          //   object = {prop:/\w+/g}
          //   if (!/\w+/g.test (sourceStr)) {...}
          //   if (!!/\w+/g.test (sourceStr)) {...}
          //   2*/\w+/g.test (sourceStr)
          //   2-/\w+/g.test (sourceStr)
          //   1+/\w+/g.test (sourceStr)
          //   1|/\w+/g.test (sourceStr)
          //   bool||/\w+/g.test (sourceStr)
          //   1&/\w+/g.test (sourceStr)
          //   bool&&/\w+/g.test (sourceStr)
          //   10%/\w+/g.test (sourceStr)
          //   1>/\w+/g.test (sourceStr)
          //   1>>/\w+/g.test (sourceStr)
          //   1 _sourceCodeLengthMinus1) {
            _currentChar = '';
            _tokenTerminated = _true;
          } else {
            _currentChar = _sourceCode.charAt (_charNo);
            (_currentChar == '\r' || (_currentChar == '\n' && _previousChar != '\r')) &&
            if (_tokenType == _WORD) {
              if (!_wordCharsLookup [_currentChar]) _tokenTerminated = _true;
            } else if (_tokenType == _NUMBER) {
              if (!_numberCharsLookup [_currentChar]) _tokenTerminated = _true;
            } else if (_tokenType == _DELIMITER) {
              if (!_delimiterCharsLookup [_currentChar]) _tokenTerminated = _true;
            } else if (_tokenType == _STRINGLITERAL) {
              if (_inEscape) {
                _inEscape = _false;
              } else if (_currentChar == '\\') {
                _inEscape = _true;
              } else if (_currentChar == _quoteChar) {
                if (_settings.AUDITSTRINGS && _quoteChar != '/') {
                    _string = _currentToken.slice (1),
                    _stringProfile = _stringsMap [_string]
                  (_stringProfile instanceof Array ? _stringProfile : (_stringsMap [_string] = []))
                    .push (_lineNo) // must handle the case of the valueOf and toString natives
                _currentToken += _currentChar;
                _currentChar = '';
                _tokenTerminated = _true;
            } else if (_tokenType == _COMMENT) {
              if (_commentType == '//') {
                if (_currentChar == '\n' || _currentChar == '\r') _tokenTerminated = _true;
              } else if (_commentType == '/*') {
                if (_currentToken.length > 2 && _previousChar + _currentChar == '*/') {
                  /* NOTE:
                    making sure the length is greater than 2 when evaluating the current character avoids terminating a comment that's a forward slash + star + forward slash, where technically there is a comment opener and a comment closer, but they both share a star
                  _currentToken += _currentChar;
                  _tokenTerminated = _true;
                  _currentChar = '';
            } else if (_tokenType == _OPERATOR) {
              if (_currentToken == '/' && (_currentChar == '/' || _currentChar == '*')) {
                _tokenType = _COMMENT;
                _commentType = _currentToken + _currentChar;
                /* NOTE:
                  Following code is an optimization, to seek ahead to the end of the comment, rather than running through the characters one by one (which slows down scrunching dramatically).
                var _commentCloserPos;
                if (_currentChar == '*') {
                  _commentCloserPos = _sourceCode.indexOf ('*/',_charNo + 1);
                  if (_commentCloserPos < 0) _commentCloserPos = _sourceCodeLength;
                } else {
                    _nextLineFeed = _sourceCode.indexOf ('\n',_charNo + 1),
                    _nextCarriageReturn = _sourceCode.indexOf ('\r',_charNo + 1)
                  _commentCloserPos = Math.min (
                    _nextLineFeed < 0 ? _sourceCodeLength : _nextLineFeed,
                    _nextCarriageReturn < 0 ? _sourceCodeLength : _nextCarriageReturn
                _currentToken = _sourceCode.slice (_charNo - 1,_commentCloserPos - 1);
                _currentChar = _sourceCode.charAt (_charNo = _commentCloserPos - 1);
              } else if (
                _currentToken == '/' &&
                (_previousAddedTokenType != _WORD || _previousAddedToken == 'return') &&
                _previousAddedTokenType != _NUMBER &&
                _previousAddedTokenType != _STRINGLITERAL &&
                  _previousAddedTokenType == _DELIMITER &&
                  _closeParenOrSquareBracketMap [_previousAddedToken.slice (-1)]
              ) {
                /* regular expression handling
                  NOTE: by setting the _currentChar to an empty string and decrementing the _charNo counter, we force re-evualtion of the current character, now that we know we're in a regular expression
                _tokenType = _STRINGLITERAL;
                _quoteChar = '/';
                _currentChar = '';
              } else if (
                !_operatorCharsLookup [_currentChar] ||
                _invalidOperatorRegExp.test (_currentToken + _currentChar)
              ) {
                _tokenTerminated = _true;
            } else if (_tokenType == _LINEBREAK) {
              if (_currentChar != '\n' && _currentChar != '\r') _tokenTerminated = _true;
            _endOfHeadComment =
              _endOfHeadComment ||
              (_tokenType && _tokenType != _COMMENT && (_tokenType != _LINEBREAK || _currentToken.length > 1))
          if (_tokenTerminated) {
            if (_tokenType == _WORD) {
              for (var _mappingNo = -1; ++_mappingNo < _mappings.length;) {
                var _mapping = _mappings [_mappingNo];
                if (_hasPrefix (_currentToken,_mapping._sourcePrefix + '_')) {
                  var _scrunchedToken = _mapping._scrunchMap [_currentToken] || '';
                  if (!_scrunchedToken) {
                    var _numberToConvert = _mapping._totalIdentifiers++;
                    do {
                      _scrunchedToken =
                        _identifierChars [
                          _numberToConvert -
                          _totalIdentifierChars * (
                            _numberToConvert = Math.floor (_numberToConvert / _totalIdentifierChars)
                        ] + _scrunchedToken
                    } while (_numberToConvert > 0);
                    _scrunchedToken =
                      _mapping._scrunchMap [_currentToken] = _mapping._targetPrefix + '_' + _scrunchedToken
                  _savingsFromScrunchedIdentifiers +=
                    _currentToken.length - (_currentToken = _scrunchedToken).length
            } else if (_tokenType == _COMMENT) {
              _comments.push (_currentToken);
              _savingsFromRemovedComments += _currentToken.length;
              var _isScruncherDirective = _false;
              if (/^\/[\*\/]\s*scruncher/i.test (_currentToken)) {
                if (_currentToken.substr (2,17).toLowerCase () == 'scrunchersettings') {
                  _isScruncherDirective = _true;
                  _parseScruncherSettings (
                    _currentToken.slice (2,_currentToken.length - (_commentType == '/*') * 2)
                  _currentToken = '';
                } else if (/^\/[\*\/]\s*scruncher:leave next comment/i.test (_currentToken)) {
                  _isScruncherDirective = _leaveNextComment = _true;
                  _currentToken = '';
              if (!_isScruncherDirective) {
                if ((_endOfHeadComment || !_settings.KEEPHEADCOMMENT) && !_leaveNextComment) {
                  _currentToken = '';
                } else if (_commentType == '/*') {
                  if (_leaveNextComment) {
                    if (_settings.LINECOMPACTING) _currentToken = '\n' + _currentToken + '\n';
                    _leaveNextComment = _false;
                  _currentToken += '\n';
              if (!_currentToken) _totalCommentsRemoved++;
              _savingsFromRemovedComments -= _currentToken.length;
            } else if (_tokenType == _LINEBREAK) {
              _savingsFromRemovedLinebreaks += _currentToken.length;
              _currentToken = '';
              if (
                !_settings.LINECOMPACTING ||
                (_currentBlock.length + _currentLine.length > _settings.MAXLINELENGTH)
              ) {
                _scrunchedCode += _currentBlock + '\n';
                _currentBlock = '';
              _currentBlock += _currentLine;
              _currentLine = '';
            if (
              ((_tokenType == _WORD || _tokenType == _OPERATOR) && _previousAddedTokenType == _tokenType) ||
                _tokenType == _NUMBER &&
                _digitsLookup [_currentToken.charAt (0)] &&
                _previousAddedTokenType == _WORD
            ) {
              /* NOTE: whitespace is necessary when it separates...
                - two adjacent words (eg. function myFunction)
                - two adjacent operators (eg. myVariable += ++ myOtherVariable)
                - a word followed by a number that starts with a digit, rather than "+", "-", or "." (eg. return 1)
              _currentToken = ' ' + _currentToken;
            _tokenTerminated = _false;
            if (_currentToken) {
              _currentLine += _currentToken;
              _previousAddedToken = _currentToken;
              _previousAddedTokenType = _tokenType;
            _currentToken = '';
            _tokenType = _NONE;
          if (!_tokenType && _currentChar) {
            _tokenType = _tokenStarterCharsLookup [_currentChar];
            if (_tokenType == _STRINGLITERAL)
              _quoteChar = _currentChar
            ? (_currentToken += _currentChar)
            : (_savingsFromRemovedWhitespace += _currentChar.length)
        return {
          scrunchedCode:_scrunchedCode += _currentBlock + _currentLine,
            'Unique Identifiers Scrunched: ' + _uniqueIdentifiersScrunched + '\n' +
            'Incidences of Identifiers Scrunched: ' + _incidencesOfIdentifiersScrunched + '\n' +
            'Savings From Scrunched Identifiers: ' + _savingsFromScrunchedIdentifiers + '\n' +
            'Savings From Removed Whitespace: ' + _savingsFromRemovedWhitespace + '\n' +
            'Total Comments Removed: ' + _totalCommentsRemoved + '\n' +
            'Savings From Removed Comments: ' + _savingsFromRemovedComments + '\n' +
            'Savings From Removed Linebreaks: ' + _savingsFromRemovedLinebreaks + '\n' +
            'Supposed Total Savings: ' + (_savingsFromScrunchedIdentifiers + _savingsFromRemovedWhitespace + _savingsFromRemovedComments + _savingsFromRemovedLinebreaks - _scrunchedCodeHeader.length) + '\n' +
            'Real Total Savings: ' + (_sourceCode.length - _scrunchedCode.length) + '\n\n' +
            'FINAL SIZE: ' + _scrunchedCode.length
          Static Methods
              Scrunches the specified source code string and returns an object, containing a string property for the scrunched form of the code, a string property with a report summarizing the savings from scrunching the code, and an array property containing all the comments from the source.

              scruncherResultOBJ = Uize.Build.Scruncher.scrunch (sourceCodeSTR);

              The returned object has the following composition...

                scrunchedCode:scrunchedCodeSTR, // the scrunched form of the code
                report:reportSTR,               // a multi-line summary of size savings
                comments:commentsARRAY          // an array of strings

              The multi-line report contained in the =report= string property summarizes the file size savings from removed whitespace, removed comments, removed linebreaks, and scrunched identifiers. The comments array specified by the =comments= property can be used in the generation of comment-based documentation, as is done by the =Uize.Doc.Sucker= package.

              scruncherResultOBJ = Uize.Build.Scruncher.scrunch (sourceCodeSTR,scruncherSettingsSTR);

              When the optional =scruncherSettingsSTR= parameter is specified, the specified Scruncher settings string will be parsed and applied to the scrunching process. This is done after the Scruncher settings have been initialized and before any of the specified source file has been parsed, so before any Scruncher settings inside the source code are encountered. Therefore, Scruncher settings inside the code being scrunched will take precedence and will override any Scruncher settings specified in the =scruncherSettingsSTR= parameter.

              The value of the =scruncherSettingsSTR= parameter should have the following syntax...

              [setting0Name]="[setting0Value]" [settingNName]="[settingNValue]"

              This parameter is useful for providing initial values for Scruncher settings that may not be specified inside a file (or files) being scrunched, and is particularly useful when using the Scruncher in build scripts.

              var scruncherResult = Uize.Build.Scruncher.scrunch (sourceCode,'KeepHeadComment="FALSE"');

              In the above example, the =scruncherSettingsSTR= parameter is being used to direct the Scruncher to omit the source code's head comment when scrunching it.