/*______________ | ______ | U I Z E J A V A S C R I P T F R A M E W O R K | / / | --------------------------------------------------- | / O / | MODULE : Uize.Build.Deps Package | / / / | | / / / /| | ONLINE : http://uize.com | /____/ /__/_| | COPYRIGHT : (c)2014 UIZE | /___ | LICENSE : Available under MIT License or GNU General Public License |_______________| http://uize.com/license.html */ /* Module Meta Data type: Package importance: 1 codeCompleteness: 100 docCompleteness: 4 */ /*? Introduction The =Uize.Build.Deps= module implements a build script for analyzing the dependencies of a specified module and producing a detailed report. *DEVELOPERS:* `Chris van Rensburg` */ Uize.module ({ name:'Uize.Build.Deps', required:[ 'Uize.Util.Dependencies.Analyzer', 'Uize.Build.Files', 'Uize.Build.ModuleInfo', 'Uize.Services.FileSystem', 'Uize.Json', 'Uize.Templates.Text.Table', 'Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar' ], builder:function () { 'use strict'; return Uize.package ({ perform:function (_params) { var _moduleName = _params.module, _fileSystem = Uize.Services.FileSystem.singleton () ; Uize.Util.Dependencies.Analyzer.analyze ( _moduleName, function (_moduleName,_callback) { var _moduleInfoModuleUrl = _params.modulesFolder + '/' + Uize.modulePathResolver ('UizeSite.ModuleInfo.' + _moduleName) + '.js', _paramsForBuildFiles = Uize.copy (_params,{files:_moduleInfoModuleUrl}) ; delete _paramsForBuildFiles.module; Uize.Build.Files.perform (_paramsForBuildFiles); _callback ( Uize.Build.ModuleInfo.getDefinitionFromCode ( _fileSystem.readFile ({path:_params.builtPath + '/' + _moduleInfoModuleUrl}) ).builder () () ); }, function (_analysis) { var _analysisAsJson = Uize.Json.to (_analysis); _fileSystem.writeFile ({ path:_params.logFilePath, contents:_analysisAsJson }); function _augmentFormatterWithProgressBar (_formatter) { _formatter = Uize.resolveTransformer (_formatter); return function (_value) { var m = this; return ( _formatter.call (m,_value) + ' ' + Uize.Templates.Text.ProgressBar.process ({ trackLength:5, endsChar:'', fullHeadChar:'', progress:(_value - m.minValue) / (m.maxValue - m.minValue) }) ); }; }; console.log ( Uize.Templates.Text.Table.process ({ title:'COMPLETE LIST OF DEPENDENCIES', columns:[ { title:'Module Name', align:'left' }, { title:'Type', align:'left' }, { title:'Order', align:'right' }, { title:'Depth', align:'right', minValue:0, maxValue:2 }, { title:'Import.', align:'right', minValue:0, maxValue:10, formatter:_augmentFormatterWithProgressBar () }, { title:'Code', align:'right', minValue:0, maxValue:100, formatter:_augmentFormatterWithProgressBar ('value + "%"') }, { title:'Dir. Deps', align:'right', formatter:_augmentFormatterWithProgressBar () }, { title:'Shared', align:'right', minValue:0, formatter:_augmentFormatterWithProgressBar () }, { title:'Size (%)', align:'right', minValue:0, maxValue:100, formatter:_augmentFormatterWithProgressBar ('value.toFixed (1) + "%"') }, { title:'Size (B)', align:'right', formatter:_augmentFormatterWithProgressBar ('value + " B"') }, { title:'Unique', align:'right', formatter:_augmentFormatterWithProgressBar ('value + " B"') } ], rows:Uize.map (_analysis.dependencies,'Uize.values (value)') }) ); } ); } }); } });