UIZE JavaScript Framework

2013 NEWS 2013-05-19 - New Uize.Class.doMy Static Method

The new Uize.Class.doMy static method, implemented in the Uize.Class base class and inherited by all subclasses, provides a convenient and semantically more elegant way to call an instance method of a class on a specified instance.


Call a Class' Instance Method on an Instance, Without Supplying Arguments

resultANYTYPE = MyClass.doMy (instanceOBJ,instanceMethodSTR);

Call a Class' Instance Method on an Instance, Supplying Arguments

resultANYTYPE = MyClass.doMy (instanceOBJ,instanceMethodSTR,argumentsLIST);

1. Calling a Superclass' Instance Methods

The Uize.Class.doMy method is most useful when calling a superclass' version of an instance method on an instance, and produces a more concise and readable form than the typical approach.


_superclass.prototype.someMethod.call (this);


_superclass.doMy (this,'someMethod');

The Uize.Class.doMy method also supports calling a superclass' instance methods with arguments, as follows...


_superclass.prototype.someMethod.apply (this,[arg1,arg2,...,argN]);


_superclass.doMy (this,'someMethod',[arg1,arg2,...,argN]);

As you can tell from the above before-and-after examples, using the Uize.Class.doMy method produces code that is both a bit more concise as well as mentally easier to parse.

2. Call a Class' Instance Method on an Instance, Without Supplying Arguments

In its most simple form, a class' instance method can be called on an instance, without supplying arguments, by specifying just the instance reference and the instance method name as arguments.


resultANYTYPE = MyClass.doMy (instanceOBJ,instanceMethodSTR);


return _superclass.subclass ({
    wireUi:function () {
      if (!this.isWired) {
        // do some wiring specific to this widget class

        _superclass.doMy (this,'wireUi');

In the above example, a subclass is being created with an overrided implementation for the wireUi instance method. In this method, additional code is being executed (represented by the placeholder comment) before the superclass' version of the wireUi method is called on the instance.

3. Call a Class' Instance Method on an Instance, Supplying Arguments

When an instance method of a class needs to be called with arguments, the arguments can be specified with the optional argumentsLIST argument.


resultANYTYPE = MyClass.doMy (instanceOBJ,instanceMethodSTR,argumentsLIST);


return _superclass.subclass ({
    someMethod:function (foo,bar,baz,qux) {
      _superclass.doMy (this,'someMethod',[foo,bar]);

      // now do extra stuff for subclass

In the above example, a subclass is being created with an overrided implementation for the superclass' someMethod instance method. Now, the superclass' version of someMethod supports foo and bar arguments, while the overrided version also supports the additional baz and qux arguments. In the overrided implementation, we first call the superclass' version of the method on the instance, passing just the foo and bar arguments that it supports, after which the additional code in the overrided version is executed (represented by the comment placeholder, and presumably making use of the additional baz and qux arguments).

4. Unit Tested and Documented

The new Uize.Class.doMy method is comprehensively unit tested and documented.

5. Codebase Updated

The modules of the UIZE JavaScript Framework have been updated so that calls to superclass versions of overrided methods have been converted to using the Uize.Class.doMy method.