UIZE JavaScript Framework

2012 NEWS 2012-08-04 - Improved Setting of State Properties

Setting of state properties has been improved with convenient new variations for the set instance method and the Uize.Class.set static method, implemented in the Uize.Class base class module.

The new variation for both the set and Uize.Class.set methods provides a convenient way to set the same value or initial value, respectively, for multiple properties. Because this improvement is implemented in the Uize.Class base class module, the benefit is conferred upon all Uize.Class subclasses, which means all UIZE widgets and other class modules.

1. Set the Same Value for Multiple Properties

The same value can be set for multiple state properties by specifying the names of the properties that should all be set to the same value in a propertyNamesARRAY parameter, and by specifying the value they should all be set to in a propertyValueANYTYPE parameter.


myInstance.set (propertyNamesARRAY,propertyValueANYTYPE);


myWidget.set (['initialized','ready','enabled','busy'],false);

In the above example, the properties initialized, ready, enabled, and busy of a widget instance are all being set to false.

This variation of the set method can be useful in cases where you wish to set a good number of properties to the same value and where it would be more concise to use this form, or in cases where you are receiving an array of properties that should be set to some desired value. This variation can also be convenient when the value that you wish to set multiple properties to is the result of an expression and where you would otherwise need to create a local variable in order to avoid recalculating the expression for each property.


var initValue = env.config.hasOwnProperty ('initValue') ? env.config.initValue : false;
myInstance.set ({


myInstance.set (
  env.config.hasOwnProperty ('initValue') ? env.config.initValue : false

2. Set the Same Initial Value for Multiple Properties

The same initial value can be set for multiple state properties by specifying the names of the properties whose initial values should all be set to the same value in a propertyNamesARRAY parameter, and by specifying the initial value that should be set for them all in a propertyValueANYTYPE parameter.


MyClass.set (propertyNamesARRAY,propertyValueANYTYPE);


MyWidgetClass.set (['initialized','ready','enabled','busy'],false);

In the above example, the initial value for the properties initialized, ready, enabled, and busy of a widget class is being set to false.

This variation of the Uize.Class.set method can be useful in cases where you wish to set the initial value for a good number of properties to the same value and where it would be more concise to use this form, or in cases where you are receiving an array of properties whose initial values should all be set to some desired value. This variation can also be convenient when the initial value that you wish to set for multiple properties is the result of an expression and where you would otherwise need to create a local variable in order to avoid recalculating the expression for each property.


var initValue = env.config.hasOwnProperty ('initValue') ? env.config.initValue : false;
MyClass.set ({


MyClass.set (
  env.config.hasOwnProperty ('initValue') ? env.config.initValue : false

3. Full Documentation and Unit Tests

The new variations of the set instance method and Uize.Class.set static method are comprehensively documented and unit tested.

In addition, the documentation for these methods has been improved in general, with better documentation and examples provided for all variations of these methods.