UIZE JavaScript Framework

2012 NEWS 2012-01-15 - New Uize.getClass Method

The new Uize.getClass static method, implemented in the Uize base module, gets the class of which a specified value is an instance, or returns the value if it is a class or function.


classOBJ = Uize.getClass (valueANYTYPE);

The Uize.getClass method resolves a value to a class using the following steps...

1.   if the specified value is null or undefined, then the value undefined is returned
2.   else, if the specified value is a function reference, then the function reference is returned
3.   else, the value of the value's constructor property is returned

The Uize.getClass method can be used to resolve either an instance of a class, or a class itself, to a class.


// when called with null or undefined

  Uize.getClass (null);                 // returns undefined
  Uize.getClass (undefined);            // returns undefined

// when called with JavaScript primitives

  Uize.getClass (42);                   // returns Number
  Uize.getClass (NaN);                  // returns Number
  Uize.getClass (Infinity);             // returns Number
  Uize.getClass (true);                 // returns Boolean
  Uize.getClass ('foo');                // returns String

// when called with instances of JavaScript objects

  Uize.getClass (new Object ());        // returns Object
  Uize.getClass (new Number (42));      // returns Number
  Uize.getClass (new Boolean (true));   // returns Boolean
  Uize.getClass (new String ('foo'));   // returns String
  Uize.getClass (new RegExp ('\\d+'));  // returns RegExp

// when called with implicitly created instances of JavaScript objects

  Uize.getClass ({foo:'bar'});          // returns Object
  Uize.getClass (['foo','bar']);        // returns Array
  Uize.getClass (/\d+/);                // returns RegExp

// when called with instances of Uize.Class subclasses

  Uize.getClass (Uize.Widget.Bar ());   // returns Uize.Widget.Bar
  Uize.getClass (new Uize.Fade);        // returns Uize.Fade

// when called with object constructors or Uize.Class subclasses

  Uize.getClass (Object);               // returns Object
  Uize.getClass (Number);               // returns Number
  Uize.getClass (Boolean);              // returns Boolean
  Uize.getClass (String);               // returns String
  Uize.getClass (Uize.Widget.Bar);      // returns Uize.Widget.Bar