UIZE JavaScript Framework

2012 NEWS 2012-01-12 - New Uize.isSameAs Method

The new Uize.isSameAs static method tests if two values are the same in a strict equality test, with support for NaN values.


isSameAsBOOL = Uize.isSameAs (valueANYTYPE,otherValueANYTYPE);


Uize.isSameAs ('foo','foo');          // returns true
Uize.isSameAs ('','');                // returns true
Uize.isSameAs (42,42);                // returns true
Uize.isSameAs (Infinity,Infinity);    // returns true
Uize.isSameAs (NaN,NaN);              // returns true
Uize.isSameAs (false,false);          // returns true
Uize.isSameAs (null,null);            // returns true
Uize.isSameAs (undefined,undefined);  // returns true

Uize.isSameAs (null,undefined);       // returns false
Uize.isSameAs (null,NaN);             // returns false
Uize.isSameAs ('',0);                 // returns false
Uize.isSameAs (1,true);               // returns false
Uize.isSameAs ('true',true);          // returns false
Uize.isSameAs ('foo','');             // returns false
Uize.isSameAs ('null',null);          // returns false
Uize.isSameAs ('42',42);              // returns false
Uize.isSameAs ({},{});                // returns false (different object references)
Uize.isSameAs ([],[]);                // returns false (different array references)

1. NaN is the Same as NaN

The Uize.isSameAs method is most useful in its support for comparing two values that may be the JavaScript special value NaN.

The special value NaN is never considered to be equal to itself in a strict equality test. So, for example, the expression NaN === NaN produces the result false. The Uize.isSameAs method comes to the rescue and provides special handling in order to ensure that if the two values being compared are both NaN, then the method will return true.


  valueA = NaN,
  valueB = NaN
alert (valueA === valueB);              // alerts "false"
alert (Uize.isSameAs (valueA,valueB));  // alerts "true"