UIZE JavaScript Framework

2010 NEWS 2010-10-05 - NEW GUIDE: JavaScript Testing Framework

The new JavaScript Testing Framework guide discusses the testing framework that is provided as part of the UIZE JavaScript Framework.

Among other things, this document discusses...

test classes - including test function, test result, and test title
test instances - including how to run tests
expectations - including expectation methods, compound expectations, and reason for failure
asynchronous tests - including how to report test result using a callback
child tests - including test trees
test synopsis - including test breadcrumbs
test metrics - including built-in time recording
test logs - including how to add to a log, access a log, and what a log contains
test events - including how to monitor the running of a test
test class factory methods - including required modules tests, static property tests, static method tests, test module tests, and test suite tests
test modules - including test namespace, and test module contents
test suites - including unit tests test suites