UIZE JavaScript Framework

2010 NEWS 2010-06-07 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Date.Formatter

The new Uize.Date.Formatter module provides methods for formatting and parsing date strings, supporting a wide variety of different formatting options.

The Uize.Date.Formatter.format static method of the new Uize.Date.Formatter module allows date objects to be formatted in many different ways, by specifying date formats using the many available date component tokens, such as {YYYY}, {YY}, {MM}, {monthNo}, {monthName}, {shortMonthName}, {DD}, {dayNo}, {dayNoSuffix}, {dayName}, {shortDayName}, {hh}, {h12}, {hh12}, {mm}, {minutes}, {ss}, {seconds}, and {ampm}. Additionally, date strings can be parsed according to any specified date format.


  date = new Date ('Sat Sep 8 2007 18:03:05'),
  dateFormat = '{h12}:{mm}:{ss}{ampm} on {dayNo}{dayNoSuffix} {monthName} {YYYY}',
  formattedDateStr = Uize.Date.Formatter.format (date,dateFormat),
  parsedDate = Uize.Date.Formatter.parse (formattedDateStr,dateFormat)
alert (+date == +parsedDate);  // alerts "true"

In the above example, the date "Sat Sep 8 2007 18:03:05" is being formatted to a date string using the date format '{h12}:{mm}:{ss}{ampm} on {dayNo}{dayNoSuffix} {monthName} {YYYY}', which produces the date string '6:03:05pm on 8th September 2007'. Then, this date string is being parsed using the same date format, and the resulting date object is being assigned to the parsedDate variable. The alert statement compares the time in milliseconds of the original date against the time in milliseconds of the parsed date. They are identical, because the Uize.Date.Formatter.parse method is able to successfully parse a date using the same format that was used to format it with the Uize.Date.Formatter.format method.