UIZE JavaScript Framework

2010 NEWS 2010-04-18 - DEPRECATED MODULE: Uize.Fx.xTextShadow

The Uize.Fx.xTextShadow extension module has been deprecated in favor of the new and more powerful Uize.Fx.xShadows module.

As its name implies, the Uize.Fx.xTextShadow module provided support specifically for fading / animating values of the text-shadow CSS3 style property. The new Uize.Fx.xShadows module provides support for animating both the text-shadow and box-shadow style properties.


Because the Uize.Fx.xTextShadow module has only been deprecated and has not yet been eliminated, code currently using it should continue to work. However, relying on the backwards compatibility provision will not be as efficient as directly using the new Uize.Fx.xShadows module. Therefore, code that was previously using the Uize.Fx.xTextShadow module should be updated to use the new Uize.Fx.xShadows module.