UIZE JavaScript Framework

2010 NEWS 2010-02-19 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.String

The Uize.String module has been improved with the addition of a number of new methods, and has been modified with the migration of some methods into the new Uize.String.Lines module.

1. New Methods

The Uize.String module has been improved with the addition of the new Uize.String.contains, Uize.String.trimLeft, and Uize.String.trimRight static methods.

The new Uize.String.contains methods tests to see if a specified substring is contained anywhere within a specified source string. The new Uize.String.trimLeft and Uize.String.trimRight static methods perform whitespace trimming on only one side of a source string, rather than on both sides as with the already existing Uize.String.trim method.

2. Migrated Methods

The Uize.String.indent and Uize.String.splitLines static methods have been migrated out of the Uize.String module and into the new Uize.String.Lines module, as Uize.String.Lines.indent and Uize.String.Lines.split, respectively.

The new Uize.String.Lines module provides a rich set of functionality geared specifically towards working with multi-line strings. The methods migrated out of the Uize.String module were considered too esoteric to be in such a fundamental code module.


Uize.String.indent (...)      >> BECOMES >>  Uize.String.Lines.indent (...)
Uize.String.splitLines (...)  >> BECOMES >>  Uize.String.Lines.split (...)


This change is not backwards compatible. If you had code that was relying on the Uize.String.indent and Uize.String.splitLines methods, then you will have to modify that code to require the new Uize.String.Lines module and to call the methods by their new names.