UIZE JavaScript Framework

2010 NEWS 2010-01-28 - NEW MODULE: Uize.String.Builder

The new Uize.String.Builder module implements an object to facilitate the building of very large strings, in a way that minimizes performance costs.

Building strings using a traditional incremental concatenation approach using the += (incrementing assignment) operator can be slow in certain JavaScript interpreters when very large strings are being built. One way around this performance issue is to use an array to accumulate all the segments of a large string, and then concatenate all the elements of that array at the end of the string building process using the Array object's join instance method. The Uize.String.Builder object wraps this pattern up neatly into an object that also provides the benefit of String object parity that wouldn't otherwise be available in a manual array building process. In doing so, the Uize.String.Builder object can provide a substantial performance benefit in certain applications. This new module is comprehensively documented and unit tested.