UIZE JavaScript Framework

2010 NEWS 2010-01-10 - NEW EXAMPLE: Color Gradient Tool

The new Color Gradient Tool provides a UI for visualizing and experimenting with color gradients.

By applying different curve functions to different color components, color gradients can range from basic color transitions to sophisticated spectral patterns. Using this tool, you can select a color gradient from a "PRESETS" tab. Upon selecting a color gradient preset, the color gradient will be previewed in a display area. The parameters for a color gradient can be tweaked inside a "PARAMS" tab, and those changes can then be previewed. Moving the mouse over the gradient preview will display a tooltip that contains information about the color being moused over, and clicking will provide the hex value of that color in a prompt dialog so it can be copied to the clipboard. So, this tool also provides a novel approach to a color picker UI, since it lets you choose a color from unique color spreads.