UIZE JavaScript Framework

2010 NEWS 2010-01-05 - Powerful New Virtual DOM Events Feature

The UIZE JavaScript Framework has introduced a powerful new construct called a Virtual DOM Event (implemented in the new Uize.Node.VirtualEvent module), which allows more sophisticated user interactions with DOM nodes to be expressed using the event paradigm.

1. Overview

Put quite simply, a Virtual DOM Event is an event for a DOM node that is not part of the standard set of DOM events, but that is implemented in supplemental JavaScript code.

While the DOM standard does provide a decent array of different events for different types of DOM nodes, there are still certain "events" that can occur during the user's interaction with a DOM node for which standard DOM events do not exist. Consider the classic case of the user mousing over a node and then resting the mouse for a certain period of time over that node. You might like to know if the user does this for a specific node, because this may be your indication that the user is interested in what clicking the node might do, and you may wish to present them with a helpful tooltip that is implemented using HTML and that provides them more information about what they're considering clicking on.

Now, you probably don't want to trigger the display of an elaborate info tooltip based merely upon the user mousing over the node, since this may hamper the page's performance - especially if displaying the tooltip requires an Ajax request - and displaying and hiding chunky tooltips as the user moves the mouse across the page may be a dreadful user experience, in any event. In such cases, it would be really nice to have an event that fires only when the user has actually stopped the mouse over a node. Virtual DOM events to the rescue! Specifically, in this case, the mouseRest virtual DOM event. This event accepts a duration parameter, to let you tune how long the user needs to keep the mouse rested over the node before the event is fired.

2. What's in the Uize.Node.VirtualEvent Module

At the highest level, the new Uize.Node.VirtualEvent module provides the following...

a foundation and features (including static methods) to facilitate the creation of virtual DOM events
a sizable selection of virtual DOM event implementations (e.g. ctrlClick, shiftClick, mouseRest, mouseRemainDown, remainFocused, etc.)
a namespace, under which further sets of virtual DOM event implementations can be organized into modules

3. Changes to the mouserest Virtual DOM Event

As part of the process of creating a generalized system for virtual DOM events, the old mouserest virtual DOM event that was previously supported in the Uize.Node module has been migrated.

3.1. Must Always Specify Parentheses

As per the new and generalized implementation for virtual DOM events, specifying them by name in the node wiring and unwiring methods requires the event names to always end with parentheses.

If you were using the mouserest event in the form without the parentheses, where you were relying on the default rest duration, then such code would need to be changed as shown in the following example...


Uize.Node.wire ('myNode','mouserest',function () {alert ('mouse rested')});


Uize.Node.wire ('myNode','mouseRest()',function () {alert ('mouse rested')});

3.2. Implementation Migrated

The implementation for the old mouserest event has been migrated into the new Uize.Node.VirtualEvent module.

This means that a JavaScript module that wants to use this event will have to require the Uize.Node.VirtualEvent module. If you had any modules or pages that were using the old mouserest virtual DOM event, those pages should continue to work if you were specifying the mouserest event with parentheses at the end, and if you modify those modules or pages to require the new Uize.Node.VirtualEvent module.

3.3. Now Camel-cased

As part of the migration of the mouserest event, it is now registered by the name mouseRest (camel-cased, in other words), although the all lowercase form is still supported.


Uize.Node.wire ('myNode','mouserest(500)',function () {alert ('mouse rested')});


Uize.Node.wire ('myNode','mouseRest(500)',function () {alert ('mouse rested')});

3.4. Can Now Use Maker Method

As part of the migration of the mouserest event, instances of this virtual DOM event can now also be created using the new Uize.Node.VirtualEvent.mouseRest maker method.


Uize.Node.wire ('myNode','mouserest(500)',function () {alert ('mouse rested')});


Uize.Node.wire (
  Uize.Node.VirtualEvent.mouseRest (500),  // specified by object reference
  function () {alert ('mouse rested')}

Using the latter form, while lengthier, makes it obvious that this code has a dependency on the Uize.Node.VirtualEvent module, because that's where the Uize.Node.VirtualEvent.mouseRest static method is implemented.

3.5. Not Backwards Compatible

The changes associated with this migration of the old mouserest event are not backwards compatible, and this migration will require an update to any code that was using the old mouserest event.

3.6. UIZE Modules Updated, As Necessary

Some JavaScript modules in the UIZE JavaScript Framework that were using the old mouserest event, such as the Uize.Widget.CollectionItem.Zooming module, have been updated to work with these changes.