UIZE JavaScript Framework

2009 NEWS 2009-12-14 - NEW EXAMPLE: Fade CSS Style Across Nodes

The new Fade CSS Style Across Nodes example shows how the Uize.Fx.fadeStyleAcrossNodes method of the Uize.Fx module can be used to apply interesting color gradient effects to the items in a navigation menu, from the tasteful to the outlandish.

There is no animation in this example - instead, the style fade is occurring across a series of nodes. A list of links in a "PRESETS" tab lets you select / preview different effect presets. After selecting a preset effect, you can then fool around with the settings for the preset by switching over to the "PARAMS" tab and tweaking values. A number of the presets in this example utilize the CSS3 text-shadow property, so this is also a good demonstration of the Uize.Fx.xTextShadow module in action.