UIZE JavaScript Framework

2009 NEWS 2009-12-02 - NEW MODULE: Uize.Fx.xTextShadow

The new Uize.Fx.xTextShadow extension module implements support for animating the CSS3 text-shadow property, enabling a wide variety of stunning effects.

Using this module, color, horizontal offset, vertical offset, and blur radius properties for an arbitrary number of text shadows can be animated between one state and another, making a vast array of interesting effects possible. Once the Uize.Fx.xTextShadow module has been loaded, the Uize.Fx.fadeStyle method of the Uize.Fx module can be used to fade/animate the properties of text shadows, as shown in the following example...


Uize.Fx.fadeStyle (
    textShadow:'#000 0px 0 0em, #000 0px 0 0em, #000 0px 0 0em, #000 0px 0 0em'
    textShadow:'#0ff -30px 0 .5em, #0ff 30px 0 .5em, #0f0 -20px 0 1em, #0f0 20px 0 1em'

Furthermore, once the Uize.Fx.xTextShadow module has been loaded, all modules that use the Uize.Fx module in their implementation will get the benefit of being able to animate text shadows. For example, the Uize.Widget.HoverFader widget class, which uses the Uize.Fx.fadeStyle method in its implementation, will be able to support fading of text shadows and will support default and hover styles that contain text shadow properties. A good demonstration of this can be seen in the Hover Fader Text Shadow Animation example.