UIZE JavaScript Framework

2009 NEWS 2009-09-23 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Date

The Uize.Date module has been improved with the addition of the Uize.Date.format, Uize.Date.getRangeAround, and Uize.Date.inRange static methods, and an improved implementation for the Uize.Date.resolve static method.

1. New Uize.Date.format Static Method

The versatile new Uize.Date.format static method provides a way to format a date in a wide variety of different ways.


var date = 'Thu Sep 10 2009 18:19:25';

Uize.Date.format (date,'{YY}-{MM}-{DD}');
  // RESULT : 08-02-29

Uize.Date.format (date,'{YYYY}/{MM}/{DD}');
  // RESULT : 2008/02/29

Uize.Date.format (date,'{dayNo}{dayNoSuffix} {monthName} {YYYY}');
  // RESULT : 29th February 2009

2. New Uize.Date.getRangeAround Static Method

The new Uize.Date.getRangeAround static method provides a way to get a "neat" date range of a specified range size around a specified date.

This method can be used to obtain the date range for the week around a specified date, the month around a date, the quarter around a date, the year around a date, etc. The date range is specified by a dateRangeOBJ type value, with minValue and maxValue properties indicating the start date and end date of the date range, respectively.


Uize.Date.getRangeAround ('Thu Sep 10 2009 18:19:25','month');
// minValue: Tue Sep 01 2009 00:00:00 (and 0 milliseconds)
// maxValue: Wed Sep 30 2009 23:59:59 (and 999 milliseconds)

3. New Uize.Date.inRange Static Method

The new Uize.Date.inRange static method returns a boolean, indicating whether or not the specified date is within the specified date range.


Uize.Date.inRange (             // produces the result false
  '2009/09/23 00:00:00',
  {minValue:'2009/09/23 00:00:01',maxValue:'2009/09/23 23:59:59'}

4. Improved Uize.Date.resolve Static Method

The Uize.Date.resolve static method has been improved with the addition of a new optional defaultDateANYTYPE parameter which lets you specify the default value to be used for when the date value being resolved is '' (empty string), null, or undefined.