UIZE JavaScript Framework

2009 NEWS 2009-03-23 - IMPROVED MODULE: Uize.Node

The Uize.Node module has been improved with the introduction of a new Uize.Node.getStyle static method to replace the now deprecated Uize.Node.getStyleAttribute method, and which provides parity with the companion Uize.Node.setStyle static method.


Uize.Node.getStyleAttribute  >> BECOMES >>  Uize.Node.getStyle

Some features of the new Uize.Node.getStyle method include...

it now correctly reports current values for the margin, padding, borderColor, and borderWidth style properties in Firefox
it now accepts a style properties object which allows us to get the values of multiple style properties in a single call, and the result is returned in a style properties object that can then be supplied to the Uize.Node.setStyle static method
it's more concisely named and provides parity with the companion Uize.Node.setStyle static method

In order to maintain backwards compatibility with existing code, the deprecated Uize.Node.getStyleAttribute static method is still supported and will be for some time. Moreover, the new Uize.Node.getStyle method supports the same parameters as the deprecated Uize.Node.getStyleAttribute method.