UIZE JavaScript Framework

JavaScript Guides

The documentation of the UIZE JavaScript Framework includes many informative and comprehensive guides that discuss various topics in great detail.
All About Scrunching  The UIZE JavaScript Framework provides a system for scrunching (minifying) JavaScript code - primarily to reduce its size, but also to obfuscate it. Building Uize Powered Pages  This document explains how to build your own UIZE-powered Web pages, with sophisticated user interactions. Classes And Inheritance  The UIZE JavaScript Framework implements a system for class inheritance that makes subclassing and object-oriented programming possible in JavaScript. Creating A New Uize Example Page  This document provides guidelines and advice for the development of new UIZE example pages and tools, to be followed by developers of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Creating A New Uize Module  This document provides guidelines and advice for the development of new UIZE modules, to be followed by developers of the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Flo  The flo object facilitates writing mixed synchronous/asynchronous code using control flow structures familiar to anyone who knows how to write synchronous code (i.e. anyone who can program). General Constructs  This document describes a number of general constructs that apply across the entire UIZE JavaScript Framework, and can apply in application programming more generally. Getting Started  This document takes you step by step through the process of setting up a Web project to use the UIZE JavaScript Framework. "Hello, world" awaits you. Introduction To Uize  UIZE (pronounced "you eyes") is a powerful, open source, object oriented JavaScript framework - supporting widgets, AJAX, DOM, templates, and more. Javascript Animation And Effects  The UIZE JavaScript Framework provides powerful features to support slick animation effects, with easing, bounce, elasticity, pulsing, and much more. Javascript Bookmarklets  This document assumes that you are already familiar with bookmarklets, how to set them up in your Web browser(s), and how to use them. Javascript Build Scripts  UIZE provides a system for developing build scripts that can be run either with NodeJS (all Node supported platforms) or WSH (Windows Script Host), for automating build tasks. Javascript Documentation System  The UIZE JavaScript Framework implements a system for building HTML from documentation that is written in a Wikitext like format called SimpleDoc. Javascript Dom Events  The UIZE JavaScript Framework provides versatile features for managing the wiring and unwiring of event handlers for DOM events of HTML elements. Javascript Event System  The JavaScript language does not provide a built-in system for event-driven programming, so the UIZE JavaScript Framework provides an event system. Javascript Libraries  The UIZE JavaScript Framework provides a system for bundling many modules into single library files to reduce network traffic and improve performance. Javascript Localization  The UIZE JavaScript Framework provides facilities (in Uize.Widget) to ease i18n (internationalization) and L10n (localization) of JavaScript code. Javascript Modules  The UIZE JavaScript framework implements systems to facilitate modular programming, such as dependency resolution, dynamic module loading, and more. Javascript Strict Mode  The UIZE JavaScript Framework is designed to use JavaScript strict mode. Javascript Templates  The UIZE JavaScript Framework implements a JavaScript templating system with rich template functionality that fully leverages the JavaScript language. Javascript Testing Framework  The UIZE JavaScript Framework provides a powerful framework for developing tests (both unit tests as well as funtional tests) to test critical code and systems. Javascript Troubleshooting  This document discusses various tips and techniques for troubleshooting projects and Web applications developed using the UIZE JavaScript Framework. Javascript Widgets  The UIZE JavaScript Framework provides a system to facilitate the development of behavioral logic for widgets that can be embedded in HTML pages. Localization Automation  UIZE provides a system for automating various processes relating to the localization of a codebase. Overview Of Features  This document provides an overview of the comprehensive feature set of the UIZE JavaScript Framework, with examples and links to further guides. Philosophy Of Uize  This document discusses the philosophy behind the design of the UIZE JavaScript Framework, including key precepts like not extending native objects. State Properties  The UIZE JavaScript Framework eases state management in complex applications by implementing state oriented features, such as its state properties. Using The Delve Tool  This document discusses the DELVE tool, explaining its purpose, uses, features, user interface, and providing tips on its use. Using The Documentation  To learn all about UIZE, you'll have to rely heavily on the documentation. This document discusses tips for using the documentation more effectively.