UIZE JavaScript Framework


In this example, an instance of Uize.Widget.ImagePort is wired up to demonstrate the sizing and positioning principles of this class. Slider controls are provided for controlling the values of the alignX, alignY, and sizingValue state properties, and select dropdowns are provided for controlling the values of the sizingLowerBound and sizingUpperBound state properties. Alignment for both the X and Y axes is adjustable between 0 and 1. In this example, sizingValue is adjustable between 0 and 3, where 0 means that the image will be sized to the sizingLowerBound, 1 means that the image will be sized to the sizingUpperBound, and values above 1 will oversize the image.

alignY sizingUpperBound
sizingValue (0 to 3)
alignX sizingLowerBound